Tag: School
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: One Year In An Amazing Continent by: Maarten De Boeck On Sunday December 15th 2002, I set off on a journey. It would become my first real journey in my life. I was leaving my home, my town, my country, my continent, crossing
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: Organizing Ideas To Make This A Great Year For Your Child by: Kerry Flinders It’s that time of year again. The kids are back in school, or are about to be. Parents are writing checks for PE clothes and school supplies.
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: How I Met My Angel by: Saleem Rana Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual “how to†article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. When I was just
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: Make Your Child's First Days of School Memorable by: Patricia Twitchell Do you have a child or grandchild getting ready to start the school year? If yes, you are in a position to make the experience a great one. The
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: School Disco Classics - Reliving Your Youth With Retro Concerts by: Robin Richmond Looking back school disco’s were the epitome of uncool. People tended to fall into two different categories; those who were clearly
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: The Charlotte Mason Method Increases The Effectiveness Of A Home School Reading Program by: Brent Sitton When it comes to home schooling, parents need all of the resources they can muster. Designing curricula, scheduling
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: School Bullying Stopped: Don't Be Fooled by the Smoke Screen! by: Paula McCoach School bullies are manipulators. They are masters at confusing students as well as adults. But with these masters of manipulation, we
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: Parental Involvement In Learning by: Brent Sitton Whether children attend public or private schools, they benefit when parents become involved in their education. According to the National Institute for Literacy, when
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: Some Things Not Learned In School by: Florie Lyn Masarate Since most people and companies now ate turning to computers and showing off their crafts online, the probability is that many others would want to have one for
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: Help! My Child Won't Go To School by: Dr. Noel Swanson "My nine-year old daughter has started to dread going to school. She always has a head or tummy ache, and ends up missing two or three days a week. When I tell her
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: Back to School-Advice by: Patricia Garza It's back to school time.... Do you have everything you need to start the year off right? Confidence is key to success! For those first time jitters help welcome your pre-school
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: More Water, Not Less, Will Help End Bedwetting by: Graham Jones Children are notoriously bad at drinking enough liquids. They are so busy playing they sometimes 'forget' to drink. Sometimes, children seem like camels
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: Spelling Success for Back to School by: Kayla Fay Back to school. Whether you approach this time of year with anticipation or dread, it’s about to happen. Your child will have new teachers and classes, different
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: It's Not My Fault....Whose Responsibility Is It Anyway? by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore It amazes me, how often during a week, I hear "It's not my fault, it's not my responsibility". It seems that in today's society no one
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: Pros and Cons of School Uniforms by: Isaac Grauke We have worked with schools across the United States, and believe us, you are not the only person asking this question! The answers that we have heard from our customers
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: Scholarships For Single Mothers by: Kelly Kennedy Are you a single mother in debt trying to make your way through school hoping to attain a better education so you can support your family? If so you should consider applying
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: The Charlotte Mason Method Increases the Effectiveness of a Home School Reading Program by: Brent Sitton When it comes to home schooling, parents need all of the resources they can muster. Designing curricula, scheduling
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: Boost Your Education And Life With An Online Degree by: David Birgelli Obtaining an online bachelors degree can be a swift and easy way to further your career,prospects and life in general. But before you enroll, there
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: 6 Steps to a Remarkable Reapplication by: Linda Abraham OK. You didn't get accepted at any of the schools you applied to. What should you do now? Deal. Get over it. And consider what you’re going to do next year.
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: 5 Keys to Unlock the Waitlist Lock by: Linda Abraham Being wait-listed is tough, and you need the right set of keys to open the door to your dream program. The truth is that even with these keys, it's still not guaranteed
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: Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – It’s no use coming up with a theme and not using it. Short stories are about a character or characters and about one situation
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: The Way of Light by: Remko de Knikker - Caprio The Netherlands is a country known for its religious, ideological and ethnical tolerance. But what is perhaps less known is that it is also a country religiously divided
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: 5 Ways to Entertain Your Kids When They're Off School but Your Home Business is Open by: Megan Corwin 1. Put in a DVD/video. What is it about children that they can watch the same movie over and over again? Take advantage
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: Five Easy Ways To Bring Family Time Into Your Day; Balancing Work And Family Stresses by: BZ Riger-Hull The pace of life seems to quicken every year. More and more time is spent rushing from job to after school activities
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: ThinkExist.com revisits Carson McCullers by: Mark A. Lugris MADRID – Sixty-four years after it was originally published, Carson McCullers’ first novel “The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter†is still a
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: The Joys of Being Healthy by: Kay Kopit It is amazing to be able to say I am a whole, happy, healthy, loving woman. I was sick for the first 40 years of my life. Like millions of other human beings I grew up immersed
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: Carnival in Rio by: Jason Blynn Considered one of the most awe-inspiring and grandiose spectacles in all the world, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the marvelous city, is a feast for the eyes as well as the ears. For five
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: Living Like A Native In Morelia, Mexico by: David Wix The beautiful, rustic, old, colonial city of Morelia is situated about halfway in between Guadalajara and Mexico City and has a thriving population of around 1,000,000
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: Does Your School Teach You How to Achieve Financial Freedom? by: Augustine Wu Study hard, get good grades and you will have a bright future! I am pretty sure many of you have been brainwashed by your teachers with this
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: Benefits To Having An Education by: Ryan McKenzie If you look back to the 70s and 80s, many people were able to get by without even having a high school diploma. You could get a labor job and make an hour without
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: Evil, Hostile Grumpy Listeners? Think Again by: Melissa Mayers Lewis I hated Kyle Sisk*. A notorious bully, Kyle punctuated my grade school years with misery. He would tease me about my weight, purposely rattle me with
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: So You Want To Be a Nurse When You Grow Up? by: Pat Wooten You're interested in becoming a nurse. How do you get into the field? First of all, you need to assess your basic interest. Why do you want to get into nursing?
