Tag: Pages
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: Evolution of Books by: Padrone Delibri A Book is anything that is in written, printed, or blank pages format fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. In other words, a book is a collection of leaves
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: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Is Critical To The Success Of Your Website by: Sharifah Hardie Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to the success of your website, Drive Visitors To Your Website And Increase
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: Keywords, Competition and Being Number One- Uncovering the Algorithm by: John Krycek By following these steps you will see that most closely guarded secret-- the search algorithm. Remember the movie "the Matrix?" The
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: Website Imperatives and Solutions by: Richard Keir When you take a look at the most visited sites on the internet, what hits you in the face? Change, growth, new content. In a sense, a search engine is the perfect web
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: FineBrowser – your multibrowsing experience by: Max Maglias Convenience is something people constantly seek. That applies to everything – apparel, vehicles, and everyday working conditions. In search of
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: Search Engine Optimization and Submission Facts by: A.M. Wilmont Bringing potential customers to your business website is an ongoing task, not a single decisive event. First you need to ensure that your pages are adequately
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: There Is Hidden a 'Successful Formula' In Everything by: Karl Smith Although many say that things change on the net, still what worked before keeps working. Let me give you an example: If you have a PC and you do not
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: Develop a Solid Website Presence by: Michael J Medeiros Starting an internet business can be confusing. The internet is the new world of business and research. It’s significantly different then launching a conventional
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: Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author by: Lisa Maliga My story is that an author who’d done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to
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: What is PageRank? by: Matt Colyer What is Pagerank? - Pagerank is based on how many links to one website. PageRank is a value that represents how important a page is on the web. Robots or Spiders figures that when one
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: What to avoid to make your website design effective? by: Veselin Andreev Andreev The effective design is this one, which is maximum simplified, conformable to your users because they are your main purpose. This one, simply
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: Top 10 Web Design Mistakes by: Lisa Irby As a webmaster, you want to keep your visitors content so they’ll come back again. Below you will find ten common mistakes made by webmasters that may deter people from
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: How To Get Profits From Your '404 Page Not Found' File by: Radhika Venkata "'Page Not Found' on this Server. Check the URL and try again. Or Refresh the page..." This is the annoying error that we will come across every
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: Reasons Why You Should Have A Weblogger Installed On Your Web Site by: Radhika Venkata I don't know about you, but when I built my first web site three years back I don't know anything about the webloggers. One day when
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: Free Online Tools to Design (and Maintain) Your Website by: Susan Gross These days, it seems that everyone has a website. Unfortunately, many of these websites are either bland, or sloppily designed by people who don't
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: Metrics Matter! by: Philippa Gamse Recently, I talked with a speaker about her "extremely successful" Website. She based this opinion on the fact that she was selling several e-books every day and generating "some calls".
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: 50 Surefire Web Design Tips by: Mario Sanchez Tips to brand your website Include your logo in all pages. Position it at the top left or each page. Complement your logo with a tagline or catchy sentence that summarizes
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: Designing Professional Web Pages by: Joanne Glasspoole If your Web site doesn't project a professional and polished image to your visitors, your credibility and that of your products and services will suffer. Image is
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: The Art Of Link Exchange by: Oleg Lazarenko Before you start reading this article I must warn you - everything that was written here is my own experience in link exchange. This article should not be referred to as official
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: How To Write An Effective FAQ Page by: David Coyne Websites that have multiple pages usually have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)page. There are several good reasons why you should have one. An FAQ clears out
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: 3 Website Positioning Tactics Guaranteed to Boost Your Traffic by: Michael Turner There are many tactics you can use to increase traffic to your website. However, three particularly effective suggestions include search
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: Creating Data-driven pages in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX by: Kay Zetkin With the Macromedia’s release of the new version of Dreamweaver, the Dreamweaver MX 2004, creating data – driven pages have several
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: How to Create a Useful, Popular Website by: Michael LaRocca In this free email course, I'll tell you everything I know about setting up your website and placing it highly in the search engines. Everything I tell you will
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: Website Basics by: Tasneem Rangoonwala The Basics You have a flourishing business – everything is in its place. You just miss one important piece of marketing: an Internet Presence a website. Like everything in
