Tag: Games
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: How To Win Big At The 2006 FIFA Football World Cup... by: Simon Thorpe Excitement has started to build around the 2006 FIFA World Cup in the past couple of weeks with many of the important group deciding games due to
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: Play a Cool Jeep Game Online by: Mark Neustedt If there were anything that could excite a Jeep enthusiast more than a 4x4 trail run, it would have to be a Jeep game! Jeep games are as close to the real thing as you
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: Games To Encourage Thinking Skills by: Steve Hall There is no doubt about it, using computer games is a great way to encourage children to expand their realm of thinking. Your options for entertaining your child may seem
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: Different Categories of Computer Games by: David Chandler Computer games can be categorized mainly into PC games that are played in your computer after installation using the CDs that contain the software, downloadable
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: The Correspondence Chess Player's Creed by: John C. Knudsen There is more to correspondence chess than playing the game. If I were just interested in the game itself, I would be satisfied playing my computer all day and
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: Odds Comparison – Increasing Your Winnings by: Nigel Kerry After being in sports betting for about 23 years you have come to see many things such as a hairy chimpanzee putting down the winner for a horse race 10
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: Improving Spelling With Games by: Steve Hall You got it! You can do just about any type of learning for a child or an individual learning a second language through the use of various computer games. You are sure to find
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: Swap Magic For Slim Playstation 2 by: Jeromy Recently my Japanese PS2 that I got way back at the Japan launch died on me. Seeing as I need to have a machine that plays Japanese PS2 games I went looking around at prices
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: 5 Best Free Child Games for Your Preschooler by: Nicole O'Reilly There seems to be more and more pressure on parents these days to enrol their pre school children in all sorts of innovative learning programs. There are
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: Writing for the Gaming Industry by: Melissa K. Brewer Several months ago, I worked on an interesting project for a client looking to break into writing music for the video game industry. As the project progressed, I found
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: Five Tips for Hosting a Murder Mystery Party Game by: Steve Hatherley If you’ve not hosted a murder mystery party game before, the experience can appear to be a bit daunting. It really isn’t as difficult
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: Party Games That Make You Laugh by: Steve Hatherley A couple of years ago as one of our family parties wound down, one of my mother's friends said, "What a wonderful party - it's so wonderful to laugh. We don't laugh
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: Hanging around in Thailand by: Gary Mortimer Our trip to Thailand had been long awaited, originally planned for the winter of 94/95. My wife Karin had bought the maps and books and even packed; we were off. The balloon
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: Jeopardy: For Entertainment and Education by: Diana Clarke Just about everyone has had to take a pop quiz at school to test one's knowledge in science or in another subject. But why would anyone want to do it for fun? “Americans
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: A Profile of the Online Bingo Player by: Jonathan Bentz "There was a farmer had a dog…" You know the rest. For most of us, our first encounter with Bingo is as a farmer's dog. Bingo's legacy as a children's campfire
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: Why Play Texas Hold 'em? by: Guy Downs Ah, yes—the Texas hold ‘em explosion. Seven years ago, when I first started playing, the Texas hold ‘em community was comprised almost entirely of the collection
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: Check Out the Teva Mountain Games by: Monica Marty Televised sporting events have been common place for sports such as baseball, basketball, and football. However, other lesser known competitive sports are making their
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: Online Gambling Basics by: Mansi Gupta Poker, black jack or any other casino game with a real fancy name, any lay man acquainted with the web knows that these are only a click away. Online gambling industry today is one
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: Gambling Events Basics by: Mansi gupta Gambling has always been a tabooed subject in the middle class households because of the adverse sociological impacts. The great epics of the east include stories about the kings
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: More Unusual Baseball Statistics by: Aron Wallad Come and See Those Interesting Baseball Stats For some people this is Baseball Fantasy For some people this is Baseball Memorabilia For me it is joy and amazement.
