Tag: Social
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: How to Prevent Online Identity Theft by: Jim Edwards Identity theft rates one of the fastest growing crimes in mAmerica today and the Internet can make it even easier for some criminals to take your good name and drag
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: An Overview On The Financial Capacity Of Social Security by: Jinky C. Mesias There have been so many reports confirming the distressing state of the finances of Social Security and so many members by now are wondering
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: How The Government Pension Offset May Affect Social Security Benefits? by: Jinky C. Mesias The government pension offset is in fact a reduction in the benefit which a social security member’s spouse is likely to
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: How To Protect Requested Confidential Social Security Information? by: Jinky C. Mesias Social Security information requested by members should be treated with utmost care and must be kept securely. As much as it is the
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: Will You Be All Alone When You're Older? How to Be Sure You Still Have Lots of Friends by: Royane Real When I was twenty-two, I was befriended by a woman named Doris who was thirty years older than I was. Although Doris
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: Women in Transition From Post Feminism to Past Femininity by: Dr. Sam Vaknin "[In]... the brothels off Wenceslas Square, in central Prague, [where] sexual intercourse can be bought for USD 25 - about half the price charged
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: Experience The ‘Real’ Jamaica by: Norman Fleming There are many who believe the glitz and glitter of the tourist industries and the accompanying commercialization of both the areas around the tourist centers
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: Race and Racism – Some Concepts Defined by: Glenn Murray Despite adamant claims to the contrary, racism continues to plague many peoples around the world. The first step toward resolving issues of racial intolerance
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: Gender and the Narcissist by: Sam Vaknin In the manifestation of their narcissism, female and male narcissists, inevitably, do tend to differ. They emphasise different things. They transform different elements of their
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: On Uniqueness by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Is being special or unique a property of an object (let us say, a human being), independent of the existence or the actions of observers - or is this a product of a common judgement
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: Silence of the Lambs by: Oscar Bruce He stands back, avoiding holding eye contact or speaking up. His heart beats rapidly, and he is aware of perspiration, and butterflies in the stomach. If you sometimes experience
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: A Quick Observation of the Low Class by: Terry Mitchell We can all learn a valuable lesson about the types of behavior and attitudes to avoid like the plague, simply by observing the characteristics of people we all know
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: In Defence of Moralizing High Technology by: Stephen Ainsah-Mensah Modern societies are more and more becoming technical. The revolution in computer usage is a major contributor to this state of affairs. But this technicality
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: 4 Helpful Ways To Beat Shyness by: Peter Murphy Over half of all adults identify themselves as shy. Shyness can get in the way of developing personal relationships and professional aspirations. Some people are afraid
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: 5 Practical Shyness Tips That Work Everytime by: Peter Murphy We all experience a little shyness at times with people who we find intimidating. Here are some useful suggestions and ideas that can help you overcome shyness
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: 5 Simple Ways To Overcome Shyness by: Peter Murphy Even the most confident people have situations that cause them to be shy. Even famous personalities and very successful business people experience shyness at times. (if
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: Social Skills Training Can Positively Impact Your Life by: Peter Murphy In spite of many academic and professional accomplishments, many people still feel uncomfortable in social situations. Millions of people become
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: 6 Great Ways To Improve Your Social Skills by: Peter Murphy If you are looking for a way to improve your social skills, there are many resources available that will assist you in refining your social skills and improving
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: Ambits of a Family by: Tushar Jain Family, like sex, is a mature word. And like sex, it is word for relations; not physical, but social. And like most social relations, it is reliant on compromises. A compromise forged
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: Real Solutions For Combating Extreme Shyness by: Royane Real Most people experience some degree of shyness from time to time, depending on the situation. In fact, only about 7% of the population claims that they never
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: Real Solutions For Combatting Extreme Shyness by: Royane Real Most people experience some degree of shyness from time to time, depending on the situation. In fact, only about 7% of the population claims that they never
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: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: How Do You Change the World? by: Dorene Lehavi Recently, I saw an exhibition of paintings by a very talented artist. He clearly has a social conscience and his depictions of the pain and
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: How to Choose a Marriage Counselor by: Shelly Phegley You have made the decision to contact a marriage counselor. The next question is “How to choose the right marriage counselor?†The success of your counseling
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: The Bingo Renaissance by: John C. Thorenssen Little old ladies in slippers, playing for pennies and cents in a converted community hall is no longer the reality of bingo. The game has in recent years and now more than
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: The Dangers of Bingo by: John C. Thorenssen Let’s face it; bingo is hardly going to arouse a thrill-seeker into taking it up in attraction to its high risk stakes. Over sixties, playing bingo in a community hall
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: Democratic Globalism by: Doug Krieger (Note: This article was written as a response to Charles Krauthammer's presentation on "Democratic Globalism" in 2004 . . . its immediate reflections are all the more significant,
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: Social Security Rant by: Hank Bohannon As the Baby Boomer Generation continue to get older, one of the hot topics will continue to be Social Security. Critics claim that Social Security is going bankrupt, and that it
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: Anarchism for a Post-modern Age by: Sam Vaknin "The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization, however impressive, from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath
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: How to Recognize & Respond to Dog Aggression by: Julie Butts The purpose of this article is not a how-to on correcting the behavior of an aggressive dog. That task is better left to dog trainers, veterinarians, and dog
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: Building Self Confidence by: Brigette Meier Several similar terms describe the central attribute of a character that decides on the strength of personality and the degree of inner freedom: "self assurance" describes
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: What Is Happening In Your Child’s Life? by: Nilesh Gore Understanding a child in every aspect is always a challenging & unpredictable task. If we pay more attention than he expects then it creates even more problems.
