Tag: Product
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: Handbag Revolution: 1000 Bags in One, by Bissac France A woman’s dream becomes reality: Change handbag many times a day! The ultimate luxury it-bags by Bissac. Change handbag as often as you desire simply by modifying
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: The Star Of The Catalog Show by: Florie Lyn Masarate Printing catalogs is not just about putting on everything designers learned in design school. Or choosing the proper layout and fonts. There are many factors that should
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: 3 Proven Ways You Can Boost Sales With Autoresponders by: Chad Cook Many people associate autoresponders with emails. They are not mistaken anyway but for this piece of auto pilot programs are more than emails. Autoresponders
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: But I’m not a People Person! by: Jonathan R Taylor Do you have to be a "people person" to run a successful business? It’s a good question and one that’s brought up occasionally in meeting with clients.
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: Creating Your Own Internet Marketing Product through a Home Based Business by: Lars Hanning There are thousands of marketing tool kits available online for a whole range of prices, but what if you are not interested in
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: 10 Sizzling Offers That Sell Like Crazy by: Richard Meredith One of the best way to increase your sales is to offer your potential customers a special offer. It could be trial offers, discounts, purchase awards, etc.
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: Internet Marketing VS Forex Currency Trading by: Amin Sadak Have you noticed that when someone’s trying to sell you something - such as a system for making money - they always make it look far easier than it is?
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: Beat The Phenomenon Of Awful Sale Statistics by: Michael Keenan It is a purely shocking statistic, that only 4 in every 100 affiliates, actually turn over more than a few dollars. This is an truly awful statistic, but
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: 10 Powerful Ways To Grow Your Income by: John Karnish 1. Don't forget to follow up with your customers. You could follow up with a related product, service or affiliate program. Follow up every month or so with a new
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: Turning Your Services into a Product by: C.J.Hayden One of the biggest challenges in selling professional services is that what you are offering is intangible. Your product can't be seen, touched, or tasted. Until your
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: Top Seven Ways to Write An Order-Pulling Sales Letter by: Judy Cullins Ready to put your Web pages up? Ready to sell a lot more products and services? If you're not getting the sales, you want you may want to think "makeover."
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: Creating Your Own Product: Testing Your Market And Finishing The Product by: Ronald Gibson Now that you know what you want to write about, the next step in the process is to gauge the amount of interest there is in your
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: Expert Qualities in Sales by: Jay Conners If you went to see your doctor, and he mentioned a particular over the counter drug to you, or a particular type of food that was healthy, chances are, you would listen to this
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: Capturing the Craft Show Market by: Natalie Goyette Finding the right product to sell at a craft show is extremely important in finding success on the craft show circuit. You may already have an excellent craft product
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: Can your Powerpoint Presentation Rival TV Advertising? by: Sean D'Souza Do you ever wonder why some PowerPoint Presentations are so much better than others? Why do some have amazing powers of persuasion, while others
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: Side Effects of The Ephedra Product - Dangerous or Not? by: Todd Brenner Ephedra has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. However, in the last decade, ephedra products have been thrust into the media
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: Shopping for the Cheapest Deals on the Web by: Bob Vu http://www.cheapretail.biz Shopping on the Web has become easier to do over the past years. As more online stores open up every week, competition gets fierce. This
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: The Power of a Survey by: Lynda Pruett How many times have you been asked to participate in a survey? If you are anything like me then the answer is probably hundreds. I am often being stopped in the street and invited
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: Professional Writers Dance Between Passionate and Impersonal by: Bonnie Boots People that love to write often feel being paid for publication is the benchmark of a “real†writer. So they read all the books
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: Creating Your Own Product: Testing The Market And Finishing Your Product by: Ronald Gibson Now that you know what you want to write about, the next step in the process is to gauge the amount of interest there is in your
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: Protect Yourself by: Levi Skinner In the past several years, work from home businesses have become increasingly popular. Many people are drawn to the benefits of a home based business, such as being your own boss, setting
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: 7 Key Steps To Reduce Refunds and Chargebacks by: Nancy P Redford One sure-fire way to loosing out big time on your business profits is from incidences of excessive refunds and chargeback requests. If the number is high
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: Men’s Skin Care by: Heather Hawthorne Believe it or not men have the same skin care issues as women. We usually do not hear about them, however, because the media tends not to focus on them as much in our society.
