Tag: Book
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: The Secret Source of Clear Content by: Susan Raab You can do anything in four easy steps! An outrageous claim, no? But I can prove it. Because you're doing it now. Imagine your laundry basket. What are you going to
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: 7 Keys to Writing a Children’s Book that Sells Like Hotcakes by: Caterina Christakos There are seven fundamental reasons that some books succeed and others collect dust on the author’s bookshelf. These seven
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: How to Find a Publisher for Your First Book by: Gary R. Hess Finding a publisher can be very strenuous. In fact, it may even be harder than actually writing the book itself. There are three things to remember when finding
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: Evolution of Books by: Padrone Delibri A Book is anything that is in written, printed, or blank pages format fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. In other words, a book is a collection of leaves
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: Finish Your Book Already! by: Tom Antion I owe the completion and success of my book to a big cardboard box that saw me through the entire process. I found this box and filled it with any and all information I could find
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: Menopause and Anxiety by: Cathy Taylor The mid-life phenomenon known as menopause and the stresses of anxiety go hand in hand. Panic attacks, rushes of energy, burning in the chest, unusual vibrations throughout the body,
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: Hate the Abuser, not the Abused! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Abuse is the most horrible attempt at power that I have ever researched! This is why: The shame that is felt by an abused person is so deep that it takes years
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: Simple Indulgences for September by: Susie Cortright As the kids go back to school, you can go back to *you*...your schedule, your friends, your goals. Here are ten simple indulgences to celebrate this season. 1. Invite
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: Tips For First-Timers To Las Vegas by: Dave Kitt When visiting Las Vegas for the first time it can be quite overwhelming. The following tips can help you enjoy your vacation and relieve unwanted stress. Before You Leave
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: Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses by: Andrew Wroblewski Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Each
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: Website Imperatives and Solutions by: Richard Keir When you take a look at the most visited sites on the internet, what hits you in the face? Change, growth, new content. In a sense, a search engine is the perfect web
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: Top Seven Ways to Write An Order-Pulling Sales Letter by: Judy Cullins Ready to put your Web pages up? Ready to sell a lot more products and services? If you're not getting the sales, you want you may want to think "makeover."
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: Top Ten Getting Started Tips to Market your Book and Business by: Judy Cullins Want to sell a lot more books? Want clients calling every day to find out more about your service? Most emerging businesses forget the #1
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: The Magic Three Ingredients for Web Marketing by: Judy Cullins Who doesn't want more web traffic (targeted traffic) to come to your site to eventually buy your product or service? Maybe you are a newbie or non-techie
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: Google’s Book Scanning and Copyright Laws by: Richard A. Chapo As you may know, Google is making an effort to scan every book in the world. The goal is to create a giant online database of every book that can be
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: What is a Comic Book Price Guide? by: Dave Gieber A comic book price guide is a great tool for determining what your comic books are estimated to be worth in the market today. The going worth of individual comic books
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: Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12 by: Tami Close Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn’t it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep
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: Celebrating Life with Children in September by: Susie Cortright Here are ten simple pleasures you can enjoy with your children this month. 1. Ask your child to read a book to you. Younger children can look at the pictures
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: The Charlotte Mason Method Increases The Effectiveness Of A Home School Reading Program by: Brent Sitton When it comes to home schooling, parents need all of the resources they can muster. Designing curricula, scheduling
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: Best-Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak Everyone says, “Some day I'm going to write a book,†but few actually do. So congratulations on a noteworthy achievement! Now that you're holding your book in your
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: Ten Tips Articles by: Tom Antion “Ten Tips†articles are the easiest piece to write because they are made up of only an introductory paragraph, your Ten Tips, and a conclusion. Print editors love these because
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: Best Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak You finally did it. You got that book written and published. But if you want to make sure your new baby is launched happily into the world, your work has just begun. Now, it's
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: How To Produce The PERFECT Viral Ebook by: Harvey Segal Viral marketing is probably the number one method for generating traffic and sales - IF it is set up properly. Take the case of a viral ebook - which means a
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: The Proper Use of Comic Book Supplies will help you Maintain a Top-Notch Collection by: Dave Gieber If you want to keep your comic book collection in tiptop shape, comic book supplies will become part of your collecting
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: The Charlotte Mason Method Increases the Effectiveness of a Home School Reading Program by: Brent Sitton When it comes to home schooling, parents need all of the resources they can muster. Designing curricula, scheduling
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: A Quick Guide to ISBNs for Self-Publishers by: Jennifer Tribe A Quick Guide to ISBNs for Self-Publishers ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a code assigned to every published book that uniquely
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: Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Seller? by: Dawn Josephson Everyone has a unique story to tell. From explaining business processes to revealing our personal history, we all have a natural desire to share our experiences
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: Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention by: Annette Gisby So,m you've had your book published or you've gone the self-published route, but what do you do now? You contact a newspaper, radio or television
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: Ready, Set, Go Sell Your Book In The Real World! by: Mary Holzrichter We hear a lot these days about more books actually being sold 'outside' the traditional bookstore. Think about it. When was the last time you actually
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: Write your eBook Fast--First Steps to Finishing Line by: Judy Cullins Why write an eBook? You want ongoing, lifelong multiple streams of income. You want to raise your credibility and trust ratings with clients or customers.
