Tag: Include
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: 10 Indirect Ways To Get To The Top Of Search Engines by: Chris Towland There are millions of web sites trying to get listed in the top 20 spots of the major search engines. That amounts to an awful lot of competition
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: Why Didn't I Think Of That? Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets by: Daryl Campbell Congratulations, you've finally finished your ad copy. You've gotten feedback and it all looks good. Now do something to make your copy even
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: A First Time Author's Publicity Kit Materials by: Laura Hickey If you're a new author that has been requested to send publicist materials, you may feel left in the dark on what to send. Here's a list of the usual items. 1.
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: Creating A Great Print Newsletter by: Colin Ong TS The traditional print media newsletter is still useful even in the rapidly changing age of the Internet and IT. Its uses are so multi-faceted that it can cover just
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: The Stuff E-mail Query Letters are Made of by: Mridu Khullar Your mother always told you how first impressions were extremely important. That’s why whenever you go to meet an editor, you dress impeccably, walk
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: Top 7 Essential "Hot-Selling Points" To Implement Before Writing Chapter One by: Judy Cullins Every part of your book can be a sales tool. When you include the below tips, you will have a roadmap to follow to keep your
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: Creative Wedding Cards by: Declan Tobin You invitation is a reflection on the type of wedding its going to be weather it be formal, informal or themed this will be transparent in the invitation. The invitation is the
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: A Wedding For All Seasons by: Declan Tobin In times gone by it wasn’t uncommon for young couples to consult the Tarot as to what month of the year according to the stars would be their best time to wed, this would
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: 7 Steps to Web Sites that Sell by: Charlie Cook Your web site is like a fight of stairs into your business. Once you've got prospects to your home page - your online front door - you want to move them to action. If you
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: 50 Surefire Web Design Tips by: Mario Sanchez Tips to brand your website Include your logo in all pages. Position it at the top left or each page. Complement your logo with a tagline or catchy sentence that summarizes
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: 10 Indirect Ways To Get To The Top Of Search Engines by: Chris Towland There are millions of web sites trying to get listed in the top 20 spots of the major search engines. That amounts to an awful lot of competition
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: Give Your Website A Chance by: Elizabeth McGee I often wonder how serious people are when it comes to their websites. I thought that most everyone knew that the phrase "Build it and they will come" no longer applies
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: Why You Want to Include an FAQ In Your Site by: Richard Lowe, Jr. Congratulations! You've got a brand new site and it's doing pretty well. You check your statistics every day and the hits and page views keep climbing,
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: Website Promotion: 10 Insiders’ Secret For Writing Profitable Ads. by: I-key Benney, CEO Do what I did. Learn these 10 insiders’ ad writing, website promotion “secretsâ€, and explode your website
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: 11 High Powered Ways To Increase Your Traffic by: Kusuma Widjaja 1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads,
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: 10 Killer Internet Marketing Ways To Multiply Your Sales by: I-key Benney, CEO, Mscsrrr, New York City Hello, do you have a website and sell something on the internet? If yes, may I offer you 10 killer ways to boost
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: 10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website by: Gina Gaudio-Graves, Esq. "Viral Marketing" is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The main purpose
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: Great Response by Auto Responder by: Hans Peter Oswald 1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder. 2. Publish
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: Create An Ezine To Get People Back To Your Site by: Richard Lowe, Jr. I know you've worked hard on your website. I know it looks pretty good - in fact, it's fantastic. However, you are facing one huge problem - getting
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: Thinking for Success by: Janet Ilacqua Thoughts are very powerful. An intention held long and hard enough will eventually manifest itself physically. A negative or positive action will stir up negative or positive thoughts
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: Romancing The Senses by: Rich Gray Romance can be experienced in numerous ways, but it is best enjoyed when you get all your senses in on the action. The following are suggestions for getting the most out of romance,
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: Paintball Guns – Tips to help you choose a marker by: Caroline Smith There are so many paintball guns for sale these days, it can be hard knowing just what sort of marker to buy. You want a decent gun for your
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: The Road to Expert Skiing by: Jim Safianuk Imagine yourself cruising down a groomed run carving elegant turns with your new shaped skis. In the distance you see two symbols, a blue square for a left turn and a black diamond
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: 7 Quick and Easy Ways To Multiply Your Sales by: Mohamed Rabea There are always some great, fast and easy ways to multiply your sales without paying more for extra advertisements. There are a lot of simple and effective
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: How Can You Be Sure That Your Marketing Efforts Will Generate Profits? by: John Taylor There are several ways to ensure that your adverts are responsive let me outline my top ten response boosting techniques: 1. An attention
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: 8 Tips for Designing a Great Website by: Ivana Katz Square buttons, round buttons, flashy buttons … will they match my shoes, my handbag or my tie? Are you stuck in a maze of buttons, headings, bullets, sub-headings
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: Ezine Tips by: Richard Lowe, Jr. If you are anything like me, you work extremely hard to get people to come to your web site. This eats up a significant portion of very single day - well over half my "web site" time is
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: Using Your Personal Website To Clinch That Job! by: Colin Ong Tau Shien With an increasing number of employment portals emerging, it is apparent that internet tools do help bring the job-seeker and the potential employer
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: Complete Web-Site Optimization For Search Engines (Part 2) by: Pavel Lenshin Source code optimization. {title}...{/title} This tag is to be a winner. This is a primary spot to include our keywords for SE spiders,
