Tag: Years
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: Pisa - The City Of The Leaning Tower by: Jakob Jelling Although it is world wide famous due to its Leaning Tower, the city of Pisa also has many other great attractions and amazing characteristics to offer. Pisa is one
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: How to Recognize and Overcome the “Don’t Fears†by: Leanne Hoagland-Smith When we hear the word “conditioning,†many of us are reminded of Pavlov and his work with dogs. Over 100 years ago,
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: Being A Boston Sports Fan by: Jason OConnor Being a Boston sports fan sometimes reminds me of battered-wife syndrome. You get beaten down, but you keep coming back. You’re given just enough to make you feel warm
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: Natural Disasters - New Orleans by: Lee Davis Nature has struck once again and while many of us sit in our dry snug homes, hundreds of thousands of people are without a roof over their heads, food for their kids or a
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: Weave of the Gods: The Real-Life Golden Fleece by: Peter Blinn Paleontologists tell us the camel family arose in the North American Great Plains about 45 million years ago. One group took the Bering land bridge into Asia
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: Spectral Muses Revisited: The Channeled Melodies of Rosemary Brown by: Peter Blinn Rosemary Brown (1916-2001) was a middle-aged South London widow, making ends meet as a grade school kitchen assistant, who rocketed to
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: Marketing Hasn’t Changed In Over 100 Years! by: Larry Westfall You might think I am crazy – but it is true. Marketing hasn’t changed one, single bit in the last 100 years. Selling is still selling.
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: Heirloom Decorating by: Rachel Paxton I love to surround myself with things from the past. To me "heirloom" doesn't necessarily mean something really old, because memories are always in the making, and displaying a family
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: A New Perspective on Home Security by: Jill Ostrow It was a struggle in the early years of the security alarm industry for the public to recognize the need for protection & monitoring with police notification against
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: How The Grandfather Clock Got Its Name by: Marcelle Snyder Over 100 years ago in Piercebridge, North Yorkshire, England, a quaint country lodge known as the George Hotel was managed by two bachelor brothers named Jenkins,
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: Here Comes the Sun: Solar Energy Is Becoming More Attractive For Mainstream Consumers by: Kavar Peter The price of a barrel of oil has never been higher (.00+ in summer 2005 even before the chaos caused by Katrina).
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: Gold Heading to ,000 an Ounce: 13 Reasons Why This Can Happen by: Stefan Pool Many people are not aware that Gold peaked at over 0 an ounce in the 1980's. It has been in a bear (depressed market) for 20 years since
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: History Rhymes With A Bull Market In Stocks by: John Allison Mark Twain said, “History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme a lot.†In our business, it is standard practice to find that “rhymeâ€
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: Early Detection And Breast Cancer by: Brenda Witt It is generally accepted that by the time a cancer is found by mammography or palpated during a clinical breast exam, the cancer has been growing for 8-10 years. What
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: Recommendations For Early Breast Cancer Screening by: Brenda Witt Women need to empower themselves about the benefits and risks of mammography and examine the additional screening tools available today. One current philosophy
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: The Edinburgh Festival – Why Brits Are Missing Out by: R. Richmond The annual Edinburgh Festivals are regarded world wide as some of the best Europe has to offer in terms of film, literature and music. Every year
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: Dogs - Wonderful Companions by: Wendy Yeager Dogs Are Man's Best Friend Dogs are believed to be descendants of wild wolves. They were the first wild animal to be tamed. Ancient man probably brought home cub wolves
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: A Whiplash Injury Claim Is NO BIG DEAL... Or Is It? by: Mumtaz Shah Are you aware of how important your compensation for a whiplash injury can be? Too often, a whiplash injury claim is overlooked or is under-compensated.
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: New Advances In Early Breast Cancer Detection by: Brenda Witt In November 2003, the American Cancer Society stated that breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 44. In the United
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: Paying for College by: Joyce Dutton College Payments Paying for college is one of the largest expenses a parent will face in their lifetime, other than paying for a house. Because of this, care needs to be taken as
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: The Benefit Of Flushing Your Fuel Injectors by: Donald Buske Some of the most common complaints of drivers today, are lack of engine performance and poor fuel economy. There are many variables that can cause these two
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: Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes by: Paula Bardell One of the most important poets of the post-war period, Edward James Hughes (1930-1998), was drawn towards the primitive. He was enchanted by the beauty of the natural
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: The Paradox of Sarah Kane by: Paula Bardell There are some who believe that the world lost one of its finest late 20th century dramatists when Sarah Kane committed suicide in 1999. Her work produced extreme reactions
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: How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams by: Yuwanda Black Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own
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: Be Concise by: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Concision. (Sounds like I made up another word.) It's the idea of being concise in our ongoing communication with others, both written and oral. Many take forever to say so little.
