Tag: Much
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: Botox Alternative - Moisturizer Wrinkle Cream Thats Works! by: Jasmine Yap What is Botox? Listen to Dr. Andrew Weil ( Harvard Medical doctor ) He is Oprah Winfrey's and Larry King's physician and possibly the most-respected
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: Keywords, Competition and Being Number One- Uncovering the Algorithm by: John Krycek By following these steps you will see that most closely guarded secret-- the search algorithm. Remember the movie "the Matrix?" The
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: Mastering The 5 Habits Of Success by: Saleem Rana The difference between success and failure is based on behavior. Successful people adopt certain behaviors that help them move in the direction that they desire. Unsuccessful
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: The Bubble Of Prosperity by: Saleem Rana My life is a bubble; but how much solid cash it costs to keep that bubble floating.~Logan Pearsall Smith. When we appreciate the money that we have--no matter how little, and
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: The Incredible Power of Prayer by: Wendy Betterini During moments of helplessness, there is always one thing that can be done to make us feel more purposeful: pray. Contrary to traditional prayer poses, we don't have
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: Natural Disasters - New Orleans by: Lee Davis Nature has struck once again and while many of us sit in our dry snug homes, hundreds of thousands of people are without a roof over their heads, food for their kids or a
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: Dog Breeds: How To Choose The Perfect Dog Breed For You! by: Richard Cussons If choosing dog is such a straight forward process, and it is, how come so many puppies find their way into adoption centres every year? Well
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: Aquarium Supplies Part 2 - My First Experience With Goldfish by: Jonathan Wangsa If you are seriously considering keeping fish as pets or are just starting out, I would like to stress again the importance of having some
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: Parenting Strategy, One of the Worst Ever! by: Jean Tracy Some parents rush to serve every squeak and squawk from their kids. "I can't let my child feel pain!" said one dad. Parents, if you are giving way too much, find
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: 10 Ways to Survive Building or Remodeling Your Home by: Julie Lohmeier 1. Think of the project as a new diet. Who doesn’t want to lose at least five pounds? This is one way to do it. Between running to stores
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: Should You Move or Improve Your Property? by: Chris Cates In pursuit of the American dream more Americans than ever have selected to become homeowners. Throughout the years the desire to own a home has remained constant
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: What Wine Really Is (Just In Case You Thought You Knew) by: Neil Best Although millions of people across the globe enjoy wine, very few of them know exactly what it is about a particular wine that they enjoy. By understanding
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: A Brief History of Loans by: John Mussi No one can say for certain where the history of loans began… it's likely that people have been practicing lending and borrowing for as long as there has been a concept of
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: Men’s Skin Care by: Heather Hawthorne Believe it or not men have the same skin care issues as women. We usually do not hear about them, however, because the media tends not to focus on them as much in our society.
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: Steps to Publishing Success by: Zaak O'Conan Even if your best friend owns a top publishing company, giving you an immediate "in," this does not guarantee publishing success. First, you have to write a quality book
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: Tackling a Writing Assignment: How To Get Started by: Jan Kovarik Writing assignments are often considered the worst possible class or course assignment. There's nothing worse than sitting down in front of a computer,
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: Writing For The Web: Where To Get Article Ideas by: Richard Lowe, Jr. A friend and I were talking the other day about writing. He liked to write, but even so his biggest problem was finding things to write about. My friend
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: Poetry Workshops by: Rose DesRochers I find poetry workshops study more the theory and craft of writing poetry. I joined one in the past and found it to be filled with snobs who pretty much write bad poetry. Half of what
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: Wake Up Your Writing Spirit by: Shelley Wake The Blogfest 2005 Writing Contest has only been running for two weeks and already the results are overwhelming. And not because we’re getting far more entries than we
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: Win More Clients, Projects and Freelance Jobs By Making Three Small Changes by: Shelley Wake I've spoken to hundreds of editors, employers, and project managers about how they choose a freelancer for a job. Whether they
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: It's A Miracle by: Lynn Colwell "I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never
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: Create A Dream Diary by: Annette Beveridge-Young How many times have you forced yourself to sit in front of a computer and waited for inspiration to strike?Most of us at some point, whether just starting out or even an
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: Common Writing Mistakes by: Michael LaRocca Most books aren't rejected because the stories are "bad." They're rejected because they're not "ready to read." In short, minor stuff like typos, grammar, spelling, etc. I
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: English Has Come A Long, Long Way... by: David Leonhardt I often wonder what would happen if Shakespeare were to be transported in a time machine to our world today. What would he think? How would he react? Yes, Willie
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: Blogs Like All Forms Of Writing Are An Art Form That Takes Knowledge And Practice To Do Well by: M6.net Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing
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: Diamond Setting - What You Need To Know by: Brock Hammill When it comes to placing your new diamond in a setting there are a couple of things to take into consideration. Number of Prongs – How many prongs you