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: How To Promote Your Home Business With Ebooks! by: BB Lee It's a fact! Giving away ebooks is one of the easiest ways to promote your business online. Many online entrepreneurs will agree. They've proven this time and
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: 10 Tips For Getting More Traffic From Your Articles by: Michael Southon Here's a depressing fact if you sell anything on the web: the #1 reason people go online is not to buy things but to find free information. But
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: 3 Hot Ways To Crank Up Your Sales by: Larry Dotson 1) QUICK FOLLOW-UPS When you make your first sale, follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" email and include an advertisement for another product
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: 10 Ways Writing Articles Can Improve Your Business by: Keith Gloster Writing articles is one of the simplest ways to demonstrate your expertise while simultaneously increase traffic to your website. And if your articles
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: Auction Sales - Keeping Customers You Worked So Hard To Get! by: Steven Woodward Congratulations, your auction was successful, payment received and now it's time to ship the item(s) to the customer. You've got the product,
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: TEN High Readership Content Ideas To Get Visitors Coming Back by: Ahmad Supaat How many times have you heard that "Content is King"?. You need fresh, useful content to have visitors coming back and staying longer at your
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: The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! by: Melvin Perry What does the flu have to do with building your list? Well a lot! A flu, just like any other virus is able to spread itself to anyone it comes in contact with. And
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: The Flu and List building Go Hand In Hand! by: Melvin Perry What does the flu have to do with building your list? Well a lot! A flu, just like any other virus is able to spread itself to anyone it comes in contact with. And
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: Getting Started & Making Money on eBay! by: Lynn Terry Click Here to hear this topic LIVE on the Entrepreneur Magazine Home Biz Show, with Guest Lynn Terry of Web Service Network: http://media1.select.net/wsradioarchive/sho_hbbiz5021903.wma
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: Ten Reasons Why People Don't Buy From You by: Dan Brown Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT effect on everything you
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: Why Do Market Gurus Exploit This? by: Emma Okafor Why do market gurus exploit this? Regardless of what you’re trying to sell, you can’t sell it without your prospective buyers. And selling through mail successfully
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: 10 Ways To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search by: Rudy Cline There are millions of web sites trying to get listed in the top 20 spots of the major search engines. That amounts to a lot of competition! I say if you
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: Are You Ready To Go International? by: Gihan Perera Although North Americans were the dominant population on the Internet, that has now changed, and the rest of the world has caught up rapidly. And while English is still
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: 10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales by: Frank Bauer Would you like to multiply your web site sales? Or course you would, who wouldn't? :) Then take a close look at the following 10 killer ways to multiply your
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: Increasing Your Web Site’s Visibility Through Improved Positioning by: Brandon Milford One of the greatest challenges facing website owners is marketing their website. Many believe that they need deep pockets in
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: Internet Direct Mail Is Different: 14 Things To Remember by: Aran Kay Internet Direct Mail (IDM) and Traditional Direct Mail (TDM) both have the same goals in mind. They are to generate leads or orders. However, marketers
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: Media Kit: 25 Component Possibilities by: Catherine Franz Media kits, virtual or print, include a combination of information whether created for electronic delivery or print. The number of components depends on the kit’s
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: 10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets by: Greg Johnson 1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy instead of text. Write the ad on a piece of paper, scan it and publish the ad on your web page. Adding a personal
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: The Ultimate PR Edge: Getting Reporters To Open Your E-Mails by: Bill Stoller You know that getting publicity is vital to the health of your business. You probably also know that e-mail is the way most publicity seekers
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: Writing a Book’s Marketing Plan for Maximum Profit by: Roger C. Parker Much has been written about book proposals. But less has been written about book marketing plans. This is wrong! What happens after your book
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: PR Works! 15 Ways To Make Your Press Release Stand Out From the Crowd by: Julia Hyde Do editors of newspapers, magazines and online news sites really use press releases? Too right they do. In fact, the press release is
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: Tooting Your Own Horn by: C.J. Hayden "If he who has a thing to sell Goes and whispers in a well, He won't be so apt to make the dollars As he who climbs a tree and hollers!" -- Anonymous Every day in your business, something
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: A Newsletter Is Worth A Thousand Words – Part 2 by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA In Part 1 of our article on newsletters, we discussed the benefits of a newsletter and there various formats they can be designed in. In
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: Using the Media Effectively by: Susan Freidmann The media has the power to influence your tradeshow efforts whether it be in television, radio or print. Your job is to target your endeavors to create a positive company
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: Personal Injuries Resulting in Wrongful Death Cases by: Paul Hood A wrongful death lawsuit alleges that the decedent was killed as a result of the negligence (or other liability) on the part of the defendant's), and that
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: How to shop online for Fireplaces, Stoves & Accessories by: Katrina Dwight Fireplaces and fireplace mantels are fast becoming a core feature in homes across the world as they add a real feature point to any formal or
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: Gel Candles - An Alternative To Wax Candles by: Wendy Yeager Gel candles are basically made from a combination of polymer resin and mineral oil. Gel candles make a beautiful gift for friends, family, or for yourself.