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: Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked by: Subhendu Sen If you have multiple sites or multiple directories in your site for different subjects and you have placed Adsense codes in
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: 8 Ways to Build a Really Bad Web Site for Search Engines by: Gareth Davies Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the
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: 10 Prominent Website Mistakes by: Maricon Williams Nowadays, sites are getting better. With minimal design and highly maintained archives they continue to offer comprehensive services. However, prominent mistakes on several
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: Creating Personal Web Sites by: Ashish Jain This is a two-part article about creating a web site on the web and the tools that you need to do that. During the last decade we have truly entered the information age. More
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: How You Pay More for Unused Web Space and Traffic by: Subhendu Sen "2GB web space with 50GB traffic for .95 per month!" A luring ad—definitely. In fact this ad makes many small business owners feel cheated
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: Create and Deploy a Website From Start To Finish! by: Brock Coffee Need a website for small business, church, sports team, or community but don’t know where to start? Don’t have the time or maybe even the
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: Sitemaps 101 - Back To SEO School by: Niall Roche Sitemaps are without doubt one of the most often ignored and undervalued aspects of search engine optimization. You've probably spent a huge amount of time working on
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: How to Create an Enjoyable Web Page Design by: Lala C. Ballatan Novice and professional designers alike – you may probably be skilled enough of any one or all of the techniques in creating a Web page and designing
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: Keep Your Navigation Consistent! by: Jamie Kiley One of the single most important aspects of effective navigation is consistency. Why? There's a simple reason. Visitors want familiarity. They are more comfortable and
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: The Google Sandbox Explained by: Alan Cole Introduction The Google Sandbox is a metaphorical term to explain why most new websites have very poor rankings in Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). Very few people
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: The 8 Most Important Website Design Principles by: Brian Basson Building an Innovative and Effective Website, by making full use of available technologies, is crucial for the future success of your current or future online
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: Monitoring Website Availability by: Pete Prestipino Monitoring Server Uptime to Avoid Revenue Reduction Monitoring your website's uptime is imperative to the success of your online endeavors. Why? While it's important
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: How Much Bandwidth Does Your Web Site Need? by: Marc Eberhart One of the most common concerns people have when deciding to host a web site is figuring out how much bandwidth they’ll need. Get too little bandwidth
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: Web Sites Share Your Dream With The World by: Terry Nicholls With over 16 million web sites on the Internet, how do you get your home-based business's site noticed? There is much to discuss when it comes to web sites,
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: The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility Part 1: Increased Usability by: Trenton Moss Web accessibility has so many benefits that I really do wonder why such a large number of websites have such diabolically bad accessibility.
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: How Web Design Can Affect Search Engine Rankings by: John Metzler Uniquely built web sites can create unique issues when promoting your site on the search engines. From a basic 3 page brochure site, to a corporate site
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: Score BIG With The Search Engines - Maximising Your Site's Potential by: Steve Ashton I often get asked, "How do I improve my site's performance in the search engine's." or "I have a small budget, how can I compete with
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: Forums – Should you have them on your website? by: Anne Moss Forums have become a common feature in many websites. With good free scripts available, and paid scripts being relatively cheap, it seems that every
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: Web page building for beginners 4 by: Ted Dupuie Page ranking by search engines such as Google are not only overrated but unusually explained by “experts†in the SEO field. SEO stands for search engine optimization
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: Web page building for beginners 3 by: Ted Dupuie An inexperienced website builder must understand that free web hosting is a great way to get more than one site up and running quickly, and that www.articlecity.com is
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: Web page building for beginners 2 by: Ted Dupuie A search engine robot actually reads the wording on your web pages and places a certain amount of importance on what the content says, but not quite like a human does.
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: Web page buiding for beginners 1 by: Ted Dupuie Making a web page is a simple job that can be done in minutes by anyone with no previous experience, so I will refrain from going in that direction as much as possible.
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: Why Dot-Coms Fail - a Webmaster's Perspective by: Daniel Bazac Everyday we hear that another company goes out of business. When and why does a dot-com become a dot-bomb? After checking few dozen defunct companies,
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: Web usability: The basics by: Trenton Moss What is web usability & why is it important? Web usability is about making your website in such a way that your site users can find what they're looking for quickly and efficiently.