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: WOMEN (What We Are) by: Dorothy WOMEN are a good thing! WOMEN are soft! WOMEN are sensuous! WOMEN are sexy! WOMEN are sweet tasting! WOMEN are fun to play with! WOMEN are pleasing to the eye! WOMEN are strong! WOMEN
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: The Hassle-free Dating Plan by: Becky Mentyra The trials and tribulations of dating make for good humor and interesting dinner time stories! Doubling your dating pleasure starts with prioritizing the objectives of the
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: Is Bigger Better? The How-To's When Shopping For Diamonds by: Alex Miller Buying a diamond can be an exhilarating but daunting adventure, especially if you're a newbie. If I could offer only one piece of advice it would
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: Women’s Guide: Friends To Let Go! by: Kenia Morales Real friends are hard to find but once you find them they can bring so much joy in to your life. However, not everyone can be that special confidant. Just like
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: He Still Hasn't Popped the Question. Should You Give Him an Ultimatum? by: Terry Hernon MacDonald You’ve been dating the man forever, and he has yet to cough up a ring. You spend every single weekend with him.
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: Keeping it Simple this Season by: Merci Miglino It's back. The holiday season and all the challenges that come with it! This is the time when we are most tempted to overdo things - shopping, partying, spending. This
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: Discover The Shocking Truth About Russian Women by: Marina Smiley Every agency on the Internet features young, captivating Russian girls on their feature pages. Beautiful to look at, alluring, smiling, just waiting for
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: Are Women Really Superior to Men? by: Salma N. Ajani While doing my search for this idea, I came across something interesting on the web. At a hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where a family member
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: Choose To Be Happy...NOW! by: Teri Worten The older I get, the more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come and rattle
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: Create a Web Site that Builds Trust by: Herb and Monica Leibacher If someone doesn't know you personally, will they trust you enough to do business with you just by visiting your web site? Most people view organizations
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: Paper Talk In Printing by: Florie Lyn Masarate A small factor but otherwise needs some consideration in printing is choosing the kind of paper your print job would be printed on. A few designers do not give much thought
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: Ways Not To Look Like An Amateur by: Florie Lyn Masarate Nothing can compare to the proud feeling you get when you see your own design, with your signature, on print. These would be for the trying-hard-to-be-good-designers
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: 2 Tips On Effectively Organizing Your Navigation by: Jamie Kiley Not all links are created equal. While all of your links may be important, you must sort and prioritize to come up with an effective navigation scheme.
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: Choosing the right web host by: Philip Wylie Whatever type of website you want to host, choosing the correct host can be tricky. Most hosting companies offer you more than you will ever use, their sales staff recommend
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: Travel and tour tips for China by: Ken Cheong China is a large country at a size of 9,596,960 sq km. China was only partially open to the world from 1980 onwards and has been a communist country for many decades. Although
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: Ah!! Monsoon Season by: Mayank Jhanji “As dark gray clouds gather in the sky, it reminds me of eternal gifts that our Mother Nature has presented to us.†Truly, nature has her own subtle way of expressing
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: Fond Memories And A Common Sense Approach To Living In Morelia, Mexico by: David B. Wix For me, living in Morelia was a very rewarding experience. It was certainly far different than what I had been used to in the United
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: 5 Tips on Enjoying Your Day Spa Visit by: Theresa Carter There's just something about walking into a day spa, isn't there? It's a haven from your hectic every day life, an oasis that lets you do something just for you.
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: Gifts in Chinese Culture by: Wong Yee Lee Chinese people have their own culture when it comes to giving friends or relatives presents. When it is a new-born baby, usually jade or silver bracelet or necklace would be
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: Baby, It's Cold Outside - And Dark! by: William Wittmann Seattle and the Puget Sound is the most sun starved metropolitan area in the US with the exception of Anchorage, Alaska, who wins the award by a rain drop. Puget
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: Why an Algarve Vacation? by: Jennifer Dodds If a vacation, as defined by a dictionary is: 'leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure', then one taken in Algarve must be the epitome of that term. The southern-most
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: How Much Cash Does James Bond Carry? by: Paul Kyriazi First let's start with how much cash Americans carry. Under $ 20 ....... 32% $ 21--$ 50 ....... 43% $ 51--0 ....... 18% 1--0 ....... 6% 1--9
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: Driving in the Outer Hebrides by: Steve Hatherley When you think of the Outer Hebrides, you normally think of sandy beaches, ancient standing stones and lilting Scottish accents. You don't normally associate the Outer
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: How To Turn visitors Into Posters by: Matt Colyer So your having a hard time turning your visitors into posters And have no idea how to get your forum going? Well, if your someone with that problem and want things to
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: Buying your way to the top with Pay Per Click Advertising by: Ed Kohler Imagine if you could advertise ONLY to people who have actually expressed an interest in doing business with you? That’s basically what happens
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: Google Loosing Fan Base? by: Aaron Mathew Wall "Nothing last forever but the Earth and sky." - from Dust in the Wind by Kansas. Google has spent the last year evolving from a search engine to a giant media corporation.
