Tag: Live
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: Depression Can Turn into Joy by: Ann Stewart Depression is the most prevalent disease of our time. Under the guise of informing the public, both the medical profession and the media are constantly "warning" us of the
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: Fighting For Your Llife by: Royane Real Recently the well known American news anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer just a few months after he publicly announced that he had the disease and that he was going to fight
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: The Truth About Halitosis, More Commonly Known As Bad Breath by: Dr. Harold Katz PART I: THE SCIENCE OF HALITOSIS AND BACTERIA IN YOUR MOUTH Halitosis, also more commonly known as bad breath, is caused by anaerobic producing
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: Tools to Manage Your Diabetes by: Carla Peterson It’s estimated that in the US, over 18 million people over the age of 20 have diabetes. If you happen to have been diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you’re
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: Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12 by: Tami Close Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn’t it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep
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: How To Grow Daphnia For The Aquarium by: Alden Smith The benefits of feeding live food to fish in a community tank are many: live food will improve vigor and color, and more closely resemble the food found in the fish's
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: Freelance Writing: A Career From Anywhere by: Gary McLaren An island in the Mediterranean. A beach in Africa. The east coast of New Zealand. What do all these locations have in common? A recent call for assistance from
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: Have You Completed A Character Questionnaire? by: Nick Vernon Creative Writing Tips – Complete a character questionnaire for each of your main characters or even secondary characters that play a vital role in your
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: How To Live With Menopause by: Alicia Simpson How do you feel when entering menopause? Do you think you can live with menopause? It seems a woman in menopause faces physical changes and new emotional realities. Are you
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: To Honor Mothers: Song Remembers Mom 'Forever' by: Neal R. Voron In the spirit of Mother's Day, two songwriters are sharing with the world their lyrics to a song that commemorates and celebrates a mother's love. Lyricists
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: Change Your Thinking and Lose Weight by: Kim Beardsmore Are you a 'look-and-lose' dieter? Have you studied every diet ever created, read a zillion diet books, and yet are still unhappy with your weight? Has your quest
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: Nightlife In Jamaica by: Tim Henry Nightlife in Jamaica showcases its rich and vibrant native culture and is flavored by the international blend of tourists that flock to this beautiful island nation. Whether your taste
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: Tropical Rainforest Species by: Furia Andress Animals of the Tropical Rainforest The tropical rainforest is a unique ecosystem that is home to many plants and animals, in fact more plants and animals than we even know
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: Caring For My New Guinea Pig by: Greg Beverly Guinea pigs are very lovable animals. They are very affectionate and have their own personalities, which will become very evident within days after you bring them home.
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: The Intellijeune Factor Helps Relocation Decisions by: Otto Weizman Many people with a desire to live overseas have difficulty in deciding where to go and are sometimes in search of help in making their decisions. Cultural
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: Are You Doing What You Love Each and Every Day? by: Stacey Mayo, "The Dream Queen" It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts
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: Five Ways to Stay Positive in a Negative World by: Lucy MacDonald In view of the increasing negative events happening around the world here are five things you can do to help you stay positive. 1. Take a news sabbatical.
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: Working on Your Fears by: Rondell Demmings As children, my brother, two sisters and myself we were not allowed to bring anything in the house that even resembled a snake. I remember once being at Geauga Lake, an amusement
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: Live Life to the Fullest by: Michael Lee Do you sometimes feel that you're living a boring life? You just can't seem to find anything exciting. You wake up in the morning, then do the same old rituals. You go to the
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: 7 Things You Can Do To Reach The Success You Truly Desire by: BZ Riger-Hull Ever have those days where no matter what you try life seems to be a series of one step forward and two steps back? Well today is the very
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: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by: Jeff Earlywine Recently a person attended one of my goal setting seminars with a different kind of focus; I will call him Richie. I had the feeling, as I was leading the group in a goal
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: 21 Life Changing Questions You Can't Afford to Not Ask! by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Imagine finally taking off seven coats youÃve been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people
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: Afraid Of Dying? ... Afraid Of Living! by: Edward B. Toupin Over the years, I've heard many people voice their concerns of death and dying. It wasn't that they had any maladies that would cause them to die any time soon,
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: Heal and Release the Past by: Stephanie Marrone I had a completely different idea for my main article but certain events that happened today helped me to tune into my soul and listen for what I really want to write about.
