Tag: Control
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: When Life Gives You Waves, Learn to S.U.R.F. by: Frank F. Lunn Would you like to learn a skill set and technique so powerful that you could learn to recycle every failure, disappointment, setback and discouraging situation
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: Relationship Crisis: 6 Reasons to Get Physically Fit by: Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach Relationship crises (break-up, affair, huge conflict, children problems) demand tremendous energy and often throw our
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: Power Struggles – Being Right or Being Loving by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Mandy and Evan consulted with me for couple’s counseling because they were always bickering. Every little thing seemed to become an
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: Menopause and Incontinence by: Cathy Taylor Menopause can bring uncomfortable symptoms such as incontinence in several different forms. Even younger women experience occasional bouts of urinary leakage during pregnancy,
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: At Least 40 Household Products Can Poison Your Child: Lock 'Em Up! by: Joe Hickman, HaLife.com Every few seconds U.S. poison centers receive a call about someone being exposed to a poison. Forty percent of those cases
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: Helping The Control Freak Plan The Wedding by: Sher Matsen My daughter and fiancé have finally set the “big day†but now comes the fun part of helping the control freak plan the wedding. The control freak
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: Stress Relief During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke If you truly want to ensure a great pregnancy, you should work on keeping a healthy and positive physical, mental and spiritual state. There is substantial evidence which
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: Authentic Success by: Jane Miller A More Effective Way I own a stack of self improvement books ten feet tall. Achievement seminars I've attended number in the dozens. I had been trying to improve myself since the second
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: Better Aging by: Susan Dunn My friend who retired last year from years on Wall Street tells me, “I have to watch very carefully how I spend my money. I don’t know how to do anything.†One of the reasons
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: Bad Web Design: ActiveX by: Richard Lowe, Jr. ActiveX uses an interesting method for enforcing security ... it doesn't. Well, that's not exactly true. What happens is when a web page requests an ActiveX control the browser
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: Dear Bill Gates, You Clever Fox by: David Leonhardt Dear Bill Gates. You did it. You casually left a live grenade at the Grand Charity Gala and walked out of the room to see if anybody, especially Google, will notice. Once
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: 8 Steps to Oranizing Your Life & Business by: Terri Seymour Your life is a mess! Your business is going nowhere! Your house looks like a tornado hit it! Does this sound familiar? Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel
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: Our Worst Enemy by: Michael Lee Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office
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: Discover The 90/10 Secret: It Will Change Your Life. by: Arlen Busenitz The 90/10 secret is incredible! Very few know and apply this secret. The result? Millions of people are suffering undeserved stress, trials, problems,
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: Anger and Your Driving: Use Self-Talk to Create Safer Vistas by: Dr. Tony Fiore Date: January 28, 2001 Place: Fashion Island, Newport Beach, California The incident: Jane, a middle aged professional woman had an altercation
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: Overcoming The Fear Of Money by: Andrew Lawrence Many people, it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying
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: What to Do When You Are Chased by a Snake by: Dr. Freddy Davis I lived for several years on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It is a tropical island setting with a wealth of beauty and lots of things to do. We lived on
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: More and More and More and More by: Dr. Freddy Davis About six years ago I began to study tai chi. When I began, I had already been studying karate for several years, but my instructor encouraged me to add tai chi to enhance
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: Under Their Thumb ... Tripping The Parental Triggers! by: Edward B. Toupin Some of my clients have come to me feeling like their worlds were not under their own control. They felt as though everyone else ran their lives
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: Triumphing Over Tough Times by: Della Menechella Right now many people are facing tough times. Life as we once knew it has changed and we may find ourselves confronting situations we have never dealt with before. While
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: Gremlins! Time to Take Control by: Miami Phillips It is a wonder we can function at all. Each of us has multiple personality types all crying for attention. Most of us think one way, work another, and feel in a personality
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: Becoming Excellent: Outsmarting Racism by: Maya Talisman Frost Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generally understood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It's not that racists are necessarily stupid--it's
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: Live Your Own Life by: Hifzur Rehman Are you living your life, the way you want to live? If your reply is in affirmative then you must be a very successful and powerful person in full command of your life and the circumstances.
