Tag: Life
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: How A Sense Of Wonder Makes Life Richer by: Saleem Rana It always amazes me when I meet someone who has a disdain for expansion of knowledge. The other day, over lunch, I was arguing with a girl about a principle of
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: 7 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy by: Jane Thurnell-Read It is always important to take whatever steps you can to be healthy, but while you are pregnant it is even more important: not only do you need to take good care of
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: Menopause and Anxiety by: Cathy Taylor The mid-life phenomenon known as menopause and the stresses of anxiety go hand in hand. Panic attacks, rushes of energy, burning in the chest, unusual vibrations throughout the body,
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: Mastering The 5 Habits Of Success by: Saleem Rana The difference between success and failure is based on behavior. Successful people adopt certain behaviors that help them move in the direction that they desire. Unsuccessful
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: Fighting For Your Llife by: Royane Real Recently the well known American news anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer just a few months after he publicly announced that he had the disease and that he was going to fight
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: Is There An Easy Way To Attract Success And Wealth? by: Sanoe Riccoson You will be amazed at how easily it is when you can use the universal Law of Attraction to get whatever you want in your life! This Law has been
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: Are You Living the Life You Imagined? by: Kathryn Beach Are You Living the Life You Imagined? Do you feel strong, healthy, financially secure? Are you too busy working to make more money than you need just to 'get by'? Will
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: Will Power: Learning to Focus for Success by: Glenn Cutforth Developing your will-power is directly related to your success in life. No one can over-estimate the power of your will to do. Most people do not fail because
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: Eliminate Your Inner Chatter and Get the Foundation for a Better Life by: Glen Snethun I was recently in Las Vegas on a business trip and thought, ‘I wonder how these people got the idea that they couldn’t
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: How A "Psychovirus" May Be Destroying Your Life by: Saleem Rana A pervasive sense of low self-esteem, a feeling of unworthiness, is perhaps the most debilitating belief system that you can entertain. If you feel unworthy,
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: SMILE by: Roopa Sushil Find out how a little smile on our face can make a big difference to our daily routines: Smile, as an act has much potential in it. It is not that everybody does not like to smile – but
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: If I'm not accepted, I'm not okay. by: David Longo Has that ever been your motto? Be honest with yourself, now. Don't you secretly think this? Sure, you might have that "inner wall" of resistance to a statement like that
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: Are You Lost or Are You Found? by: Debbie Friedman It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should
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: Life Experiment in Wealth and Abundance by: VNinette Wheatley Earlier in 2005 I had a huge moment of clarity. To help you understand all of this I will have to explain a little about the events of my life in 2004. You
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: Forgiveness Stories Definition Quotes... Power To Forgive Vested With Human Beings by: Vijay Kumar Forgiveness is that quality in a human being which separates him from the animals and the lower forms of living beings.
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: Success - The Power Of Appreciation by: Lou Castillo As we enter this holiday season, and this time of giving Thanks, we are reminded of the “power of appreciationâ€. If you truly want to bring into your life
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: Connect the Dots! Your Roadmap for Success by: Ed Sykes Recently, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios, gave a commencement address to the graduating class at Stanford University. He talked
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: MORAL ARMOR'S Irrational Parenting, Part V by: Ronald E Springer Setting a Bad Example. Their illogical banter is all driven by neurotic denial—one of the most horrific traits to hand down. When reality is faked,
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: Balancing Acts: Keeping Work and Life in Equilibrium by: Call the Butler In the fast-paced world that we live in today, it seems as though it’s hard to find enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Days
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: The True and Magnificent Power of Giving by: Zaak O'Conan You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act
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: How To Start, Survive, and Finish Your Journey To Super Success by: Zaak O'Conan "The more you hate, the more you love." What an ironic statement. Whoever said those words must have been drunk. The bottom line is this:
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: It's a Great Day to Die! by: Keith Varnum A New Year’s Celebration Wow, what a crazy thing to say on the first day of the new year! Yes, it is—especially since this famous cry of freedom was uttered by
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: MORAL ARMOR'S Irrational Parenting, Part III by: Ronald E Springer Not Letting Them Think. We all implicitly know that anything questioning the process of cognition itself will be met with massive irritation, making
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: The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results by: Kathy Paauw "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle Procrastination is the single habit at the root of so many problems
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: Improve Your Workplace to Make Your Life Better by: Nicholas Kabarow What does “quality of life†mean to you? If you want to improve it, you have to define and measure it. Most people think of it in terms
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: Are You Taking Responsibility? by: Debbie Friedman It is time to take responsibility for our actions and the results we create in our lives. It’s time to stop expecting someone else to do for us what we are unwilling
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: The Meaning Behind The Ankh by: Reverend Brenda Hoffman The Ankh (aka the crux aitsata, or the 'ansate' or 'handled cross') was sacred to the ancient Egyptians (this is actually the land of Ancient Kemet - "the land
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: Head-On Collision Fatality by: Matt Borja You wake up in the morning, and look outside the window and see what a beautiful day it is. You get up after a short while and put on the coffee. The early morning senses wake
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: The Incredible Power of Prayer by: Wendy Betterini During moments of helplessness, there is always one thing that can be done to make us feel more purposeful: pray. Contrary to traditional prayer poses, we don't have
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: Relationship Crisis: 6 Reasons to Get Physically Fit by: Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach Relationship crises (break-up, affair, huge conflict, children problems) demand tremendous energy and often throw our
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: How to be Successful in Life, Dating, and Business by: Yair Czitrom A big question. I am sure that everybody on this planet would like to know the answer to that. A few years ago, I worked for a British time share company.