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: Getting To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient by: Maya Talisman Frost As I was driving to a friend's house, I passed the Dublin Pub, a local watering hole known for its live music. On the reader board, one band's name
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: Second Thoughts? Think Again! by: Miami Phillips Life is perfect. If you have read these articles long enough, you have seen this written in several different forms and ways. There is even a series on it in one of my
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: 21 Life Changing Questions You Can't Afford to Not Ask! by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Imagine finally taking off seven coats youÃve been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people
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: If It Is The Lord's Will I Will Live by: Pastor Ray Stark My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my
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: No Ifs, Ands Or Buts by: Pat Pollina (aka PCNana) If we could choose right now, this moment, how we would live, And, Knowing, that the only way we could live the way we choose, is to be who we truly are... Would we?
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: The Art Of Happy Living by: Hifzur Rehman What do you think about happiness? A philosophical approach to life; an intellectual activity or an academical pursuit. No, not at all, nothing of the sort. Happy living is
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: Learning From Life by: Charlie Badenhop Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily."? This article can help you learn valuable lessons from the past, instead
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: A Brand New Year To Live by: Marta Dodd Have you ever started a new year with a New Years resolution? I think many of us have, whether it is to be nicer to family, to be a better friend, co-worker, or even to start that
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: Live Your Own Life by: Hifzur Rehman Are you living your life, the way you want to live? If your reply is in affirmative then you must be a very successful and powerful person in full command of your life and the circumstances.
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: Go Between by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 16, 2003 I enjoy reading your column every week. I want to tell you about a family problem I am having at present. Recently our youngest
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: The Spirit Of Change by: Christopher Walker The Spirit of Change A Highly Conscious Approach To Business Management. For more on this topic please link to Innerwealth Web Site For many years I have worked with people
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: Desperate Housewife No More- 8 Ways To Take Back Your Life by: Marie Roker Do you feel that you are living someone else’s life? Do you want to feel good and positive about yourself and your life? These 8 simple
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: My Nine Success Secrets by: Jerry Montero These nine success secrets apply to anything you do in life, not just to doing business offline or online. First: LOVE is the foundation of everything--love for whatever you
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: Of Whom The World Was Not Worthy Of by: Maurice Perry Hebrews 11:32-38 32 And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Ged’-e-on, and of Ba’-rak, and of Samson, and of Jeph’-thae;
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: The Top 10 Roadblocks To Attracting Prosperity… And What We Can Do About Them! by: Sandra Baptist If it were easy, everyone would do IT; everyone would have IT. That "IT" is prosperity and we're all trying to achieve
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: Today I choose... by: Bill Marshall Here is a great way to create affirmations that may be helpful to you. Here's how it works: You start off the affirmation with "Today I choose..." then fill in a quality or thought
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: False Prophets by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 12, 2003 Of all the relationship advice columns, I like and respect yours most because you never encourage using manipulation or "tricks"
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: The Example of Pope John Paul II by: Raul Bancod and John Urman We have just witnessed the culmination of the remarkable life of Pope John Paul II as he passed through the final phase of a life-long Calvary. In a world
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: Live Strong by: Bridget Nolen Lance Armstrong won his 6th Tour de’ France this year, transforming him from an American hero to an American icon, a survivor of cancer who beat the odds, along with a handful of other
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: Accepting A Life of Simplicity by: Heather J. Tait Once we discover our purpose we then have to make a commitment to pursue that purpose. Often we discover that our lifestyles will be altered once that commitment is made.
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: There Is A Magic Technique To Change Your Life, Admits Authors by: Neil Millar Do you feel like your stuck? No matter what you do, you don’t seem to be able to move on. The doors to advancement at work seem to
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: Principles to Live By by: Martin Remy All people hold certain core beliefs that influence the way they live. Whether or not they are able to articulate their beliefs in some pithy phrase like carpe diem or live free,
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: A Live It by: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee Real change happens only when it becomes part of our everyday life. When a change becomes a habit, it isn't something new we are trying, but becomes part of what we do as our routine.
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: Does Insecurity Halt Your Personal Growth? by: Brian Maloney Everyone big or small, old or young would love to feel a sense of security and well being all of the time in such a seemingly short life. However, through
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: Do You Know What It Takes To Crucify The Flesh? by: David Hopkins The flesh is the part of us that resists our transformation into the new person in Christ. And since this is the case the devil wants to use the pleasures
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: Awareness is Serious Business by: Mary Rosendale Let’s talk about AwDD. This is not the same as AD/HD. You may have Awareness Deficit Disorder – you just may not be aware of it. Pun intended. Ever stand
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: How Should We Pray? by: Caleb Osborne Many Christians often wonder, "How should we pray?" I'm going to touch on this subject of prayer a few more times in the upcoming weeks, so today we'll deal with asking for forgiveness
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: Self Management And Rational Thinking by: Dr. Yehia A. Ibrahim Recently, there have been great advancements in the field of self-management. Rational and authentic living is certainly the ultimate goal of self-management.
