Tag: Money
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: SEO Success: Step Three is Creating Long-Term Popularity by: Chesa Keane Finally, after the hard-core efforts that are directly related to generating traffic to your website, you next step is to develop a strategy that
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: MLM and SEO. Bad Business! No Business! by: Joe Balestrino MLM has been around way before the Internet. It is a few steps above a chain letter. Well, maybe more then a few steps. MLM has paved the way for people to have
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: Are You Living the Life You Imagined? by: Kathryn Beach Are You Living the Life You Imagined? Do you feel strong, healthy, financially secure? Are you too busy working to make more money than you need just to 'get by'? Will
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: The 80/20 Success Secret by: Rasheed Ali Have you ever wondered if there was a way to apply the Pareto Principle or 80/20 Principle to success or rather becoming successful? If you’re a reader of the Conquer Your
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: Insider Tips For Finding A Great Online Poker Room by: David Olsen Even though they look pretty much the same and they’re all selling essentially the same few games, all Online Poker Rooms are NOT created equal!
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: Work From Home Sending Emails by: Leslee Wright How many times have you seen an ad claiming you can make anywhere from to per email you process? They tell you that you can process as many emails per day as you
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: E-currency Exchange Trading by: Timothy Rohrer If you are reading this article you are probably one of the many people who have spent countless hours searching for unique ways to make money on the internet. Very few
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: The Inportance of Having a Mentor by: Larry Denis When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right
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: Annuity Transfer - What are the Risks by: Amit Laufer Many people who know in the back of their minds that they got the possibility to transform a monthly payment or annuity long term payments into a big lump sum and
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: Annuity Transfer - What are the Risks by: Amit Laufer Many people who know in the back of their minds that they got the possibility to transform a monthly payment or annuity long term payments into a big lump sum and
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: Childcare Finances – Some Money Basics by: Melissa Newby Sole proprietor, Inc, LLC, - What does it all Mean? Your childcare is a business. While you may not need to formally create a legal business, there are
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: Top Ways to Save on Wedding Invitations by: Michael Ferrell Some of the first things you’ll spend money on when you decide to get married (besides the ring) are the wedding invitations. While you want your invitations
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: Never Give Up On Your Dream! by: Janice Sharman I can vividly remember the day I got my first website. I hadn't a clue what I was doing. I had no idea what an autoresponder was, what was required of an affiliate, how
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: Money Saving Tips by: Adrian Kennelly People are always trying to save money, especially with today's economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this e-book, you will discover ways never considered. The
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: 7 Tips to Improving Your Cash Flow by: Pam Newman Cash is King…That is what everyone tells us and it is true! You cannot function successfully in any business without proper cash flow. So if this Cash Principle
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: Applying for a Loan Online by: John Mussi If you want to apply for a loan online, you might not have a good idea of where you should start. With a multitude of online lending services available today, it can sometimes
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: Credit Card Wealth Secrets And Ideas by: Steve Gillman "Credit card wealth secrets," the ad read. I assumed it was yet another over-hyped unworkable scheme. It probably was, but it made me remember the times in my life
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: Be Prepared When Seeking A Mortgage by: Mark Lambie When you're looking for a mortgage, whether it's a first time loan or you're taking advantage of an opportunity to refinance an existing mortgage, it may seem that you're
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: The TRAP behind Web Sites With “INSTANT†Searches For Unclaimed Money by: Thoms Tuke There is no questioning that the amount of unclaimed money or property being held by both State and Federal agencies is
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: The "Credit Card Debt Termination" Scam by: Charles J. Phelan "Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet
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: Traffic, Money, Fame by: Lois Testa Want more hits to your website or someone actually buying? This is a good question. Do you feel all you are doing is pressing button without any responses? Most people are just spinning
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: Selling Strategies - Setting a Stop Loss by: Christopher Smith Sometimes the best way of lowering exposure to risk is not to invest at all! However, when we make the decision to jump into the muddy waters of the stock
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: How To Get Started In Forex Trading by: Hana Lee You may have been hearing about the foreign exchange market (FOREX) and the investment advantages it offers. You would like to try it out, but don't know where to start.