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: 7 Surefire Ways to Arouse Your Woman by: Caterina Christakos As there are different types of women, there are different ways to arouse them as well. If you have been in a bit of a slump here are some quick ways to rev
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: Is There Sex After Motherhood? by: Susan Peach If you’re like many new moms, your sex life may have undergone some changes since the birth of your baby, especially if this is your first child. Sleepless nights,
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: Health and Fitness in Pregnancy and Delivering a Healthy Baby by: David Arnold Livingston Pregnancy is when women are most beautiful, when there's another life being nurtured inside the mother's womb. This act of creating
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: Personal Injury Claim - Win Without A Doubt! by: Mumtaz Shah Everyone likes winning! If you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning! Now winning at personal injury is a different ball game altogether. Do you want
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: Everyone Should Have A Living Will by: David G. Hallstrom, Sr. According to information provided by http://www.plan-my-estate.com an an estate planning and asset protection resource web site, a living will, known in most
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: A Quality Accident Solicitor Is On Your Side by: Mumtaz Shah When you have an accident, where do you turn for help? Who plays the most important role in helping you recover from your accident? Most people would answer
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: The Maker's Diet or The Faker's Diet? by: Moss Greene The Maker’s Diet – hum, interesting title. But should Jordan Rubin’s book really be called “The Faker’s Diet?†And what about
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: Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb. by: Terry Dunn THE WONDER HERB THAT IS GANODERMA LUCIDUM One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought to people is their realization of going back to the basics, to
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: Celiac Disease by: Andy Casasanta Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder found in patients who are genetically susceptible, with the resulting damage to the small intestine by an interference with the absorption of nutrients.
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: Get The Most Out Of Your Digital Camera Today! by: Kevin Rockwell Point and click. The new life of digital cameras gives us all the opportunity to capture images as we go. Whether you simply hit the shutter button to
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: Spy Like A Professional by: Joe Andrea Gooden Spies are one of the most popular characters in movies. One of the most famous spies we know of is James Bond, whom we all love to watch. While being a spy is more of a fantasy
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: Healthy Kids are Happy Kids! by: Paul Duxbury Health is a feeling of physical and mental well being. A healthy child displays a tremendous zest for life. He is energetic and undaunted by the challenges that life places
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: Save Money By Getting A Term Life Insurance Quote Online by: Peter Crump When deciding or choosing what life insurance is best for you, you can avoid feeling pressured into a policy by searching for a term life insurance
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: How Distance and Open Learning has Changed my Life by: Emma Jones When I was approached to write a piece on open and distance learning education, I came up with this piece. After reading it through, I have come to the
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: Real Online Degree vs Diploma Mill Scam by: Frank Larner Figuring out the reasons people want to get an online degree is simple. Online colleges are ten times more convenient then attending a campus school with a fixed
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: Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Learning? by: Shaan Randow If you have the self-determination and drive to listen well and study harder then you can learn in a live university or an online school. But some people
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: How to Reduce Stress and Boost your Productivity by: Lorraine Pirihi Hi! Did you know that 60-90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses? Stress is costly in terms of our health, relationships and performance.
