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: 5 Hidden Resources For eBay Users by: Jason James Many thousands of people making a living both buying & selling on eBay. Currently ranked as the 37 biggest site on the net (according to Alexa figures) eBay shows no signs
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: What Is Fine Pewter? by: Marcelle Snyder Pewter, in general, is a silver-white alloy consisting principally of tin. The properties of pewter vary with the percentage of tin and the nature of the added materials. Antimony
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: Antiques - The Modern Day Treasure Hunt by: Tom Lange In today's world, everything that’s old can be described as antiques and generally speaking that’s quite true. A product is considered to be an antique
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: Burger King: Eat Like a Pig by: Victor Holtreman Sometimes I just have to shake my head... I was driving down the street when a spied a Burger King about a block away. It had one of those signs where they can promote
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: 7 Steps to Easier eBay Shipping by: John Lenaghan If you're like me, you probably hate packing and shipping the things you sell on eBay. Don't get me wrong, I love selling on eBay. I just don't like the shipping part.
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: What are Car Boot Sales? by: Janet Lemke If you live in England then you will already be familiar with car boot sales but I will still offer some valuable tips on how you can make money or find a bargain. However, if
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: Gaining Exposure Within Writing.Com by: The StoryMaster Dear Writing Reader, One of the most popular questions from Authors on Writing.Com is: How do I gain exposure on Writing.Com? In this letter, I will provide numerous
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: Ebay Auction: Ebay Selling…Top 10 Secrets Revealed!!! by: T. Patrick The Ebay explosion has hit astronomical proportions. Over 11 million people did a search for Ebay last month alone on the internet. From all walks
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: How to create an RSS feed by: Allan Burns An RSS news feed can be used to communicate with your target audience. It is an ideal means of notifying people of new content on your website without the need for them to keep
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: 11 Extraordinary Ways To Expand Your Subscriber List by: Catherine Franz Here are 11 ways to expand your subscriber list: 1. Use a conversational writing tone. It makes a connection. Yet, don't get lax on the grammar
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: 7 Tips To Recapture Time by: Karin Syren Time management is a universal concern and taking the necessary steps to conquer the issue is often avoided. But since the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time, begin
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: 5 Steps From Clutter To Control by: Karin Syren Copyright 2005 So-lu'shunz Management Services Are you overwhelmed by clutter wherever you turn? Here are 5 practically painless steps to a clean slate. 1. Begin by
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: Exam Guides One - 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy by: Michael Smoke In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a
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: Exam Guides One - 5 Great Tips To Improve Your Strategy by: Michael Smoke In order to do well on a exam, you must first have a good knowledge of the information that is being examined. But, aside that, you must have a
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: Finding Your Ideal Career by: Jason Johns In the current climate, many people are looking away from the traditional job market towards working for themselves. The massive redundancies and job-insecurity has caused many
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: Memories Don't Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story by: Roxanne McDonald ~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it's harvest time. ~ Yiddish saying~~~ You
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: Avoiding eBay Scams by: Terry Gibbs Read through this checklist and save yourself time and aggravation. A bit of due diligence will help you avoid eBay scams. Only buy items with photos. The photograph is a good way
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: Forgive All Ebay Sins! by: Robert C. Potter Over the years, I have been amazed at the “blinding†greed and reckless approach to commerce that some business owners have employed. Lying to customers, selling
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: EBay Gold by: Greg Hayes Internet auctions are relatively new having been around since the mid 1990's. There are several Internet auctions including Yahoo Auctions and UBid. But of course the undisputed king of Internet
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: Forgive All Ebay Sins! by: Robert C. Potter I realize that not everyone engages in “business criminality†that rises to the level of fraud and incarceration. Most people try to be good stewards, and approach