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: Forbidden Knowledge - What Is It? by: Steve Gillman Is there really "forbidden knowledge?" Probably not much remains truly hidden or forbidden, but there are little secrets about how things work. Politicians, salesmen
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: Eating ... Gaining Weight ... How to Control the Urge to Splurge by: Keith Londrie I confess: I'm completely addicted to Pringles. My determination weakens every time I think about munching into one, hearing the crunch,
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: Anorexia - a Game of Control! by: Wilma Watson This article will help you see what lies behind the eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa, giving Anorexia tips. Low self-esteem produces a game of control. It causes a
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: The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 5) by: Zach Keyer Exercise 11 By Psychic - Concentration You Can Control Your Temper. If you are one of those that flare up at the slightest "provocation"
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: The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 2) by: Zach Keyer When you focus your thought, you increase its strength. The exercises that follow are tedious and monotonous, but useful. If you
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: The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 3) by: Zach Keyer It will be necessary to first train the body to obey the commands of the mind. I want you to gain control of your muscular movements.
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: The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 4) by: Zach Keyer Exercise 6 Put the right hand on knee, both fingers and thumb closed, except the first finger, which points out in front of
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: How Concentrated Psychic Thought Links All Humanity Together by: Zach Keyer It is within your power to gratify your every wish. Success is the result of the way you think. I will show you how to think to be successful. The
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: Stream of Consciousness by: Bill Marshall One thing that is important to realize about thought: one thought always leads to another. It is impossible to have one thought without having another one. What does this have
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: Combat Worrying by: Frhazda Munir 'We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world' Helen Keller We worry about problems, but worry is itself a problem. It inhibits clear thinking,
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: Action NOT Reaction by: John Giagkiozis Do you feel you are in charge of your life do you really believe that you control your destiny? Or you are of those people who feel manipulated all the time, they are doing things
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: Relationship Habits by: Kim Olver How many of you have ever been involved with a significant other who wanted you to do something you didn’t want to do? I doubt that I’m the only one. By virtue of a significant
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: A Cruise Ship Moment by: Joe Cirillo I bet you’re wondering: Where does my time go and what can I do to have more of it? Join the club. We are all in the same boat! Speaking of boats, close your eyes for a moment
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: Time to Risk More by: David Wood (Note to reader: As always, of course you need to be willing to take all consequences of your actions.) 100 people aged 100 were asked: “What do you regret most? What would you
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: What You Judge Won’t Budge by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Sheila was stuck. Even though she was trying to hard to change some things in her behavior - especially her anger and her clutter, she found herself doing these
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: The Tyranny of the Good Girl, the Good Boy by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Many of us grew up in households where our profound needs for love and safety were not met. We did not feel safe and loved in the face of disapproval,
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: The Importance of Laughter and Tears by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Ron grew up in a household where laughter and tears were never expressed. Anger was the main feeling expressed by his mother, while his father was mostly withdrawn.
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: Subtle Addictions by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Many people are aware of the fact that addictions are used to avoid pain, and most of us are aware of the common addictions: food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, TV, spending, work,
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: Should I End This Relationship? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. In the 35 years I’ve been counseling, thousands of couples have come to me wondering if they should end their relationship. Most of these people were in
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: Invisible Slavery System by: Emmett Dabru Invisible puzzles are mechanisms hidden inside products and services you use, and the social/political systems you interact with. They are invisible due to the use of manufactured
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: Control Your Own Destiny by: Gerri D Smith “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it
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: The Power by: Clyde Dennis I had a friend ask me a question not to long ago that really led me to do some thinking. "How do you manage to stay so positive all the time?" You never seem to have "bad" days she said. Truthfully
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: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by: Geela Quote of the day: “And in the end, we will preserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.†While
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: New Age & World Government by: G Kumar The New Age or the Aquarian Age & World Government It is generally believed that the Aquarian Age started in the year 2000, 2160 years roughly being the Age of a Sign. The Piscean
