Tag: Simple
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: Tips On Proofreading To Improve Your Freelance Career by: Niall Cinneide Proofreading is a career which many people are looking to get into, but often the knowledge of what to do, when to do it, and especially how to
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: Gastric Bypass Surgery, an Overview by: Beverley Brooke With the number of people suffering from obesity rising so rapidly in America it was only a matter of time before the miracle cure for those who were morbidly obese.
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: Creating and Distributing E-courses by: Tom Antion E-courses are excellent sales tools and a great way to get your knowledge out there. It is very simple to create your course and either sell, or give it away as a “give-before-you-getâ€
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: How to Write a Chorus by: Free Music Education Team A song without a chorus can hardly be called a song. This rather bad statement is my personal opinion so if you don't agree, that's okay. But I would like to start this
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: Inspiring the Poet in You! by: Anusuya Veth Poems. Just the mention of them makes me smile. Why? Simple. I delight in writing and reading poetry. Some tend to think that to be a poet is not easy and that it must be those
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: How I Easily Lost 21 lbs. in Just Weeks- Without Getting Hungry! by: Katrina Kern “When I stepped on the scale, I started to cry.†For this 56-year-old grandmother, every weight loss plan had failed. Now-
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: Have a Simple, Small, Green Wedding by: Debra Lynn Dadd A wedding is one of life's major rites of passage. It is certainly something to celebrate! Today, wedding books and magazines promote large weddings so that more
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: Wedding Dress Styles – What’s Available by: Declan Tobin There are so many styles of wedding gown to choose from, which makes it difficult when deciding which type of gown is for you. What type of bride
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: Emotional Freedom - At YOUR Fingertips! by: Silvia Hartmann What would you say if I told you I know of a simple method that can make emotional stress such as upset, anger, fear, concern and distress simply melt away in
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: Keep It Simple, Stupid: The Beauty of a Clean Cut Website by: Tom Antion Don’t knock it; “Keep It Simple, Stupid†is a great rule to live by. Nobody likes a website to “yell†at them, with
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: 5 Simple Steps to Protect your Digital Downloads by: Priya Florence Shah A couple of days ago, I was searching for a popular eBook online. Now I'm not going to tell you the name of this eBook for reasons you'll understand
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: A Great Banner Only Needs Simple Things… by: Granny's Mettle To create your own great banner, you only need five (5) simple things: 1. Size according to standards. Always keep to the standards. Having a bold, huge
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: Advantages of a Simple Design by: Tyler Easily maintained If a design flaw is found for a particular browser, it's far easier to find and fix the problem in the HTML source of a simple design, compared to a complex one.
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: SEO #1: Choosing THE keywords to optimize for by: Ahmed Omran Please read this report entirely, I know it is a lot but EVERY word is essential to ranking well in search engines. Before you start reading I want YOU to
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: Promote With Simple "Folksy" How-To Articles! by: Ron Knowlton When it comes to article writing, not everyone is a Dave Barry or even a Bob Leduc or a Kevin Nunley for that matter (three great article writers, by the
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: Get Thousands Of Clicks To Your Website For Free by: Vinay Kumar Do you want to advertise about your website?Wait and have a look here. Don't just start spending money on advertising because there is a very effective way
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: 3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website by: Mike Cheney Before you start worrying about marketing your website on the internet it always pays dividends to look at the website itself and get the fundamentals
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: 5 Simple Ways To Promote by: Larry Johnson Learning to promote your business online is one of the most important steps in being successful. Otherwise your site may as well be in some dark closet, because no one is going