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: Turn Your "Rusty Junk" Into eBay Gold by: Pete Egeler Often times people to stop to realize the income potential of their "junk". And, when they DO decide it might be worth selling, they never give eBay a second thought. As
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: 21 Success Strategies of eBay Powersellers by: David Espino The online auction giant - eBay - has exploded on the Internet scene. Currently boasting over 29 Million members, eBay is one of the most visible and far-reaching
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: Game Theory, Nobel Prize & Auctions - Auction Primer Series – Part 1 by: Steven Woodward The Auction Primer Series is a group of articles to help further educate sellers about auctions; their history, strategies
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: EBay The Mega Marketplace For Everyone by: Lori Osenbaugh eBay is one of the world's largest market places with over 35 million visitors per day. That first sentence is worth repeating because I want you to realize that
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: Make Them an Offer They Can't Refuse! by: Denise Hall Every netrepreneur knows that the most important aspect of building a business is responsive leads. Whether you publish an ezine or just send occasional sales letters
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: Online Auction Fraud by: Steven Woodward As the e-commerce industry continues to grow, so does internet fraud. Most people aren't aware that the fastest growing segment of internet fraud isn't identity theft but rather
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: Ten Sure Fire Ways To Lose Bidders by: Steven Woodward When you realize the cost of placing an auction includes everything from auction site fees, cost of electricity, internet access, your time, and other auction management
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: Pricing Your Products by: David Bell In our scramble to find a way to offer the lowest prices on the Internet, we often overlook the basic steps that we should be taking BEFORE we even offer a product for sale. We also
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: Taking Paypal on eBay by: Terry Gibbs Accepting Paypal as a payment method might increase your selling prices and your profits. This depends on what you are selling. I sell collectibles to collectors. My clients are like
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: Nine Simple eBay Selling Hints by: Terry Gibbs Some of these eBay hints will save you money, others will result in higher prices. Either way, these will help you run more profitable eBay auctions. 1. Write a simple description
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: EBay Auction - How to Easily Create a Compelling Title by: Ian Stables This is an excerpt from the ebook "The 37 Effective Ebay Ad Writing Secrets" Secret 7 How to Easily Create a Compelling Auction Title Very effective!
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: Negotiations: The Art, Science, & Sport Of Online Deals by: Donald Lee Negotiations can seem as complex as physics, and in fact, people go to college to study the science of negotiating just as they would the laws of
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: 26 Tips on How to be Safe in Your eBay Selling and Buying by: Brian McGregor The irony of eBay is that as it grows to be ever more successful, it draws the unsavoury element of the internet towards it. I'm talking about
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: Getting Started & Making Money on eBay! by: Lynn Terry Click Here to hear this topic LIVE on the Entrepreneur Magazine Home Biz Show, with Guest Lynn Terry of Web Service Network: http://media1.select.net/wsradioarchive/sho_hbbiz5021903.wma
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: How To Convert More Sales On Your Website by: Matt Eliason One of the biggest mistakes that most online retailers make is they do not take into account typical buyer behaviour. The conversion from real world to online
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: Overcoming the most Frustrating Situation on eBay by: Carolyn Schweitzer It's happened to the best of us. You've been watching the auction all week, and finally you're about to claim your prize--a rare bronze statue
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: Don’t be a Victim of Online Auction Fraud by: Stephen Bucaro The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) reported that last year 7.7 million dollars was lost through online auction scams. The actual losses are much
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: Pricing Your Products by: Marc Singer In our scramble to find a way to offer the lowest prices on the Internet, we often overlook the basic steps that we should be taking BEFORE we even offer a product for sale. We
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: Managing an Internet Business for Working Parents by: Elizabeth Percel Starting an Internet Business for Working Parents Eventually, we all want to have a successful profession as well as spend time with our family.