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: People Love Games by: Jeff Anderson People love games. Whether it's a board or card game or a game for computer play, they are fun and popular. People have played games since the beginning of time. Games were first
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: NBA Notes (March 23rd) by: Dan Wilson Could the NBA regular season end a couple of weeks earlier? Yes. The season now ends on April 20 and the playoffs begin April 23. If the regular season ended on April 6 it would
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: Virtual Casino Online by: Chen Ching-feng What is a “virtual casino online� This is a term used to describe a website using software that enables you to gamble with real money online, in real-time. The
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: Virtual Casino Games by: Chen Ching-feng Looking to find out what kind of games can be found at a virtual casino? Look no further because here we give you an overview of virtual casino games as most commonly played on
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: Keno by: Chen Ching-feng Keno was developed in china over 2000 years ago to fund a war effort. The game became so popular that it was even used to raise funds for the building of the Great Wall. The game has continued
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: Craps by: S Baker There is no longer a need to fly all the way out to Las Vegas or Atlantic City to play craps. In fact, you can play your favorite casino games, including craps in the comfort of your home. Can you imagine?
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: Baccarat by: S. Baker Are you a gambling lover? Do you like to spend your vacations at Atlantic City or even Las Vegas? What is your favorite casino game? Blackjack? Poker? Craps? Or maybe it’s Baccarat? Whatever
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: Online Blackjack by: S Baker Blackjack is one of the most loved casino games out there. Yes, you can take some time off from work and travel out to Vegas to play or one of the many smaller casinos scattered around the
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: Online Gambling by: S Baker Online gambling is hot. In fact there are websites popping up everywhere with new gambling options. Living near a gambling casino is no longer important if for individuals who wish to gamble
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: Games to Play With Tarot Cards by: Lisa Lamont The lighter side of Tarot deals with games played using this deck of uniquely peculiar cards. These range from the highly complex to those a four-year-old can play. “Zarcana,â€
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: Bo Sox Power by: Aron Wallad As a Yankee fan for over 40 years I have seen many Yankee comebacks. 1978 was a great year. After being down 14 games the Bronx Bombers stormed back to overtake the Red Sox in the one game
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: Gambling Tips by: Adel Awwad In order for a player to enjoy a more pleasant and memorable time at a casino, while taking precautions to minimise one’s losses, it is very important to follow a basic set of gambling
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: Montreal Misery by: David Ferraro We've all done it before. Sportscenter is on showing the highlights off the latest Expos game and they show a snap shot off the bare bleachers. Of course the jokes follow like "It's easier
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: Who Invented The Game Of Golf ? by: David Humphrey Well, who actually did invent the game of Golf? The question has been asked and argued for many years with no true winner. Many countries have a valid claim to an early
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: Gamers in the Game by: Jonathan Bentz Sometimes at night, while I sleep, I dream that I am the point guard on Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls. Other nights, I bat cleanup for the Chicago White Sox. If that isn’t
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: Who Invented The Game Of Golf ? by: David Humphrey Well, who actually did invent the game of Golf? The question has been asked and argued for many years with no true winner. Many countries have a valid claim to an early
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: Stag Night Ideas by: George It is believed that the concept of stag parties and the associated celebrations first began in Greece. Whenever any Spartan was to enter into wedlock his friends used that opportunity to celebrate
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: A Beginner's Guide to Billiards by: Reno Charlton Billiards is a universally popular indoor game that is enjoyed by people of all ages and both sexes. Traditionally, billiards is played in bars, clubs, pubs, and specials
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: Barone, Drexel and Harris by: Aron Wallad My life was always about playing ball, mostly baseball as I grew up. Therefore, I was always at the playground on Chancellor Avenue. This was a hotbed for sports activity in
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: Forming A Paintball Team by: Tim Bach The majority of paintball games and tournaments are played in teams. If you take the time to build a top-notch team, your chances of winning games and tournaments are much greater.