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: Global Warming: Why Consumers And Insurers Are Getting Hot Under The Collar Over Life Insurance by: Rachel Lane Global warming may have been lurking on our horizon for a number of years and historical records of terrorists
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: Sisters Are Insuring Themselves: How Finance Is The New Feminism by: Rachel Lane According to a study by LifeSearch, the number of women in the UK buying life insurance in the UK has doubled over the last six years.
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: The Life Insurance Policy and What You Need to Know Before You Buy by: Don Adams Are you looking to buy a life insurance policy? Well, be careful. Life insurance can be difficult to understand and it's easy to be conned
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: Common Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Term Life Insurance by: Mike Bell When purchasing term life insurance, there are a number of factors to consider. Consumers should make certain they understand the concept of term
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: Global Warming: Why Consumers And Insurers Are Getting Hot Under The Collar Over Life Insurance. by: Rachel Lane Global warming may have been lurking on our horizon for a number of years and historical records of terrorists
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: The Real Meaning of Adventure by: Sparb Aeneuer Adventure is a State of Mind What is adventure? Some people believe that adventure is not just that extreme and dangerous experience that one could find existing. On the
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: Focus Brings Prosperity by: V. Ninet'te Wheatley "...as you sow, so shall you reap." What does that statement have to do with Prosperity? Well, just think for a moment and ask yourself, which farmer produces the most
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: The 31 Absolute Best Resources for Self Improvement by: David Riklan Every week, I hear from people with the same Self Improvement questions: Where should I go for help? What should I do? Who should I listen to? This
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: Discover Your Path to Success - Part 2 by: Paul M. Jerard Jr. Time taken for self-analysis is so important in developing your road map to success. Let’s continue with a few more questions to ask yourself - before
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: Smile Your Way To Success by: Hifzur Rehman Smile brings beauty to your face, charm to your personality and money to your pocket; apart from being your recognition as a cheerful, friendly, loveable person. When you
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: Ignite Your Success - 21 Actions by: Paul Frazer Taking action is the strongest way to create success in your life. The following are the 21 Actions that you can take right now, to ignite the success in your life, business,
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: 5 Tips To Gain A Winning Advantage In Life by: Chris Green Do you wish you could live your dream life? Here’s 5 top tips to help turn your dream into reality… 1. Invest in your dream. This will mean investing
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: Success Through The Eyes Of A Child by: Barbara C White Adults, with eyes to see, can learn so much about success in life from children. When a baby is born, it has instinctively in it everything needed to succeed in
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: The Accidental Leader by: Steve Wright It was never planned, it just happened. After years of enjoying what you do, and consequently doing quite well, your efforts and results have been recognised by management. They
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: Why Failure is Good for You by: Jimmy Roos How do you view failure? Do you see it as something negative that you don't want to be associated with or do you see it as something positive? Most people in the world don't
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: The Ultimate Kick-Butt Motivational Lesson by: Robert Evans How often have you struggled with yourself over the work that needs to be done? How many times have you put off performing some task or other because it's too
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: A Simple Cure For Anxiety And Depression by: Saleem Rana Our innate desire is to be happy, and when we move away from it, we experience fear. This fear is actually millions of years old, for it arises from the biological
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: A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy by: Saleem Rana Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than living out effects. Let me draw a simple analogy to clarify my point. Imagine standing
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: Discovering Your Strengths by: Kathy Paauw "Most Americans do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong
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: Music & Intelligence: Will Listening to Music Make You Smarter? by: Duane Shinn Will listening to music make you smarter? Will learning to play a musical instrument make your brain grow larger than normal? Questions
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: Got Goals? Did You Reach Them? by: Lynne Dean Most of us have goals. Big ones, small ones. But not always do we follow through with them and that...hum…could be dangerous. You see, within a lifetime our goals
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: Inspiration, the Living Force by: Lynne Dean These moments of awareness are powerful motivators. They boost our spirit and expand our view of certain joys we don’t have the chance to appreciate every day. They
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: Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard? by: Lynne Dean We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing
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: Grocery Shopping Tips by: Kelly Kennedy The grocery store is full of delicious items that may all seem tempting to buy however use these tips to keep your costs down and not purchase more than you need. Before Heading
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: Who's the You Running Your Life? by: Keith Varnum Get Drama and Trauma Out of Your Karma You finally make a friend or get a hot date with someone you're attracted to-then blow it by acting aloof or not being yourself.
