Tag: Computers-And-Internet
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: Tune your PC for maximum Security and Performance The registry is a key component of the Your PC. It is so important, that without it, Windows may not STARTUP. PC users are not familiar with this part of the Windows operating
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: EPOS Equipment in UK Life can be very tough for a retailer. Everyday tasks are all about successful multitasking and effective management of suppliers – while also keeping customers happy. At Intelligent Retail we
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: Www.printeranywhere.com - the best service to print your documents with any printer across the world As technology is advancing new gadgets are getting discovered to make our life simpler. Computers and digital gadgets have
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: Set up Your Own Webcam by: Silvina Georgieva These days, web cameras are everywhere. Your friends have one, maybe your office or the university that you study in also do. So, you decided to finally go with the crowd and
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: Why Pay For Long Distance When You Can Get It Absolutely Free! by: Mike Ofori Imagine making long distance calls to everyone you know… for free For the millions of consumers who are sick and tired of paying hundreds
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: DVD Burning Tips by: Jasmine Ong CD and DVD Replication - how it works. CD and DVD replication is a process that works by creating discs from scratch. Not to be confused with duplication (the act of burning information
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: Choosing The Right Power Supply by: Keith Park The power supply is the least respected and most overlooked component in your PC. No one ever talks about how big their power supply is, all you ever hear is how fast their
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: Podcasting: Internet Radio On Demand... and MORE! by: Jim Edwards If you haven't heard the term "podcast" yet, you will. It's about to blow the world of online audio through the roof as every Tom, Dick and Shirley can
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: Identity Theft - What Is The Contribution of The Internet? by: Hamish Hayward Identity theft – also known as ID theft, identity fraud and ID fraud – describes a type of fraud where a criminal adopts someone
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: Are Autoresponders An Important Asset To Your Business? by: Vickie J Scanlon Autoresponders are an important asset to an Internet Marketer. When I heard that statement, I said, “Okay – great! What is it!â€
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: Battling Tough Spyware Applications on Your Computer by: Mitch Johnson Due to the extensive craftiness of spyware intruders, new methods have allowed spyware applications to load even while the computer is in safe mode.
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: Is Expired Domain Registration Still Profiotable? by: Stanley Spencer After the dot com crash, expired domain names and expired domain name traffic have been a source of potential income. It is important to inexpensively
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: Virtual IT Anyone? by: Rick Parrott Running a business requires top-flight skills in many areas. The problem for a small business is that there are less people to share knowledge. In fact, people may mean “youâ€!
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: Introduction to VoIP by: Mike Bromley What is VoIP? First things first, VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. At a base level that means phone calls over your broadband connection. You really do need a high-speed
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: FineBrowser – your multibrowsing experience by: Max Maglias Convenience is something people constantly seek. That applies to everything – apparel, vehicles, and everyday working conditions. In search of
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: Search Engine Submission - What to look for when selecting an Australian SEO company . by: Steve Szasz Every business owner I've met has been encouraged at some point to invest in a website; often convinced with hype
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: Different Categories of Computer Games by: David Chandler Computer games can be categorized mainly into PC games that are played in your computer after installation using the CDs that contain the software, downloadable
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: Alexa: Why You Should Be Using The Toolbar by: Mark Thompson Why on earth would anyone want to install a piece of spyware onto their Web browser? No sensible right minded person would …unless you are a webmaster
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: Golden Rules For The Use Of Autoresponders by: Dan Ames Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently asked
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: “Top Seo Guru†discussion forum, especially for SEO and Internet Marketing Experts by: Paavan Solanki Topseo.org announces the official launch of its exclusive “Top SEO Guru Forum†for SEO and
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: Shopping for the Cheapest Deals on the Web by: Bob Vu http://www.cheapretail.biz Shopping on the Web has become easier to do over the past years. As more online stores open up every week, competition gets fierce. This
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: Did You Ever Wonder How The Big Boys In Internet Marketing Build Lists Fast? by: Ryan Blake I'm pretty you know by now that building a list of subscribers is one of the MOST important parts of your online business if
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: Have You Ever Had a JV Deal Go Belly Up And Wasted Valuable Time? by: Ryan Blake Have you ever had a JV deal go belly up and wasted valuable time? Doing a JV deal is one of the best ways to make a huge list Of subscribers
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: The Never Ending Spyware Story by: Doug Woodall It’s been with us since 1993, it’s gotten more intrusive, more complicated. It’s created a whole ecosystem, so to speak. A person sits somewhere,