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: Getting Into Wimbledon by: Steve Smith Wimbledon. It's a word that stands for tennis at its best. Although it is first of all the name of a London suburb, for millions of tennis fans around the world it is shorthand
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: SportGamble.us Picks this Year's College Football Bowl Games by: Chris Work Here are the consensus bowl picks from the SportGamble.us staff. Tue., Dec. 14 New Orleans Bowl North Texas vs Southern Mississippi SG’s
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: 2004 Olympics and Yachting in Greece by: Alexander M. Vournas Everybody knows that the Olympic Games are due to be held in Athens in 2004. Apart from the accepted consequences, positive and negative, for the city of
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: Bingo – Good for the Mind? by: John C. Thorenssen When we think of bingo, genius and brainpower don’t always spring to mind; these attributes have tended to be reserved for poker and other games of skill
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: Sport View for October by: Leigh D For those of you keeping score at home, my preseason picks for the World Series were in fact Anaheim over Houston. Up until a week ago it wasn’t looking the least bit likely,
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: The World's Most Beloved Sport - The History of Soccer by: Rebecca Blain While it is undisputed that the origins of modern soccer, or football, originated in Britain, there is a great deal of evidence that points to this
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: What started it all - the History of Volleyball by: Rebecca Blain Surprisingly, one of the most well loved sports in the world is also relatively young. Despite the game's youth, it has gone through a wide variety of
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: First Look: The 2004-05 NBA Schedule by: Dave Fitzpatrick Admit it, the first thing you did when the 2004-05 NBA schedule came out last week was check to see when Shaq and the Miami Heat would visit Kobe Bryant and the
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: Integrate Fun and Learning with PC Games by: Steve Hall Children are always up for a good game. Well, who isn't? Pretend that you are back in school. For the rest of the class period you have two choices as to how you
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: Guide To Choosing Educational Toys For Children by: Eugen Lisov Educational toys for children In the last few years, parents started getting more and more interested in choosing all sorts of educational toys for their
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: 101 Gift Ideas For All Occasions by: H Porter People have forgotton about the meaning behind gifting, in a consumer driven society we are often pushed towards competing e.g. upstaing gifts and my gifts better than yours.
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: Children’s Birthday Party Planning: When and When Not to Have a Big Party by: Kimberly Hargis Age 1: Invite only family members and close friends only because this birthday is more for the parents than for the child.
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: What Kids Learn That’s POSITIVE from Playing Video Games by: Marc Prensky “Our family engages in "mindless" video games from time to time ... but it's treated like "junk food"…. It really has no "nutritional"
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: Really Good News About Your Children’s Video Games by: Marc Prensky Research published by University of Rochester neuroscientists C. Shawn Green and Daphne Bavelier has grabbed national attention for suggesting
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: How Kids Learn To Cooperate In Video Games -- A Guide for Parents and Teachers by: Marc Prensky A great many parents are concerned that the electronic games their kids play are teaching the kids “negativeâ€
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: Math Help Has Never Been This Entertaining by: Katie Robbins Do you have trouble with math? Do you feel anxious when taking math tests? Do you want to improve your math skills, but don't know where to do this? If any
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: Poke'Mon Exposed! by: Annagail Lynes Have you seen the Campbell soup commercial about the two brothers playing a video game. The one where their mom calls them to eat. One video game monster says to the other, "Don't
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: Which Way Are Mobile Phone Games Heading? by: Peter Lenkefi Aside online games and static game devices like Playstation, mobile games are the next most popular games around now. The popularity has grown so big that mobile
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: Guide to Choosing a Computer System For Your Child by: Eugen Lisov Before going further into choosing computers for children, I believe that you would like to know the answer to the following question: Why do children
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: Playing Baby Computer Games – The New Parent-Child Tradition? by: Emma Rath Imagine cuddling up with your small child to look at a picture book together that is interactive, musical, responsive and talks to you? This
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: Inexpensive Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Kids by: Jeffrey Strain After all the gifts have been purchased and placed under the tree, that is the time that many remember in a panic that the stockings over the fireplace
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: Ten Easy Steps to Great Kids Party Games by: Patricia B. Jensen One of the most important elements of any kids birthday party is the time spent playing party games. If well planned, they can make great memories for
