Tag: Goal
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: Universal Success Secrets by: Greg S. Reid Are there any universal laws that most successful people seem to follow? Great question, huh? With that in mind, I began listing some common denominators in order to share them
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: THE “SEVEN Csâ€: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - Competitive, Not Complementary Action by: Dorene Lehavi A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Competitive,
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: Is Accumulating a ,000,000 Net Worth Easy? Yes and NO by: Mike Matthews Is accumulating wealth as easy as following a 3-step plan? Yes it is and no it isn't. As with many things in life, accomplishing a goal such as
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: Imagine PR Like This Helping You by: Robert A. Kelly As the kids say, how cool is this? You’re a business, non-profit or association manager and, finally, you decide to do something positive about the behaviors
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: Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality by: Teresa Kaufman Setting financial goals is the single most important thing you can do to take control of your finances. Your life can’t
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: 6 Surefire Ways to Achieve Your Goals for 2005 by: Lorraine Pirihi Hope you had a good rest and are all fired up for the year ahead. Whilst you were sitting on the beach or lazing around during your time off, which
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: Anxious About Your Public Relations? by: Robert A. Kelly Shooting from the hip always creates anxiety. Especially when managers order a communications tactic here, another there, but fail to base them on a realistic
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: Recessions Don't Last Forever! by: Robert A. Kelly Recessions Don’t Last Forever! It could, but what if it doesn’t? Will you be prepared? Will those key external audiences of yours, whose behaviors
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: Ignore PR at Your Peril! by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word
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: How to Take Advantage of Public Relations by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: PR Failure Defined by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count
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: Ten Tips for Effective Meetings by: Steve Kaye Here are ten things that you can do to hold more effective meetings. 1) Avoid meetings. Test the importance of a meeting by asking, "What happens without it?" If your answer
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: Effective Meetings Begin With a Real Agenda by: Steve Kaye Everyone knows that an agenda is the key to an effective meeting. But an agenda that consists of a list of nouns, such as budget, software, and picnic, is useless.
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: Effective Meetings by Phone - Part 1, How to Plan a Teleconference by: Steve Kaye Teleconferences can be a boon or a bust. On the positive side, they allow people at different locations to attend meetings without having
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: What to Ask Before Attending a Meeting by: Steve Kaye Managers spend much of their time in meetings. But some junior staff use meetings to showcase themselves. Or they invite their boss to help with work that they should
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: Tips For Saving Money by: James Marriott Still living from pay to pay? Or envying those great wealth accumulators and wondering how they did it? Every month you make a resolution of saving some dollars from your paycheck,
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: Seven Steps Towards a Successful Home Business by: Cheryl Haining The excitement of work from home can evaporate without a balanced life. To obtain optimal benefits from your business be passionate about it and believe
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: Where is the Best PR Value? by: Robert A. Kelly Wherever the fundamental premise of public relations is practiced. Look at what it suggests. People act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to
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: Make It Happen Now! by: Lorraine Pirihi Most people think that when they have chosen a path that's it - that's the path to follow. This is far from the truth according to leading Business Coach… Brad Tonini who
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: Are You the Culprit? by: Robert A. Kelly Are you a manager who pretty much ignores your organization’s important outside audiences? If that’s you, do you realize how difficult you’re making it to
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: Achieve More in 2004 by: Kelley Robertson Another year is upon us and if you are like most people you have hit the floor running without planning a clear objective for the upcoming year. However, top performing sales
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: Goalsetting - How to Easily Set and Get Your Goals by: Lorraine Pirihi Which of the following changes to your life do you want to make to your life this year? To have a slim and trim body? Find a stimulating job
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: Making the Most of Your Year by: Christy Geiger Do you find yourself amazed at how quickly the months pass? Do you find yourself in a small panic over all you know you have to do and how little you feel you are actually
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: The Art of Being Specific Encourages Focus by: Lawrence Roth Being specific has often been difficult for me. I like to dream big and incorporate everything all at once. That is why going from a hobby to a career with
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: Does Money Make Money? by: Colin Dunbar If it is your goal to accumulate wealth, believing the fallacy that money makes money, will hinder your progress to no end. This belief stifles many to a life of failure, and misery. The
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: Rules for Achieving Online Success by: Nowshade Kabir The Internet brought a great deal of benefits to our life. Access to a lot of free and useful information is, probably, one of the most important out of them. However,