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: Making Money On eBay Can Be So Simple, Just Let Somebody Else Do All The Hard Work For You by: Ian David Major OK, so you've been bitten by the eBay bug! You've ransacked the attic, the basement and every other room
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: Catapult Your Business—How to Get Customers to Chase You to Buy from You by: Alan Boyer I was thinking about the statement: “The Small Business Administration tells us that 80% of all small businesses will
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: How To Put The Profit-Producing Power of Couponing To Work For You... by: Thom Reece Coupons have proven themselves to be highly effective sales tools for every conceivable size and type of business. Because coupons
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: Beat The Phenomenon Of Awful Sale Statistics by: Michael Keenan It is a purely shocking statistic, that only 4 in every 100 affiliates, actually turn over more than a few dollars. This is an truly awful statistic, but
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: Use Photos as Part of your Marketing Arsenal by: Soren Breiting Photos should be important parts of your marketing. The photos are useful to document your offers to achieve positive acceptance of what you are displaying to
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: Why Didn't I Think Of That? Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets by: Daryl Campbell Congratulations, you've finally finished your ad copy. You've gotten feedback and it all looks good. Now do something to make your copy even
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: Are You Tired Of Looking For The Acne Cure ? by: MD Stracener When it comes to zits and finding the acne cure it can be quite a difficult task. Everyone claims their product to be the one but are they. The acne cure
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: 10 Tips on How To Write A Sales Letter by: Julie Kerr The main reason why 95% of online businesses fail is because of poor sales letter. Write your sales letter with an Individual in mind; think as if you are writing
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: Ghostwriting - It's Not Only For Books by: Lorette Lyttle Utilizing a Ghostwriter for eBook product creation is a quick and easy way to churn out product after product. BUT, ghostwriting is not just for ebooks! Do you
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: The Lost Art of Hand Writing by: Ieuan Dolby For a couple of years now I have used a computer for everything from writing articles, to communicate, to playing games and to printing addresses onto envelopes. My laptop
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: A Free Lesson On How To Easily Write Ads That Are Guaranteed To Make You Money by: Eric Borden COPYWRITING After determining what we are going to sell, the next task is to effectively convey our message. Copywriting
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: Pulling Sales with Your Ad Copy by: Elizabeth McGee One of the best marketing tools available to your internet business is good sales ad copy. This can pull in sales faster than just about anything. If you’re not
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: How Can a White Paper Support Sales and Marketing? by: Christine Taylor A white paper supports PR, marketing and sales because it works for all levels of decision makers. Engineers and executives may not be too impressed
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: 6 Ways to Leverage Technical Articles by: Christine Taylor Technology vendors often contribute bylined articles to trade journals. The articles are great exposure for these companies but they don't come cheap –
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: Impulse Writing for Better Ad Headings by: Randy Lever Writing headlines for your ads is the most important part of your online presence. When posting your ad to classified sites, directories, message boards, newsgroups
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: Women: Are You Selling Yourself Short? Pricing for a Healthy Business by: Anne Alexander A few years ago, Vlasic Pickles teamed up with Walmart to sell a gallon of pickles for the unheard of price of .97. They sold
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: How to Take Care of Sheep Skin Boots by: Brian Fong Sheep skin boots and all things made from natural sheep skin are very trendy and very popular among all classes of people. Because sheep skin is a natural material,
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: Getting the Most Out of a Natural Breast Enhancement Product - A Must Read for Great Results! by: Danna Schneider 1.) Try to avoid caffeine - this includes chocolate, coffee, caffeinated sodas, tea, etc. These foods can
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: Hyaluronic Acid Injections Increase Visibility with Supermodel Spokesperson by: Jana Willinger Hyaluronic acid products are poised to continue their fast growth, particularly in the form of hyaluronic acid injections,
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: Can We Really Get Rid of Cellulite? by: Danna Schneider It has been the bane of every women's existence since the dawn of time - the affliction known as cellulite. We all have it to varying degrees, and it seems to get
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: Website Development: Become Your Own Expert by: Theresa V. Wilson Starting and maintaining a business is challenging enough without the additional financial burden of hiring a web site expert to put your vision on paper.