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: The Ironies Of MASH by: Stephen Schochet The TV show MASH ran for 11 years taking nearly every opportunity to bash the US involvement with the Korean War, which was actually an allegory for Vietnam. Many episodes showed
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: Editorial Freelancing: 5 Must-Know Tips to Getting Your Foot in the Door by: Yuwanda Black So, you want to freelance as an editor, writer, copy editor, copywriter, graphic designer, proofreader, etc.? But, how do you
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: Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. One professional coach said she was not a natural writer.
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: Self Publishing Success Starts With Marketing by: Jean Fritz Self-publishing is not for the faint of heart. The publication process is lengthy, involves a considerable number of detailed, administrative tasks and can
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: Writing Made Them Rich #3: Richard Bach by: Michael Southon One day in the mid-1970's a young man stumbled into a diner somewhere in the United Sates. Slung over his shoulder was a kit-bag that contained everything
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: Why Women Should Worry About Retirement More Than Men by: Steve Wilcott Women earn an average of 76 percent of men’s salaries. Does that shock you? Yes, even in 2005, women are still way behind the earning curve
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: Why Will Wigs Never Go Out Of Fashion? by: Raymond L'arou Quite simply because fashion exists, With every new fashion we are bombarded with a never ending parade of weird and wonderfull hairstyles that we would never
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: Fashion Located Around The World by: Claire Peacock Fashion A Thing Of Beauty? Who has the time to tear around the world to visit the fashion world's hot spots? Paris, London, New York and Milan are hardly near to
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: Keep Up To Date With All The Latest Fashions by: Claire Peacock Fashion A Thing Of Beauty? Keeping your finger on the pulse of the latest fashion designers in all the main shows in the world is not an easy job. Each
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: Get Married and Have Fun for the Rest of Your Life by: Terry Hernon MacDonald How often do do your married friends complain about husbands who spend weekends on the couch watching games? Did they not notice these guys
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: Soft Hair And Skin Au Naturelle by: Gerard Bulger Just picture this, your walking down the beach front, its a warm sunny day, a light breeze in from the sea is gently blowing through your hair gives it more waves than
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: Beyond the Arch of Swords: Making Military Marriage Last by: Barbara Eastom Bates Melissa Wallace of Camp Pendleton, California is a tall, wispy woman, with a soft voice and gentle smile. The wife of 25-years to a Sgt.
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: The Secret Of Silver Jewelry by: George Ahrens When we talk about precious metals we usually mean gold, platinum and another pure metal, fine silver. Silver is one of the original materials of value mentioned in the
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: Women of the Net by: Cathy Bryant Two years ago, when I had been working online about a year, an online colleague approached me about writing an article for a special edition of his newsletter which was to feature successful
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: What Women Want by: Irene Segal Women in business and the professions continue to change the face of the North American economy. Women are starting more businesses than men and are twice as likely to remain in business
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: The Joys of Being Healthy by: Kay Kopit It is amazing to be able to say I am a whole, happy, healthy, loving woman. I was sick for the first 40 years of my life. Like millions of other human beings I grew up immersed
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: Wise Women Money Quiz: How Money-Wise Are You? by: Cynthia Fick Awareness is the first step in gaining financial freedom. Test Your Knowledge Do you know where you stand in terms of Money Smarts? The following questions
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: Ten Financial Tips for Women by: Sandra N. Salter On average, women earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the workplace. Because women typically spend approximately seven years out of the work force to have and raise
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: "Patent Pending" In The U.S. - Tips For Building Patience by: Reid Hampon The Patent Process - Patience Pays Off In The End Margaret Thatcher is quoted as saying, "I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own
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: What’s In A (Domain) Name? by: Sibyl McLendon Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet. This name is the first impression that strangers are going to
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: What You Need To Know Before You Sell Your Boat by: James "Doc" Lewis As the owner/operator of a full service boat detailing-yacht maintenance business I can't help but chuckle sometimes at seeing the extremes that otherwise
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: At Home with Bakelite by: linda grossman and evelyn roth “Plastic†objects are part of our history. These items represent a significant example of Americana. The Smithsonian, the Museum of Modern Art and
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: Florida Bound by: Herman Nuncrush Florida bound the wife and our seven children are getting excited about travelling to Kissimmee just by Walt Disney World USA. We were in the USA in late January and the begining of
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: Secret Resorts in Germany – A Checklist to Find Them – Part 2 of 4 by: Marcus Hochstadt In the first part I went into details of the environment of Secret Resorts. I told you how it should be in terms of
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: The State of the Reef by: Sheldon Hey Coral reefs around the world are under siege - FACT. Threats from over-fishing, urban coastal encroachment and rising sea temperatures are destroying sensitive corals and devastating
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: Egypt : Land Before Time by: Steven N. Ng In recent years, the number of people touring Egypt has slowly dwindled. This is most likely due to the violence in the Middle Eastern region and the few bombings and kidnappings
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: Name That Tune by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 26, 2004 I have been married to a wonderfully grounded woman for nine years, and we have two young children. The problem? My mother-in-law
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: 10 Ideas to Jump Start Your Self-Confidence by: Skye Thomas To begin feeling that first spark of self-confidence within you, try as many of these as you like. It's important to enjoy yourself along the way. Have fun! 1.
