Tag: House
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: Training Traditional Martial Arts by: Peter Vermeeren All to often traditional martial arts and those who practice these ancient arts are considered dreamers, fools or historical mummies because we are training arts that
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: The Gingerbread Nightmare by: Valerie Garner Do you ever see those beautiful gingerbread houses during the holiday seasons that are so beautiful? They look so simple, and look like such a fun project to do with the kids
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: Rustic Stone House Signs by: Mansi Gupta You may own a remarkably constructed, attractive house that is perfect from every angle. The outside of the house is designed to demand a second look from anyone passing by. So
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: 10 Ways to Survive Building or Remodeling Your Home by: Julie Lohmeier 1. Think of the project as a new diet. Who doesn’t want to lose at least five pounds? This is one way to do it. Between running to stores
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: Is An Old Home for You? – The Pros by: Raynor James If you prefer a home that is unique and has character, you probably are giving some thought to buying an older home. Before buying, it’s a good idea to
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: Is An Old Home for You? – The Cons by: Raynor James So you think you might like to buy an old home? Perhaps even something old enough to be historic? It’s a good idea to carefully evaluate the pros and
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: Sedona Arizona Real Estate is Red Hot by: John R. Barker The Sedona, Arizona real estate market is a small market but full of beautiful, luxury houses Being a first time visitor in Sedona, Arizona is quite a glorious
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: The Simplest Weight Loss Tips No One Follows! by: Will Brink I have a Cheez-It problem. You're not listening, I really have a Cheez-It problem! I have never met a Cheez-It I didn't like.* Some people can't resist chocolate
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: How to Afford Your Dream Home by: Rhiannon Williamson Is it your dream to one day own a holiday home in the sun; a beautiful house where you can escape, relax and be free of the worries that seem to go hand in hand with
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: Save Yourself From Homebuying Disasters. Avoid These Foolish Mistakes And Make Your Experience a Successful One by: Simon Fox Whether you are a first time home buyer or a happy home owner who wants to refinance an existing
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: Real Estate, How Much Should I Pay For This House? by: Lou Castillo We probably answer this question for someone a couple times every week. The problem is that they don’t have a good formula for determining the
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: Real Estate Investing - - The Key To Successful Closings by: Lou Castillo If everyone always did everything they said they’d do, we’d all be a lot richer. Unfortunately, tasks are overlooked, and the ball
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: Family Feud with an Auction Deadline – Adventures in Probate/ Estate Purchases by: Lou Castillo One of our investor students told us of an interesting probate deal or "adventure" they're working on now and while
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: Don't Just GET THE DEED - The Infamous "Kitchen Table Closing" by: Lou Castillo Q: Hi Lou, I have a property under contract that I want to resell/flip as-is to a rehabber/renovator, but I may have to purchase it quickly
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: Do You Want To Sell Your Rehabs Fast? by: Lou Castillo That’s an obvious question – we all do! So what is the trick? So much time and money is spent on systems updates, roofs, and structural issues, that
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: Real Estate Investing Myths That Steal Profits From Your Pocket by: Lou Castillo One of the things that distresses us about our industry is the amount of wrong or incomplete information available to investors. Some myths
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: Houseboats Types by: Peter Lenkefi A houseboat is a recreational boat that is built in the form of a house. This boat is fitted with all the neccesities and luxuries of a home and can serve as living quarters for a group
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: Top Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy by: Keith Kingston You’ve got so much tidying to do, so little time. So what’s a person to do? You can either lower your standards and just ignore the mess, or you can
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: How To Clean Your House In Hurry by: HomeOrganizationHelp.com You're lying on the couch in your living room, in one of your husband's old t-shirts and a pair of baggie sweatpants, watching last night's taped episode of
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: Small Town Stone House With A Long History by: Mercedes Hayes As a native Midwesterner, the first thing I noticed when moving to the Delaware Valley was the enormous number of fieldstone houses. Frankly, I'd never seen
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: Purchasing Land: What To Look For by: Mercedes Hayes It doesn't take long to realize that finding the right piece of property is the most important aspect of new home construction. In a development, restrictions and
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: Checklist For Buying A Home by: Dr GW Graham I had a client who called saying that his bath tub just fallen through the floor in his new home (new to him). Mold had eaten away the floor from the crawlspace up. The seller
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: Why I Write Horror by: David Silva These are some of the snapshots I carry with me: My father coming up to visit me after first being diagnosed with leukemia. The visit was a surprise, and he brought a new computer
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: The Phantoms of Six Mile Road by: David L. Russell I was going through a box of personal belongings a couple of weeks ago, when I stumbled across some pictures of my 1978 high school graduation. My daughter Vonnie laughed
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: Untrue Father (A short Story) by: O.P.Somani Kallu was a tenant of Santosh Kumar Nayak. Santosh Kumar was a businessman in a small town of Utter Pradesh. So far the rent is concerned he was charging the rent very much
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: Making the Faith/Hope Connection by: Cory L. Kemp You have hope in your life, expectations, desires, a feeling of confidence in what you intend for your life. You know where you want your hope to lead you. But what
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: Bless Your Child With the Name by: Sam Steven What a dreamer I am when thinking about parenthood. Most of the time, I do this without knowing to whom my heart will belong and who will share that sacred responsibility.