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: Jeopardy: For Entertainment and Education by: Diana Clarke Just about everyone has had to take a pop quiz at school to test one's knowledge in science or in another subject. But why would anyone want to do it for fun? “Americans
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: Teacher's Pet by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 20, 2003 I am 32 and a mom with two children. I've pretty much been single for two years. My problem is I found myself falling for
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: Your Big Yellow Bus by: Deborah Martin The big yellow school bus is coming down my road again. The neighborhood kids seem happy. The dogs are not. The kids are no longer around during the day and Jersey is going to drop
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: One Last Month to Make it Count! by: Marta Dodd Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your
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: Earn A High School Diploma Online And Improve Your Chances In Life. by: Terry McDermott With all the emphasis on a college degree, the fact that a high school diploma normally precedes entry into a college or university
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: Does size matter? by: David Leonhardt Bigger is better. Isn't that the American dream? Why buy a road-hogging, critter-squishing, bumper-defying, wall-of-metal SUV when you have the delicious option of buying a BIGGER
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: Thankfulness by: Barbara White When in 1996 a local Secondary School opened, the staff decided to create a tradition to prepare Christmas Hampers for those in need. Each advisory class (of around 18 students G9-12) would
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: 1 Step You Should Take to Alleviate Anxiety When Meeting Women by: Joanne King Has a similar scenario like this one ever happened to you before? You’ve met a pretty lady on a matcher maker website and you’ve
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: Would You Rather Be Wealthy? by: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD Would you rather be wealthy or poverty-stricken? Not a difficult question to answer, is it? How do you think your thoughts impact on your financial state? Just
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: SPIDER JONES: Heavyweight Champion of Inspiration by: Mike Parker Young Charles ‘Spider’ Jones was a boy with a dream. He wanted to be like his idol, Alan Freed, the disc jockey credited with coining the
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: Make your dream a reality this year by: Kenia Morales Do you have a dream you would like to accomplish? Whoever you are, I am pretty sure your answer is yes. Okay, now I am going to give you the secret to turn your
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: How to Choose Your Ideal Career by: Skye Thomas They say that most people do complete and total career changes at least once often twice in their lifetimes. Very few people chose the ideal perfect career for themselves
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: The Bouncer (Turning Defeat into Victory) by: Gary E. Anderson From Spider’s Night on the Boom Gary Anderson www.abciowa.com I'm a pretty competitive guy, though I try to keep it in perspective. But there
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: Wake-Up Call by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 7, 2002 In the first half of May, I went through two remarkable changes. One was physical and the other involved emotional recall. The
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: A Turning Point by: Grace V. Planas 19 years ago, I was a young working mother at 28, independent and working for a prestigious company, until circumstances made me choose between family and career. After going through
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: Ten Great Careers That Don’t Require A Four Year Degree. by: Max Stein One of the great myths associated with the “American Dream†is that you need to have a four-year college degree to be successful.