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: Conflict In Faith by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 19, 2004 My husband is Jewish, and I am Catholic. That wasn't a problem when we were dating, because he isn't religious. He married
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: Mitigating Factors by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 30, 2002 I am writing for advice on a personal dilemma of the most personal nature. I am male, mid-40s, married 20 years. After
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: Are You Doing What You Love Each and Every Day? by: Stacey Mayo, "The Dream Queen" It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts
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: Unprofessional Conduct by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 14, 2004 I am sitting here so unsure of what to do anymore. I've never asked anyone for help of this type, as many people come to
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: Journey to Haypress Creek by: Sandin Phillipson It was the end of my first year as a graduate student, and my personal stock had risen somewhat due to long hours of hard work. Now a fabulous opportunity presented itself
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: For Speaking Ease, Forgive Your Younger Self by: Melissa Mayers Lewis I love the Disney movie The Kid with Bruce Willis. In it he plays a stressed-out, high-power image consultant. He wears expensive suits, lives in a
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: Have Heart by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 24, 2004 I am the mother of a 6-year-old child. My husband is an alcoholic and refuses to realize it because he can skip a few days, once in awhile,
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: Speak in Public! Who Me! by: Kathy Thompson The first time I had to speak in front of a group was in Air Force boot camp. I had always been very shy, naive, and backward. During Air Force boot camp I was so impressed
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: Product Testing by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 24, 2002 I suppose there are worse problems than having two men who want to share their life with me. However, it is a genuine problem.
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: Fickle Fates by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 19, 2004 I am currently involved in a wonderful year-long relationship with a man I've known for ten years. We dated briefly all those
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: The Joan of Arc Complex by: Skye Thomas Sometimes I think that I have a mental health problem and that at any minute the pharmaceutical companies are going to develop a cute little green star-shaped pill to cure me of
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: Been There, Done That by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 12, 2004 Fourteen years ago I was divorced from my second wife, her idea. I'll call her Kay. But I never lost my love for her.
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: Worth Waiting For by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 22, 2002 I am a 31-year-old virgin male. At times I feel sexually frustrated because I've never been intimate with a woman. The only
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: The Future: Help is Available by: Miami Phillips How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life? How important would it be to you if your cab driver wandered all over town, never getting
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: Socrates, Politics and Axe Murder: A Look at Gay Marriage by: Maya Talisman Frost This week, I attended a reading by Christopher Phillips. He is the author of Socrates' Café: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy, and has been
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: You're How Old?!? by: David Leonhardt a.k.a. The Happy Guy "Well, Happy Birthday! How old are you anyway?" "Oh, I'm just 29 … again." It's a harmless game, denying our age, right? We play sensitive about our
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: Mastering Mindfulness: A Thinker's Ode to Meditation by: Maya Talisman Frost I'm lucky. When I was fifteen, I was the sole survivor in one of those horrific car accidents involving a bunch of teens, lots of alcohol,
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: Catch-22 by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 16, 2004 I have been married for a little over seven years, with one 2-year-old son and another on the way. Over time, I believe my wife
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: Myth And Reality by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 2, 2004 I am at a complete loss about what to do with my mother-in-law to be. In a nutshell, she's verbally abusive. She treats
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: What's Your Plan? Designing Your Future by: Miami Phillips So you have set your goals for the year. Congratulations! I have come to believe most of us set our goals for incorrect reasons. We set goals for short term
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: Finding Yourself: Finding Passion Series - 1 of 3 by: Skye Thomas We have been told that the things we don't like in our children are the same things we don't like in ourselves. We are told that we project our own flaws
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: Pioneering Insanity by: Skye Thomas “They’re crazy!†That’s what they’re saying about us. The majority of the people in America at this time in history do not channel spirits, do not
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: Looking At Time With A Capital T by: Maya Talisman Frost I keep a fossil on my desk at all times. Whenever I feel rushed or find myself creating a sense of urgency, I pick up the fossil and caress its polished surface.