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: Potassium And Health by: Samuel Murray Potassium is a mineral that serves a variety of purposes within the body. Despite its importance to so many of the body’s functions and systems, most people do not consume
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: Acid Reflux/Heartburn - Simple Steps to Relief by: Andrew Kelly You've seen the advertisements: Acid reflux is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the oesophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic,
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: The Myth of Low Cost Lasik by: Ronald Herskowitz LASIK, Custom Lasik and other types of LASIK Eye Surgery are procedures that are safe, effective and predictable when performed by an experienced LASIK surgeon for carefully
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: Eczema: Getting The Facts by: Lori Stryker People from all walks of life and all ages live with eczema; however, it typically appears in infants. Also called contact dermatitis, eczema is actually a group of skin conditions.
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: Fight Osteoporosis By Eating Foods With Vitamin K by: Lee Dobbins We don’t hear about Vitamin K too often, but it is vital for good bone density as well as proper clotting of the blood. This is a fat soluble vitamin
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: All About Acne, its Symtoms & Types by: Balaji .B What is Acne? Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Some of the characteristics of acne include black heads, pimples, cysts, infected
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: Asthma: Exercise for Life! by: Scott Larson It is estimated that 17 million people in America have asthma, with 5 million being under the age of 18. Asthma, which is Greek for “to pantâ€, is a chronic lung
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: TUNA Therapy Combats Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia by: ARA Content (ARA) - With age, most men's prostates grow larger, resulting in irritating problems associated with urination. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a
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: Menopause and Osteoporosis by: Cathy Taylor We know that our bodies require calcium and vitamin D in order to build and maintain powerful bones. According to his recent book entitled, “Preventing and Reversing
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: Gourmet Foods For Every Occasion by: Duane Smith Enjoying fine food is definitely one of the pleasures of life. There is so much fast food and bland tasting dishes today because of the lack of time to really prepare food
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: Make Your Own Gourmet Gift Baskets by: Donna Monday Everyone loves to receive a gift basket. Corporate gift baskets are often given by businesses to their customers as a token of their appreciation. However, most gift
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: 5 Ways In Which You Can Make Simple Changes To Your Home Decorating by: Bonnie P Carrier Home decorating, ever wanted to try it, but hesitated because of time constraints or budget concerns. The following ideas will not
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: Create A Gift Basket For A Dog Lover! by: Donna Hamer The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a gift basket. A gift basket is that
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: Use Events to Market on the Internet by: Garland Coulson Having difficulty knowing what to offer people online? Worried that your prospects are too bombarded by sales pitches to pick yours out from the hundreds they get
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: Simple Solution for Php Includes - IFrames by: Michael J Medeiros I have recently created my first Php program. I wanted to share with others some of the problems that I encountered, and how I finally overcame these obstacles. My
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: SSI: Why and How to Use Server Side Includes by: David Leonhardt If you are a webmaster or a website owner and have not yet used server side includes (SSI), I am about to make your life soooo much easier. SSI can save
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: Detect and Remove Spyware by: Mitch Johnson The increasingly common computer and internet threat known as spyware is designed to gather information about personal and business computer users. The private information
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: Top Ten Online Choices to Get Clients to Choose you Again and Again - Part 2 by: Judy Cullins Did you know that 95% of coaching businesses fail because their owners don't pay enough attention to sales copy? Whether you
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: Two Steps to Improving Your Marketing Success by: Joel Sussman Since the human brain seems to be able to focus on only one thought at a time, it's difficult to evaluate an advertising idea from the perspective of both
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: Three Steps to Writing Your Own Resume by: Linda Matias While most professionals hire a professional resume writer, some draft their own resume. People who write a lot for business usually have more success in putting
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: Back-End Products... The Key To Lasting Profits by: Dan Brown If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your customers, you're making a big mistake. It is easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell
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: Increase Sales in Your Home Business with These 10 Simple Ideas by: Allan Cowley Every home business has the same problem of how to increase sales without a hugely expensive marketing campaign. By utilising the following
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: What Not To Include In Your Resume by: Michelle Roebuck Do you have a difficult time determining what does not go in your job resume? The rule of thumb is to only put enough information about your qualifications in
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: Business Cards Printing Services at its Finest! by: Maricon Williams Business card printing services have expanded swiftly in years. With easy production and relatively little cost, most people find business cards to
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: The 10-Step Resume Critique by: Peter Hill, CPRW Your resume will generally receive a 15- to 30-second scan upon first review by an employer. With that in mind, it is critical that your resume -- your "paper handshake"
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