Tag: Another
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: Attract True Love: Are You Dating Half a Man? by: Terry Hernon MacDonald I get lots of mail from women who are involved with married or otherwise attached men. They invariably ask how long they should wait for a guy to
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: Eliminate Your Inner Chatter and Get the Foundation for a Better Life by: Glen Snethun I was recently in Las Vegas on a business trip and thought, ‘I wonder how these people got the idea that they couldn’t
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: The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results by: Kathy Paauw "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle Procrastination is the single habit at the root of so many problems
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: Head-On Collision Fatality by: Matt Borja You wake up in the morning, and look outside the window and see what a beautiful day it is. You get up after a short while and put on the coffee. The early morning senses wake
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: Walls Of Communication! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Matters of the heart are a true mystery to all involved. In order to make a commitment to a relationship, it takes strength and trust in another. When we trust our partner
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: Health and Fitness in Pregnancy and Delivering a Healthy Baby by: David Arnold Livingston Pregnancy is when women are most beautiful, when there's another life being nurtured inside the mother's womb. This act of creating
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: 3 Ways To Swarm Your Website With Highly Targeted Traffic For FREE! by: Andy Murray Targeted website traffic is the lifeblood of any website looking to generate revenue. While FREE traffic from the search engines seems
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: What Is True Egalitarianism? by: Saleem Rana Why is judgment inimical? Since it is so much part of society, existing subtly, almost undetected, it appears innocuous enough. First of all, we never know all the facts.
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: Finding a Great Car Accessory by: Jay Moncliff A car accessory is something you add to your car to make it look better and to add some style. Many people want a cool car accessory to accent their car. A car accessory
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: Attraction: Is It Worth It? by: Audrey King The Common Scenario: Your partner is hardly ever home to give you attention and when he is home, he's preoccupied with his own routine. The two of you then start picking on
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: How To Take Your Freelance Writing Chances by: Niall Cinneide Your initial freelance writing assignments are the best way to present yourself to your client for repeated work. If you provide for them a good product,
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: E-Matchmaking: Can a Computer Program Find Love For You? by: Devlyn Steele I logged on to a dating site the other day and was greeted by a large, flashing message. It promised that if I took the time to answer a series
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: Everyone's a Critic or At Least They Could Be by: Heather Wallace Imagine a job that is tons of fun and, if you follow the advice outlined below, is probably one of the easier routes to becoming a household name. It is
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: Do Achy Backs Really Save Big Buck? by: Rhonda White Does clipping really save big bucks? That's the general question coming from thrifty shoppers with scissors in hand, aching backs, arched over piles of coupons to clip.
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: 8 Things That Maketh Not The Lady by: T. O' Donnell 1. Tattoos. Tattoos used to be the colouring of soldiers, sailors, mafiosi and punk rockers. About ten years ago, they became fashionable. The lower-middle classes
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: 6 Ways to Support Another Woman by: Yolanda Shoshana Every Thursday, I have been glued to the hit television show, 'The Apprentice". It is drama at it's finest, except there is something that is painful for me to watch
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: The Art of Letting Go by: Thelma Mariano It has been six months since I left the corporate world – and there are some things I will always miss. Like saying good morning to colleagues on my way to the office where
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: Web Site Monitoring Is A Global Necessity by: David Leonhardt Bill Huang sits down at his computer. As he connects to the Internet, he glances out at the sun poking its nose above the Hong Kong skyline. It will be another
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: Why a Website Design Speaks Volumes about Your Company? by: Anthony Jewell Whether a business has just got off the ground or has been established for years, start-up and long running companies are looking to the internet
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: 7 Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Software for Your New Blog by: Michael Turner Choosing the right blog software for your new blog requires that you ask yourself some questions and make a list of all of the features
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: About Your Web Design? - Panic No More! by: Maricon Williams The Net is bombarded with different kinds of websites. When you visit from one website to another, you can’t help but compare. In some instances, you
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: Now you have a Web site. Have you ever heard of accessibility? by: Del Maxwell An accessible Web site is easily approached, easily understood, and useable for all. There are accessibility standards set forth by the World
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: Transforming A Site From Good To Excellent by: Richard Lowe, Jr. One of the challenges of moving a web site up from good to excellent is transforming it from just a bunch of web pages and graphics to an interactive experience.
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: Keep Them Coming Back - Update Your Site by: Richard Lowe, Jr. If you are anything like me, your website is a reflection of yourself. It contains your thoughts and communications, exposed to the entire world at all times.