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: Herbs for Profection by: Sam Stevens If you have never used plant matter in magic before, I explain in detail in the column Plants, Herbs and Roots for Prosperity the different ways these substances can be practically
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: Money in the Bank by: Sibylla Nash Recently, I was on the phone with a friend of mine from California who just purchased his first home. He's a single father and he's in his early 30s. He was upset that his parents
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: E-Book on Russian Women (Part 4) by: Annas Agency® Russian Women in the Home It has traditionally been the role of RW to carry out duties in the home. And herein may lie a potential problem for the expectation between
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: Seven Wonders of the World - Light House of Alexandria by: Muthukumar.V This light house of Alexandria was one of the useful of the seven wonders of the world (for the sailors to return to the Great Harbor), which is a
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: A Mindful Road Trip: The Perfect No-Goal Vacation by: Maya Talisman Frost It's the beginning of spring break, and we're heading south. That's all we know. Our family is greatly anticipating what may be our last road
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: Home Exchange by: Sam Smith Have you ever wanted to travel to far away places and live like a native but somehow there never seems to be quite enough money to get you there? Well have you ever thought of Home or House
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: Fish Creek House - Making Montana Memories and a Dream Come True by: Cid and Dan Busarow WHITEHALL — Cindy Buscarow fulfilled a childhood dream when she moved to Montana last May. Another dream was reached two
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: Oman Here We Come by: Herman Nuncrush Having practically circumnavigated the world and since retired and become an assisant CEO of Florida vacation villa rental website of www.fabvillas.com I thought I would start to
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: Florida Bound by: Herman Nuncrush Florida bound the wife and our seven children are getting excited about travelling to Kissimmee just by Walt Disney World USA. We were in the USA in late January and the begining of
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: Afraid to Leave the House? Find a House Sitter! by: Ian L White It's true, people need to escape the burdens of daily life for a while--from things like mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, painting, gardening, remodeling,
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: Tourist in My Own Hometown by: Marcia Passos Duffy I lived in the suburbs of New York City almost all my life and it was only when I was in my 20's and working on 5th Avenue when I finally went to the top of the Empire
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: Magic of Goal Manifestation by: Shaun Ajani What goals do you have for your life? If you have goals, is it just in your head? Or do you have a methodology to manifest them? A systematic process to think of anything
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: Buyer's Remorse by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 29, 2002 A few months after my divorce I started seeing a friend of my ex-wife. She told me I really needed a person that would appreciate
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: 10 Simple ways to Clear Clutter from your Home and Office by: BZ Riger-Hull There is nothing worse then spending ten minutes looking for something to accomplish a three minute task. Clear the clutter and clear your mind. 1.
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: 10 Simple ways to Clear Clutter from your Home and Office by: BZ Riger-Hull There is nothing worse then spending ten minutes looking for something to accomplish a three minute task. Clear the clutter and clear your mind. 1.
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: Going Seamless: Dissolving the Brain Divide by: Maya Talisman Frost Are you a right-brainer or a left-brainer? The greatest thinkers are at a loss when it comes to answering that question. Just as we admire athletes
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: Breaking The Cycle by: Barbara Davidson Breaking the cycle is a term we have all heard. Especially if we come from a family (and these days who doesn’t) that has a history of some type of violence and/or drug
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: Trusting the Universe – Or Not by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Faith and trust in a Higher Power are two different things. Faith is about believing in God/Higher Power even though there is no proof. Trust is about noticing
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: Four Major Steps Toward Building an Awesome Music Ministry by: John Pape, Jr. The inspiration for this article comes from an Old Testament story. In this story there is a special building project undertaken by Solomon.