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: Web Accessibility: The Basics by: Trenton Moss What is web accessibility & why is it important? Web accessibility is about making your website accessible to all Internet users (both disabled and non-disabled), regardless
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: Be Creative before you Purchase or Create a Website by: Charles Nixon III Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds on having it done by anyone else you
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: Get FASTER Download Times By Making BIGGER Web Pages! by: Michael Hopkins As a webmaster you already know how important it is that your web pages download fast. In a nutshell, if your pages are slow, then you're losing
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: ASP Web Hosting by: M6.net ASP web hosting refers to web hosting companies who provide support for ASP (Active Server Page). If you want a dynamic data-driven web site you may wish to embed ASP code into your web site’s
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: If Content is King, then surely Relevance is Queen! by: Jason Hulott There has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing in the search engine world of late and there are lots of conspiracy theories as to why these things happen. It
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: Dreamweaver vs FrontPage by: Oleg Lazarenko There are two major WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) editors available for beginners. These are: Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. So the question is which
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: Flash - To Use Or No To Use? by: Oleg Lazarenko Out there in the WWW there are thousands sites using flash for their needs. But the majority sites are not in this list. Let's summaries some facts about flash using on YOUR
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: Beautiful Web Sites Seldom Make More Sales by: Vishal P. Rao Designing an E-commerce Web site is not as simple as having a "pretty" site that is a pleasure to visit. While it is important to have an attractive site, as
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: Optimizing for Visitors not Search Engines by: Michael Medeiros Most people feel that optimizing is to target the search engines alone. In my opinion, this is not the only case. Optimization requires a balance of traffic
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: Images: How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages? by: Radhika Venkata 1. Use .gifs rather than .jpgs. GIFs are smaller in size when compared to JPGs. 2. Use 'Height' and 'Width' tags for your images. So while page
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: Effective Web Design by: Tasneem Rangoonwala D.zigns dzignerwebs The Basics Before starting on how to design a website effectively, how about clearing some basic web design concepts? Designing Effectively Now that
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: Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site by: Sushanth Bastawade Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site - What's required to get started All of us knowingly or unknowingly, use a standard decision making process
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: Website Design Basic Concepts by: Kim Eyer So, what's in a website design anyway? And, how do you get a design that is appealing to the broad and varied tastes of all those Internet surfers out there? This is critical.
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: 16 Tips For Preventing Passport Problems by: William Manor Carelessness is the number one reason for a passport application being rejected or delayed or for a passport being lost, stolen, or damaged. What steps are necessary
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: 16 Tips to Prevent Passport Problems by: William Manor Carelessness is the number one reason for a passport application being rejected or delayed or for a passport being lost, stolen, or damaged. What steps are necessary
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: FFA/Reversed Marketing by: Thomas Grodem Have you ever submitted your ad to an FFA page? most likely you have. Did you get any results from it or did you just get a ton of emails in your inbox? FFA pages are gaining
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: Site Maps: Let Search Engines Find Your Pages by: Mario Sanchez With 40 million websites in existence, and more than 3 billion web pages indexed by Google at the time of this writing (July 2003), it’s no wonder
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: You Have More Web Sites Than You Think You Have: The Importance of Deep Submission by: Donald Nelson If I ask you how many web sites do you have? You may say “One, yes it is www.mycompany.com “ or “two” in case
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: Paid URL Inclusion by: Zaak O'Conan There are many ways to promote your website and one of the most efficient ways is to use search engines. Search engines are the first stop for most people trying to find information,
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: Links Exchange – a Hazardous Business? by: Per Dindorp Most off us want our beautifully crafted web sites to do well in the search-engine ratings, - perhaps even to make it to the first few pages in Google, - which
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: Become An Instant SEO Forum Expert! by: Brad Callen Today I'm going to try something different. For quite some time now I've noticed that the same questions have been asked over and over again in search engine forums.