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: The Singapore Taxi by: Ieuan Dolby Fast, easy and efficient could describe life in Singapore. You don’t stroll along the streets in a world of your own with time to spare and you definitely do not walk when a taxi
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: One Way Linking Campaigns II by: Vikas Malhotra We have been discussing trips & tricks to generate one way incoming links into your site. To read the first part of this article read one way incoming links generation. Then
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: “Is Your Career Your Calling or Just a 9 to 5?†by: Yasmeen Abdur-Rahman Do you remember your parents asking you what you want to be when you grow up? By the time I was in the 9th grade, my mother started asking
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: Conflict In Faith by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 19, 2004 My husband is Jewish, and I am Catholic. That wasn't a problem when we were dating, because he isn't religious. He married
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: How to Plan a Vacations of the Mind by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Part 1 Recently, in a women's therapy group that I run, the desire for fun and a change of pace over took me. I suggested that we deviate from some
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: Repeat Offender by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 8, 2002 I am a 26-year-old escort, in the business on and off since I was 14. I have a tendency to get involved in very bad relationships.
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: Heal Thyself First by: Rondell Demmings As I connect with more and more women I am seeing that many have a desperate need for a man. I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to
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: Stopping Time by: Keith Varnum Six hundred feet straight down! Nothing to break the fall. I've got to switch channels. I don't like my chances on this station. Infused with youthful caprice, I mused to myself about my
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: Get Things Done. Take 21! by: Maria Gracia Ever begin doing something that you do for a few days, and then simply stop doing it? For example, let's say you promised yourself that you were going to file papers immediately
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: If The Fear Fits.....Don't Wear It! by: Richard Vegas Undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks we can face everyday is fighting the fear of failure. At one time or another every single person has had to face the
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: Harsh Reality by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 25, 2003 My wife and I married eight years ago. One month into our marriage she was diagnosed with a non-life threatening form of muscular
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: Stream of Consciousness by: Bill Marshall One thing that is important to realize about thought: one thought always leads to another. It is impossible to have one thought without having another one. What does this have
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: Speak Up For Yourself by: Kimberly Fulcher Do you have internal rules about how you expect the people in your life to treat you? Are you comfortable speaking up for yourself when someone crosses one of those lines?
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: How Do We Know When A Relationship Has A Future? by: Brian Maloney In many instances, we all are “gun shy†after a short-or long- term relationship, because being hurt or feeling bad is not an option. This
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: Are You Codependent or Independent? by: Brian Maloney Why is it that depending on others to fulfill our self worth is a concept that we all can relate to? Sacrificing what our thoughts, emotions, decisions, and likes
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: Inviting Inspiration Into Meditation by: Steve Gillman Try Not To Force Things Too Much Often, when meditating, we try too hard to force a certain state of mind that we think we should have. We try hard to suppress thoughts,
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: Sex In Cyberspace by: Rose DesRochers I am rubbing my keyboard are you rubbing your mouse. Cybersex is it cheating on your partner? This is a controversial issue, one that has started a good number of debates across the
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: Percussion Show Solutions "Shake Well Before Use" by: Mike S. One of trickiest situations a drummer/percussionists can find themselves in is that of a pit orchestra for a Broadway style show. Tricky because, among other
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: Competition, Jealousy And Goals by: Jeffrey Rolo Naturally some of us are more competitive than others, but the vast majority of us have a good degree of competition hardwired into us. If you think you are not competitive
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: Trusting the Universe – Or Not by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Faith and trust in a Higher Power are two different things. Faith is about believing in God/Higher Power even though there is no proof. Trust is about noticing
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: Do You Know What It Takes To Crucify The Flesh? by: David Hopkins The flesh is the part of us that resists our transformation into the new person in Christ. And since this is the case the devil wants to use the pleasures
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: Avoid Stress By Being Yourself by: Janet Male Ask a hundred different people how to deal with stress and you'll probably get the same amount of different answers.... Which could result in more stress.... And therein
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: Following Through by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 24, 2003 My final divorce papers sit in front of me waiting for my signature. In fact, they've been sitting on my desk for five days
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: The One Great Sermon That Got Away by: Rev. James L. Snyder Most people don't realize ministers are obligated to prepare and preach one great sermon in their career. In looking over my record of sermons, I noticed many
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: Misery Can Eat You Alive by: Laurie Hayes This is a true story about a woman I worked with for several years. I'm sure we all know at least one person who cannot find a good thing to say about anything or anyone. Your
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: A Faux Pas Is A Mistake In A Tuxedo by: James L. Snyder Everyone who is anybody has a hobby or at least entertains the idea. Hobbies range from sports to crafts to reading and even traveling. Some hobbies don't make sense
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: In The Midst Of A Storm, There's Something More! by: Richard Vegas Have you truly tried and still failed? Have you pushed on a piece of string so long that you think Methuselah would be proud of you? Have you held your
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: Art of Flirting by: Andre Leblanc Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes
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: The Secret To Life Long Success And Fulfillment by: Peter Murphy What Makes the Difference? On a warm spring afternoon, fifteen years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. They were similar in many ways...