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: Be Grateful for Gratitude by: Angie Dixon In Twelve Step meetings, it’s traditional to groan when someone says, “Let’s have a gratitude meeting.†People don’t like to talk or think about
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: Addiction to Clutter by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Clutter is a big problem for many people. At a lecture that I gave, I asked for a show of hands regarding how many people had problems with clutter and disorganization. I
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: Feng Shui with Style! Working with Your Element Type by: Stephanie Roberts When you begin to study feng shui, you quickly realize the importance of the qualities and characteristics of the five feng shui elements: wood,
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: Feng Shui Your Love Pad by: Advice Diva What began centuries ago in China as a way of interpreting the natural world to create more efficient agricultural systems and even study astronomy to understand the passage of
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: Friends? by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 18, 2004 I met my friend when we were in graduate school, and we enjoyed hanging out together outside of classes. After receiving our degrees,
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: Balance Your Life by: Liana Metal Writing is a solitary task. Writing needs concentration and quiet. Writing requires absolute commitment. Are all there scary statements true? What is more, is it possible to balance
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: Words of Wisdom for Single Parents by: Sarah Mitchell The cost of being a parent and raising a child in todays world is constantly increasing. The risk of your child becoming involved in problem behaviour is also greater.
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: 5 Love Languages and Those Who Contribute at Home by: Kate Hufstetler The work around a house or apartment has got to be some of the least thanked work ever created. Whether it is the yard work on the weekend, plumbing
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: Waffle House and the Work At Home "Anti-Guru" by: Cathy Bryant Let's start with the second part of the article title - who, or what, is the "anti-guru?" Well, the WHO would be me, of course. The WHAT could be defined
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: Why Aren't They Buying? by: Michael Southon You've polished your sales page over and over again until it's gleaming with benefits. You're getting plenty of traffic. And still - no sales. What's wrong? It could be
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: Is Good Neighborliness Good Business? by: Dr. Larry Winebrenner [Note: This story is not a criticism of Buddhism. It is a story of neighborly love.] Introduction He was the least likely of neighbors to do this thing,
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: Can I Really Make Money Online? by: Patty Baldwin You certainly can! You can also make money by investing wisely or working a 9 to 5 job, or starting a business. Play along with me for a minute. Let's just say that
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: The List Is The Thing by: Ken Leonard Jr. Many companies begin their online sales ventures with the wrong strategy to build long term success. Thinking that a website is the core of their business leads them to focus
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: Use Targeted Decorating To Get A Higher Price For Your House by: Neeraj Varma This article will show you how to sell your home quicker, get a higher price for it by using smart decorating techniques. The secret is to
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: Blueprint of Online Success by: Dr Jamie Fettig I'm going to introduce you to what is potentially the most valuable strategy you're ever going to learn about Internet Marketing, or even business in general. Once you
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: 4 Steps to Selling More With Your Web Site by: Charlie Cook Most web sites are more like stage sets than real buildings; they make a good impression and they look substantial at first, but when you open a door, you end
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: Stopping Home Foreclosure by: Kevin OHara A Foreclosure Prevention Service has numerous ways it can help you deal with the foreclosure process. Under the law, you have a right to remain in the property for a certain period
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: To Clean Or Not To Clean by: Debi Nelson In my younger (much younger) days, I dabbled in the world of beauty pageants. I did not, however, (much to the chagrin of my husband) win the coveted “Miss Queen of Cleanâ€
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: Don’t Make Fast and Furious Food Changes by: Sue DeFiore OK, moms and dads out there, we hear you when you say, my children won’t eat healthy foods. If we even say the word, they tune out and already decide
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: I Live in a Hundred Years Old House! by: Sayan Chaliha “It’s been over a century now since the time the construction of this house was begun. There were so many people who lived here, many of them died here….
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: Make a Grand Entrance of Your Front Door by: Debbie Rodgers You may find it difficult to believe that the days will start getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere in just four short weeks. You can find yourself this
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: Tearing Down the House by: David Leonhardt Last year, we bought this big ol' 1887 house. We are just now coming to grips with the magnitude of the "upgrades" planned. With a baby on the way and Little Lady all of
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: Home Of The Year by: David Leonhardt We were gathered 'round the television, where Little Lady was watching an episode of Stuart Little. The kids had entered their house for a Home Of The Year contest sponsored by some
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: House Cleaning - The Benefits When It Comes To Selling by: David Andrew Smith A property in a very sought after location was on the market. This property was a two bedded town house. The owner considered that because
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: The Smart Way To Look At Home Improvements by: W. Troy Swezey What home improvements really pay off when the time comes to sell your house? That’s an important question for any homeowner contemplating moving or
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: How to Sell Your House For Full Price by: Caterina Christakos How to Sell Your House For Full Price Without a Broker Many people believe that a real estate broker is needed to sell their house. So they post it with
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: Get Everything Done Quickly Using Your Basic Tools by: Tony Gevano No one wants to have their house equipment broken. But it might happened your electricity went off or your water system not working etc due of broken
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: What Should You Know About House Flooring by: Tony Gevano Having a nice house is everyone dreams. In fact, everybody wants to have their own house. Unfortunately not everybody is fortune to have a house of their own.