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: Angel to Angel by: Skye Thomas Years ago, my minister spoke to us about how you could solicit the help of your guardian angels to help with conflict resolution. She told us stories about how she and others had successfully
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: TIME MANAGEMENT? NO! by: Dr. Dorene Lehavi Many people want to be coached to manage their time better. I say NO! to that. You cannot manage time anyway; it just keeps ticking away no matter what you do. What you can do
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: 9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Don't Feel Like It by: Skye Thomas Achieving the really big goals and dreams always involves breaking it down into do-able little steps. Assuming that you've picked a goal or
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: Being Happy by: Anusuya Veth How can one be happy? Is it a tough question? To some it may be but not to all of us. Happiness is like a ray of sunlight which warms us and keeps us glowing. We can't live without it and if
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: Swith to a Better Channel! by: Keith Varnum Peril, catastrophe and disaster. These are our friends, allies and mentors. Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth
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: I'm Broke, How Can I Afford... by: Rob Taylor I’m still amazed every time someone comes to me complaining that they don’t have any money to put into their business and that they’re broke. I mean what
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: Bad Luck ... Or Blessing In Disguise? by: Michael Lee There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport. She told the cab driver to step on it. She was so engrossed with her own thoughts that she was not
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: Want Money? You Got It! by: Miami Phillips Six out of six people who were asked to list their highest priority in life said, "I want money". Maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of the request. Understand,
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: Traveling Out Of Body by: Keith Varnum I can see the cops coming! They're a good thousand feet away. I can clearly make out their uniforms and swinging nightsticks. How can I be seeing this? I didn't dare mention it
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: A Plausible Defense by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 5, 2002 I just looked at your website and read "Wanting To Be Caught," and I truly think that is awful advice! You said and I quote,
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: Duplicity by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 26, 2004 We've been married 20 years. In order to spice up our sex life we would occasionally share fantasies, and one that seemed to turn
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: Finding Yourself: Finding Passion Series - 1 of 3 by: Skye Thomas We have been told that the things we don't like in our children are the same things we don't like in ourselves. We are told that we project our own flaws
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: Simplifying Simple by: Eliza Bloom I have a 440-page guide on how to simplify my life, but I haven't found the time to read it. Like you perhaps, my once-quiet world now clatters with the joy of a large family. Amid
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: Five Surprisingly Hip Politicial Ideas From Plato by: Maya Talisman Frost Don't you love politics? Me, neither. But I do like thinking about politics. And wouldn't you know it? Just when you think you've come up
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: Have You Seen My Boss? by: Skye Thomas I work for a huge organization and have never met the guy in charge. Rumor has it, that there might not be one single person in charge, but a committee of talented and caring individuals.
