Tag: Education
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: My Advice on Your Report Writing So you got an assignment - to write a book report. And here you are sitting in front of your computer and staring at the monitor. Don't panic, because report writing can be a lot of fun. Where
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: Discover More About The Importance of Early Childhood Education by: Steve Bishop Were you or your children ready for Kindergarten at the age of five years old? Most students pass the physical, emotional, and academic
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: Your Guide To Museums, Galleries, Theaters by: Dakota Caudilla Visiting museums, galleries and theaters can give one a new perspective and outlook in life. Looking at artistic pictures, paintings, artifacts, sculptures
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: Software for Organizing and Automating Students by: Doug Wille The student writing at the university level is typically a four-phase cycle, A professor issues a set of instructions for a writing assignment, A student
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: Attaining an Online College Degree by: Jay Moncliff There are a lot of people out there who just don't have the time to go to a college campus for an education. This can be for many reasons, such as work, finding a babysitter,
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: Comparing Costs: eLearning vs Traditional by: Michele Webb It is important for managers and organizations to consider a number of different factors when determing the best training delivery approach for their staff or
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: How Do I Write a Research Paper? by: Michael Pollick Writing a research paper can be difficult and time-consuming, but here are some guides and tips on how to help manage your time efficiently. Can there be anything
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: School Bullying Stopped: Don't Be Fooled by the Smoke Screen! by: Paula McCoach School bullies are manipulators. They are masters at confusing students as well as adults. But with these masters of manipulation, we
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: E-Learning Management Training Asia by: EMT Asian businesses are always looking for effective ways to train their managers. Their needs range from time management, sales management, distance management and trying to achieve
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: How Distance and Open Learning has Changed my Life by: Emma Jones When I was approached to write a piece on open and distance learning education, I came up with this piece. After reading it through, I have come to the
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: Bogus Online Degrees by: Shaan Randow There will always be con artists, people trying to make a buck on the shady side of the street. They prey on the unsuspecting and the ill-informed. Every year thousands of Americans
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: A New Way To Learn: Online by: Samuel Murray Many of the most universities in the country are realizing that no everyone can attend regular classes to obtain a college education. As a result almost all of them offer distance
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: Distance Learning Online by: Rod O People are busier than ever, but still have the desire to improve their lifestyle with a better job. Many times the only way to get a better job is to begin or continue with education
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: Writing Better Essays - The Easy Way by: Dr. Mike Cooper Term Paper Help from the Bullshipper What's happening with your college term papers and essays? Unfortunately, that's a question that a lot of student's cannot
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: Online Associate Degrees by: Mark Freeman If you have not completed any college or university education after high school and are thinking about getting an online degree, one of your best options may to be to consider
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: Real Online Degree vs Diploma Mill Scam by: Frank Larner Figuring out the reasons people want to get an online degree is simple. Online colleges are ten times more convenient then attending a campus school with a fixed
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: Parental Involvement In Learning by: Brent Sitton Whether children attend public or private schools, they benefit when parents become involved in their education. According to the National Institute for Literacy, when
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: Finding The Right Online Degree Program For You by: Tim Henry You have done all of your research and know the online degree programs that you like. Now you are down to a choice between three university distance learning
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: Are You A Good Candidate For Distance Learning? by: Shaan Randow If you have the self-determination and drive to listen well and study harder then you can learn in a live university or an online school. But some people
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: Online Associate Degrees by: Mark Freeman If you have not completed any college or university education after high school and are thinking about getting an online degree, one of your best options may to be to consider
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: Home Study: What Life-enhancing Skill do You Learn? by: Ian McAllister Home Study: What Life-enhancing Skill do You Learn? You're already doing unofficial home study when you research a project online. Study in class
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: Calendar Teaching Tips by: Freda J. Glatt, MS Stop! Don't throw away those old calendars! There is so much you can do with a calendar to reinforce academic skills. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Writing - Use the pictures
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: Successful College Study Habits by: Mark Freeman College can be tough for anyone. With the Internet, cable television, gaming opportunities everywhere, cell phones – wow, it’s difficult to put life on hold
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: Financing A College Education by: Kelly Gillis So your teenager has decided to go to college. You've hoped for this day. You sweated through 12 years of school with your child, and have been an active participant in his/her