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: Are You Famous Or Are You Focused? by: John Di Lemme Let’s start with “famousâ€. When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for? Are you famous for procrastination…negative
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: Got Purpose? – Part 2 by: Clyde Dennis I guess I found some hot buttons last week eh? Thanks for a week full of real good feedback. That being the case I’d like to follow along with last weeks theme of
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: 5 Simple Strategies for Keeping Your Life Stuck by: Mary Ann Bailey, MC One of the most common statements I hear when I talk with potential clients is, "I feel stuck." People find themselves feeling stuck in different
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: The Five Essential Secrets of Managing Your Energy Successfully by: Tom Russell Inspirational author Vernon Howard wrote, "Would you be worried over a 0 house payment if you had ,000,000 in the bank? Spiritually,
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: Why Not Live Vicariously Through Yourself? by: Paul Shearstone Reality programming appears to be all the rage today. Survivor, Sex & the City, Desperate Housewives and the Donald’s You’re Fired; they’re
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: Call To Action by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 3, 2003 I need some advice, please! I've been married to the same man for 11 years. He's a nice person when he's not drinking. However
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: The American Dream – At What Cost? by: Geela When people are asked, “How many of you are content and happy with what you have?†the reply of an overwhelming majority of people is “Not me.â€
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: Live With An Attitude Of Gratitude by: Glen Hopkins Imagine for a moment one of those nights when you just can't fall asleep and you have to get up early the next morning for a very important meeting of which you are
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: The American Dream – Are We Really Free? by: Geela The promises of THE AMERICAN DREAM (to have it all and enjoy it all, based on materialistic values system) has been holding us captive and threatening to take
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: Are You Thinking About Moving to a Small Town? by: Susan Dunn, MA One of the fun things about midlife is we often have the opportunity to move for the first time in a long time. Maybe the kids have finally left home,
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: What's Your Aging in American IQ? Take the Quiz and Find Out. by: Susan Dunn, MA Curious how long you may live? Use the Life Expectancy Calculator: http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/interactivearea/living_100.shtml. (Be prepared
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: Top Ten Ways to Live Authentically by: Ann Ronan, Ph.D. 1. Know your purpose Are you wandering through life with little direction – hoping that you’ll find happiness, health and prosperity? Identify your
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: 7 Effective Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem by: Caroline Jalango 1. Get a life purpose statement. A well thought out life purpose statement is a powerful way to boost your self-esteem. It will define who you truly
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: Helping Happiness Along by: Tony Papajohn Happiness is worth helping along. The benefits of being a happy person are huge. We live longer, live healthier, and live more lively lives. Unfortunately, all but the most
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: What Am I Going To Do With The Rest Of My Life? by: Soni Pitts Unexpected life changes. Anticipated transitions. Long, sleepless nights. What do these three things have in common? The ability to provoke one of the most
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: How to Create a Positive Environment in Your Home With Vastu by: Robin Mastro Our homes, carefully oriented, have the power to give us comfort and security and to be one of our best investments. We spend a great deal
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: I Did It God's Way by: Anthony Keith Whitehead Frank Sinatra made famous the song "I Did It My Way". It has become so famous that sometimes one even hears it played at funerals - even Christian funerals. It is as though
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: Jazz Goa by: Jazz Goa Jazz Goa is formed by a group of musicians and music lovers to promote jazz in and out of Goa. The club's principal aim is to improve the lot and provide an organised platform for local as well as
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: Cushing's Disease by: Susan Prince As our horses enjoy a longer life and many live well into old age so the number of horses with Cushing increases as its more common in older horses especially ponies. It can however
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: Soccer Live Betting by: Winder Liao Live betting is one of the main sources of income for the bookmaker why? Well before the match starts there is always large publicity about the coming fixtures for Live matches. They
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: Conflict in Jerusalem by: David Ben-Ariel From a letter sent to Jewish-American friends while I was living in Israel: Oct. 20, 1991: ... I purposely went to [Jerusalem] to participate in the rally against Baker across
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: If You'd Like to Know Why Reading Matters by: Barbara Freedman-De Vito Here Are Some of the Reasons Why Reading Is So Important for Children Why Do We Tell Children to Read ? We're always telling children that books
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: Why the Internet is an Entrepreneurs' Dream by: Marty Foley Not long ago, a vacation that entailed travelling across much of the U.S. helped me reflect a bit about my Internet business, and reminded me of the powerful
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: *7* Laser Focused Secrets to *Close* Every Sale-EXPOSED! by: John Di Lemme Are you ready? Read this article then print it out and post it where you can see it. But first a Warning.. I warn you.. When applied..