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: 10 Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas by: Pete Lance Gas prices are getting more and more ridiculous. And it’s going to keep increasing with no limit in sight! For the new car owners out there, do you know that a
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: Single Mother On A Budget by: Kelly Kennedy Budgeting Tips A budget is a systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period. As a single mother you might groan
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: Focus Brings Prosperity by: V. Ninet'te Wheatley "...as you sow, so shall you reap." What does that statement have to do with Prosperity? Well, just think for a moment and ask yourself, which farmer produces the most
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: Residual Income, a Myth? by: Chris Andrews I'm writing this in response to the every distributor in every company and program that tell you that the greatest things about MLM/Network marketing is the residual/passive/ongoing
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: Forming a Corporation – Investors by: Richard A. Chapo You’ve come up with the best idea since sliced bread, figured out a business name and formed a corporation. There is, however, one small problem. You
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: Tax Benefits of A “C†Corporation - Funding by: Richard A. Chapo If you are going to form a corporation, you might be surprised to learn a “C†corporation comes with a lot of tax benefits. While
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: Paying for College by: Joyce Dutton College Payments Paying for college is one of the largest expenses a parent will face in their lifetime, other than paying for a house. Because of this, care needs to be taken as
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: Easing Your Financial Burdens With Credit Counselling by: Melanie Slade It is a well-publicized fact that more of us are getting ourselves into greater debt, and this may be true for you. The embarrassment of your financial
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: Millionaire Mindset: Is Your Brain Sabotaging Your Wealth and Success? by: Rick Miller Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have success with every they do? Do they have some magical power which helps them
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: What It Means To Be Rich by: Michael Press Many people have a false understanding of what it actually means to be rich. If you were to ask a stranger what makes a person rich, he or she would say "A person is rich if
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: Hedge Against Job Loss By Starting Your Own Internet Business by: Joel Teo Globalization has reared its ugly head in the recent trade rows with China, the US and the EU. Many people have started to see their jobs being
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: How Starting a Part Time Internet Business Can Yield a Full Time Income by: Joel Teo Most people spend their day traveling from home to work and back home again slogging really hard at their offices. The reason why you
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: Credit Counseling – Six Tips to Avoid Counseling Scams by: Charlie Essmeier Credit counseling is a useful service for anyone with problem debt. A good counseling agency can provide advice regarding money management
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: Why Every Freelancer Should Have A Web Site by: Yuwanda Black "Do I send samples, a media kit, or just the query, postcard and/or sales letter?" As a freelancer, when you are trying to reach new clients or stay in touch
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: The High Cost of a Six-Figure Book Advance by: Sallie Goetsch The six-figure book advance, like the New York Times bestseller, is the object of many a writer’s fantasy. Whether it’s also a realistic goal
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: Free Money For College by: Vanessa McHooley What if someone came up to you and offered you 00 to attend college? Or after college, what if someone called you and asked if you wanted a couple thousand dollars to pay
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: Inside Elance: Thirteen Writers Explain Why Elance Works for Them by: Shelley Wake Browsing through the writing projects at Elance, one thing stands out. It’s the “Recent Earnings†figures listed with
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: Wake Up Your Writing Spirit by: Shelley Wake The Blogfest 2005 Writing Contest has only been running for two weeks and already the results are overwhelming. And not because we’re getting far more entries than we
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: Untrue Father (A short Story) by: O.P.Somani Kallu was a tenant of Santosh Kumar Nayak. Santosh Kumar was a businessman in a small town of Utter Pradesh. So far the rent is concerned he was charging the rent very much
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: Money Savvy 101 by: News Canada (NC)-Life is full of transitions, from high school to university, from first job to the next. Each of these changes brings with it a financial 'first': How much will it cost to go to college
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: So You Want to be a Freelancer? Here's How! by: Vishal P. Rao Not that long ago, freelancing was something people did mainly in larger metropolitan areas where work for writers, artists, and other creative types was plentiful
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: Know Money to Make Money by: Ivon T. Hughes The experts are always telling us that getting paid for what you know is one of the most effective, least time-intensive ways to make a buck. Well, if you know anything about
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: So, You Want to be a Work at Home Mom by: Caron Bush But Where do you Start? Right Here!!!! #1 Plan Before you sign up for anything, buy anything, do anything, you must plan. Ask yourself the important questions,
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: A Tumbleweed Christmas by: Jane Fulton/Smart In those days, I worked for the Dept. of Motor Vechicles, in the state of California. I lived in Lancaster, California, which is about 50 miles north of Los Angeles. This is
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: With This Herb, There Comes a Wed by: Sam Steven The late Cuban singer and queen of salsa, Celia Cruz, said it clear in her classic salsa “El Yerbero Moderno†(the modern herbist). The rhythmical song names
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: Feng Shui Atrracts Money by: Sam Stevens The first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both