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: Change Your Inner Conversations to Control Your Anger by: Dr. Tony Fiore Every Holiday season Vicki found herself angry and silently seething at her older sister, Susie, and mother as they were merrily chatting about
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: Resistance to Loving by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the last 35 years, and I am the author/co-author of eight published books on relationships and emotional
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: Ridding Yourself of Being A Manipulator to Better Your Relationships by: Brian Maloney One of the oldest character flaws in humans is their ability to manipulate each other. Its insidious nature tilts our everyday playing
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: What You Give Is What You Get! by: Kenia Morales Are you having a hard time relating to others? Are people offending or avoiding you? Are you unable to maintain friends? Well, chances are that you are holding the key
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: More Important Than Love by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. “I just want to feel loved,†complained Angie. “Is that too much to ask? I want to be able to count on Richard in bed. I’m tired of feeling like
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: What Is A Boundary? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. My clients often explain to me how they set a boundary. They tell me something like, “I set a boundary. I told him he has to stop putting me down in public,†or
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: How Can I Get My Partner To Change? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. How much energy do you spend trying to get what you want from your partner? Think about it for a moment - how much of your thinking time is spent on what to
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: Control, Helplessness, and Love by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. During my 35 years of counseling individuals, couples, families and business partners, I have discovered that an important purpose of our controlling behavior in
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: Controlling Behavior, Loving Behavior by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. When Zack and Tiffany started counseling with me, they were on the verge of divorce after 16 years of marriage. Neither really wanted to end the marriage,
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: Time Managements by: Michael Niles There are the golden rules that apply to time. If followed, your life will be successful. If you ignore these, however, you will always be scratching to catch up. Do not be one of
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: Are You Addicted to Anger? by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Michael was raised in a home where anger was used to control. His parents used their anger to attempt to control each other as well as their children. Sometimes the
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: Personal Power by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. All of us would love to have personal power – the power to manifest our dreams, the power to remain calm and loving in the face of fear, the power to stay centered in ourselves
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: Anger: To Control or To Learn by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Many of us will do anything to avoid another’s anger, yet may be quick to anger ourselves. Many of us dread another’s anger yet continue to use our
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: Addiction to Worry by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Carole started counseling with me because she was depressed. She had been ill with chronic fatigue syndrome for a long time and believed her depression was due to this. In the
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: Addiction to Thinking by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Randall sought my help because he was stuck being miserable and had no idea how to get out of his misery. In his life he had experienced moments of great joy and sense of
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: Fairies and Mental Health by: Skye Thomas Schizophrenics hallucinate alternate realities. People who claim to have been abducted by aliens are accused of having Fantasy Prone Personalities. So what about those of us
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: Happiness Versus Pleasure by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. We are a pleasure seeking society. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing this, we will feel happy. Yet deep, abiding happiness
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: What's Stopping You? by: Kathy Gates We're all familiar with the cycle: We want new, but resist change. We want satisfaction, but procrastinate. We want control, but defer to circumstance. So, what’s
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: 5 Ways to Fight Pessimism by: Denni Gill Some people are naturally pessimistic and are happy being so. They view themselves as pragmatic and as having a better sense of reality. Then there are those of us who feel weighed
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: Why Orienteering is Hot! by: Chuck Fitzgerald So, you didn’t know it was hot did you? Do you even know what Orienteering is? It is one of the most thrilling activities available for outdoor enthusiasts of all
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: How To Feel The Power Of The Kite by: Jakob Jelling There are many different techniques that you will need to learn before you can master the kitesurfing sport. One of these techniques is learning how to feel the power
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: Kayak Paddle Blades by: Jakob Jelling Different kayak paddle blades will have different effects on the control you have over your kayak. The blades of your kayak paddles are the most important part when it comes to worry
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: How To Use Leading Your Horse To Get Control And Response by: Andy Curry I’ve been around many people who try to lead a horse by controlling their head with a lead rope. They end up pulling or jerking the lead
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: The Top 3 Tricks Horse Owners Can Use To Unspoil A Barn Spoiled Horse by: Andy Curry It’s been weeks since you went riding. Now you have time to ride this afternoon and there ain’t no one gonna stop you.