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: 5 Tips for the First Time Home Buyer by: Home Buyers Digest Want to buy a home? Consider the following before taking the big plunge! 1. Are You Ready to buy a home? You need to get your financial house in order. The
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: The Middle of Nowhere (Can you find it on a map?) by: David Leonhardt Working from home on websites for international customers has certain occupational hazards if you live out in the middle of nowhere. Allow me to explain.
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: Making The Most Of Your Smart Decision To Hire An Interior Designer by: Karen Trubner-Kent So you’ve decided to hire an Interior Designer—good move! Now what? Before you start planning your “revealâ€
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: Home Sweet Home by: Akanksha Sinha All of us live in houses but how many of us know how to make it a real ‘HOME’. You may have a very small house with a few rooms: not much to boast about… However, if you follow
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: Death, Aging, Rejuvenation (Part 3) by: Aleksandr Kavokin, MD,PhD Aging How did aging appeared? If mechanism of Death was chosen by evolution, how was aging chosen? Why for example at certain age animals do not die
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: Death, Aging, Rejuvenation (Part 1) by: Aleksandr Kavokin, MD,PhD I would like to raise a question: Is Rejuvenation possible and how to approach it? This is just my own opinion about possible procedures. I used certain
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: Liberate Your Set Esteem and Lose Weight by: Kim Beardsmore Are you a 'look-and-lose' dieter? Have you studied every diet ever created, read a zillion diet books, and yet are still unhappy with your weight? Has your quest
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: Why DO the Japanese Have the Longest Lifespan? Part 2: Live the Lifestyle by: Peter McGarry Why do the Japanese have the longest lifespan? Last month you learned to eat the things Japanese people eat, and now you will
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: Crave Sweets? On the Weight & Mood Roller Coaster? Perhaps It's More Than You Think! by: Christina Winsey-Rudd The sugar industry and the food manufacturers are capitalizing BIG TIME on the addictive nature of carbohydrates
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: The Kidney Foundation Promotes Healthy Choices by: News Canada (NC)-How you live today can make a big difference in how you'll live tomorrow. Making healthy choices early on - what you eat, how active you are, and how
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: 'Keyhole' Surgery: An Innovative Boon For Live Kidney Donors by: News Canada (NC)-Each year, a growing number of Canadians make the heartfelt decision to give one of their kidneys to a relative or friend in need. While
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: 6 Ways To Destroy a Beautiful Complexion by: Dr GW Graham Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating. Some of the following problems
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: Dieting Attitude by: Stuart Simpson There are several factors in winning at weight loss. Sometimes the food isn’t the culprit, it’s your attitude. Here’s a list that will help you with your diet
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: Why Diets Fail And Appetites Rule by: Douglas Cromer To understand why diets fail, and why so many are turning to weight loss surgery, we must take a look at what drives the average person. In other words we need to
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: Eight Amazing Benefits of Teaching Yoga by: Paul M. Jerard Jr. Every challenging occupation yields some sort of satisfaction, but the fitness professionals industry had an amazing 85% job satisfaction rate according to
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: Alkalize Your Way to Better Health by: Bill Marshall Today we're shifting our focus from wealth to health. First of all, I am not an expert. If you have a health condition, you should go see your doctor. What I'm going
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: My Amazing Mom by: Susan Graham My Amazing Mother – “The Arthritis Lady†From the age of 11 to age 53 my mother avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!!
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: Vitamins In Our Daily Lives by: Axel Rodriguez Vitamins is something people been using for a while and it is more common this days. Is it good to use them or not? Many people say it is good since we live in a fast pace
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: SMS Text Messaging … 21st Century Vice or Virtue? by: Jo Wintour The Short Message Service (SMS), more commonly known as text messaging, is currently the most used mobile phone service. Frantic wrist action is
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: How To Raise A Goldfish by: Lee Dobbins Did you know that your goldfish can live for over 10 years? Under the right conditions he can live even longer but most never make it past the first year! If you want your goldfish
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: Can Cats And Dogs Live Together As Friends? by: Larry Chamberlain Can cats and dogs live together without constantly being at war? It seems that they very often can. We often hear people claim to be a "cat person" or
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: Long Distance Caregiving for a Loved One is Particularly Difficult by: Linda LaPointe Use this article freely in print or electronic media, but please use author’s byline and let me know where and how it is used.
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: Interview With A Plant.: Stop Planticide! by: Sher Holloway Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with the infamous plant activist, John Ivy. Mr Ivy heads up the rapidly growing plant rights group, Plants Against
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: Special Events Recording in DVD Players' Age by: Dana Scripca The proliferation of portable DVD players has dramatically changed the videography approach. Digital era prompted people to make critical choices. Videotapes'
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