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: Plants, Herbs, and Roots for Prosperity by: Sam Stevens Plants of all kinds (including trees), herbs and roots have been used for centuries to draw money to a person or bring prosperity to a home. There are several ways
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: Simple Money Spells by: Sam Stevens Magic doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some very simple rituals that might help you increase the overall prosperity in your life. Some are old, some are new, but one thing is
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: The Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Home by: Garret Belisle Welcome to the mortgage tips blog. This sole purpose of this site is to give you interesting tidbits i.e. tips and tricks to understanding mortgage terms, what to look
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: Have a Simple, Small, Green Wedding by: Debra Lynn Dadd A wedding is one of life's major rites of passage. It is certainly something to celebrate! Today, wedding books and magazines promote large weddings so that more
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: If He Insists That You Work... by: Sarah Tanner Once, when asked about her life, former First Lady Barbara Bush said, "I married well." Is it wrong to want to marry well? Ladies, it's all about survival - and it's
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: Money in the Bank by: Sibylla Nash Recently, I was on the phone with a friend of mine from California who just purchased his first home. He's a single father and he's in his early 30s. He was upset that his parents
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: The Benefits of Brushes by: Adem Martin del Campo Most people overlook the importance of using application tools, like brushes, when they apply their make-up. The most important reason is performance. How would you feel
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: What Women Want by: Irene Segal Women in business and the professions continue to change the face of the North American economy. Women are starting more businesses than men and are twice as likely to remain in business
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: WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BUYING A CAR by: Trudy Palmer What if there was a way to buy a car and increase your standard of living at the same time? There is... My partner and I bought a brand new car because
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: E-Book on Russian Women (Part 4) by: Annas Agency® Russian Women in the Home It has traditionally been the role of RW to carry out duties in the home. And herein may lie a potential problem for the expectation between
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: Why People Ignore Your Postcards? by: Florie Lyn Masarate What is the fastest, simplest and cheapest way to promote your business? Postcards. That is, postcards sent by direct mail. This way, you can send your message
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: Photocopying or Printing? by: Florie Lyn Masarate There was a time when photocopying is something you do not consider an option for your printing materials. That you would rather have them printed and spend more money
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: Create Huge Income From Your Web Site - 10 Easy Ways by: Dennis Becker The cost of setting up a web site is dirt cheap nowadays. You can register a domain for less than .00 as I write this (for .info domains). Hosting
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: 5 Powerful Ways to Make Money Online with a Website by: Michael Turner There are many ways to make money online and the best way for you is to simply be creative with your skills, knowledge, and abilities. However, the
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: Small Prints Matter by: Florie Lyn Masarate What is the main purpose in getting your work printed? The purpose is for others to read them and get something out of them. By getting something out of these prints, there
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: How a Business Can Benefit from a Website by: Brad Seefeld With over half of all U.S. households shopping online, the internet has become a massive market for small businesses to sell their products and services to consumers.
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: Blogging for Profits by: Chris Ryerson Bloging (the act of writing to a blog) has become one of the fastest growing trends this year and many internet gurus believe that this is the new biggest trend. Well, you might
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: The Benefits Of Outsourcing by: Raymond Walsh The year 2005 is expected to be the year of "outsourcing". In case this word is new to you, then prepare yourself to the fact that this will be the buzz word of 2005. Outsourcing
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: How To Get A Site Online And Have It Making Money by: Jonathan White When building and getting a site online you have to think of a number of things. Some of these include the following: 1. What is your site going to
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: IKobo Review - Part 2 by: Adam Senour Attempt 1 Conclusion On July 13, 2004, the transaction was cancelled. My MasterCard was never charged. However, I did notice that my limits as a sender and receiver had been unilaterally
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: IKobo Review - Part 1 by: Adam Senour The Initial Discovery In April of 2004, I became aware of a company called iKobo as the result of a posting on Web Design Forums (http://www.webdesignforums.net), a website design
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: Why You Never Have To Pay Retail Prices For Anything - Ever Again by: Tukshad Engineer I step into my local mall, and into a leading top brand clothes store. I see a jumper I like and while feeling the soft material casually
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: The Witches' Market by: Thomas Carroll "Son para dinero y trabajo," the plump little witch raises the talismans to eye level. "Con estos tu tendras buena suerte." Magic talismans for money and jobs? Do they work? Of
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: How to Get Around the World Cheap by: James Klee WWW.roadjunky.com gives you all the expert tips and advice that you need to travel around the world on almost no money at all. I recently stumbled upon the interactive
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: Silent Macau by: Ieuan Dolby A failed or neglected city springs to mind when walking around Macau during the day time. Around the outskirts of the Islands the doors of modern buildings never seem to open. Hotel restaurants