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: Affirmations to the Rescue! by: B. Marlain Morrison INNER CRITIC UNVEILED! Part 2: AFFIRMATIONS TO THE RESCUE! "Almost everybody walks around with a vast burden of imaginary limitations inside his head. While
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: Giving Thanks by: Ray Stark 1Th 5:16 Rejoice evermore. 1Th 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 1Th 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Thanksgiving is my favorite
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: The Road Not Taken by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 24, 2003 My husband cheated on me for maybe five years, and yes, I really had no idea. The person he cheated with is a policewoman
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: If It Is The Lord's Will I Will Live by: Pastor Ray Stark My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my
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: Give The Wrong Words An Inch And They May Take A Mile! by: Richard Vegas What do you do when circumstances seem out of control? What's the first thing you look for? Or Whom? What immediately runs through your mind? Do
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: An Unexpected Letter by: LeAnn R. Ralph It was a couple of weeks after Christmas, and I was standing by my mailbox in the vestibule of the apartment building where I lived in Lexington, Kentucky, holding a letter I had
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: Avoid This Tendency And You'll Press Beyond Your Limits! by: Richard Vegas Inside of every one of us is the desire to press beyond our own limitations. Just forty years ago, the goal to land on the moon was a huge step
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: From Failure To Victory; The Cat's Out Of The Bag! by: Richard Vegas Did you ever think that all of the great heroes we read about may not have been particularly great men in and of themselves? They may not have been
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: Caste Out by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 29, 2003 I am a 28-year-old Indian lady. I am in love with a 30-year-old Indian guy for the last four years. We share many interests
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: Embrace Change by: Mark Susnow We all have a unique way of communicating our story, a way that reflects our life experience. The photographer uses a camera, the artist a brush, and the musician a melody or rhythm. But
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: The Cracked Pot by: Mark Susnow Letters on Life#3 Some experiences you never forget. In some of them there is great learning. Many years ago I had such an experience that remains with me to this day. It shows up in
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: The Grief And Belief Connection by: Bob Olson "Grief is healing: To take away our grief is to take away our healing. And learning about life after death helps us heal with greater hope, comfort and peace." ~ Bob Olson
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: Parental Consent by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 11, 2003 I am concerned about a relationship, but it is not my own. My nephew aged 21 is planning to get married this November. While
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: False Start by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 7, 2003. I was married three months ago, and I think I may have married the wrong woman. What do I mean when I say that? I thought I was
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: Mental Toughness For Modern Life by: Hirini Reedy Have you ever wondered how would survive in a hostage situation? Being captured and held as a hostage by terrorists? What would give you the will to survive and stay alive? Make
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: Timepieces by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 2, 2003 I am a father of three teenagers. The older boy and girl are obedient, good at their studies, and helpful around the home. My problem
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: Do You Say What You Mean? by: John Sheridan It's generally accepted that the majority of people learn to speak from a very early age, and on average a basic vocabulary is formed between the ages of four and six years
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: Holosync Meditation - Does It Really Work? by: GiGi Konwin Chances are, if you are on a quest for self-improvement, you've already heard of the Holosync Meditation CD's. What It Is: Developed by Bill Harris in the late
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: Numbers by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 19, 2003 I'm currently in the classic older man and younger woman relationship. I'm 50 years old, Nancy is 30, and we are both divorced. I was
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: Breaking The Cycle by: Barbara Davidson Breaking the cycle is a term we have all heard. Especially if we come from a family (and these days who doesn’t) that has a history of some type of violence and/or drug
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: Sole Work – Walking the Spiritual Path by: Diana Kennedy, LMT For the past several years I have struggled with getting (and staying) fit. Ok, I admit it, the struggle has been longer than just a few years. As a
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: Numerology-Life's Numeric Cycles by: Deborah Sexton Predict Your Past, Present and Future Using Numerology Knowing what numeric year you are in can help you prepare for events in your life. You can than best grasp the
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: Comparing Corporate and Personal Goal Attainment Programs That Have Developed Over Thousands Of Years by: Dr. Jason Armstrong In the 1990s Stephen Covey’s name became famous through the publication of the “The
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: How to begin your journey to success by: Dave Origano Becoming successful requires a lifestyle change. It requires that you know where you are going, where you want to be, but most importantly, it requires that you know
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