Tag: Report
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: Hard Disk Wiping and the Secure Removal of Data by: Lee Sykes It is important for businesses to recycle their computers, but have you thought about what happens to the data on your computer when it is collected? How
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: What is on Your Credit Report? by: Beth Pardue Your credit report is a very important piece of the puzzle in your financial picture. It contains a historical record of your personal and financial information including
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: Which Credit Bureau Should I Use To Check My Credit Report? by: Beth Pardue There are three main credit bureaus in the United States; Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. Each bureau collects your personal and financial
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: Credit Report – Watch Out for Parking Tickets by: Charlie Essmeier The economic downturn of the last five years has affected millions of Americans, but it has also affected the budgets of states, cities and counties.
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: Understand Credit Report’s Relevance In Mortgage by: Lance Williams One might be wondering why some lenders turn down a mortgage application while some others might consider it fit for approval. The answer may
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: Ghostwriting - It's Not Only For Books by: Lorette Lyttle Utilizing a Ghostwriter for eBook product creation is a quick and easy way to churn out product after product. BUT, ghostwriting is not just for ebooks! Do you
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: The Secret to Good Writing by: Marie-Claire Ross Skilful business writing involves getting your message across simply and quickly. This often means writing in a style that is easily read and understood by a broad audience. Yet,
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: Will This Be Your First 'How-To' Report? by: Ed Bellamy You've got to start somewhere, but once you've created your very first How-To report and learnt to develop your own research tactics - life will never be the same
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: Writing Short Info Reports by: Dan J. Fry People want information, they want it quick, frequently in short form, and straight to the point. Its no wonder that they go straight for a computer connected to the internet to
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: Writing Short Info Reports by: Dan J. Fry People want information, they want it quick, frequently in short form, and straight to the point. Its no wonder that they go straight for a computer connected to the internet to
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: Pearl Jewelry: The Epitome of Elegant Simplicity by: Sam Serio Pearl jewelry catches attention because of its uncomplicated and serene elegance. It may seem like an oxymoron, but sometimes the simplest things are the
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: SEO #1: Choosing THE keywords to optimize for by: Ahmed Omran Please read this report entirely, I know it is a lot but EVERY word is essential to ranking well in search engines. Before you start reading I want YOU to
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: 10 Easy-to-Learn Tips On Handling Interruptions by: Catherine Franz Imagine this, a co-worker enters your office and says: "Cathy, could I talk with you for a minute? I'm having a real problem with...." You glance at your
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: Fail Your Way To The Top by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Failure is only a matter of perspective. Change your perspective and change your outlook of failure. Have you had a challenging day or week? Maybe you're feeling a little
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: How to Fight Back BEFORE You're Falsely Accused of Spam by: Malacka Persa A friend of mine received a chilling email message from his ISP the other day. Someone had reported him as sending SPAM and the ISP warned that
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: How to Build Your Ezine List by: Stacey Morris How to Increase Your E-zine Subscriber List Opt In Out of respect to your mailing list, and the CAN-SPAM laws, only mail your ezine to those who have requested it, or opted-in.