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: Spyware, This Time It’s Personal! by: Doug Woodall First the basic definition of Spyware: It is a type of software which is installed onto your computer without your permission... It can log your keystrokes, which
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: OK, You've Got a Puter, and You Get Online by: Doug Woodall Recently a wave of information has surfaced about Search Engine Security Holes, Browser Vulnerabilities, redirection to malicious Websites, even Online Extortion
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: Another Fine Mess! by: Doug Woodall I was reading an excellent article today titled "Identity Theft" by Judith Collins at eWeek.com, when it got me to thinking.... I'm in the Anti-Spyware business, and I'm doing a lot
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: From Spyware With Love! by: Doug Woodall Its late. You've been scouring the web for that perfect present for your Aunt Bess in Idaho. You finally find it at presents4aunties.com. The site looks a little rough on the edges,
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: How To Stop Spyware From Robbing You by: Tom Jenson Booting up the computer in the morning seems to be taking longer and longer. The pauses between asking for a web page and it loading increase. Suddenly, even keystrokes
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: Watching the Watchers : Detection and Removal of Spyware by: Tom Jenson If spyware were a person and he set himself up in your house, you are likely going to do one of two things. You'll kick him out yourself or you'll
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: Hard Disk Wiping and the Secure Removal of Data by: Lee Sykes It is important for businesses to recycle their computers, but have you thought about what happens to the data on your computer when it is collected? How
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: The Lowdown on VoIP by: Mike Schuda It seems like technology is headed for a massive telephone change over. The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is looking to be replaced by VoIP. VoIP is short for
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: Will Microsoft Lose The Browser Wars? by: Jim Edwards Until recently, software giant, Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser enjoyed a relatively unchallenged position as the most popular Web browser in the world. Despite
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: How to Prevent Online Identity Theft by: Jim Edwards Identity theft rates one of the fastest growing crimes in mAmerica today and the Internet can make it even easier for some criminals to take your good name and drag
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: Pay Only for the Digital Camera Features You Need by: Gareth Lenzy Focus on Features When Buying a Digital Camera Being well informed about the main digital camera features before shopping means you will know which
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: EpokInc: Identity Management Solutions and all Web Services Security with Trusted data exchange by: John Desouza Identity Rights Management (IRM) is the expression of information and rights between individuals, organizations,
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: How 5 Easy Tactics Can Seriously Boost Your Website Sales by: Charles Preston The art of turning website visitors into paying customers depends almost entirely on good sales copy. What is that? Simply put good sales
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: Promoting your Affiliate Programs with Articles by: Vickie J Scanlon If you are not creating articles for your website and your affiliate programs, you should. Why? Even though it may seem like a lot of work, and it may
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: Do You Know How To Defeat The Browser Hijacker ? by: Tom Jenson Your browser now has a new start page and a new search page. Every time your browser loads a page that doesn't exist, you end up at some strange site, probably
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: Spyware Consequences and Defenses by: Mitch Johnson Unfortunately for computer users spyware has become the primary threat when surfing the internet and as the problem continues to grow the likelihood that users can stay
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: Cracking Down on Spyware by: Adam Short Do you know what your computer is doing while you are away? You may be amazed at all of the things that your computer can pick up on a daily basis. First came viruses, and that
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: Whats All This I Hear About Firewalls? by: Tom Antion At this point, if you've got the whole "turning the computer on" thing down; you are ready to learn about firewalls. Whether you use your computer for business or
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: Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing by: Nial Robbins A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they would
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: Golden Rules For the Use of Autoresponders by: Nial Robbins Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently
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: Search Technologies by: Max Maglias Each of us has been faced with the problem of searching for information more than once. Irregardless of the data source we are using (Internet, file system on our hard drive, data base
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: Fear of Submitting Brought on by Urban Myth? by: Max Ledbetter Quite a few surfers say things like "I wouldn’t advise you to use autosubmitters, many Search Engines don’t allow auto-submissions" or "I
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: You Should Look Up Your Google Page Rank! by: Max Ledbetter Here are a few spots that show you your Google PageRank for free. I tested my site http://www.thefishfinder.com/members/saltwater/ledbetter/, which summarizes
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: Make Quality Content Your #1 Priority by: John Tulus It is by now a proven fact that content is the most important element for getting better pagerank and, consequently, more traffic. Furthermore, the best ranking websites
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: 7 Steps to Easier eBay Shipping by: John Lenaghan If you're like me, you probably hate packing and shipping the things you sell on eBay. Don't get me wrong, I love selling on eBay. I just don't like the shipping part.