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: If Only Your Brain was the Size Of That of an Ant You Could Easily Implement Habits by: Henrik Flensborg A year and a half ago I was introduced to something called Swarming or Swarm intelligence. A big telecommunication
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: Simple Pleasures: Ingredients to Feed Your Spirit. by: Nancy D. Bishop "When we do something we love, again and again, our life comes to hold the fragrance of that thing. ~ Wayne Mullen Cold air slips through the cracks
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: Simple strategies for home based business owners to reduce stress and be more satisfied with home and work by: BZ Riger-Hull Handle small emergencies fast: When a small emergency does pop up being prepared with a home
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: How To Talk Your Way To Success by: Michael Blackburn Smart folk have always realised how vital it is to talk positively to themselves as well as to other people. A bit of research will show you how these successful men
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: Simplifying Simple by: Eliza Bloom I have a 440-page guide on how to simplify my life, but I haven't found the time to read it. Like you perhaps, my once-quiet world now clatters with the joy of a large family. Amid
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: 6 Simple Steps to Goal Setting by: CreateMyself.com Whether you are trying to revamp your life or complete a simple term paper, goal setting is a critical element in helping you succeed at whatever task you decide to
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: Complicated is Born of a Simple Thought by: Roy E. Klienwachter Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth, Roy, this morning in "Roy Bits," you tried to write about simple and it became more difficult as you put your thoughts
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: How To Solve Any Problem In Three Minutes Flat by: Rick Miller Life comes comes with a whole list of problems: How do I keep my spouse or lover happy? How do I meet the bills? How do I keep healthy and fit with all
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: A Simple Way To Meditate by: Steve Gillman Why Should You Meditate? What if you could close your eyes, then open them a few minutes later and be relaxed, alert, and able to think clearly? Meditation can do that for you,
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: Change Your Life With a Simple Habit by: David Wood Change Your Life With a Simple Habit You've worked for hours on dinner - doing the best you can - and he says ...................nothing. How do you feel? Feel like
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: The Power of Simplicity in Holistic Living by: Prem Nirmal What does it take to live life holistically? It definitely does not require a degree from well known university, a high paying job or huge bank balance. Holistic
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: How to Burn Fat- Doctors' Proven Weight Loss Secret #1 by: Katrina Kern Let me ask you a personal question. As you read these words, right now-- are you burning fat? If you don't know the answer, you need to know about
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: 10 Simple Ways to Turn Your Creative Spark into a Flame by: Nancy Marmolejo Creativity and innovation begin with the spark of an idea. But for so many, the process ends there with no plan to manifest. Understanding simple
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: Children Of A Star by: Jesse S. Somer A lot of people in our world tell stories. Stories can add insight into the meanings of our lives as well as being mediums for the transferal of wisdom and knowledge. A story that
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: The Story of Big Jim by: Rick Beneteau The power went out. Again! I looked out my second story office window and knew exactly why. I could hear the sounds throughout the morning. This crew of 4 men and 3 bucket trucks
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: What's Simple? by: Angie Dixon If you walk up to a stranger in the grocery store and ask them to define “simple,†as in “simple life,†they’ll probably say something like “having less
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: Happy Talk and 3 Simple Secrets to Happiness by: Peter Murphy What is the one thing you want more than anything else for the people you love the most? If you had a magic wand what would you grant your family and friends?