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: 5 Tips for the First Time Home Buyer by: Home Buyers Digest Want to buy a home? Consider the following before taking the big plunge! 1. Are You Ready to buy a home? You need to get your financial house in order. The
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: So You Want To Be A House Sitter? Here's How To Find A House Sitting Assignment (And You Won'T Be Paid A Cent For Your Efforts) by: Susan Holtham The kinds of house sitting opportunities I'm about to tell you about are
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: Need A House And Pet Sitter While You're Away But Think You Can't Afford It? Think Again - You Can Find A House Sitter Who Works For Free. by: Susan Holtham While you're out in the big world, your most precious possessions
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: Chill Out With A Quality Ceiling Fan by: Mike Spencer Are you craving some air flow in your house? Is the air conditioner running as hard as it can go but it still feels stuffy and hot in your house? Try installing a
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: Making Space In Your Home by: William Sault Make Space Clear out excess furniture and accessories from the interior of your home as much as possible. If a piece of furniture is too big for the room, or is crowding the
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: House Plans – Where To Start by: Martin Smith You have found the perfect lot on which to build your new home. Now you have an abundance of decisions to make. Where will the house sit on the lot? You will have to
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: House Plans – Research Is Key by: Martin Smith When you think about building your new home consider your needs and your lifestyle. If you are newlyweds your choices will be different from a couple who is ready
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: Geomantic Rules in the Living Room by: Jheng-Syong Chen Chinese people attach importance to the science of Geomancy - study of the influence of landscape (hills, river, layout of land or house) on people and their fortunes.
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: Thinking About Selling Your Home? by: Donald Lee Owning a home is the original American dream. It’s the old frontier spirit, wanting to claim your own tuft of the New World. Then again, these days it also makes
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: Determining Your Home's Value by: Jeffrey D. Leiser Determining your home's value, and setting a price, is probably the most important step in selling your home. Why? Because if your home is overpriced for your area,
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: Home Inspection Checklist by: Mike Plank Although architectural details, wall and floor coverings, modern conveniences and many other factors are important in the buying decision, the focus of this inspection is on the
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: Decorating to Sell a House by Meeting Three Key Needs by: Julie Dana Specific marketing campaigns are no longer just for automobiles and designer clothes. Targeted marketing techniques are now applied to houses that are
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: Choosing the Right House Plan by: Dascar Daniel Now that you have made that bold decision to build a home of your dream, it absolutely important to get the best home you can imagine. For you and all of us, building the
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: Remodeling Online by: Dan Noyes Making remodeling plans for a house helps you to ensure that your home meets all your needs. It also adds value to your home in the long term. After all, you will spend at least half your
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: Home Remodeling Business by: Dan Noyes The need for home remodeling is on the rise as many people like the neighborhood they live in and the affordability of their existing homes. By incurring a little cost they can remodel
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: Before You Buy A House – Top 10 Tips by: Stuart Simpson 1. Pre-qualify for a mortgage. Now you know how much house you can afford before you start looking. This will narrow your search and keep you “realâ€
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: Your Building Your Dream Home, But Where Do You Start? by: Martin Smith You have finally found the perfect lot, in the neighborhood of your choice, and at a price you can afford. Now you have to decide what type of house
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: Pre-drawn House plans the Benefits and Styles by: Martin Smith Pre-drawn house plans are those that are drawn by architects or home designers and then offered for sale, unlike those that are drawn for an individual, with
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: Whole House Water Filters by: Mandy Nemenko So you know the benefits of purifying your drinking water and have already installed a filter for your kitchen tap. But what happens when you get thirsty upstairs and the closest
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: The House That Became Part Of A Family (Part Three) by: Pat Stelzer That October morning dawned bright and sunny, seemingly an omen of good things to come. It was moving day! We were actually moving into our “newâ€
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: How to Build Your Dream Home by: Keith Kingston Building your dream home is a process that takes some individuals a lifetime. Hardly anyone knows early in life what exactly constitutes "dream home" in her eyes. Pinning
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: Before Selling Your Home by: Sameer S Panjwani Here are some important steps you should take before you put your house on the market: 1. Home Loan Approval for your next Home You don’t want to be signing a contract
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: When Showing Your Home to a Home Buyer by: Sameer S Panjwani Here below are some of the reasons why buyers may be put off when visiting your home. 1. Welcoming Entrance - First Impression Matters As has often been said,
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: Got Attic Mold? Lets Talk Energy Conservation! by: Mark D. Tyrol, P.E. It happens to countless homeowners around the end of the year – you make the annual visit to your attic to collect the holiday decorations
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: Everybody Is Fixing His or Her House or Apartment Up These Days. Use That Digital Camera To Capture The Process! by: Kevin Rockwell That’s right, you go through all the trouble of making your house or apartment
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: Building or Decorating Your Home Requires House Plans by: Martin Smith There are some things to consider when creating plans for your home. There are two situations that call for plans or blue prints, either you are building
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