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: Student Loan: Do Not Postpone Your Education by: Estito Eravol Student Loan: Do Not Postpone Your Education It is not easy to become a professional in America. Unless you are independently wealthy or qualify for a scholarship,
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: Academic Studies Abroad Expands Study Abroad Options in Barcelona by: Lee Frankel Academic Studies Abroad, a leader in affordable study abroad programs, has signed an agreement with Griffith College Dublin to offer American
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: How Distance Learning Offers Flexible Opportunities by: John Tipton The opportunities for continuing education are incredibly diverse, thanks to the technology of distance learning and elearning. Because of the sheer
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: Do You Know These Reasons Why Distance Learning Is Fun ?" by: John Tipton Distance learning and elearning are usually linked with furthering an education. The technology of distance learning, along with the opportunities
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: When the Teacher Becomes the Student by: Joseph Martin A relationship expert once said that during an argument, there’s usually three sides to every story: his side, her side, and of course, the truth. This is
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: Paying for College by: Joyce Dutton College Payments Paying for college is one of the largest expenses a parent will face in their lifetime, other than paying for a house. Because of this, care needs to be taken as
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: Pros and Cons of School Uniforms by: Isaac Grauke We have worked with schools across the United States, and believe us, you are not the only person asking this question! The answers that we have heard from our customers
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: How To Spice Up Your Lecture Notes For Better Grades by: Elise Royal When taking notes on a lecture, there are two extremes that present themselves -- to take exceedingly full notes, or to take almost no notes. One can
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: Scholarships For Single Mothers by: Kelly Kennedy Are you a single mother in debt trying to make your way through school hoping to attain a better education so you can support your family? If so you should consider applying
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: Characteristic Of A Gifted Child by: Mary Joyce Since it is widely agreed upon in the educational and child development communities that early recognition of the characteristics of a gifted child, is a key factory in
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: Parenting A Gifted Child by: Mary Joyce When it comes parenting a gifted child, there are a number of considerations. Probably the most common, is the fact that, as a parent you just are uncertain as to how to respond
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: Reading Activity For 2nd Grade by: Mary Joyce As you think about or look at a reading activity for 2nd grade keep in mind that about the 2nd grade reading level is an area of reading transition for the young reader. As
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: The Charlotte Mason Method Increases the Effectiveness of a Home School Reading Program by: Brent Sitton When it comes to home schooling, parents need all of the resources they can muster. Designing curricula, scheduling
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: Boost Your Education And Life With An Online Degree by: David Birgelli Obtaining an online bachelors degree can be a swift and easy way to further your career,prospects and life in general. But before you enroll, there
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: Free Money For College by: Vanessa McHooley What if someone came up to you and offered you 00 to attend college? Or after college, what if someone called you and asked if you wanted a couple thousand dollars to pay
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: Parent PLUS Loans by: Vanessa McHooley Do you have good credit that you would like to put towards the further education of your child? Is your child planning on becoming a student at an American college or university?
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: Federal PLUS Loans by: Vanessa McHooley Federal PLUS Loans As a student entering college, it is very unlikely that you have a few spare checks lying around that you can cash and magically use to pay for college. Most
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: Federal Student Loans versus Private Student Loans – which is best for me? by: Vanessa McHooley Federal Student Loans versus Private Student Loans – which is best for me? You have gotten all the grants
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: Parent Loans or Student Loans – what is going to be best for my child? by: Vanessa McHooley At least 20% of college students need some type of loan to help pay for their college education. Such a statistic can
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: The Way of Light by: Remko de Knikker - Caprio The Netherlands is a country known for its religious, ideological and ethnical tolerance. But what is perhaps less known is that it is also a country religiously divided
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: Women in Transition From Post Feminism to Past Femininity by: Dr. Sam Vaknin "[In]... the brothels off Wenceslas Square, in central Prague, [where] sexual intercourse can be bought for USD 25 - about half the price charged
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: E-Book on Russian Women (Part 2) by: Annas Agency® Russian women in Society RW have for a long time been competing to gain equal status in Russia. Although I think competing is the wrong word. I think most women have
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: Education Leads To A Healthier And Happier Life by: Ryan McKenzie Do you feel you lead a healthy and happy life? If you answered yes, chances are you have received some sort of college or post secondary (post high school)
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: Setting Time Aside For Studying And Homework by: Ryan Mckenzie When trying to achieve a quality education, everybody knows that studying and completing your homework is absolutely imperative in order to be successful.