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: So What is Success Anyway? by: Gene Simmons Well I’ll tell you what it’s not. Even thought many of us like to periodically visit our own personal Fantasyland complete with its mansions, servants, fancy
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: How Empathy Can Reduce Your Anger by: Dr. Tony Fiore Jim, a 42-year old engineer was teaching his eight-year-old son how to fly a radio-controlled airplane. As the airplane was taking off, Jim instructed his son to push
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: What is Vastu Shastra? by: Robin Mastro Vastu is the oldest and most complete system of architecture in the world. The reason for its recent interest in the U.S. is that Americans are demanding a better quality of life.
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: Just Love Me! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake! Have you ever felt like that? When I first heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks. To be in LOVE like that or to be loved like that would
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: Golf On A Budget by: Tim Henry I know what you’re thinking – golf on a budget! Can there be such a thing? Well, it is possible, if you take a balanced, objective look at the strategies used in marketing
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: Pedro, Beltran, and the Mets as seen by one true Yankee Fan: by: Aron Wallad / Cheryl Wallad It’s the middle of the NFL playoffs, and what has grabbed the interest of many sports fans has been the off-season maneuvering
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: Fishing Through the Cracks by: Terry Lee Higginbotham Take Time to Fish Between the Cracks The summer of 1972, my brother and I were filling cricket and bait buckets for Mr. K.C. Bray at the Sunset Marina on the Toledo
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: Top Ten Reasons to Hold Family Meetings by: Dan and Suzanne Bond 1. Make stronger connections among individuals and, therefore, creates a closer family. In this very busy world, designating this time every week is one
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: Am I Really A Stroller-Monger? by: David Leonhardt I was reading "A Modern Infant Armada", a humor column in Maclean's Magazine written by a fellow humor columnist. Writing about it now is a bit like a painter painting
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: Compensating for Your Entrepreneurial Style--or Lack of Style by: Glenn Beach I recently took an entrepreneurial quiz which evaluated my answers and informed me I would do best as a hired hand! So why am I a successful
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: Is Good Neighborliness Good Business? by: Dr. Larry Winebrenner [Note: This story is not a criticism of Buddhism. It is a story of neighborly love.] Introduction He was the least likely of neighbors to do this thing,
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: How To Get Rich ONE Site At A Time! by: Dan Lok Are you fickle? (Do you even know what "fickle" is?) According to Merriam-Webster Online, "fickle" is defined as "given to erratic changeableness." And when it comes
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: Optimize Site Navigation For Higher Adsense Earnings by: Bas de Baar A lot of webmasters that use Adsense as a source of income, are going after the so called high paying keywords. There are methods to determine this,
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: Home Business Reality Is A Hard Pill To Swallow by: Mal Keenan Over the years I have been online one of the most common emails I get from downline members and prospects in general goes something like this: "Hi Mal What's
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: How A 11-15 Year Old Kid Can Help You Produce Smooth Flowing Marketing Messages! by: Nick James Have you heard the phrase - a person who DOESN'T read, is just the same as a person who CAN'T read! Pretty insightful. But,
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: Learn the money saving secrets of an accomplished Software Engineer. by: Steve Garratt * Have you ever forgotten a password, or a user name, or some other piece of important information? * Do you have a system for remembering
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: What I Learned From a Woman's Magazine by: David Leonhardt It's amazing what you can learn about marketing if you can just find the time to spend in a dentist's waiting room. I was reading a certain woman's magazine,
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: How "Available" are YOU? by: Anna-Marie Stewart The internet can be pretty scary at times. Do you realise how easy it is to access your personal information? Your phone number, name, address? Even get driving instructions
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: Turning Challenge Into Opportunity by: Jeff Solochek There is a common saying that whenever you are presented with a problem or a challenge, you should turn it into an opportunity. Some of the people who have mastered
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: How "Available" are YOU? by: Anna-Marie Stewart Venton The internet can be pretty scary at times. Do you realise how easy it is to access your personal information? Your phone number, name, address? Even get driving instructions
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: What Not To Do With Your Leads by: Jay Conners Anyone that works in sales knows just how important it is to have lead sources to keep your pipeline filled. But it is not only how we obtain the leads that is important,
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: Quantify Your Sales Online by: Maricon Williams The goal of a business is to profit from every endeavor. They do all sorts of advertising and marketing strategies in order to achieve the same. They live by the maxim the
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: Increase New Customer Traffic to Your Business by: Joy Gendusa One person tells another, who tells another, who tells another and so on. You get the idea. Let’s see how to make that an actuality. You have a
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: What Do Your Ads Say? by: BIG Mike McDaniel Make a list of everything you think should be included at one time or another, in one of your ad, be it radio, newspaper or Little Jimmie's class play program. Everything.
