: How To Guarantee Success In Network Marketing by: Anthony Samuel If you're looking to become involved with a network marketing company, there are many aspects you need to consider before deciding. There are many scams
How To Guarantee Success In Network Marketing
by: Anthony Samuel
If you're looking to become involved with a network marketing company, there are many aspects you need to consider before deciding. There are many scams out there, unfortunately, and proper research is important to ensure you do not get tangled up in one of these. Your time and money are valuable, so spend both wisely!
The first thing to look at is obviously the company. Check the company's rating with the Better Business Bureau. See how long the company has been in business, as well as how much the company has sold within the past year. Find out how many network marketers are currently involved with the company. All of these things can help you determine how strong and legitimate any given company is.
The next thing to consider is the product offered by the company. There are hundreds of different products available through network marketing, so be sure to choose one you are passionate about. Have you tried the product yourself, and do you love it enough to recommend it to others? This is key. If you are not passionate about the product you are selling, you can't expect others to be passionate about it! So be sure that you love the product before choosing. Also, speak to current and former customers. Find out their honest opinions on the product. What did/didn't they like? What is their favorite/least favorite product offered by the company? Also find out what percentage of buyers make more than one purchase, as well as how many customers go on to become network marketers themselves.
As with any business, you need to know and understand who your competition is. The best source for this information is again the current and former customers. Speak to as many of them as you can to get a good idea of which company or companies are considered competition by the consumer. The buyers can also give you opinions on the price comparisons between the companies, and which they feel is a better value. The consumer really is the most valuable research tool when it comes to discovering the competition...to be successful, you need to understand what the customer is looking for and feels is the best product and deal on the market.
You're working to make money, so obviously the company's pay plan is important. Find out what percentage of your sales you will earn in commission, as well as what (if any) the minimum level of sales is that you must reach before receiving commission. Learn what level of commissions you can earn off of your downline also. You need to understand exactly what goes into totaling a sale...for example, should you exclude delivery cost when calculating the sale? You also need to find out if the company has territories or quotas. Discover how you will be able to market the product...can you use advertising, can you market only through parties, etc. Also find out if the company has any policies about their marketers selling products for other companies.
Nearly all network marketing companies have a start-up cost, and some require an initial product stock investment. Find out how much your initial start-up cost will be, and how much stock you need to purchase up front, if required. Some companies also require overhead fees. Learn how much and how often these may be with the company you are looking into. You will also need to look into purchasing sales aids to help you promote your business. Most, if not all, companies have company-approved advertisements and sales aids available to their marketers. Make sure to read the fine print and ensure there are no other hidden costs associated with your start-up. Also find out whether or not you may pay for your materials by credit card or check.
You need to understand how ordering and delivery for a specific company will work. Does the customer order directly from the company, or through the marketer? Does the company ship the product directly to the customer, or do you, as the marketer, deliver the product to your customer? Do the customers pay you, or the company? If they pay you, do you pay the company and collect the payment from the customer? What is the company's policy on refunds and exchanges, and do customers receive a refund or exchange directly from the company, or from the marketer? If the marketer is responsible for handling refunds and exchanges, does he/she refund the money or exchange the product first and then request reimbursement through the company, or does the marketer send in the request to the company and wait for a response? Finally, you need to understand what postage and delivery costs you will be responsible for.
Obviously, you will need help getting started. Make sure you have access to a supportive and helpful upline, one that is ready and willing to help you succeed! Find out what training and support is available through the company, and how much, if anything, these programs cost. Do you receive your training through another network marketer, or a professional trainer? Also, find out which training materials will be provided for you to keep for further individual training and future reference.
Finally, learn what customer service will be available to you. If you or a customer have a question, you obviously want quick and helpful customer service available! Find out what information you can access on the company's website, and how easy it is to find what you are looking for. If you need to ask a question, be sure you know where to locate the contact information, and find out which is the quickest and most effective way to receive your answer. Some companies even offer customer service directly to the consumer, so find out if your prospective company offers this.
Any business venture you embark on needs to be thoroughly researched and understood so you can make well-informed decisions. Network marketing is no different. It is very possible to become incredibly successful as a network marketer, assuming you know what you are getting yourself into ahead of time and you take advantage of all the training and support available to you. Now you are prepared to begin researching companies and find the one which will guarantee your success!
Copyright 2005 Anthony Samuel
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