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: 10 Reasons Santa's Broke This Year by: Darlene Arechederra 1. Santa Spends More Than He Makes Santa's paychecks are nothing to sneeze at, but he stays focused on his next raise. (Yes, of course Santa gets a raise each
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: Get More Personal by: Josh Hinds Most folks who know me, know that when people write me I always like to write back and show how much I appreciate the message. I do stay busy, but taking the time to write back is something
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: Walking The Walk by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 14, 2003 I have a very important question. My wife moved out of the house last year with our young son and daughter. We have done some
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: To Stress or Not to Stress? by: Lesley Spencer Today it seems that no matter who we are or what we do, we have more stress in our lives than our parents or grandparents did. There are many factors and demands that cause
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: Bad Luck ... Or Blessing In Disguise? by: Zaak OConan There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport. She told the cab driver to step on it. She was so engrossed with her own thoughts that she was not
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: Potholes On The Road To Success by: Nicholas Dixon Howdy folks , today I would like to speak to you about the journey to success.Potholes on that road to be more exact.Success is the one thing that everyone aspires to
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: A Psychic Gift Helps You Distinguish... Bad Luck ... Or Blessing In Disguise? by: Zach Keyer There was a woman who was in such a hurry to go to the airport. She told the cab driver to step on it. She was so engrossed with
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: Exam Guides One - 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy by: Michael Smoke In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a
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: Exam Guides One - 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy by: Michael Smoke In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a
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: Speak Softly, and Carry a Big Idea by: Rix Quinn I studied history in the Dark Ages, B.C. (Before Computers). Most of those semesters began with Neanderthals, a group who didn’t write much down because nobody
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: Preparation and execution of my income tax return by: Rev. James L. Snyder April 15th is the time of the year when Americans can communicate with their government. I cannot testify for anyone else, but I look forward
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: Mid-Life Perception: It’s Your View That Counts by: Craig Nathanson This is the third in a ten-part series exploring the “Ten P†model developed by Craig Nathanson, The Vocational Coach, to help mid-life
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: Time Management by: Joe Cirillo Can’t find the time for time management? You’re not alone. Most of own at least one book on time management, many of us own several but all the books in the world won’t
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: Design Your Perfect Lifestyle by: David Wood We often fall into the trap of thinking we have to wait until retirement to have our life be just right. (Of course, in retirement people often get bored.) So stop waiting!
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: Is A Career a Calling or Choice? by: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. How much of our career path is destiny and how much is free will? In my opinion, it is 50/50. We are given a life map at the beginning of our lives, and
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: Change The World by: Clive Taylor It is becoming clear that the way a country or society is, the kind of “psyche†it has, depends on the way people relate to each other one-to-one, at the day-to-day level
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: Enroll in Car College by: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee One of the most overlooked opportunities for learning and personal growth is the time we spend in our cars. There really isn't much we can do safely in our car but drive.
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: I Give Up!....... How to NOT Say Those Words! by: Terri Seymour Boy, I tell you....it seems the world is just going crazy these days! The economy is going haywire, the war is started, and things just seem to be out of
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: Managing Time to Accomplish More by: Elena Fawkner Time is inelastic. Despite what some of us persist in believing, it will NOT magically expand to accommodate all we have to do. So, in order to maximize the time we have
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: Does My Life Make A Difference? by: Rose DesRochers Thank you to painter Phil Roberts for the inspiration to write my following article. "Does my life make a difference?†“Does anyone ever notice me?â€
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: Manifestation by: Jason Johns For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure.
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: Baby Steps by: Lynn Colwell I remember with delight when our first child was learning to walk. We happened to be traveling with a musical program at the time. Chris had joined us and about 125 other people "on the road"
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: How To Improve Communication By Really Trying by: Lynn Colwell Do you ever feel misunderstood? Do you explain your side of things in what you believe is reasonably well-phrased English only to have the other person respond
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: The One Great Sermon That Got Away by: Rev. James L. Snyder Most people don't realize ministers are obligated to prepare and preach one great sermon in their career. In looking over my record of sermons, I noticed many
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: Subtle Addictions by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Many people are aware of the fact that addictions are used to avoid pain, and most of us are aware of the common addictions: food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, TV, spending, work,
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: How To Pack 48 Hours Into Your Day by: Ayesha Dean Too much to do, too little time, constant stress. Most of us have been there. Not too long ago this is how I lived my life. I had deadlines to meet but I would constantly
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: Affirm, Visualize, and Receive - Is Planning Really Necessary? by: A.M.Sall We are repeatedly told of the necessity to plan. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail", "Plan your work, work your plan" etc. In terms of
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: Are You Watching Too Much TV? by: Nita Jackson Many folks tell me that they just don't have time to be organized. As old saying goes-one will always find time to do what they want to do. I am a firm believer that we
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: How Much Time Do You Invest in Relationship Maintenance? by: Brian Maloney When starting a new relationship, we usually adopt a subconscious idea as to how much maintenance this connection will need. Usually, if given
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: How Much Risk Is Too Much To Take? by: Dave Carlson The ladder was braced against the railings going to the basement. I started climbing up. I had to get to the ceiling and this was my Rube Goldberg way of doing it without
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: African Americans: The Case for Changing Now by: Bret Searles “To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.†W.E.B. Dubois, The Souls of Black Folk There
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: A Life Touched by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 17, 2003 Back when I was in grammar school, every once and awhile I would meet up with a girl my age and talk. Lisa never was around
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: Blogging: The New Exhibitionism by: Advice Diva By now most of you have heard of the new internet superhighway craze called blogging. If you are not the most computer savvy person in the world, don’t worry, you
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