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: Top Ten Secrets to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights by: Alex Fir Do you know that some people travel around the country and abroad, for both business and pleasure, and save bundles of money in the process? They
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: My Life by: Elvis Preston King Whoops someone already has this title his name is William Jefferson Clinton, Bill Clinton. Also a man to be admired! Obviously a man driven by women, although misguided. 1000 One Night
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: How To Save Money Buying Travel Online And Get The Best Deal by: Jolana Klobouk Want to save some money when booking your travel online? Here are some tips to help you do just that. You at home have access to thousands
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: The Dominican Republic The Real Truth by: Elvis King A carribean paradise or a haven for corruption. White sandy shore lines and beautiful reasonably priced all-inclusive beach resorts.The Dominican Republic can offer
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: Always Win in the Casino Like James Bond by: Paul Kyriazi In the Bond film 'Diamonds Are Forever' we see James Bond confidently approach the craps table, call out a few choice bets, roll the dice, and collect his winnings
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: Having The Right Attitude And Start Becoming A Problem Solver by: Rich Hamilton, Jr Do you really want to make money online? Do you want to develop a business which can make money for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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: Website Marketing 101 by: Scott 'Gears' When it comes to website marketing and promotions, you need to start here... Every website, whether new, old, or just a thought needs to consider the marketing that will be put
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: The Advantage and Consequences of New Economy Marketing by: Abe Cherian Some of the research that has been done today gives us a lot of information on the values of today's society. What I'm referring to is a lifestyle
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: The Truth About Traffic by: John Reese You're about to discover tons of tested and proven strategies for driving a stampede of highly targeted visitors to your website. But before I get into the specific strategies,
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: How To Maximize Your PPC Campaign by: David Bell Do you have any idea how much money you are throwing away on your Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising? Do you know which keywords are converting into orders? Do you know your
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: Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Sales Copy by: David Bell You know what its like, you're reading the sales material about a product you're considering buying, but, as you read, all these questions seem to pop into your
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: Give Your Business a Cash Infusion by: Melinda Robb Whether you have your own business already, or are looking for a way to cash in on the profit potential of reaching millions of internet users – you can’t
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: Don't Seek Success; Seek Self-Actualization by: Paul Siegel "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." So said Winston Churchill. Cooperation and giving is better for you than competition and
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: Are You Faking It? by: Miami Phillips I am beginning to wonder how many people are faking it? How many if given the chance would change careers, partners, domiciles, and friends? What percentage are living a life by rote?
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: Where is the Time and Money? by: Miami Phillips An informal survey (by me) over the last two weeks has revealed an interesting statistic. I asked almost everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they had enough time. If
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: Self Help When You're In Debt by: Paul Davis It's no fun being in debt. Money shortages are always stressful and serious debt can emotionally drain you. And yet, while you'll find lots of advice about the practical aspects
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: Overcoming The Fear Of Money by: Andrew Lawrence Many people, it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying
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: I'm Broke, How Can I Afford... by: Rob Taylor I’m still amazed every time someone comes to me complaining that they don’t have any money to put into their business and that they’re broke. I mean what
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: Bad Luck ... Or Blessing In Disguise? by: Michael Lee There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport. She told the cab driver to step on it. She was so engrossed with her own thoughts that she was not
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: Want Money? You Got It! by: Miami Phillips Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand,
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: Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love by: Halina Goldstein How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper... How much
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: Is Plastic Making You Happier? by: Colin Mc Caig If you’re like most people, you probably own at least one. And like most people, you’ve maybe never thought what it’s really costing you… At a recent conference
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: Live Life to the Fullest by: Michael Lee Do you sometimes feel that you're living a boring life? You just can't seem to find anything exciting. You wake up in the morning, then do the same old rituals. You go to the
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: The "Flow" Of Money by: Sheree Rainbolt-Kren The more we worry about money, and who's asking for it, and why their asking, and should they be asking, and should I be listening, and judging others, then judging their ideas
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: Do You Really Value What You Wish For? by: Gary Vurnum I am sitting in a shopping mall, waiting for my wife to finish her Christmas shopping. Next to me is a rather pathetic-looking fountain, which contains hundreds of
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: 10 Reasons Santa's Broke This Year by: Darlene Arechederra 1. Santa Spends More Than He Makes Santa's paychecks are nothing to sneeze at, but he stays focused on his next raise. (Yes, of course Santa gets a raise each
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