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: SEO & Competition Analysis – Part One by: Dave Davies Analyzing your competition should be the second step taken during the SEO process (right after and sometimes even during keyword selection). Looking at what
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: How To Use Spyware Elimination Software by: Philippa Smith Spyware elimination software is designed to detect and eliminate spyware. A large number of spyware elimination software products are available. Some of them
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: A Basic Introduction To Spyware by: Philippa Smith Spyware is the most troublesome software to appear on the Internet in recent times. When spyware infects a computer system, it may be relatively harmless or it may be
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: More Secure Password by: Sustines E. Laplana The hacking incident that happend on March 8, 2004 in my previous websites: The Way To Know Sueboy (geocities.com/slaplana) and Pasugo-Online (pasugo-online.com) by Rovick
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: Malware: Computing's Dirty Dozen by: Joel Walsh It seems that no sooner do you feel safe turning on your computer than you hear on the news about a new kind of internet security threat. Usually, the security threat is
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: WiFi vs. WiMax by: Dennis Schooley, BBA, CA Wi-Fi vs. WiMax – Wi Do I Care? Wi Fi Fo Fum, I think I smell the blood…oops wrong tale. This story doesn’t involve giants, but it does involve giant leaps
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: Microsoft CRM Integration with Lotus Notes Domino: messaging connector – future directions by: Andrew Karasev IBM Lotus Notes Domino and Microsoft CRM (Client Relation Management) from now on can work in tandem.
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: Do The Differences In CPUs Really Matter? by: Ryan Larson CPU manufacturing is one of the most competitive areas of computer world. In the end, the overall performance of your laptop or your desktop depends on your central
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: Kevin's 52 Tips On Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Wrist Pain by: Kevin Klapwijk Best Wrist Treatment's 52 Ways How To Deal With Wrist Pains These tips when combined are a highly effective way to deal with wrist pains and
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: Identity Theft: They Got Him by: Daryl Campbell His hard earned money? Gone. Creditors on his back everyday. The cops knocking on his door. His family strained to the breaking point. He didn't do anything wrong but my
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: How To Verify And Monitor Your Search Engine Listing On Google.com? by: Christoph Puetz Being listed in search engines and ranked high on searches is the overall goal a webmaster is trying to achieve when dealing with
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: Top 7 Ways A Knowledge Base Program Can Improve Your Office by: Brandon Doyle One of your employees has just tried to print something and he/she gets a printer error. The error says, “Out of paper.†Well the
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: Unlimited Bandwidth and Overselling by: Nate Landerman One of the most controversial topics surrounding web hosting is the practice of overselling bandwidth, and rightfully so. The practice of overselling has enormous
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: Countering the Spread of Spyware on your Computer by: Mitch Johnson Spyware has boomed into the top internet threat in no time and it continues to affect more computer users each day. Spyware is best described as a rogue
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: Removing Stubborn Spyware from your Hardrive by: Mitch Johnson Internet Explorer is the browser used by most computer user and because the browser was designed to have third party functionality spyware distributors have
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: Keeping your Computer Spyware Free for Free by: Mitch Johnson As the threats of spyware continue to spread the means computer users must take to protect themselves and their computers from spyware infections become more
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: Internet Network Marketing Downlines That Impede Rather Than Help You by: Joel Teo If you have been in the network marketing arena be it online or offline for a while you will know that there are some downlines that do
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: Newsbytes From The World Wide Web by: Jim Edwards ** Google Desktop Live ** Google's free desktop search utility made it out of the "beta" stage and users can now download a finished 1.0 version from http://desktop.google.com
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: My Online Crystal Ball by: Jim Edwards Most people making predictions about the future never face accountability for their erroneous or vague forecasts. "Experts" predict future developments, especially online, and only
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: Microsoft CRM Integration with IBM Lotus Notes Domino – machinery dealership example by: Andrew Karasev IBM Lotus Notes with Domino email server is traditional document workflow management solution for large corporate
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: Microsoft CRM Lotus Notes Domino Connector FAQ by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Business Solutions CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino, being two groupware products from competing software development leaders, however could coexist
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: ERP System of the future: Database, Business Logic and Interface by: Andrew Karasev We will base our prognosis on our Microsoft Business Solutions ERP consulting practice: Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS
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: Microsoft Great Plains Payroll module customization scenarios by: Andrew Karasev It is now common thing when large corporation selects mid-market ERP or so-called standard functionality MRP solution as its corporate accounting
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: Midsize Business ERP – Great Plains Standard vs. Professional by: Andrew Karasev If you are in the growing mode and reach the point when you need to move away from old accounting application and incorporate something,
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: Microsoft Great Plains Customization Tools – overview by: Andrew Karasev Former Great Plains Software Dynamics/eEnterprise, and currently Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was initially designed in the
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: Removing Some Spyware Is Like Treating Cancer by: Libby Hayen Spyware - Removing Cancer From Your System Do you know the difference between spyware prevention and spyware removal? These functions are not the same. Not