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: 10 Tips to Use Giveaways Effectively by: Susan Friedmann Walk around any trade or consumer show and you will be able to collect a bag full of advertising specialties, or giveaway items all designed to promote. But look
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: How To Give Your Home More Space by: Tameka Norris Have you been wondering how to free up space in your home? Do you live in a dorm or an efficiency where every inch of space counts? Maybe you're tired of trying
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: Buying Home Appliances The Smart Way by: Duane Lipham When you add up all the money that you can spend on home appliances and fixtures it becomes obvious that you need to spend wisely and carefully to keep costs under
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: Shopping Tips for Collectible Figurines by: Monica Wogan Precious Moments collectible figurines are among the most popular in the world. Doe-eyed boys and girls made in pastel ceramics adorn the shelves, dressers, and
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: Shopping Tips for Collectible Figurines by: Monica Wogan Precious Moments collectible figurines are among the most popular in the world. Doe-eyed boys and girls made in pastel ceramics adorn the shelves, dressers, and
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: 10 Essential Food Safety Tips For AIDS Sufferers by: Terry Nicholls Persons with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are especially susceptible to illness from food-borne pathogens. Because they're at higher risk
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: How to Change Your Conditioned Responses to Certain Foods by: Caryl Ehrlich When trying to lose weight, there are certain foods that each person is more attracted to than other foods. Some find the morning cup of coffee
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: Consumers: Finally Safe Information! by: Bob Power Do you really have to know how feeds work? Not really. But you do need to understand how they can benefit you as a consumer or as an information seeker. Feeds are simple,
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: Price Book 101 by: Amy Allen Clark Several months ago, I thought I knew it all on how to save money when grocery shopping. I have found, however, that there is always more to learn as months later I am beginning to address
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: Grocery Shopping On a Budget by: Amy Allen Clark Grocery shopping is one of the first places you can learn how to be frugal. I am amazed when I go to the grocery store how many times people are spending so much more money
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: Turning Your Trash Into Cash by: Jeffrey Strain Junk. We all have some of it lying around the house. Whether it's boxed items cluttering the attic or everyday items that just don't fit with the room's decorating theme
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: Spring Cleaning - Time to Tackle Your Closet by: Susanne Myers Spring is on it’s way and even though it may already be tempting to spend the day outside, take a few hours to clean out your closet. You’ll
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: Modern Scams Online by: Michael Medeiros Scams on the Internet Taking a look at common Frauds and Scams effecting the Internet There are a variety of modern scams effecting individuals who use the internet for honest
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: Avoiding Stress During the Busy Holiday Shopping Season with eCardica.com by: Amy Pilkington Lake Hopatcong, NJ (PRWEB) November 30, 2004 -- Here are a few tips and tricks for lessening your woes during the hustle and
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: Microsoft Great Plains IV: Inventory Management by: Vincent Ong Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets
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: Unravelling the Data Mining Mystery - The Key to Dramatically Higher Profits by: Steven Chabotte Data mining is the art of extracting nuggets of gold from a set of seeminngly meaningless and random data. For the web, this
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: Boost Your Leadership Skills Simply By Answering The Question, "What Does Your Organization Really Reward?" by: Brent Filson The difference between leaders is ears. Good leaders not only ask good questions, but they
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: Haggling: Give Yourself A Raise by: David Wilding Haggling was a way of life for Mr. B. I knew Mr. B because his son was one of my friends. His haggling greatly embarrassed my friend, but it didn't bother Mr. B. He was
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: How To Conduct Effective Meetings by: Susan Cullen Before you call your next meeting, the FIRST step is to decide if it is really essential. To determine that, ask yourself the following: Is this meeting essential? Can
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: Repairing Your Credit is as Easy as 1-2-3 by: Don Blackhurst 1. Review Your Credit Report For Errors. After you have received a copy of your credit report, you need to look through it very closely. If you do not
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: How to Dispute Credit Report Errors by: Omar M. Omar Your credit report--a type of consumer report--contains information about where you work and live and how you pay your bills. It also may show whether you've been sued
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: Transform Your Office Into A Powerhouse Of Success by: Lorraine Pirihi Did you know that the area that you call your 'office' is a direct reflection of you? If your environment is clean and uncluttered it projects that
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: Online Shopping For Motorcycle Accessories by: Granny's Mettle When shopping for a certain item and material, the way to do it is to shop like a woman. Who else knows how to shop till they drop but women, right? Isn't
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