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: Radio Control Cars - Which Type Is Right for You or Your Child? by: Michael Holland There are several factors to consider before choosing which type of radio control cars to buy. Don't just jump in head first. Making
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: Costs Associated With Kitesurfing by: Jakob Jelling Getting involved in the extreme sport of KiteSurfing might be more costly than you think, when in all actuality it’s relatively inexpensive to get started. Depending
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: The Gun Control Debate by: Kenny Du The gun control debate in America is a battle between personal freedom and public safety. For nearly 160 years, there were no limits to the Second Amendment, which guarantees "the right
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: How Is Peaceful Parenting® Different? by: Nancy S. Buck, Ph.D. Peaceful Parenting® ideas are very different from other kinds of parenting practices that you have learned or read about. Certainly it is harder to
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: Advising Teens? Getting Your Point Across by: Carol Shepley Giving advice to a teenager is very easy; getting a teenager to take that advice is another matter altogether. It's not only a case of the advice 'falling on
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: The Parent Teen Relationship And How To Improve It by: Carol Shepley It was the homework that did it. Each night became a challenge in how I was going to get my son, a non-academic, to do his homework. I tried patience,
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: Can Your Child Ride Or Skate Safely? by: News Canada (NC)-Riding a bike, scooter, skateboard or using in-line skates is great for kids. These activities help build physical fitness, motor skills and self-esteem. But the
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: 7 Steps To Test Prices and Convert More Sales by: Charles Kangethe Here's a really simple way... to customise your product offer from the headline to the prices in order to suit local tastes. We all know people do business
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: What My Worthless Sponsor Didn't Tell Me... by: Glen Palo ...that he would not be around to help me build my network marketing business. How many distributors have you known or know that have quit because they thought
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: HOW to Use Fear to Your Advantage by: Jason Tarasi The invisible force surrounded him, squeezing tightly around his chest. His eyes became wide and bewildered. Suddenly his mind raced with dark thoughts, his stomach
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: Tips For Operating a Successful Business by: John Heim Whether the business you run is the traditional brick and mortar operation, a large chain store, a franchise business or a home based business the same principals
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: Traditional Vs. Untraditional by: Nathaniel Balcom Many times as I listen to people tell me why they think that network marketing, affiliate programs, and multilevel marketing is not for them, I am amazed at how little
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: Are YOU Right For A Home-Based Business? by: Ken Leonard Jr. The internet is loaded with all sorts of ways for you to work from home. You will consider many options, finding the right fit for your personality and goals.
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: What A Newsletter Can Do For Your Business by: Claire Cunningham Newsletters are often thought of as easy, do-it-yourself communications projects. The reality is different…and that can be discouraging. Developing
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: Borderline Division 1? How To Make It by: Hugh Breland As a former NCAA Division 1 Athlete, I have parents ask me quite often what their son or daughter needs to do in order to make it to the highest level of college
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: The Concept of Perfection by: Ken Kaiserman The Dodgers had a breakfast a couple of weeks ago to tell their story about off-season moves and the team they’ll put on the field for 2005. I was there to listen to
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: Mole Traps: Can You Use Them? by: Andy Beard Mole control is one of the most complicated problems that can face a gardening enthusiast. It is not from lack of information. Plenty of information is available. University
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: Ten Steps To A Healthy Lawn by: News Canada A simple, "preventative maintenance" lawn care plan will keep your lawn in top shape all year 'round (NC)-Just follow these 10 easy steps to keep your lawn at its best: 1.
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: Home Pest Control: Battling Against Mosquitoes on the Home Front by: Sarah Yee In addition to the fact that mosquitoes are both annoying and cause some level of discomfort when you’re unfortunate enough to be the
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: Old Fashioned Flea Control by: Marilyn Pokorney Fleas have plagued dogs, cats, and their owners since time began so ways to kill or repel them has been a constant search. Today, with the shake of a can, the spray of
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: Dish Network Satellite Accessories: Universal Remote Control by: Teddy Are you an owner of satellite dish system? If yes, I am sure that you will be interested in getting some dish network accessories. Dish network satellite
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: Brick Patio Weed Control by: Hans Dekker On researching this article, I found one instance where a homeowner was so incensed by the weeds in her patio that she set fire to them with a blowtorch! Luckily, several items
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: Nontoxic Pest Control for Your Home and Garden by: TC Thorn Pesticides are toxic and, while often effective against pests, can be dangerous for your family and pets. Outdoors, sprayed pesticides might drift on a breeze
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: The String Algae Blues... by: Brett Fogle Now that Spring is upon us and things are coming back to life in your pond with the warmer weather, many of us are battling with string algae. String algae is caused primarily
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: How to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings! by: Kim Beardsmore As a weight loss mentor it never ceases to amaze me how people inadvertently set themselves up for a huge snack attack mid afternoon. For many, the set up is so complete
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: Uncover Emotional Secrets and Live a Happier Life by: David Snape Can you remember a time when you became a little irritated with someone and made a sharp comment that may have hurt, one which you later regretted? Have
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: W.H.O. gets cancer by: Simon Mitchell Below The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) summarise what we know about cancer from scientific research: Cancer is largely preventable: by stopping smoking, providing healthy food
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: How to Curb Those Carbohydrate Cravings! by: Kim Beardsmore As a weight loss mentor it never ceases to amaze me how people inadvertently set themselves up for a huge snack attack mid afternoon. For many, the set up is
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: Bodily Attributes! by: Seamus Dolly The revolution is indeed underway. Money married to desire, imagination and necessity has produced a technological revolution which will see incredible changes and potential. This is
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