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: Fitting An Education Into A Busy Lifestyle by: Ryan Mckenzie Fitting an education into a busy lifestyle Many people have aspirations to get an education for many reasons. Better jobs, more money and social recognition
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: Benefits To Having An Education by: Ryan McKenzie If you look back to the 70s and 80s, many people were able to get by without even having a high school diploma. You could get a labor job and make an hour without
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: Fight Terror, With Education by: Christopher R Branam A War on Terrorism? Conventional war being brought on an unconventional enemy is ineffective out of date. Building these countries up to a certain level of stability,
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: How to Price Invaluable Holistic Services by: Melissa Quiter One of the most often asked questions I get from holistic professionals is, “What should I be charging?†The cloud of uncertainty around pricing
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: The Key to Online College Classes - Have it Your Way by: Gerald Maccoux Never before has online education been more esteemed than today. In most circles online learning is haled as a viable alternative to traditional
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: How to Give Yourself a Raise with an Online College Degree by: Gerald Maccoux If you look around you, it doesn't take long before you can begin to notice others around you engaging in some kind of self improvement activity.
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: In Defence of Moralizing High Technology by: Stephen Ainsah-Mensah Modern societies are more and more becoming technical. The revolution in computer usage is a major contributor to this state of affairs. But this technicality
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: Make your dream a reality this year by: Kenia Morales Do you have a dream you would like to accomplish? Whoever you are, I am pretty sure your answer is yes. Okay, now I am going to give you the secret to turn your
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: Why Do You Want a Degree? by: Ryan Mckenzie There are many reasons people seek degrees in today’s day and age. As a grown adult, it may seem like an unrealistic goal, but it is achievable. You may be sick of
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: Why Employers Want an Employee with a Degree by: Ryan McKenzie You wake up in the morning, head to work, and find out your company is downsizing and you are being laid off. No big deal you think, you have experience,
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: Get Creativity? by: Simon Mitchell Creativity is central to the management of our individual lives, but in modern times few people are able to access this as a resource. Alan Watts writes in The Wisdom of Insecurity: "We
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: How to become a Dental Assistant by: Max Stein Becoming a dental assistant offers one of the fastest educational paths to entering the rapidly expanding healthcare field. Dental Assistant Job Description Dental assistants
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: Ten healthcare fields that can't wait to hire you. by: Max Stein Healthcare is one of the hottest career fields in America today. The aging and retiring of the largest population segment in the country, known as “baby
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: When Should You Update Your Job Skills? by: Max Stein With the U.S. economy still slumping and unemployment numbers barely moving forward, many workers may be considering what their employment future could be like if
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: Poker Scalping by: Darren Power I'm not sure if Poker Scalping is a recognised term for what I'm about to explain, but for me it sums up a strategy used by a lot of professional gamblers. That strategy in a nutshell
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: Poverty in America: Over 35 million living below the poverty line by: Ofer Shoshani The problem of poverty in America comes as a surprise. How can a wealthy nation experience poverty? Though the rate of poverty is lower
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: Homeschooling — Is It Worth It? by: Joel Turtel Suppose that you rearrange your life to homeschool your child and the experiment fails? You may feel that you’ve disrupted your life and wasted a year of your
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: Parents — The No Child Left Behind Law Won’t Do Much For Your Child by: Joel Turtel Past experience with federal education programs predicts that the No Child Left Behind act (NCLB) will also fail parents
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: Home And School Education - Your Kids Can Benefit From Both! by: Frank McGinty Once, as a Learning Support Teacher, I made my way down to the annexe that housed the school's History Department. The annexe was about
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: Child Education by: Brigitte Meier The initial state of happiness about an own child is often overcome with annoyance after even a short period of time. Children quickly grow an own personality, and it's the most vital
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: Achievements Outweigh Education and Experience by: Tim Knox QUESTION: When it comes to succeeding in business, which is more important: education or experience? -- Regina M. ANSWER: Regina, have you seen the television
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: Selling Yourself to Reach Online Success by: Brian Moore Usually, success in an online business depends upon selling outstanding products or representing really good affiliate plans. But just as important in getting people
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: The Upgrading Power of Internet Marketing by: Mira Marsellia In an age when the number of overly financially distressed people increasing enormously, many people become extremely or very concerned about good financial
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: A College Loan Will Finance Your Education! by: Mike Yeager A college loan has given people all over the United States a chance to further their education, even if they are not making a lot of money. Education loans can
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: Radical Education by: Tushar Jain Radical education – issue of emancipation The technique of educating a rock, and that of educating a moral soul is analogous – for it is never vital what all is taught,
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: I Hope You Are Responsible by: Olabisi(DJ) Where is Yesterday? Really where did it go? I mean.............. How can 24hrs just disappear? Awareness, Education and Responsibility. One of the best ways that i have found
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: Distance Learning Defined by: Jennifer Pattern The Definitive Explanation Distance learning is a term which encompasses all learning that takes place at locations remote from the point of instruction. It is an option
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: Scholarship Search – How to find free money for college by: Vanessa McHooley College students receive billions of dollars in scholarship money every year. How can you get some of this money to fund your college
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: Why Student Loans Are Better Than Credit Cards by: Vanessa McHooley You need some more money for college expenses this semester. Do you whip out a credit card to pay for your books, or do you apply for a federal or private
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: Financial Aid - when should I apply for? by: Vanessa McHooley Many different types of financial aid are available to you in the form of scholarships, grants, and loans. With billions of dollars at stake, it is important
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: PLUS Loans – it's never too late to subsidize your child’s education cost by: Vanessa McHooley PLUS Loans – it's never too late to subsidize your child’s education cost Rising. Soaring. Skyrocketing.