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: Overcome Writers Block with Snake Dancing by: Judy Cullins Writers block! Even columnist Dave Berry has it. He admits that at least 30 times a day when writing his humor column, he gets up from his computer to sip his Pepsi
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: Format Each eBook Chapter Before you Write It by: Judy Cullins Do you have a problem creating a focus in your chapters? Does your writing slip around, leaving a muddy path to the gold--your unique, useful message? Format
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: The Untold Secrets of Writing Best Selling Children's Books by: Caterina Christakos Ever wondered how the most successful children's book writers get their ideas? The answer may surprise you. Most children's books are
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: How to Write an Ebook by: Zaak OConan The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks.
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: Steps to Publishing Success by: Zaak O'Conan Even if your best friend owns a top publishing company, giving you an immediate "in," this does not guarantee publishing success. First, you have to write a quality book
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: Your First Step To A Digital Publishing Empire by: Markku Saastamoinen The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That's why you have to break
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: 7 Vital Book Promotion Tips by: Lea Toland As a literary publicist I often am asked about publicity tips, tricks, and the magic behind my work. It’s not magic. All you need to know are the basics and from there
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: The High Cost of a Six-Figure Book Advance by: Sallie Goetsch The six-figure book advance, like the New York Times bestseller, is the object of many a writer’s fantasy. Whether it’s also a realistic goal
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: Best Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak You finally did it. You got that book written and published. But if you want to make sure your new baby is launched happily into the world, your work has just begun. Now, it's
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: Write For Yourself First by: Roy E. Klienwachter It would be very selfless or noble of me to tell you that I have created my web site only to help you and the rest of humanity. The reason for me spending so much time
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: How New Authors Can Keep Their Manuscripts Coherent by: Marvin D. Cloud In large publishing houses, many manuscripts penned by first-time authors, never make it past the "first reader" who for all practical purposes is
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: Your Book Marketing Plan - Winning Strategies and Tips by: Ink Tree Ltd. Many authors hit a roadblock when it comes to putting together and implementing a book marketing plan. You know you need to have one, you have a
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: I'm A Romance Novel Hero! by: Ed Williams Before we get started here, let me tell y’all that what you’re about to read is the absolute truth. The absolute, unvarnished truth. I swear it on every one of my
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: Publishing and Promoting of Poetry anthologies and chapbooks by: Rose DesRochers So you have always dreamed of having your poetry published? Why not self-publish it or go with a pod publisher? Poetry is something perfect
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: Understanding The First Rule Of Writing—Before You Start The Great Bestselling Book by: Marvin D. Cloud Chaos and confusion come when established rules and procedures are not followed. Even mixing and matching
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: Marketing for Writers When Writing Just Isn't Enough by: Caterina Christakos Many writers write for the experience. Others dream of having a number one best seller. Both are wonderful reasons for writing. What many fail
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: Book Marketing 101 by: Jeremy M. Hoover Francine Silverman. Book Marketing from A-Z (InfinityPublishing.com, 2005). Trade paperback. 400 pages. .95 US. For beginning authors, book promotion is the key to success.