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: Do You Really Need A Website? by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA Having a website is the one form of marketing your business that just keeps on giving! But how do you know if you need a website? Well, with the amount of information
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: Design vs Content: Who is KING? by: Romelo Itong Well it is not Elvis, that's for sure. I am a firm advocate of good design but most of the time people tend to interpret design as amazing graphics and astounding visuals
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: Reasons Why You Should Have A Weblogger Installed On Your Web Site by: Radhika Venkata I don't know about you, but when I built my first web site three years back I don't know anything about the webloggers. One day when
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: Designing A Website That Sells by: Nial Robbins Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn’t clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles
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: How To Turn Leads Into Sales With Autoresponders by: Chad Cook It is an established fact that autoresponders can boost sales. Customers tend to buy, and buy more, from people they are familiar with. But as the web is
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: How To Write Compelling Autoresponder Messages That Recipients Will Love To Read by: Chad Cook An autoresponder can send emails but the essence is that those emails get read and acted upon by the recipients. There is
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: 3 Proven Ways You Can Boost Sales With Autoresponders by: Chad Cook Many people associate autoresponders with emails. They are not mistaken anyway but for this piece of auto pilot programs are more than emails. Autoresponders
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: A Pretty Site Equates to Fewer Sales – Is it a Fact or a Fallacy? by: Maricon Williams One that is pretty is very tempting. Thus, a book with fabulous cover and catchy title will likely to generate more sales,
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: ECommerce, How much does it cost? by: Dennis Dadey Making profits with your existing website design or creating a new online store can be exciting, affordable and most of all; rewarding. Mmmm . . . that's what the last
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: Traditional businesses on the Internet by: Dirk Wessels Have you ever thought of putting your business on the Internet, but simply not known where to start or you're not sure whether the Internet is really meant for your
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: Health & Beauty: Oily Skin Can Get Dehydrated Too by: News Canada (NC)—All skin types - normal, dry, and oily - needs to be moisturized in summer. Your face may appear to have a shine without a morning lotion,
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: Super Affiliate Strategies To Boost Your Click Through Rates by: Rich Hamilton, Jr If you are an affiliate I don't need to tell you that it's not easy, especially if your promoting a product or service that is a large
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: How To Write A Profit Pulling Article by: Rich Hamilton, Jr Having an article published is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build your credibility as an industry expert. At the end of the each article you are
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: Are Your Emails Being Heard by: David Lake Yes, the headline is spelled right. What if you had a way to make your clients remember you and your e-mail. In order to do this, you would have to do something different that
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: Broaden Bonuses for Better Business by: Todd Kenovas Providing bonuses has emerged as an important part of the web marketer's arsenal for a fundamental reason: they get results. Since there are numerous ways to incorporate
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: What The Home Shopping Networks Can Teach Us About Online Marketing. by: Hans Klein Who would have thought that a TV network dedicated to selling products on a cable network could become a success? Besides most people
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: 7 Ways to Increase Web Site Visitors and Boost Sales by: Herman Drost Have you spent a lot of money on advertising with the expectation that you would get many sales from the 1000s of web site visitors that read your
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: Are You in for a Safe Landing? - PPC Landing Pages by: Shawn Campbell You've paid for your ticket and your ads are up on Google AdWords and Yahoo's Overture, but have you set up a safe landing for your clients? Run
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: Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Sales Copy by: David Bell You know what its like, you're reading the sales material about a product you're considering buying, but, as you read, all these questions seem to pop into your
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: Web Site Promotion: 10 Eye-opening Secrets To Sky-rocket Your Sales by: I-key Benney, CEO If you’re having problems generating a lot of sales at your website, it may be because you’re not aware of these
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: Web Site Marketing: 10 Little Known Upsell Strategies That Will Magnify Your Profits. by: I-key Benney, CEO What is Upselling? It is an important web site marketing strategy that can help you magnify your profits. It
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: Website Promotion: 10 Insiders’ Secret For Writing Profitable Ads. by: I-key Benney, CEO Do what I did. Learn these 10 insiders’ ad writing, website promotion “secretsâ€, and explode your website
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: Copy Editing: 10 Powerful, Mind Blowing Secrets For Writing A High- Impact Ad by: I-key Benney, CEO No matter what product or service you’re promoting, unless you are able to write and use a highly persuasive Ad,
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: Online Auctions: 10 Secrets You Should Know Before Bidding At An Online Auction by: I-key Benney, CEO You may have heard about ebay and other online auctions. You may have participated in some of the biddings. But
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: Internet Business: 10 Important Creative Ways To Get New Product Ideas by: I-key Benney, CEO Creativity is one of the most important keys to success in any business. If you want to succeed in any business, you have
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: Five Revenue Boosting Web Marketing Strategies by: Abe Cherian To maximize the selling power of your web site you need more than just a professional web site and great products -- you must implement strategies that produce
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: 10 Killer Internet Marketing Ways To Multiply Your Sales by: I-key Benney, CEO, Mscsrrr, New York City Hello, do you have a website and sell something on the internet? If yes, may I offer you 10 killer ways to boost
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: Eight Simple Ways To Use Promotional Products Online by: Nathan Allen With the increase competition on the Internet, it can be hard to find ways to make your company seem different from everyone else. One thing I believe
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: Five Steps To Successful Web Marketing And Sales Process! by: Abe Cherian The basic principles used successfully by brick and mortar storefronts in moving your potential clients through a successful sales process is also
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: Testimonials Can Increase Your Web Traffic by: Elizabeth McGee We've all seen and read product testimonials. They're a very valuable tool for merchant sales and can often tip the scales in determining a customer's decision
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: Why you need to and How to Follow up Your visitor or customer. by: Radhika Venkata The person who comes to your web site seeking products or information is a visitor. A person who bought a product or service of yours
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: Tips On Writing a Successfull Ad by: David Bell When knowledge is based on truth it is powerful! When it is critical knowledge, its presence can drive our success, while its absence may contribute to our failure. I will
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: Specialty or Niche Directory Submissions by: David G Hallstrom The following article was written for and originally published by Resources For Attorneys.com. You are an attorney or other service or product provider. You
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: Ways To Develop Your Own Outrageously Profitable Product by: Rich Hamilton, Jr If you want to make big money on the web, you need to have your own product. A lot of people would like to have their own product, but they
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: 10 Persuasive Triggers To Plug Into Your Ad by: Larry Dotson 1. Most people want to win over others. Tell your prospects how their family or friends will admire them if they buy your product. 2. Most people want to associate
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: The Most Useful Way To Utilize Traffic Exchanges by: Eric McArdle If you advertise through click-exchange traffic programs or GPTR programs, then you should have an idea of what a timed visit is. Basically, people have
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: 3 Tips For Writing Content That Will Make You Sales by: Mike Cheney Content is king. Without content your website is an empty shell, a skeleton with no flesh, an empty vessel. Content can redeem the worst designed website.