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: College Debt – How To Avoid It, and How To Get Out Of It by: Vanessa McHooley Because most college students are using loans to finance their college education, the debt level of recent graduates is rising rapidly.
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: Considerations in Distance Education for the Medical Assistant Instructor by: Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century.
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: Inadequate Sex Awareness Poses Adolescent Health Risk by: Billy I Ahmed It is not uncommon, in a country like Bangladesh, that conversation about sexual issue remains a taboo. It is high time, that such taboo should be
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: Become an LPN, the fast path to a nursing career. by: Max Stein Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Careers Licensed Practical Nurses provide the most amount of direct patient care within the nursing category of healthcare.
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: What Should You Look For In A Massage Therapy School? by: Peter Faber If you are considering engaging in a great career in massage therapy, let me compliment you on your selection. Massage is one of the few careers which
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: The New Food Pyramid: Another Attempt At Providing Easy Answers by: Dave Saunders The Food Pyramid, first introduced to the US in 1992, just experienced a major overhaul. Why? Perhaps proper education about nutrition
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: Turning an Addictive Snack into a Complete Meal by: Protica Nutritional Research The proliferation of fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and vending machines in virtually every corner of residential America has
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: Medical Assistant: Distance Education for the Medical Assistant by: Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St.
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: Why Culinary Education by: Emma White If you are thinking about a career in culinary arts then studying in a culinary school is a must. You may be a great cook but you will never become expert learning culinary arts yourself.
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: The Need for Balance in Childhood Education in Singapore & Asia by: Mike Lim “Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know
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: Thank Catholic Schools For Faith In Every Student by: Sheri Conover Sharlow Their high achievement comes as they spend half the money of Indiana’s public schools. While government schools scream about small cuts
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: Financial Illiteracy is a Major Threat to America's Future by: Donald A. Sizemore A review of current statistics on the financial literacy of American youth, and their families, reveals a shocking lack of money management
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: Are There Really Benefits of Music Education? by: Tony Bancroft Despite serious reductions in funding for arts programs in public schools, there is a great need for studying music. Band, orchestra, and choir all offer
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: What Is Homeschooling And How Do I know If It's Right For My Family? by: Anita York Do you know what these famous people have in common? Alexander Graham Bell George Patton Albert Einstein Benjamin Franklin Winston
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: An Online Degree Has Never Been Easier to Obtain by: Shama San Online education is steadily gaining acceptance in the academic world and more people than ever are completing courses online, working toward a degree. Online
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: Maximizing Your Study Time for Better Results by: Roger Seip The daily schedule for many young students today could rival that of several top-level executives. With soccer practice, dance, scouts and clarinet lessons
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: Back to School, Ways To Help Your Student by: Ron Misener The arrival of September and a new school year looms. For some this is a much-anticipated event bursting with excitement and bolstered by confidence. For others,
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: Distance Learning: How To Work And Study At The Same Time by: Rose Musyoka Distance learning students seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes, and at the
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: 7 Strategies for Success with Distance Learning by: Rose Musyoka Distance learning has opened doors for many students, especially for those who cannot afford to pay for the high fees of full-time courses. Although online
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: Are Online Degrees Valid To Prospective Employers? by: Rose Musyoka Online distance learning has gained rapid popularity with the advent of the internet, which has proven to offer great supporting facilities and convenience
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: Why Are Some Online Degree Colleges Better Than Others? by: Rose Musyoka Any student who is on the lookout for online degree colleges would probably have been swamped with the many options marketed to them over the internet.
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