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: Remember The "Generation Gap"? by: Douglas G. Burkland The techniques of managing relationships between parents and their children is as old as.. well, parents having children. It's not an easy job, either for the parent
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: Should I Appeal My Social Security Disability Denial? by: Gerald G. Lutkenhaus YOU APPLIED FOR SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY AND YOUR CLAIM WAS DENIED AND YOU WONDER IF YOU SHOULD APPEAL? The answer is if you are working
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: The Procedures Involved In Requesting For A Social Security Statement by: Jinky C. Mesias It is important that social security members should be knowledgeable on the procedures involved in the various filing and processing
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: Obesity: Can it be disabling? by: Gerald G. Lutkenhaus Social Security has a set of Impairment Listings. At one time "obesity" had an impairment listing. Thus, if the applicant was of a certain height and weight, then
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: Filing the Social Security Disability Applications: The Right Way by: Marlon D. Ludovice If you are going to file an application for your social security disability claim you can file it at the nearest local social security
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: Social Security Disability Claim: Who Can Avail? by: Marlon D. Ludovice Whenever we hear of the phrase “social securityâ€, the words benefits or claim is always attached to it. Almost everyone is thinking about
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: A Faster Way To Settle Your Social Security Claim by: Marlon D. Ludovice Understanding the complexity of the procedures in filing for social security benefits and rights can be quite tough to an individual who is not
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: Social Security Attorneys: At Your Service! by: Marlon D. Ludovice It is a normal practice that most of the people claim for their social security benefits alone. With no personal knowledge on how to file the said claim
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: Social Security Lawyers Always by Your Side by: Kristine Llabres Social Security disability attorney will just be at his client’s side all along the way. The attorney would help him determine what benefits they
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: Social Security Disability FAQ by: Sheri Abrams, Attorney at Law WHAT ARE SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS? Social Security Disability is a benefit received from the Social Security Administration by disabled workers
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: Your Social Security Approval Package (Finally, the Long Wait is Over!) by: Lala Balattan Back and forth to the Disability Determination Services (DDS)… Arranging and rearranging data and documents for applications,
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: What You Shouldn’t Believe About SSD by: Lala Balattan The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with
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: Changes in the Social Security Laws by: Lala Balattan It is time we educate and update ourselves regarding essential issues of the Social Security Administration. By having enough knowledge of SSA’s vital programs
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: Getting Your Finances Ready for a SSD Case by: Lala Balattan Financial security is what everybody wants in life; that and emotional and spiritual security. However, without the sense of being financially secure for the
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: If Your Case Gets Denied by: Paul Hood If you have been injured or become ill and are no longer able to work, you have certain Social Security Disability Benefits. Social Security Disability is a benefit received from
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: Why Other Children are Rejecting Your Child by: Anthony Kane, MD Introduction Developing healthy peer relationships is critical for the normal development of a child. Peer relationships have been found to be an important
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: Of Drugs and Youth by: Billy I Ahmed Today, the problem of drug abuse among the youth has assumed a greater significance and heightened concern in various socio-cultural and economic strata. Though no accurate figures
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: Getting a Social Security Disability Lawyer by: Nash Ville To be able to win a social security disability case can only be obtained through the assistance of a competent social security disability lawyer. Getting one
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: Sex or Gender by: Sam Vaknin Alan Pease, author of a book titled "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps", believes that women are spatially-challenged compared to men. The British firm, Admiral Insurance, conducted
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: Traumas as Social Interactions by: Sam Vaknin ("He" in this text - to mean "He" or "She"). We react to serious mishaps, life altering setbacks, disasters, abuse, and death by going through the phases of grieving. Traumas
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: The Cultural Narcissist - Lasch In An Age Of Diminishing Expectations by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. "The new narcissist is haunted not by guilt but by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but to find
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: Alcoholism - A Major Disease? by: Dominic Ferrara Alcoholism can be given a lot of definitions and all of them stress the fact that there is a terrible disease that involves addiction to spirits. Apart from the physical