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: Five Secrets of Winning Book Proposals by: Melissa A Rosati Working in the publishing industry comes with a high expectation, especially from complete strangers. After the causal ‘hello’ progresses to ‘what
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: Learn to Write Like a Pro by: Caterina Christakos Many writers write for the experience. Others dream of having a number one best seller. Both are wonderful reasons for writing. What many fail to realize is that these
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: What’s Wrong With The Internet? It Must Be Broken! by: Caren A Adams After months of scouring the internet, I could not put my hands on the 2 million links various search engines said were available to do my book
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: The Great, Okay and the Ugly of E-Publishing by: Shalla de Guzman SHALLA CHATS with author Tina Gerow about: “The Great, Okay and the Ugly of E-Publishing†Who’s Tina? Tina Gerow has great passion
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: A Good Book Cover Design is Key by: Laura Hickey Marketing your Book cover, Spine and Information. Whether you've written your book or are just starting out, having an eye catching cover is a must. Did you know that
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: From Book Notes to Book Reports by: Nick Smith Writing papers and book reports has long been the bane of high school and college students’ existence. It seems that no matter how hard you work to stay caught up,
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: The Lecture Experience: Part I by: Feather Schwartz Foster During the past year or so, I have done nearly a hundred talks about my book, “LADIES: A Conjecture of Personalities.†It’s about the First
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: Writing From The Edge: Trembling Your Way to Publication by: Jill Nagle A few nights ago in the final class of the third incarnation of the Book Proposal Boot Camp, we reviewed parts of one author’s proposal and
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: Taming The Book Proposal by: Jill Nagle Oh, that most maddening of documents! For so many of us eager to move forward with our nonfiction projects, it looms large like a guard at the queen’s castle, blocking the
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: Platform Development Tip #1: Switch Writing Hats! by: Jill Nagle Platform-Building Tip #1: Switch Writing Hats! Around eighty percent of nonfiction books today are written by “experts,†that is people who
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: How to Come Up with Fresh Story Ideas by: Caterina Christakos How to Come Up with Fresh Story Ideas When Your Well has Been Tapped Dry When I face the desolate impossibility of writing 500 pages, a sick sense of
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: Quick Proof Reading Can Lead to a Costly Mistake by: Laura Hickey If you know of anyone writing that likes to hear others experiences from authors, please share this and include the byline. One Isn't Enough When it Comes
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: A "Plan 9" Book? by: Ed Williams Sometimes, when you do a little writing like I do, you get tipped off as to what upcoming books and authors are really gonna be hot. And folks, I’ve got a book title and an author’s
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: Hooked On Books? Write A Book Review For Your Target Audience by: Bonnie Jo Davis If you are burned out with writing how-to articles to promote your business then consider writing a book review. I recommend you write
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: Cookbook Publishing - The Basic Ingredients and the Secrets to Success by: Denise Hamilton You are about to embark on the most exciting enterprise of your life -- publishing a cook book! You will soon learn that writing
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: Who Wants to Be An Internet Guru? I Do? Do YOU? by: Laurie Meade The Internet Gurus. What do they do? How do they get so rich? What do they have in common? Are these the questions going through your mind when
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: Why You Don't Write Your Book by: Suzanne Falter-Barns In the ten years that I've taught people how to get on with their books and creative projects, I've noticed a phenomenon that I'll call "Author's Block." Would-be
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: Give Your Readers A Sample by: Jean Fritz Manufacturers of food products are masters at marketing. When they launch a new product, they hire crews of merchandisers to pass out samples and coupons during peak grocery shopping
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: Bad Book Review Blues by: Laura Hickey When you get a bad book review You've just been notified a review of your book has been posted. You're all excited and can't wait to see what has been written. You're clicking onto
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: The Lecture Experience: Part I by: Feather Schwartz Foster During the past year or so, I have done nearly a hundred talks about my book, “LADIES: A Conjecture of Personalities.†It’s about the First
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: Tips for First Time Authors : 2 Easy Steps to Make Your First Book a Success by: Kim Dushinski Congratulations on writing your first book. That is quite an accomplishment. Many people dream of writing a book, but you
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: A Few Brief Tips for Dealing with Rejection by: Laura Hickey What to do when you get rejected. You've just finished your book, sent out query letters and was rejected. What's left to do? You could give up, but I wouldn't
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: PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites by: Eddie Bruce I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain,
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: Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author by: Lisa Maliga My story is that an author who’d done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to
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: "Manuscripts Wanted" - Questions You Should Ask The Publisher Before You Sign by: Vic Peters There are days when I feel as if everyone I know is a writer, and that they are all looking for the same thing, to be heard.
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: You Can Be An Author by: Crystal Paine “You should write a book.†For years, I had been hearing this comment. Writing an entire book seemed completely overwhelming, and so, for a long time, I contented myself
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: Slow Pokes: Short Story On The Changing World Of Writing by: Jesse S. Somer “No one will ever know who I am, I’m a nobody-writer from nowhere… I’ve had a thousand rejections from all the major
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: What I've Learned From My Subscribers by: FRANCINE SILVERMAN As editor/publisher of Book Promotion Newsletter, I am fortunate in having an eclectic group of subscribers who number in the thousands. The ezine is interactive
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: Why Self-Publish Your Book? by: Ceci Miller When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who’s definitely the right person to write that book, right away I’ll often encourage him or her to self-publish.