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: Do you Have the Burning Desire to Lose Weight or Reach any Goal? by: Mike Matthews NOTE: This article is one of the component parts of the 9-step WTA3 program contained in the ebook titled "The Action Path -Your Key to
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: Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick by: Lynn Bode The New Year is upon us. Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Well, if you’re like most Americans (88 percent in 2001 according to a GNC poll), you have
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: Personal Fitness Goals And Keeping Them by: Kevin Doberstein CFT Fall of last year you figured a donut once in an awhile or some other fat and sugar laden nasty food wouldn’t hurt. Your excuse it is theâ€
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: Is Your Goal Really Weight Loss? by: Nathan Latvaitis Are you ashamed of your weight? Do you have a goal weight that you want to reach through weight loss? I’d say so, it’s been pushed into our brains
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: A Visualization Exercise on Managing Expectations for Adults with ADD by: Jennifer Koretsky As adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), we often find ourselves excited by new ideas and plans, but overwhelmed by what
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: The Number One Secret Of Successful Weight Loss by: Arina Nikitina There's one thing that most people forget about when it comes to weight loss. The truth is it’s even more important than the right diet or effective
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: Successful Weight-loss Pointers by: Regena English Well we're at it again, trying to honor our promise on New Year's Day to lose weight and tone up those flabby parts. Although the year's still young more than half
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: Business Goal Setting and Then Following Through by: Joy Gendusa Your business can't go according to plan if you have no plan. What do you want to achieve this year? More new customers per week? Higher average order
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: Secrets of Building and Maintaining Marketing Momentum by: Charlie Cook SECRETS OF BUILDING AND MAINTAINING MARKETING MOMENTUM By Charlie Cook Some people seem to steadily increase their income while others just make
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: The Extra Income Checks by: Kenneth Echie Do you have the characteristics to make EXTRA INCOME? It takes certain attributes to run a successful extra income program. You must ask yourself if you are cut out for it. No
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: Goal Setting for your Home Business. by: Ian Hugh Canaway The ability to set goals and effectively motivate yourself to achieve them in home business are two essential skills that you cannot afford to overlook. To try
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: Part 4 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! by: Jon Kogan TIPS ON ATTAINING WEALTH Many people want money as a primary goal. And there certainly is nothing wrong with desiring money. But first, be sure that
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: Before You Think That Next Thought! by: Harald Anderson Every thought we think is creating our future. - Louise L. Hay Researchers have discovered that the average person thinks anywhere between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts
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: Part 5 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! by: Jon Kogan Take a look at yourself - inside and out. Where do you live, what job do you have, how do you relate to your friends and family? What interests do
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: Secrets of Donald Trump Revealed! by: Dan Lok If you're like most of the television-watching public, you're hooked on Season #2 of "The Apprentice" and the flamboyant entrepreneur in the "starring role." Love him or
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: The Magic of Writing Goals in your life! by: Tal Fighel Goal setting is an important technique used by athletes, successful business-people, lawyers, doctors, and great achievers in all fields. Goal setting is a very
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: Creating Momentum For Your Home Business by: Ken Leonard Jr Have you ever experienced momentum in your home business activities? If so, then you have really been working to make things happen for yourself. Great job.
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: Goal Setting for a Successful Home Business. by: Ian Canaway The ability to set goals and effectively motivate yourself to achieve them are two essential skills that will help you achieve success in you home business. To
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: Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program – Part Three by: Gillian Tarawhiti Thinking Outside the square is where we last left off. So to carry on from this topic let me introduce you to M.E. Software. It’s
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: Going The Extra Mile by: Ken Leonard Jr There is one sure way to get what you want in life, but few people actually do it. Put this practice firmly into your day to day business activities and you will have an advantage
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: Do you have the mindset of a successful business man ? by: Michel Richer Home Business :: You can Succeed ! Have you always dream of owning your own Business and working in the comfort of your own home ? As human we
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: Ignite Your Business Success by: Michel Richer GIVE YOUR BUSINESS A GOOD START So you want to start your own BUSINESS ? But you don't know how to make it happen. Here is my best advice to you. Your first ultimate start
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: 4 Strategies That Will Help You Develop An Effective Action Plan by: Robert Smith 1. Your goal Planning a career move is much like mapping your route for a road trip. If you don't know where you are going, you can't
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: Achieving Success – Goal Setting by: Julie Martin As you start your Internet business, or even if you need help running your business successfully, you can benefit greatly by setting goals and sticking to them.