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: A Simple Idea from a Billionaire by: Tony Papajohn It’s simple and powerful. The philosophy of successful people is often easy to understand. The more I look at how successful people got that way, the more
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: 5 Easy Steps To Replacing Your Golf Grips by: John Bolt Replacing your golf grips is like servicing your car; you must do it on a very routine basis to keep them in top working order. We suggest changing your grips at
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: The Happy Tinkerer - Making Homemade Devices For The Fun Of It by: Alan Detwiler I've always liked to make gadgets and gizmos that have some function, either useful or not so useful. It started with the simple things
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: Baby Clothes - Daywear, Nightwear And Special by: Roy Thomsitt When choosing and buying baby clothes, parents can be faced with many choices that, in the baby's younger days, can seem quite confusing. Striking a balance
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: How To Deal With Toddler Temper Tantrums by: Jackie G. Maxwell It's one of the few things your child can do that will make your cringe. A high-pitched, eardrum shattering, teeth grinding scream that goes on and on and
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: Simple Business Tactics Are Your Key To Success by: Cathy Qazalbash In a world full of complications sometimes we overlook the simple things in life. We are so busy trying to work out our twisted problems that we miss
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: Word of Mouth Marketing by: Michael Southon 'Word of Mouth' is still one of the most effective marketing techniques, online or offline. Joe arrives at your website and he likes it. In fact, he'd like to tell Fred about
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: Do You Have More Time Than Money by: Laurie Meade Do You Have More Free Time Than Money? Are You Determined to Make a Living from Home Working Online? Many of you are looking for free information.You want easy ways
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: What Good Is An AutoResponder? by: Richard Lowe, Jr. A term that confuses just about everyone is "autoresponder". When I mention that to friends or associates, they almost always reply with a blank stare, a "what the
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: Yanik Silver Asked Some Questions That Peaked My Curiosity by: Jason Blackston It's so simple! I wish I'd discovered it a year ago! There are a few marketers that stand out from the crowd. One of the hippest guy's on
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: The Jigsaw Virus by: Gary Durkin Stay with me on this, the ‘penny may drop’ about half-way into the article! Target - in very general terms, this article is targeted at anyone involved in business, whether
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: The “secret weapon†of successful web marketing is… by: Liz Micik Impulse shopping in the checkout lane may be what drives grocery store profits, but chances are it doesn't do a thing for your business.
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: Nine Simple eBay Selling Hints by: Terry Gibbs Some of these eBay hints will save you money, others will result in higher prices. Either way, these will help you run more profitable eBay auctions. 1. Write a simple description
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: Web Design: Keep it Simple by: David Mahler Introduction Your website is a direct reflection of your business. By implementing the following technical and practical tips you can make your website more user-friendly. Simple
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: Simple Website Design for High Rankings : A Legitimate Home Business Idea by: Alexandra DeBoer I began my adventure as an at home web designer almost three years ago, and today feel very pleased with the outcome. I started
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: Internet Marketers: How To Solve Any Problem In Three Minutes Flat by: Rick Miller Being an Internet entrepreneur running your own business comes with a whole list of problems: How do I get my sales page to convert?
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: Get All the Traffic You Need With Blogs and RSS Feeds by: Craig Desorcy Are you a small businessman setting up a brand new website to advertise your products? Maybe you already have an active website, but desire to make
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: How to put your offer in front of enough people to make money on the net by: Christopher Kyalo Whatever it is that you are selling online, there is a simple truth. You will need to get your offer in front of enough people
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: Why Should I Use Blogs and RSS Feeds? by: Craig Desorcy Blogs and RSS feeds are great marketing tools! Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably scratching your head and saying, “Wonderful, but what
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: Arrgh. . .Those Stupid Internet Marketing Cliches Are True! by: Isaiah Hull If you have read any internet marketing resource ever created, you have no doubt seen simple, one sentence, pot-shot solutions to all of your
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: Don't Use Web Audio The Wrong Way... by: Nick James Have you ever wrestled with a set of instructions, but then got so frustrated with it all that you threw them aside in a fluster and tried to figure out how to do it…
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: Why Do Market Gurus Exploit This? by: Emma Okafor Why do market gurus exploit this? Regardless of what you’re trying to sell, you can’t sell it without your prospective buyers. And selling through mail successfully