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: Crime and Punishment by: Dr Randy Wysong I can’t get too excited about victimless crimes, that is to say crimes in which the only victim is the person committing it. Those who want to self-destruct – provided
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: Drugs That Won’t Work (Dangerous Drugs-When Will It Stop?) by: Carla Ballatan Nowadays, it is indeed another risk we take whenever we obtain over-the-counter drugs and relievers. Most medicines are so much more
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: Getting Your Finances Ready for a SSD Case by: Lala Balattan Financial security is what everybody wants in life; that and emotional and spiritual security. However, without the sense of being financially secure for the
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: Brainstorm by: Dr. Alvin Chan Ever lost for ideas while working in a group? One of the most often-used technique for generating many ideas is Brainstorming. Alex Osborn, a partner in an advertising agency, developed brainstorming
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: Fitness – It’s A Family Affair by: Sue DeFiore OK, you are eating healthier meals and now you want to get your family to exercise together. First, sit down and talk about the different things you all like
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: How To Use Biennials & Perennials In Landscaping Your Garden by: Paul Curran Biennials: Biennials are generally very beautiful plants, with most attractive flowers. They are somewhat more trouble for the gardener, since
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: Top 3 Considerations When Reading Treadmill Reviews by: Kathryn O'Neill So you're excited about buying a treadmill. You're looking forward to having a premium piece of fat-burning equipment available to you 24-7 at your
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: Building or Decorating Your Home Requires House Plans by: Martin Smith There are some things to consider when creating plans for your home. There are two situations that call for plans or blue prints, either you are building
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: Funky Garden Plants 2 by: Valerie Garner What's a perennial garden plant that blooms in the winter? A hellebore! It is an outdoor plant that is shocking to see blooming sometimes in the snow. There are many varieties.
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: The truth about Smokers 'Relaxation Ruse' by: Neil Stelling Smokers love excuses. They can't quit because .. (fill in the blank). I covered one of the favorite excuses in another article, the 'concentration con'. Now
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: Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn’t Work. What Can My Psychiatrist Do? by: Michael G. Rayel, MD Maria has been increasingly depressed for the past few years. She has tried at least four newer
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: Time Out of Mind by: Eric Shapiro Let us first consider the role of time in our lives, then let us consider that role in terms of mental illness. Buddhists and Hindus, among others, propose that time does not actually
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: The Strife of Gym Life by: Ed Williams Each season has its own rites of passage, and winter is no different than spring, summer, or fall in that regard. With spring, we have the blooming of flowers and warmer weather.
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: Natural Earth Extracts Detox You Easily - While You Sleep by: Kaye Bewley Undeniably the people surrounding my life have, at one time or another, had their finger on the pulse of humanity’s future. Oddly enough
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: Washroom Break by: Andre Leblanc Picture yourself at a bar with some of your buddies. Everybody is having a good time. Suddenly your friend stands up and asks you to go to the washroom with them. Now if you were a female
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: Favorite Cake Flavors for Baby and Bridal Showers by: Criss White A cake is an excellent treat at any party, especially baby showers and bridal showers. Asides from making a great centerpiece for your snack table, cakes
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: Dog Stew by: Jon Dunkerley Food is a substance that holds cultures together. Common foods unify and define countries and regions. However, a food that one group considers a delicacy, another group may find offensive.
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: The Taffy Pull (A Story and a Recipe) by: LeAnn R. Ralph One year when I was growing up on our Wisconsin dairy farm, the Brownie leaders had announced we were going to make some extra-special candy at our next meeting. So
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: About Chihuahua Dogs by: Joanell Hutchinson Chihuahua Dogs Are Not For Everyone In what seems like a very tiny dog, a personality the size of a Great Dane emerges. For some Chihuahua lovers it’s just another
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: Tackle, Tackle by: Marsha Maung I don’t know how people raise daughters because I have 2 sons. In my in-sanest moments, I have thought about having a daughter and have entertained thoughts about rushing into Toys’Rus
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: Separation Anxiety in Dogs by: Ron Swerdfiger What is Separation Anxiety? When you leave the house, it is nice to know that your dog goes to his favorite spot and sleeps peacefully until you return. However dogs suffering
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: What is Abuse? by: Sam Vaknin Violence in the family often follows other forms of more subtle and long-term abuse: verbal, emotional, psychological sexual, or financial. It is closely correlated with alcoholism, drug
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: Real Story - a Hobo Friend For My Roommate by: Dan The Roommate Man Although this story is coming from the perspective of a crazy roomate, it is something I still regret to this day. It all started when I moved in with
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