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: Discover How To Make The Success Generating Imagination Work For You by: Fernando Soave The secret power of positive thinkers is their faith. And this faith is the power of God working through their imagination. A sparked
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: The How and Why of Goal Setting by: Christian Csatari Athlete’s learn early on in their development that Goal Setting is an important part of their overall training regimen. Successful Business men and women
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: Home Business Guide To Finding Your Own Online Business by: Allan McKenzie Because tens of thousands of people all across the world want to know how they can work at home and earn enough money to run a household, there
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: The PDQ™ Factor by: Cindy Morus It’s the beginning of a brand new year: a time to set goals, make plans, and start afresh; a time to dream of making more money, having a more beautiful body, and experiencing
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: Apply the Top 8 Secrets to Successfully Work at Home by: Ryan Terry What I'm about to reveal to you are 8 proven secret strategies, that will help you accomplish positive results with the time you spend on your home business. Ready? 1.
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: 7 Tips for Success by: John Baker In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That's not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed.
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: Part 1 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! by: Jon Kogan Take a look at yourself - inside and out. Where do you live what job do you have, how do you relate to your friends and family? What interests do
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: Build Your Business Success one Step at a Time by: Michel Richer You want to be rich fast ! You want to grow your business in one month ! Think again ! Even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs in the industry
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: Part 3 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities! by: Jon Kogan DO YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL? Within you is the power to accomplish anything you want. But it will not happen if you are not tuned into your true desires.
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: How to Stay On Track All the Way to Success by: Kevin Bidwell I am about to give you one of the most important keys to success in any area of life. It will keep your motivation high and help you to stay on target. Reward
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: 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! - Part 2 by: Bluedolphin Crow Secret #2: Creating your Marketing Timeline for Success! Aho! You can increase your sales and free time by creating your own marketing timeline. Marketing
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: Build Character Now! Practical Tools for Busy Parents by: Jean Tracy Character is in crisis. Everyday your children see their sports heroes, movie stars, and music idols acting badly. How can you help your children become
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: Goal Setting for Kids by: Cecile Peterkin Goal setting is essential for building a successful life. However, teaching kids how to set and achieve goals is not part of most school curriculums, nor is it taught in most
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: The Nitty Gritty to Soccer Safety by: Rebecca Blain As soccer is one of the most well loved sports on Earth, many children and adults are lured into participating in playing on a daily basis. Due to this wide spread popularity,
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: The Need For Speed In Soccer by: Neil Travers You only have to watch a senior professional game of football to recognise the importance that speed has in the game. But there is more to speed than meets the eye. Soccer
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: Soccer Live Betting by: Winder Liao Live betting is one of the main sources of income for the bookmaker why? Well before the match starts there is always large publicity about the coming fixtures for Live matches. They
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: A Ball, Some Friends, and a Soccer Goal by: Nick Smith If Pele, Maridona, and Beckham don't sound at all familiar to you, or if you think Freddy Adou is a guy you may have gone to high school with, keep reading... please.
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: Setting Goals for Success by: Gerri D Smith1 “In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself… or you are being commanded.†-Guy Finley, Author It pays to learn,
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: The Kaizen of Goal Setting by: Ke o agile There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! The old way of goal-setting involved setting yor goals, preparing a list of sub-goals, and then carefully checking
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: Rebirth from the Ashes by: Denni Gill The legend of the phoenix can actually be found in several belief systems. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt when it was then known as “Bennu†or Bynwâ€, a symbol
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: Setting Goals – Things to Think About by: Gene Simmons We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right
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: The Kaizen of Goal Setting by: Ke o agile Khiba There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! The old way of goal-setting involved setting yor goals, preparing a list of sub-goals, and then carefully
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: Goal Setting Secrets of the Real Life Indiana Jones by: Vic Johnson Remember when you were 15? Can you recall some of the dreams you had then? How many have you accomplished? My reflection on that is what attracted
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: Gold from Goals by: Shannon Herod Goals are the cornerstone of any business venture and should be incorporated with your daily work routine. The reason for goals is to set a clear and defined path to your success and
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: The Power of a Positive Attitude by: Shannon Herod You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog.