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: Ten Kids Party Planning No-nos by: Patricia B. Jensen Avoid the most common and obvious pitfalls many parents encounter when planning their first kids party. Tap into the knowledge of experienced party planners who've
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: A Wedding Shower Checklist by: Claire Bowes Bridal showers are one of many pre-wedding parties and are great fun. They are known as parties with a purpose. The purpose of a shower is to assist the couple in equipping
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: Here's What to expect at a Baby Shower by: Mike Yeager A baby shower is a great way to welcome a new child and congratulate the new mother. Many mothers appreciate the help in purchasing the items they will need for their
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: Games Of The Past Meet The Present by: Brandie Valenzuela Recently, our family had the opportunity to care for sisters' children for a couple days, when she and her husband traveled to a bed and breakfast for some much
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: Child Outdoor Games- Are Your Kids Breaking a Sweat? by: Nicole O'Reilly Do you recall playing games like red rover, hopscotch, tag or marbles? Games that used to have you out playing until your mum came out calling for
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: How to Throw an Unforgettable Kids Birthday Party by: John Lenaghan Kids take their birthdays very seriously, and are extremely disappointed if their birthday parties are anything short of spectacular. Throwing an unforgettable
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: Internet 'Grey Areas' by: Daniel Punch The Internet has opened up whole new avenues of freedom for people: freedom of information, thoughts and the ability to achieve anonymity while still being active in a community.
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: Great Games You've Never Played by: Chris Campbell Do you know what you're missing? Some of the best computer games ever made are likely games you've never heard of. Created by individuals and small companies working
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: Malicious Advertising by: Daniel Punch Advertising is a necessary irritant in the world today. You can't drive down the street without coming across an ad, either a billboard suspended over a road or a large poster plastered
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: GigaSlot Wireless Gaming Platform by: John Lancelet Introduction GigaSlot Wireless Casino targets the new area of casino gaming on mobile phones, cell phones, smart phones, and wireless PDAs. GigaSlot has recently released
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: Get Started in Computer Game Creation by: Daniel Punch Getting Started in Game Creation I’ve always loved video games, ever since I first played them on a friend’s computer in the afternoon after elementary
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: Counter Strike, The Beginner of Broad Band PC Gaming by: Fahad Ahmed Bashir This is the world of 21st century, the century of technologies. Every thing is fast now a days and as far as the Computers and games are concerned,
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: The Future of Submarine Games by: Neal Stevens In the last six months, the demise of sims has been pronounced in abundance. Print mags and sim webzines have been telling you sims are being cancelled left and right Jane's
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: Video Game Violence...What Do You Think About It? by: Daniel Punch Ever since video game designers were able to put red pixels on their imaginary characters that had recently deceased, there have been people crusading
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: Computer Traumas by: Ieuan Dolby It has happened! Computer games have started to control my life on and off the screen. No complicated games like Age of Empires, just the simple one of Tetris. You know the one, where
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: Reviving Old Computer Games by: Daniel Punch Remember the good old days of gaming, when there were only 5 pixels in the protagonist and your imagination could turn them into a heroic figure of Schwarzenegger proportions?
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: The Future of Video Games by: Daniel Punch I’ve recently been thinking about where video games could be going in the future. I’m hoping to work in the game industry one day after I’ve finished university
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: Twitch Speed: Reaching Younger Workers Who Think Differently by: Marc Prensky Every parent, educator, and manager knows that "Nintendo children"--those born after 1970 and raised on video and computer games, Walkmans,
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: Keeping Your Kids Safe While They Are Online by: Tina Barraclough The INTERNET can be a dangerous place for your kids, if you don't know the risks that can occur while being online. It is our jobs as parents, to know what
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: What Does It Take To "Have It All" In Life? by: John Assaraf Many people have asked me why I wrote my book, 'The Street Kid's Guide to Having it All', and I realized that some people simply do not believe that it is possible
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: Olympic Games parties can add fun, excitement and achievement to your workday by: Jerry Busche Businesses and other organizations can capitalize on the interest and excitement the 2004 summer Olympic Games will create
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