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: A Simple Ebay Money Making Trick Revealed! by: Dayne Herren Let me guess, you hear of all these people making thousands if not millions on eBay and you are just completely baffled as to how they do it. Well, most of these
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: How to Respond After Identity Theft Occurs by: Gary E. Cain Identity theft has become one of the most frequently reported crimes. But, maybe you are asking yourself: What is identity theft? I am glad you asked. Identity
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: Entrepreneurs Just Get Better With Age by: Tim Knox QUESTION: I’m thinking about starting a business after I retire next month. I’ll be 65. Am I too old to start a business? -- Milton A. ANSWER:
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: Sell 100,000 eBooks by letting it be read for free? by: Hugh McFarland Did you know that if just one person goes into a library and asks for your eBook and if it is listed in the librarians’ catalogs, then the
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: 5 Explosive Tactics To Multiply Your Traffic For Free by: Ewen Chia How would you like to exponentially increase your traffic without investing an extra cent on advertising? Yes it is true and you can do this through
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: DoubleClick's Q3 2004 Report Shows Bulk Email Marketing Eficiency Increase by: Iulia Pascanu Internet marketing company DoubleClick published its final report over the bulk email marketing evolution this year. The figures
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: Secrets Of Getting Free Advertising by: Jason Barrow The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of
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: How To Survive Speed Networking by: Alan Matthews “ Speed networking “ is a contradiction in terms. The whole point of networking is to build relationships over time so that people get to know and trust
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: How "Secure" is YOUR Web Site? by: Robin Nobles A few days ago, an incident happened to me that has prompted the writing of this article. I’m sure that if this is an issue for me and one of my Web sites, it’s
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: How To Write A Mini-Course by: F. Terrence Markle Do you use mini-courses in your online marketing? If not then maybe you should! Mini-courses are an important part of Internet marketing. A mini-course is a tool that
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: Reporting Identity Theft by: Norm McAlister Would you know what to do if you suspect that your personal information had been stolen and used by thieves to open new accounts? It’s important that you take the right
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: Do You Know How Safe Your Roommate Is? by: Dan The Roommate Man Landlord - Tenant Common Sense When choosing the perfect roommate, whether you are the tenant or the landlord, a little common sense and due diligence should
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: Home Loans for Credit Challenged Borrowers by: Horace Hawkins Just because you have negative items on your credit report doesn't mean you can't obtain a home mortgage loan. There are options for you. Bad credit is not
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: So you've made an offer on a home. What's next? by: Kevin McMahon You’ve finally found the home of your dreams, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, great neighborhood. You fix sights on the freshly painted walls, new
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: Peace of Mind for Home Inspections by: Wally Conway As sure as the spring flows at The Fountain of Youth, home inspecting provides a stream of knowledge to wash away the fears of home buyers. But fear may be replaced
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: The Highway to Health - Blood Pressure by: Tony Howarth What is... Blood Pressure? A free report from www.TheHighwayToHealth.com. (This article is an extract of the full PDF available at the above URL.) * What's wrong
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: How To Weed Out Allergy Attacks While Gardening by: News Canada (NC)-Did you know that gardening is the second most popular physical activity for Canadians? According to the experts, all that pulling and digging makes
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: Menopause Relief by: Cathy Taylor Menopause relief is possible through self care. Western doctors treat women in menopause like they have a disease. In truth, menopause is a transitional imbalance, a change that can be
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: Identity Theft And The Internet by: James H. Dimmitt LexisNexis, a provider of personal and financial data, recently reported that the personal information of as many as 310,000 people nationwide may have been stolen.
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: Brotherly Love by: Ed Williams Brotherly love is a beautiful thing. Okay, I realize that might qualify as the most trite beginning ever for one of my columns, but, you do have to admit it’s the truth. Brotherly
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: Your Consumer Rights by: Terry J. Rigg Sr. If you have ever fallen behind on your debts you already know that dealing with your creditors can be a hassle. Sometimes it can be downright humiliating. It doesn't have
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: New Law Provides Free Annual Credit Report by: James H. Dimmitt As of Thursday, December 1, 2004, one-third of Americans will be able to access their credit reports from all three main agencies for free. Passed in late
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: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser by: Keith & Rema Smith This is the Fundraising Connection newsletter which begins with the Free Special Report: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser. Part One of this SPECIAL REPORT is
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: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser by: Keith Smith This is the first article of a multi-part series on this topic. Part One of this SPECIAL REPORT is about: Organizing Your Group Would you agree that it's easier
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: Instant Menaces or Instant Messengers? by: Dee Scrip Many vendors offering Instant Messaging (IM) services have added new capabilities such as voice messaging and file sharing. Among others, AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo
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: FRx - Microsoft Great Plains Reporting: design, upgrade and migration– overview for consultant by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is main ERP application targeted to US mid-size businesses
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: How To Avoid Getting Hooked By Pfishing by: Cavyl Stewart "Pfishing", sometimes spelled "Phishing", is a word that's used to describe a method of identity theft where con men use fake e-mail that looks like it comes from
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: Crystal Reports - Microsoft SQL Server by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft SQL Server is the leader for inexpensive and middle size SQL solutions. Plus it is now capable to serve large enterprise on Microsoft Windows platform.