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: Why Do We Publish? by: Michael LaRocca A major "character" in Mark Salzman's first autobiography is his father. Sometimes his father paints. But his father hates painting. He likes it when his painting is done. He likes
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: Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 2 by: Judy Cullins Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. One professional coach said she was not a natural writer.
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: How To Tell If You Are A Literary Snob by: David Leonhardt "I don't know if I should put 'writer' on my business card," I murmured. "Then don't," my wife said in her infinite wisdom. "Put 'author' on it." "But if I
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: Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. One professional coach said she was not a natural writer.
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: The Top 10 Secrets of Successful Authors by: Judy Cullins If you are not a successful author yet, incorporate the following ten secrets: 1. Treat your book as a business. You spend many hours creating a masterpiece
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: Self Publishing Success Starts With Marketing by: Jean Fritz Self-publishing is not for the faint of heart. The publication process is lengthy, involves a considerable number of detailed, administrative tasks and can
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: Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? by: John Colanzi Writing has traditionally been considered a solitary craft. You wrote you article or book in seclusion. You submitted it to an editor or publisher and prayed
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: 8 Advantages to Writing a Book as an Entrepreneur by: Denise Hamilton As an aspiring or an established entrepreneur, you are an expert in something, but does the rest of the world know? You have a wealth of information,
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: Top 10 Ways to Know your Book Concept will Sell--Before you Invest Time and Money by: Judy Cullins Make your book stand out from the crowd! Test your book's significance, find your market before you write, and treat your
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: Becoming the Total Package by: Jenna Glatzer Being a great writer is no longer enough if you plan to score a big publishing deal, especially as a nonfiction author. Particularly if your book idea falls into the how-to
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: The Top 10 Secrets of Successful Authors by: Judy Cullins If you are not a successful author yet, incorporate the following 10 Secrets: 1. Treat your book as a business. You spend many hours creating a masterpiece to
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: Top 10 Ways to Know your Book Concept will Sell--Before you Invest Time and Money by: Judy Cullins Make your book stand out from the crowd! Test your book's significance, find your market before you write, and treat your
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: Writing Made Them Rich #1: JK Rowling by: Michael Southon Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury, England in 1965. She began writing at the age of 6 with a story called 'Rabbit', which she never finished.
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: The Top Five Writing Mistakes Professionals Make by: Judy Cullins Yes, you know your subject. You also need to think about entertaining your audience, and making your book or other writing easy to read. If your writing
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: Take Baby Steps In Your Writing To Yield A Book by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ The thought of writing a book is usually daunting for many writers. After all, how and where do you begin writing a book that's anywhere from
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: Titles (and Subtitles) Sell Books! by: Joni Hamilton Does a title really sell a book? The short answer is, yes. If a book does not attract a reader initially, it will be overlooked and not purchased. The book title is
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: Write For Yourself First by: Roy E. Klienwachter It would be very selfless or noble of me to tell you that I have created my web site only to help you and the rest of humanity. The reason for me spending so much time and
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: What's in a Name? Giving Birth to your Characters by: Celise Downs So you’ve got your plot outlined, a title lined up and the research is done. You’re ready to start writing your novel. But wait. Now comes
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: How To Promote A Book by: Nithya K Nowadays it’s no longer a matter of whether or not an author should promote his or her book, but how aggressively one should go about it. The sad truth is that publishers often fail
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: You're Published! Now How Do You Tell The Readers? by: Michael LaRocca The first thing you must do is quit thinking like a writer and start thinking like a reader. That shouldn't be a problem, because you are one. If you
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: About Writing by: Michael LaRocca In this free email course, I'll tell you everything I know about improving your writing, publishing it electronically and in print, and promoting it after the sale. Two questions you
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: Four Easy Ways to Get a Book Written (Especially If You Don't Like to Write) by: Michelle McGee-Jones Becoming an author is probably a lot easier than you think. It’s time to get that book out of your head and
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: The Pros and Cons of Print on Demand Publishing by: Victoria Ring When I was five years old, my parents bought me a manual typewriter for a Christmas present. I practiced every day until I was able to type letters to
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: Writing Tips For Novice Authors by: Patty Apostolides If you are reading this article then you probably have asked yourself at some point in your life, "Do I have what it takes to become an author?" I believe that successful
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