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: "Internet Marketing Simplified! 2 Pillars For Achieving Massive Results" by: Jeff Smith Are you confused by the flood of information on how to improve your internet marketing results? Mastering the search engines,
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: How to Sell Your Product on the Forums? by: Radhika Venkata 1. Your signature file: Most of the forums allow you to carry a 4 - 6 lines of signature files with your name. So these files appears below your name when you
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: Seven 'Must Follow' Rules While Participating In Message Boards by: Radhika Venkata Participating in message boards (forums) discussions is a great way of self promotion. It costs you nothing. Not even a penny. All you
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: 13 Techniques That Boosts The Power Of Your Resource Box! by: Radhika Venkata ***What is the Resource box? 'Resource box' is an information box about the author of the article.You will see this resource box at the
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: TEN answers that turn Your visitor in to Your Customer. by: Radhika Venkata You know... Before purchasing your product a person comes to your order page minimum of 7 times? Nodody buys a product or service in their first
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: 10 Psychological Desires To Insert Into Your Ad by: Larry Dotson 1. Most people like surprises because it's a change of pace from their routine. Tell your prospects that they'll get a surprise free bonus for ordering. 2.
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: Writing CVs and Resumes for Professionals with Examples by: Mike Kelley Tips on writing your Skills and Achievement Based CV (ABCV) by Mike Kelley at First Impressions Conducting a job search is like marketing and selling
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: How To Shorten The Selling Cycle And Reduce Buying Stalls by: Doug Staneart The main reason for buyer resistance and selling stalls boils down to one simple fact: the reasons for not buying are bigger to the prospect
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: How to Sell Yourself Like a Product by: Carole Martin Interviewing for a job is in many ways comparable to a sales person making a sale. If you were a sales person and were about to sell a product to a customer you would
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: Why Should We Hire You? by: Carole Martin This is one of those broad questions that can take you down the wrong road unless you have done some thinking about what to say ahead of time. This question deals with your ability
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: Following God Or The Advertisers? by: Anthony Keith Whitehead We live in a society which is today increasingly dominated by economic considerations. At national level, political factors, aims and objectives are frequently
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: Headline and Ad Copy Tips by: Julie Martin What if you had only 5 seconds and fifteen words to make a good impression, convince a customer to buy your product and ensure a click though on your ad? Unfortunately, that
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: 10 Hot Ways To Sell Your Products Like Crazy by: Steve Li 1. Turn your ad copy into a story or article. Your visitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad and will become more interested in your product. 2. Give visitors
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: Sell More By Showing Consequences by: Ray L. Edwards It's a well established fact that customers buy solutions to their problems or what they perceive will add value to their lives. The marketer must therefore go beyond
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: Bichon Frise: Hot Spots by: Janet Combs “Hot spots†are surface skin infections caused when populataions of normal skin bacteria grow and overwhelm normal resistance. They ae generally curcular patches that
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: 14 Ways To Boost Customer Response In A Tough Economy by: David Coyne Things are rough today for online businesses. The economy is struggling to get back on track. Spam is clogging up the inboxes of everyone, making email
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: What should I sell On-Line? by: David Bell One of the first things you will have to decide when setting up an Internet business is whether you want to sell a product or a service, both of which have their advantages and
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: 7 Quick and Easy Ways To Multiply Your Sales by: Mohamed Rabea There are always some great, fast and easy ways to multiply your sales without paying more for extra advertisements. There are a lot of simple and effective
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: Affiliate is not a Dirty Word by: Esther Smith It wasn’t very long ago when the word “affiliate†left a bad taste in many a mouth. The reason was that the larger percent were Multi-Level-Marketing programs
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