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: Navision Customization: C/SIDE, C/ODBC, C/FRONT, XBRL – development options by: Robert Horowitz Microsoft bought Navision, Denmark based software development company, along with Great Plains Software. Now Microsoft
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: Crystal Reports for Microsoft Navision - overview for Programmer/IT Specialist by: Robert Horowitz Microsoft Business Solutions Navision serves both European and American megamarkets. It was originally written by Denmark-based
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: Crystal Reports - Geterogeneus databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Unidata, Btrieve – tips for developer by: Andrew Karasev Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition. Multiple
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: Microsoft Great Plains Reporting – overview for developers by: Andrew Karasev Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to
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: Reporting Tools for Microsoft Great Plains – overview for developers by: Andrew Karasev Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is
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: Be Aware of Phishing Scams! by: Nowshade Kabir If you use emails actively in your communication, you must have received various messages claiming to be from Ebay, Paypal and a number of banks. A recent email as if from
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: Product Review: Affiliate Mistakes Special Report by: David Cooper In his ebook "Affiliate Mistakes Special Report," Chuck McCullough teaches you how to spot and avoid or correct ten simple, yet costly errors that can
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: IT Skills for MS Great Plains and CRM by: Divine Rigor Microsoft Business Solutions products and services are targeted to integrate operations of small and mid-size businesses and divisions of large enterprises. Microsoft
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: Microsoft Great Plains RW: Report Writer by: Vincent Ong Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets where
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: Crystal Reports – Heterogeneous databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Unidata, Btrieve, Ctree – tips for developer by: Andrew Karasev There are different categories of reporting tools. If you look at the financial
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: The Three Largest Factors In Your Interest Rate by: David E Brumbaugh There are three major factors that affect how much you pay for a loan. Understanding these factors can save you time, money and frustration. 1. The
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: Top 5 Reasons To Check Your Credit Report Regularly by: James H. Dimmitt #1 Make sure mistakes aren't hurting your credit. Reviewing your credit report can help you avoid costly errors. In one recent study, more than
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: Keep Your Credit History Clean. Remove A Negative Credit Record From Credit Report by: Jeffrey Broobin The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which
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: Do you Know the Benefits of Checking your Credit Report? by: Mary Arce Do you know why you should check your credit report? Of course you do, because you have undoubtedly experienced one working in your life! No matter
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: Minimize your Risk for Identity Theft by: Jeffrey Broobin Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the number of identity theft incidents reached 9.9 million in
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: Secrets of Getting Free Advertising by: Patrick Baghestani The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways
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: Have You Checked Your Permanent Record Lately? by: James H. Dimmitt As a young student I feared getting bad grades because I didn’t want any bad marks on my “permanent record.†Get an “Fâ€
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: 10 Ways To Protect Your Financial Identity Being Used For Someone Else’s Shopping Spree by: BZ Riger-Hull Someone impersonating you could be spending your hard-earned money. Impossible! Not really, check, loan,
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: When You Are Eligible For A Free Credit Report by: Virginia Broobin By Federal law, you are entitled to one free credit report per year directly from a credit-reporting agency only if you certify that: 1. You are unemployed
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: Ten Steps To Building A Good Credit History by: Drahcir Semaj Are you thinking of buying a house? Do you want to buy a new car to replace that old wreck? Trying to get insurance on you home, auto, or life? In each of
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: How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft by: Alex Katz To reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud, there are some basic steps you can take. The most important one is
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: Credit Report And Correction Techniques by: Virginia Broobin The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted
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: Credit Card Debt – Watch Your Credit Report and Your Bill by: Charlie Essmeier Most consumers are aware of the importance of their credit report. This document, offered to consumers and lenders by the three major
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: The Right Way To Credit Repair by: Dan Farrell If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished. Once you have a bad credit rating,