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: Learn to Kayak on the West Coast by: Monica Marty Do you live on or near the West coast? Have you decided to try kayaking and feel you are in need of lessons? Or are you a veteran kayaker looking for a pulse racing adventure
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: Fishing for Blue Fish by: Todd Lehr Bluefish (Potatomus salatrix) is a tenacious saltwater fish that provides some of the best angling thrills on light tackle. They are mainly thought of as an Eastern United States fish,
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: How Has Eminem Risen to the Top? by: Jeff Schuman II How is it that a little white boy from Kansas City has become the most well known rapper in the world? Starting from nothing and eventually moving up to a multi-millionaire,
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: Family Night on a Budget! by: Cyndi Roberts When you and your family are on a tight budget, sometimes one of the first things to be cut out is money for entertainment. When our 3 children were small, my husband and
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: Tips For Parents On How To Deal With Bullying by: News Canada (NC)—Bullying behaviour may seem rather insignificant compared to the trouble that some kids can get into. Many dismiss it as just another part of "growing
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: How To Stop Bullying by: News Canada (NC)—According to Family Services Canada, approximately 12% of children are bullies. Additional research confirms that bullying occurs frequently: once every seven minutes on
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: Homeschooling — Is It Worth It? by: Joel Turtel Suppose that you rearrange your life to homeschool your child and the experiment fails? You may feel that you’ve disrupted your life and wasted a year of your
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: Why Allowances for Back to School? by: Eileen & Jon Gallo What do good schools and well thought out allowances have in common? Both teach your child a vitally important life skill: reflective thinking. Kids are naturally
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: Study Skills - How Can YOU Help Your Kids? by: Frank McGinty Some years ago when touring the Scottish Highlands, a man I met said something that's stuck with me ever since. He was elderly, yet was still working away
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: Home And School Education - Your Kids Can Benefit From Both! by: Frank McGinty Once, as a Learning Support Teacher, I made my way down to the annexe that housed the school's History Department. The annexe was about
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: Teaching Kids to Value Books and Reading by: Connie Leyendi Joys and Importance of Reading Recent research indicates that seventy percent of high school graduates are unable to read at the twelfth grade level. In
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: From Children's Stories to Study Skills: Help Your Children Succeed in School by: Barbara Freedman-De Vito Introduction As a parent who wants the best for your children, there are undoubtedly many things that you already
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: What Can We Do To Reduce Bullying? by: News Canada (NC)-According to Family Services Canada, approximately 12% of children are bullies. Additional research confirms that bullying occurs frequently: once every seven minutes
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: Tips For Parents On How To Deal With Bullying by: News Canada Often a serious problem for kids (NC)-Bullying behaviour may seem rather insignificant compared to the trouble that some kids can get into. In fact, it is
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: Motivation... The Key to Your Child's Educational Success by: GranMamma For the first year or two of life outside the womb, our brains are in the most impressionable state they will ever be in. A baby’s brain is
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: Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature? by: Susan du Plessis “There is nothing new under the sun,” states Ecclesiastes 1:9. This is certainly true of the nature-nurture debate, the modern name for the ageless argument
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: 5 Ways to Profit From No Child Left Behind (NCLB) by: Detra D. Davis The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (No Child Left Behind) is designed to reform and improve student achievement and change the culture of America’s
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: A New School Year by: Kimberly Chastain Depending on where you live school will be starting this month or next month. A new school year is usually exciting and scary at the same time. Most children won’t admit
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: Clean Slates and Fresh Starts by: Patricia Gatto Hope, excitement and anxiety all wrapped up in fresh haircuts and new clothes. Pens, pencils and notebooks, the smell of a new box of crayons and a brand new book; it
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: Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared? by: Patricia Gatto As the flurry of Back to School activities subside, parents are left to ponder more pressing issues than notebooks, backpacks, and sneakers. Will my child
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: The "B" Word by: Jacquie McTaggart Former students would probably attest to the fact that few things tried my patience as much as did the statement, “This is boring!†As I reflect back on my many years in
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: Saving Money on Preschool: Readiness Skills Needed for Kindergarten by: Michelle Jones As a mom of 4 who's youngest child is about to start Kindergarten this Fall, I'd like to share with you some things I've learned about
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: Writing College Admissions Essays that Take First Place--A Personal Statement Checklist by: Roxanne McDonald Congratulations on your move toward a college degree. And congratulations on seeking support for writing your
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: Must Manners be Taught? by: Jacquie McTaggart PLEASE answer the following questions honestly. (Go ahead – you won’t be graded.) Does your child… Greet you with something other than a grunt in
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: Are You Frustrated You Have Not Been Able to Stop the Bullies? by: Paula McCoach You are frustrated as a professional! You have given these bully victims all of your best techniques, and they are still being bullied.