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: 7 Simple Steps To Profit Without Your Own Product by: Clifford Mee Most people do not succeed on the internet because they are selling products no one desperately wants. If you want to be truly successful sell only
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: How to Get Started Blogging in 5 Minutes or Less by: Linda Bruton I put off starting a blog for a long time because I thought it would be hard. I thought it would be technical. I thought I'd have to install scripts and
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: A Quick and Simple Tip for Gaining Customers by: V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D. In the course of my career, I’ve had to deal with a lot of vendors—software companies, sensor manufacturers, electronics distributors
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: Low-Cost Marketing With Postcards by: Bob Leduc Here's a simple way you can generate lots of sales leads ...or traffic to your web site. Use postcards. They're highly effective and very low-cost. Plus, postcards provide
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: The Most Powerful Marketing Weapon Ever Invented by: Christopher Kyalo It was probably first discovered out there in the caves or wherever else the history of mankind begun. And yet this weapon has been used so sparingly
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: How To Rescue Your Graphic Design Project When All Else Fails by: Dali Bahat Whether you're giving a critical sales presentation to a client, producing visuals for a meeting, event, trade show or seminar, or unveiling
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: Using A Simple Idea to Target Your Audience by: Kellie Marzolf A wonderfully easy and free concept that many people seem to overlook during their online marketing career is the survey. If you are looking for programs
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: Keep Sales Simple by: Jay Conners For those of us working in the exciting world of sales, we are all too familiar with the pressures of meeting our daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals. This pressure can sometimes
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: Logo Design Facts by: Vukan Karadzic What makes one logo better than another? Simplicity. A good logo works in the simplest form. It is a memorable representation of your brand and inspires confidence in your customers.
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: Simple Lines and Shapes For Your Logo Design by: Granny's Mettle Geometric designs come in all shapes and sizes… and lines. You can create your logo design or customize your illustration by using simple lines and
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: Branding your products is important by: Marsha Maung I was chatting with a couple of friends, all of us are either copy writers or graphic designers…or both….in the advertising industry, so, naturally, our
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: 4 Dynamic Marketing Tactics by: Bob Leduc Some of the simplest marketing tactics often produce the most profitable results. Here are 4 examples that have proven highly effective for any business. 1. Focus on Your Best
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: Lawsuit Anatomy by: Frederick Graves, Esq. Anatomy of a Lawsuit Learning the anatomy of civil lawsuits is as easy as spelling "CAT". Complaint - Answer - Trial It's as simple as that! Master this simple truth and
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: Making Homemade Gizmos For Fun - Inexpensive And Rewarding Projects by: Alan Detwiler Making simple, homemade devices is fun for any young person who likes to tinker and build. The build-it-yourself enthusiast will get
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: Create A Table Centerpiece That Works For Most Dinner Parties- by: Joanie Williams You can create a lovely but simple and inexpensive table arrangement that will work for almost any dinner party at your house. First,
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: Bathroom Interior Design by: Allan Wilson Any advice or guide on the interior design of a bathroom should be based around one simple concept: keep it simple. Rooms inside of a home should have functional aspects, and
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: Rustic Accessories the New Buzz in Home Decor by: ARA Content (ARA) - As the cooler seasons draw closer, thoughts and activities drift slowly from the outdoors to the inside, and the annual human version of hibernation
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: Decorating Your Home: 5 Style Tips that Cost Less than by: Julie Dana Do you dream of adding style to your home but don’t have a lot of money? Don’t despair! There are 5 things you can do that will help
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: How To Paint Your Own Artwork - And Save Money by: Catherine Calder Everyone wants to save money. Don't you? Well, painting your own, color matched art can be a lot easier than you might think! Usually the picture that
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: Quick And Easy Bathroom Decor Changes by: Duane Jones Are you tired of the way your bathroom looks? Don't feel bad, a lot of folks are in the same boat. The bathroom is one room in the home that can look drab and run
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: Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance by: Wallace J. Conway Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather
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: Working With Leather by: Francis Burdett-Mills This can be as simple & basic Or advanced & professional. There are many books, booklets, pamphlets, reprints, even articles describing how to assemble a simple article