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: The Five Modalities of Optimum Success: Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions, & the Overarch by: Neesha D. Meminger The Five Modalities of Optimum Health: Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions, & the Overarch. Optimum health, wealth,
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: When Should Hearing Be Tested? by: ARA Content (ARA) - What? ... I'm sorry I couldn't hear you? ... Could you repeat that? ... What did you say? If these are the questions you ask when talking with others, then it's
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: Retirement – It's Sooner Than You Think!! (honestly) by: Kate Hufstetler Many people hear "retirement" and think— what? 401K? Roth vs. Traditional IRA? Stocks, bonds, mutual funds? Do they? Or do many
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: The Family Cycle (I) - Euphoric and Dysphoric Cycles in Marriage by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain
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: Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging by: Jim Edwards Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. A cross between an online journal and a bulletin
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: Social Considerations for Artificial Intelligence by: Noel Anthony Pierre Social Considerations for A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) According to Dennis Gorelik, a single perceived weakness of an AIS (meaning, an artificial
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: The Predicament of the Newly Rich by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. They are the object of thinly disguised envy. They are the raw materials of vulgar jokes and the targets of popular aggression. They are the Newly Rich. Perhaps
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: Internet Marketing and Your Old Age by: A. Raymond Randall, Jr. Everybody wants to learn how to make money on the Internet. What about saving money for retirement and your future? If you don't do it, who will? Alan
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: 10 Ways To Protect Your Financial Identity Being Used For Someone Else’s Shopping Spree by: BZ Riger-Hull Someone impersonating you could be spending your hard-earned money. Impossible! Not really, check, loan,
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: Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. The official working week is being reduced to 35 hours a week. In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45 hours a week. The trend during the last century
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: Social Engineering - The Real E-Terrorism? by: Rhona Aylward One evening, during the graveyard shift, an AOL technical support operator took a call from a hacker. During the hour long conversation the hacker mentioned
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: Narcissism in the Boardroom by: Sam Vaknin The perpetrators of the recent spate of financial frauds in the USA acted with callous disregard for both their employees and shareholders - not to mention other stakeholders.
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: The Ecology of Environmentalism by: Sam Vaknin The concept of "nature" is a romantic invention. It was spun by the likes of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 18th century as a confabulated utopian contrast to the dystopia
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: Social Security Denied: Should You Appeal? by: Jerry Lutkenhaus Social Security Disability is not available for everyone who has an impairment. If you are under age 50 and are still capable of some kind of employment
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: Social Security Reform by: John Koraska Debtism - The Legacy of Perpetual Debt is the American government's bequest to its hard working people. The practice of debtism has caused the USA to become the world’s leading
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: Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Financial Information And Personal Identity From Fraud by: Jay Fran Financial fraud and identity fraud are one of the fasted growing forms of fraud. The first line of defense to protecting
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: The Weaker Sex Can Pack a Mean Business Punch Too! by: Marsha Maung Judging from the title itself, you’re probably expecting a men-bashing article about the kind of injustice that men cause women and about how
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: Being A Socially-Aware Organisation by: Colin Ong TS Private organizations must appreciate that being socially-aware is not just to donate monies to various charities every year – though this effort is laudable.
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: Justify Social Security ... Don't Save for Retirement by: Kemberly Wardlaw It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan—should we include social security benefits into our retirement income
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: Justify Social Security ... Don't Save for Retirement by: Kemberly Wardlaw It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan—should we include social security benefits into our retirement income
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: Working as a "Knowledge Worker" in the Information Age by: Peter Garas The old adages: "It's not what you know, but who you know" and "High Tech, High Touch" could be the mottos of knowledge workers in the 21st Century. Never
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