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: Principalship: Leading Change in Schools by: Dr. Alvin Chan -The L.E.A.D.E.R. Way INTRODUCTION In June 1997,the Prime Minister of Singapore unveiled the Government’s vision of ‘Thinking Schools, Learning
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: Kick Start Your Mentor Program and Stop the Bullies! by: Pau;a McCoach Whining about bullying and how rotten the bullies were and the poor students that they bullied used to be one of my regular activities. "We have
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: Bully Victims Need a Healthy Relationship with an Adult by: Paula McCoach "Boys will be boys" and "Girls just do that" is what we hear from so many people. As a kid myself, I remember getting teased and no one came
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: Ten Careers For High School Seniors Who Hate School by: Max Stein Let’s face it…not everybody likes going to school and high school can be a terrible experience for many students. Whether you’re the
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: Back to School Feng Shui by: Kathryn Weber How Rearranging Your Child’s Room Can Make Better Study Habits This Year Every school year parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect
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: 13 Ways to Spend Time with your Teenage Daughter by: Rachel Paxton The older my daughter gets the more it's sinking in that I don't have much time left to spend with her! She's turning 16 in a couple of months, and I know
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: ThinkExist.com opens new online shop by: Mark Lugris MADRID – ThinkExist.com, the top-rated quotations search engine known for its unique interactive features and wealth of quotes, has opened its new online shop
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: The Rep by: Keith D Commiskey As a young girl, while growing up in Junior High, if you show that you are too eager to be with boys, or even a certain boy, you will, sooner or later, be seen as "desperate". Come High School,
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: War Declared On Instant Messenger: How to Stop Your Child from Wasting Their Life Away Online by: Christopher Pizzo M.Ed. Hey Parents! I hate to tell you, but there is no such thing as “useful instant messagingâ€.
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: School Bullying Stopped: 5 Ways to Zap Bullies with the Facts! by: Paula McCoach So, there is a bully that you just can’t catch! You have been trying for years and no luck! Well, I have learned with good documentation,
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: School Bullying Stopped: 5 Ways to Have a Pupil Services Meeting that Works! by: Paula McCoach You have had so many meetings on these bullies, but none of them ever seem to be effective. You waste time and energy, and
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: Secondary School Learning by: Jane Fulton Not only does the internet provide research for everyday school work, students can also find useful material to help prepare them for college. Some sites allow you to look
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: School Bullying Stopped with the Cops by: Paula McCoach Some of our hardcore bullies have Probation Officers. Our school administrators and counselors use these P.O.s to help us help the bullies. We get in touch with
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: The Last Day of 'Who Cares?' by: Skye Thomas Yesterday was the last day of ‘Who Cares?’ for my oldest child. Today is his first day of high school. From now on, his choices will have a long-term effect
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: Leadership Tips For Students by: Colin Ong TS Today’s youth are living with an explosion of technological advances especially in the area of the internet, mobile applications and multi-player gaming. This increases
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: PLUS Loans – it's never too late to subsidize your child’s education cost by: Vanessa McHooley PLUS Loans – it's never too late to subsidize your child’s education cost Rising. Soaring. Skyrocketing.
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: College Debt – How To Avoid It, and How To Get Out Of It by: Vanessa McHooley Because most college students are using loans to finance their college education, the debt level of recent graduates is rising rapidly.
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: Making Space for Sacred Space by: Stephanie Yeh When you read a great inspirational book, prayer, or article, don't you think to yourself, "What a great idea! I should do more daily rituals, prayer, meditation."? It always
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: Getting Kids Moving - Help for Overweight Teens by: Kathryn Martyn I recently read about a residential school program for overweight teens with a hefty price tag in excess of ,000 per month. Whew, that should sweat
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: Final Exams And Allergies Don'T Add Up by: News Canada (NC)-It's that time of year again. Students cramming to prepare for their annual final exams. For the one in five students who suffer from seasonal allergies this
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: An ADD Case Study: When the Pace Picks Up, Learn to Slow Down by: ADD Management Coach Jennifer Koretsky The fall season signals a shift in most people's minds. The summer is coming to a close, and it's back to school,
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: What Should You Look For In A Massage Therapy School? by: Peter Faber If you are considering engaging in a great career in massage therapy, let me compliment you on your selection. Massage is one of the few careers which
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: Addressing Hearing Loss With Your Loved Ones by: Max Stein As the holidays near, many of us will be surrounded by family and friends – some who we haven’t seen for some time. As we reminisce and update
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: Suicide: In Memory by: Kay Kopit Debra was radiant in her scarlet dress wrapped tautly over her swollen belly. Proudly she gave each guest a tour of the nursery, decorated in yellows and greens with love and care, as
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: Snack Ideas for Kids That Won't Wreck Mom's Diet by: Kim Beardsmore If you are a mom at home on a diet, you will probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with
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: Bartending School by: Kenzie Thompson Finding a Bartending School will be the first step towards a rewarding career! Bartenders at popular nightclubs can make as much as 0 per shift - which can add up to more then
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: Why Culinary Education by: Emma White If you are thinking about a career in culinary arts then studying in a culinary school is a must. You may be a great cook but you will never become expert learning culinary arts yourself.
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