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: Managing Cravings with EFT by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP There are several ways to manage cravings including: Attempting to simply stop eating the food you crave (out of sight out of mind). Modifying your eating habits
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: Stop Taking Blood Pressure Medications with your Doctor's Approval by: Doug Grant I have been swallowing three varieties of blood pressure pills for 10 years. In another month, I expect to be off of them entirely. And
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: Healthy Eating Made Simple by: Dr. Jamie Fettig The confusion about eating healthy and dieting will now be cleared up, all in one easy sentence. Are you ready? Everyone is different. What is healthy for one person is
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: Does Your Body Know Its ABC's?? by: Lori Wilton What are Glyconutritionals? The Greek word "Glyco" means "Sugar". Most people think of sugar as being bad for you. However, there are actually TWO kinds of sugars. One
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: Introduction To Ayurveda by: Janet Male Natural Health just about sums it up! Good health should be natural. Drug companies are relying on us to increase their business. Don't let them get a look in! Look after your birthright,
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: Weight Loss Magic Pills by: HSF Vitamins "While there are no real magic pills, shortcuts or hidden-secrets to dropping excess fat, I've found that there are a few simple things you should remember that can help a lot." While
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: How to Have a Dream Wedding on a Budget by: Rachel Greenberg No one wants to pay more than they have to for anything, especially something as costly as a wedding. And if you’re like me, and you had to foot your
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: Find Joy in Your Photos Again - Simple Steps to Regain Control by: Christine Sutton Photographs are intended to bring us joy. Instead most people feel anything but joy when it comes to their photographs. Most people feel
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: Spice Up Your Room With Incense Burners by: Johann Erickson When you think of incense burners, you probably think of the most common ash catcher style, a flat piece of wood with simple drilled holes to hold the incense.
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: Email Communication by: Dennis Lim Gartner estimates that half of the 5.5 trillion emails sent in 2001 was business related. Email has already taken over as the businesses’ main communication channel. What most
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: Classifieds with Localized Shopping by: Michael Medeiros The Mjmls Classifieds, http://www.mjmls.com, received a modest improvement, with the utilization of a new GoLocalâ„¢ Feature. After several months of, “Beta-Testing,â€
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: Coping With Information Overload by: Jim Edwards It's been said that the average New York Times Sunday edition contains more information than a person in 15th century England was exposed to during their entire lifetime.
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: Get PHP pages indexed in the Search engines by: Michael Medeiros A simple method to convert files from Php to Html Extensions, on an Apache Server Most will agree Php has become the common language for creating dynamic
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: Elements of Web Hosting by: Daniel Punch When you first start out trying to get a site on the Internet everything seems so confusing. Obtuse acronyms flow freely through the 'Beginner Friendly' information sites and definitions
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: Free Content for Individuals by: Ron Tower Free content added to Web pages using an HTML fragment is usually intended for Web sites. But why can't individuals also use it? It will be useful for them as well as promoting
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: Shared RSS - Syndication for the Rest of Us by: Andrew J. Morris RSS Syndication or RSS Newsfeeds (RSS Feeds for short) all refer to the same thing. There are two parts to the process, the publisher, and the consumer.
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: ‘Bad Blogs Have Got To Go, Blogging Could Be Really Cool If Done Properly, Maybe Even With A Pinch Of Love.’ by: M6.net There’s a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don’t entice
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: Keep Your Software Simple! A Review of EditPlus by: Kempton Smith I like my software simple. If it's too complex or difficult to figure out, I don't use it. For example, I have tried a lot of different programs for creating
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: The Most Simple Way to Mask Your Email-address by: Rogel Dias We all know that spammers are looking for your email-address. You can mislead them easily in order to prevent receiving spamming emails. The most simple way
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: How To Create Your Logo (Part 2) by: Granny's Mett;e When deciding the logo that best describe your company and business, there are many choices to consider. Whether you choose to use text or symbols, or both, it's how
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: The Importance of Timely Timesheets by: Mark Nemtsas Whether you are a small consultancy firm, a medium sized accountancy practice, or a code warrior for hire in a back room of your house then you have at least one thing
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