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: Regain Internet Privacy from Spyware by: Mitch Johnson The majority of computers connected to the internet today are infected with some sort of spyware. The prevalence of internet use has made the growth of spybot, adware,
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: 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Make More Money on eBay by: John Lenaghan Have you ever dealt with a salesperson or a waiter who gave you unbelievably good service? How about someone who didn't seem to care about you one bit? Which
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: Beating Adware, The Sneakiest Software by: Joel Walsh Promoters of adware, software that shows advertising on a user's computer, use some cunning tricks to get you to install their software on your machine. Here's what
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: Niche Software Steals Microsoft's Thunder by: Jim Edwards When you think of software and personal computers (PCs), you think Microsoft. The global software giant dominates the PC market in both penetration and pocketbook. It
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: Cool New Search Engine On The Block by: Jim Edwards If you log on to PayPerClickSearchEngines.com you'll find they list over 600 different pay-per-click search engines operating online. In fact, some online sources
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: OCR Software-- Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition? by: James M. Eglin Optical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text
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: Cisco Certification: The Most Important Cisco Study You'll Ever Do Is.... by: Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933 All of us are familiar with the pyramids of Egypt. These magnificent structures have stood for thousands of years,
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: Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Axapta – selection considerations by: Andrew Karasev During the years of our consulting practice, which comes back to East Europe in mid 1990th and then continues in the USA, Brazil,
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: Blackboard Learning in the Twenty-First Century by: Nick Smith My grandmother likes to remind me that to her it seems like yesterday that she attended college - something virtually unheard for women of her generation
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: High Definition DVD: A Primer by: Kenny Hemphill High definition DVD, also known as HD-DVD (which actually stands for High Density DVD), is one of two competing high definition storage formats - the other being Blu-ray
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: Blu-ray: A Primer by: Kenny Hemphill Blu-ray is an optical disc format which is set to rival HD-DVD (http://www.the-hdtv-tuner.com/high-definition-dvd.html) in the race to be the de-facto standard storage medium for HDTV.
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: Sprint PCS Treo 650 PDA Camera Phone Review by: John Gall I ordered my Sprint PCS Treo 650 and it was delivered within days. I was replacing my older Sprint Samsung I300 which is another Palm PDA phone but uses the older
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: Content Readability is Essential by: C.E. David The content of your web site should be written with readability in mind. Those who provide written content that does not reflect an understanding of internet readability
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: Recent Cell Phone Advancements by: Philip Liu Cell phones have come a long way since the early days of the 1980s when they were the size of a brick and weighed almost as much. Today, cellular phones come with built-in
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: Networking Basics by: Kashif Raza A network is a group of computers, printers, and other devices that are connected together with cables. The sharing of data and resources. Information travels over the cables, allowing
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: A Layman's Look At VoIP - Should You Or Shouldn't You? by: Dennis Schooley “As business people we manufacture shin pads, or we distribute cat food, or we evangelize, but should we be considering VoIP? Will it make
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: To Blog Or Not To Blog? by: Dennis Schooley We have now entered the world of blogs! Sounds kind of Harry Potterish, doesn’t it? If you’re over 20 years old, you probably think this is some crazy sci-fi
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: 13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck by: Courtney Heard Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketer’s time and the yield isn’t always what we originally hoped. Worrying
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: MSN & Yahoo Communities (The Basics) by: Martin Lemieux I'm sure at one time or another, we've all explored either an msn or yahoo community or both. Communities are a FREE service that allows us to build and manage,
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: Surviving The Technical Job Interview by: Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933 Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it. Not only does it cause anxiety, but it causes anxiety for several different reasons. How many people will
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: Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, CRM & RMS: serving international client – overview for consultant by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Business Solutions products: Microsoft Great Plains,
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: TurboScout.com Makes Web Searching 20 Times Faster by: William Chee A 21 year-old undergraduate from Singapore launched TurboScout.com, a new search tool that helps Internet users to access and compare original results
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: The Cheapest Way To Speed Up Your PC by: Matt Feichtenbiner Is your computer running slowly but don't have much cash? Windows XP telling you that you have low memory? Then don't panic, adding memory to your current computer
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: Is New MSN Search More Precise? Just Ask Google. by: Lisa Melvin MSN finally unleashed its new search technology to the world on Monday. The official announcement coming from Bill Gates introduced the New MSN Search
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: What Is Data Recovery? by: Jakob Jelling Data recovery is the retrieval of inaccessible or contaminated data from media that has been damaged in some way. Data recovery is being increasingly used and is an important process
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