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: Who Do You Need To Become To Make It Happen For You? by: Caroline Jalango 'We cannot become what we need to be remaining what we are.' Max Dupree Year after year, month after month, day after day, you have hoped
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: Your Life Is A Do-It-Yourself Project! by: Caroline Jalango The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward,
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: 7 Effective Ways To Set Your Goals In Motion Today by: Caroline Jalango 1. Stop seeking approval from people. You don’t need anyone’s permission to fulfill your dream. Trust yourself and give yourself
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: Are You At The Point Of No Return? by: Caroline Jalango There is a point at which everything becomes simple and there is no longer any question of choice, because all you have staked will be lost if you look back. Life’s
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: How to get rid of inaction paralysis! by: Caroline Jalango How many times have you come up with a brilliant idea only to find yourself paralyzed with inaction and wondering/regretting why you never pursued it? How many
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: Go Beyond Goals And Achieve Your Dream! by: Ian Bruce As important as goal setting is, goals alone do not ensure that you will achieve the success you desire. A written goal is not some kind of magic talisman whereby
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: Discover the Key to Self-confidence by: Colin Dunbar "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation" - Arthur Ashe Self-confidence is necessary for success As Arthur
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: Goal Setting: Pops Proves Its Never Too Late by: Vic Johnson Pops first set the goal in high school, but when he graduated he thought he wasn*t mature enough to pursue it so he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He dreamed
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: The Amazing 3-Step Formula To Success! by: Dean Phillips Believe it or not, there is a special 3-step formula that makes people successful. Unfortunately, you can't buy the formula. But if you could, it would be hotter
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: A Guide To Keeping New Year's Resolutions by: Lynn Bode The New Year is quickly creeping up on us. Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Well, if you’re like most Americans (88 percent in 2001 according to
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: Setting Achievable Goals For Success by: Ryan McKenzie In order to achieve something, the first thing you should develop is a goal. Without a short term and a long term goal, the likeliness of you following through with
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: Achieve Your Goal by: Kenia Morales Have you seen those ads that promise to make thousands and millions of dollars over night, they are just hype. You have to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Believe
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: GOALS The Power Line to Success and Achievement by: Glen Hopkins WHY DO WE NEED GOALS? Goals give you direction in all areas of your life Personal, Career, Spiritual, Material, and Contribution. Goals give you a purpose
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: Persistence by: Glen Hopkins One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence. Once you have determined exactly what it is you want to accomplish, you must take massive action on a consistent, persistent
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: Why Do You Want a Degree? by: Ryan Mckenzie There are many reasons people seek degrees in today’s day and age. As a grown adult, it may seem like an unrealistic goal, but it is achievable. You may be sick of
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: Persistence by: Nilesh Gore One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence. Persistence & patience are two wheels. Whenever there is persistence; patience must be co-existed, else you will be like
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: Secret Formula For Success at Anything. by: Nick James It is with amazing clarity that I uncovered the following life-changing revelation. It caused me to put together this formula because it is so powerful that it allows
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: How To Create a Life Strategy for Business Success - Part One of a Series by: Charles and Holly Egner Ask yourself the following: 1. I have created a life-strategy plan for the next: a. 20 years.................Yes
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: Idiots Guide to Goal Setting: 5 Steps to Success by: Dr. Robert Eubanks Weve all read about personal goal setting. Weve all tried it. According to the stats, most of the time we all fail. I often used to slap hand to
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: Driving To Your Goals by: Lyman Dale Reed, Jr. Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major
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: The Magic of Thinking Small by: Mike Litman Hey! Many of you might disagree and I'm prepared for that. Many 'guru's' might say "Mike, you're wrong." and I'm prepared for that. But what I'm about to share with you has
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: Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success by: Stephan Iscoe No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but
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: Words Without Actions by: Catherine Pulsifer Not long ago, I was interviewing two people applying for the same position. When the first candidate was asked what her goals were, Becky replied that continuous learning
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: 10 Action Steps to Greatness by: Ed Sykes 1. Positive Affirmations Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool for success or failure. It will do what we tell it to do. It all depends on what thoughts we feed it. So
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: Give Your Dreams Substance by: Josh Hinds Setting goals is wonderful; it confirms that we've taken those first awkward steps towards attaining what we desire in our lives. The simple fact that you've taken the time to
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