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: Transform Your Life Through a Vision Quest by: Keith Varnum Did you know that throughout history people have gone into Nature seeking profound spiritual revelations, dramatic physical healings and liberating emotional
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: Tapping Primal Life Force by: Keith Varnum When the residents of the Scottish spiritual community of Findhorn first encountered Pan in the forest, Pan asked them to convey a message from the Beings of Nature to the rest
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: Taking Control Of The Stress In Your Life by: Janice Pagan Did you know that... Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual
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: This Too Shall Pass by: Nikhil Gangoli This article is about one of the key concepts of Buddhism, Impermanence. Vipassana meditation as taught by Mr. S N Goenka stresses on the experience of impermanence within our
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: What Does Trusting God Mean? by: Daniel N. Brown Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had no problems and no uncomfortable situations in life? That we be great! Someday, when we all get to heaven, that's the way it will be.
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: 7 Simple Ways To Organize Your Daily Life While Running A Home Business by: Brenda Hoffman As a home business owner, it is rather easy to become overwhelmed with your daily life and responsibilities. Here are 7 simple
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: Millionaire Mindset: Is Your Brain Sabotaging Your Wealth and Success? by: Rick Miller Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have success with every they do? Do they have some magical power which helps them
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: Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes by: Paula Bardell One of the most important poets of the post-war period, Edward James Hughes (1930-1998), was drawn towards the primitive. He was enchanted by the beauty of the natural
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: Realism by: Samir K. Dash ‘Realism’ I In William Dean Howells’ words, Realism is ‘ the truthful treatment of material’. But to the question ‘what is truth’, philosophy gives not only different answers,
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: Teach Me Who You Are by: Timothy Dey, M.D. We all have a privately held belief system that defines who we think we are. This belief system is composed of ideas that we have accumulated over time that we think describe
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: How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams by: Yuwanda Black Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own
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: A Writer's Inner Battle by: Grace V. Planas There is a psychological nuisance so powerful that can deflate the drive, self-esteem, and human spirit of many aspiring Writers of any age. These Writers are faced with an
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: A Person Is Known By the Blog He Keeps by: Abhishek Sarkar Literature is the soul of the wit. The best source of literature can be now found in blogs. The growing trend of ‘blogmania’ is slowly sweeping the
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: New York Code Orange Jaisini new art series by: Yustas K. Gottlieb New York Code Orange Jaisini new art series The creativity of Jaisini is not designed to be preaching or too critical. Paul Jaisini reached his level
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: Writer's Voice: Five Places to Find Meaning by: Melissa A Rosati Have you seen my voice? Odd question, I know. Voice is associated with sound not sight. Still, I’ve been looking for it everywhere: writer’s
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: 'Your Instinct is Your Life-blood,' says author. by: Neil Millar Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands – five percent of the population – meanwhile a cannibal tribe,
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: Do We Have Free Will? by: Clive Taylor It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life: To let go of fear and resistance and be taken by the flow of life, or, to fight, screaming all the way, as
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: Are You Achieving Your Writing Goals? by: Mridu Khullar At the start of this new year, like at the start of every other new year, I came across dozens of articles about the importance of setting achievable goals, challenging
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: It's A Miracle by: Lynn Colwell "I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never
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: The Facts of a Writer's Life by: Mridu Khullar So, you dream of becoming a famous writer? You want to get that article on paper as soon as possible and see it published. You've got great ideas for a book that you'll be
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: Cooking with Annie Dote by: Barbara Carr Phillips The submission deadline to an anthology is looming and I want to write an essay for it. I take a seat at my kitchen table, and begin flipping through my journals for inspiration.
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: Poetry in a Nutshell by: Gary R. Hess Poetry is more than just rhyming and prose that is in meters and verse. It is an art form. It is something that can not be judged by its cover and can not be critisized to the point
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: Have You Tested Your Theme Against Your Plot? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – How we usually begin the preparation stage in the writing process is… We think of an idea for a story We think
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: Write Strategy: Think, Believe, Attack by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Think of writing like karate...it's about DISCIPLINE. Writing, like other forms of art, work or talent, requires discipline. It won't ever be enough
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: What Dreams Will Come! by: Seamus Dolly As the pioneers of aviation took to the air (not skies), in their human powered mechanical contraptions, what must have been said and thought? Complicated pulleys and chain systems
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: Mainstream media has become a single-minded authority on how we should perceive life. Theirs is a negative perspective. Could there be a new way of hearing the stories we feel are relevant in our lives? by: M6.net If
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: Sandra Bullock's Face Reveals by: Kathy Thompson The long face indicates she is assertive, belligerent, inventive, resourceful, and a leader. She feels fear. Works best independently, and has to learn self-confidence.
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