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: Get Better Search Engine Rankings with RSS by: Satyajeet Hattangadi RSS is the latest craze in online publishing. But what exactly is RSS? RSS or Rich Site Syndication is a file format similar to XML, and is used by
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: 1 Simple SEO Strategy To Get More Visitors To Your Site From Google by: Jean Lam Did you know that you can dramatically increase the number of visitors that come to your site on a daily basis from Google? And it's not
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: Website Promotion: 10 Search Engine Optimization Blunders to Avoid by: Michael Murray If you want to develop a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, go out of your way to avoid blunders that limit search
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: Using Mirror Pages Effectively by: Willie Crawford Thought I would share with you a very effective technique for adding new customers to your mailing list. These are individuals who would not otherwise discover your products
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: Search Engine Submissions Made Easy! by: Robin Nobles One area of search engine marketing that has changed dramatically over the years is submissions. Submitting to the search engines used to be so complicated, with having
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: The 3 Essential Components of a Search Engine Optimization Campaign by: Matt Hockin Everyday, the Search Engines average 300 MILLION searches. In a recent Forrester Research report 81% of consumers on the Internet find
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: Google PageRank Explained by: Tony Zhu Google PageRank has always been a controvertial issue among us webmasters. There seems to be many questions floating around with suggests that many people are not familier with how
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: Tons of Top 10 Rankings Guaranteed by: John Gergye Okay I admit it. I was kidding. I can't guarantee top 10 search engine rankings any more than the next guy. But hold on. Before you click away in disgust I believe I've
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: Keyword Targeting Strategy In Your Site by: Vikas Malhotra Once the keywords have been decided for the site one has to come up with a strategy to target those keywords across the site. Here is a primer on that. Keywords
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: Profitable Content by: Syd Johnson You can create profitable content in 2 hours or less Everyone knows that the best way to get a high ranking on the search engines is to create a lot of keyword rich content. You can
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: Search Engine Secrets by: Syd Johnson 1. Search engines read your pages from the top down. So, you want to use your critical keywords at least once in the first paragraph on each web page. Then you can use it once in
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: Keep Your Web Site Content Relevant by: John Metzler Visitors and search engines love content-rich web sites, but just having a lot of content on your web site is not enough. It all has to be relevant to a main topic
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: Do Not Drop Your Web Site Off the Search Engine Cliff by: Kimberly Krause Berg If you've been feeling like Tom Cruise climbing up the side of some remote jagged mountain in the blazing hot sun and concerned you're facing
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: An Ethical Alternative to "Doorway Pages" by: Scott Smigler Definition: A doorway page is content created specifically for the purpose of garnering high placements in the search engines. Issue: Google makes the following
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: Finding and Managing Quality Reciprocal Links: A Tutorial for The Newbie by: Sandi Moses All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and is a very cost-effective way to provide
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: How to Get 50 High PR One Way Links Each Month by: John Gergye It's easy. So easy it's almost criminal. But I can get one-way high PR links whenever I want. How? Come closer. Let me whisper in your ear. It involves
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: The Top 10 Most Ludicrous Things You Can Do on Your Web Site by: Courtney Heard We have a running joke in our office that one day we’ll load a page and it will say “You have reached the end of the World Wide
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: A Look at GRSeo Software... Search Engine Optimizer by: Robin Nobles Are you having problems achieving top rankings with your Web pages? Are you interested in learning what to do with your Web site to boost your chances
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: Website Promotional Consideration by: Michael J Medeiros Promoting a Website is becoming tough. For many, problems are seen at the beginning, when attempting to register a domain name. Once a satisfactory domain name
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: Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 5: Internal Linking by: Dave Davies Welcome to part five in this search engine positioning series. Last week we discussed the importance of content optimization. In part five
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: Linking for Fun and Profit by: Steve Pronger Well actually, linking isn't fun at all. In fact, it's quite tedious. Seeking, responding to requests and adding links takes time and effort. But, if you're not actively building
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: Double listings at Google by: David Leonhardt Have you ever searched for something on Google and noticed that a website has a double listing – a main listing and a second listing indented – and wondered
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: Avoid Search Engine Blacklisting by: Kevin Kantola The best way to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines is to avoid using some questionable techniques that were once popular to gain high rankings. Even if your
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: Google Ban - How not to get banned by Google! by: James Leckie Given that Google now provides over 75% of all Internet search traffic, the last possible thing any site owner would want is to be banned from the Google index! With
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: Size Does Matter! by: Matt Colyer In this article we will be looking at why you should keep your web page size small. As any good webmaster knows you should keep the web page size small, but why? It's really simple, both
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: What If You Don't Want Your Pages To Be Crawled and Cached by: Jerry Yu Some website owners have pages that they want to hide from general public. The pages meet the following criteria: Only accessible by trusted users
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: The Road to Better Results by: Shawn Campbell A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo
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: Search Engine Crawlers and Dynamic Web Pages by: Jerry Yu There are misunderstandings and confusions in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world in regard to search engines indexing of dynamic web pages. It has been
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: Traffic Building - Understanding the basics by: James Leckie So, you've spent hundreds of thousands on a state-of-the-art website. Your client is happy, and your hard work has paid off. The site goes live and the telesales
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: How to Make Your Site Attractive to Potential Link Partners by: TC Thron Every now and then, I receive a link exchange request from someone who wants a link from my directory (my high-ranking directory directly accessible
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: How To Find Relevant Web Sites For Link Exchanges by: Sandi Moses If you’ve been on the internet very long at all, you know that one of the very best and certainly cheapest ways of making your web site known is
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