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: Bad Credit Loans For Those Who Seek Alternatives For New or Old Car by: James Marriott You can still save money on a Bad Credit Loan by comparing rates, checking out multiple policies, and negotiating with lenders. Getting
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: Taking Control of Your Credit History by: Bradley Sproson Your credit history is important; in fact, in this day and age, only family and your time are more important than your credit history! The first time you established
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: How to Repair a Bad Credit Rating by: John Mussi If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished. Once you have a bad credit rating,
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: Don’t Get Scammed When Repairing Your Credit! by: John Sanderson If you are in trouble financially, then you may be tempted to answer an ad from a company that tells you that they can give you an entirely new credit
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: Fixing A Credit Report - Quickly by: Steve Gillman Fixing a credit report starts with seeing what's on it. You may get access for free online. Try a search for "free credit report." Alternately, when you are denied credit
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: Getting the Universe to Work for You by: Matthew Tibble Wouldn’t it be great to know that you have something as enormous as the Universe working in your favor? To know that such a force was pushing for your success
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: Even with Credit Problems... You can get a Loan within 30 Days, If You're willing to work at it. by: Aaron Vaughn A wise friend once told me that *extraordinary people* are just *ordinary people* who do extraordinary
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: Big Brother knows what's in Your Credit Report. How about You? by: Jon Galanty Whether you are aware of it or not, credit bureaus have been keeping tabs on you and how you use credit. When it's time for you to apply for
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: Mortgage Application Tips by: Suvadip Das Get a comfortable table or desk and spend the time to fill out your mortgage application neatly and correctly. If you are given a paper application at the bank or credit union,
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: Composite Credit Report Score simplifies Mortgage Issues by: RNCOS Do you want a mortgage loan for your new home? Trying to qualify for a new mortgage can be very tough, especially if you aren’t aware of the effect
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: Managing Finances for a Better Credit Rating by: Holly Bentz In the world of finances it is all about managing debt to maximize one’s buying power. Since a consumer’s credit score has a direct correlation
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: The Different Credit Services Available To You by: Jakob Jelling You can use credit services to finance your needs. From buying a home or a car to financing your everyday purchases, credit services can help you meet your
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: Credit Repair Scams by: James H. Dimmitt “Erase Bad Debt !†“Remove Negative Items From Your Report†You’ve probably seen these headlines and others just like it promising to clean up
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: How Credit Scoring Works by: Sameer S Panjwani The all important credit score! It determines the amount of loan you can get, it determines the interest rate at which you are charged for a loan, etc. Your credit score
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: About Consumer Credit by: Jakob Jelling If you do not understand consumer credit, you will be far more likely to misuse credit, and ruin your financial situation. That is why the subject of consumer credit is so important. A
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: Understanding Credit Report Score by: Gary Gresham Understanding credit report scores is important when you see your credit report because you need to be able to make some sense of it. Your credit score is used by
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: Credit Score: the brightest feather in your financial cap by: Janet Williams Credit scores are the most important aspect that determines your financial future. Carrying a good credit score is an asset and can pave your
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: How To Read Your Credit Report by: Tom Koziol The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, signed into law on Dec. 4, 2003, gives every American the right to a free credit report every year from each of the three major
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: Tired Of Being Broke?...Learn How To Force Banks To Give You Money! by: Cornelus Postell Imagine...obtaining credit that's incredibly easy...opening doors of opportunity you never even considered being possible. Credit
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: You Lost Your Debit Card -- How Much Do You Pay? by: Drahcir Semaj You stop at the grocery store for just a few items, but the next thing you know, you have a cart full of food and only a few bucks in you pocket. That
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: Developing A Credit Rebuilding Strategy by: T.B. Collins Everywhere you look credit seems to be an essential part of our daily lives, it is used if we want to buy a house or rent an apartment, buy a new car, or even go
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: How To Increase Your Sales With Audio by: Terry Telford Audio increases your sales. Point blank. Period. Recent studies claim that audio can increase your sales up to 300%. Independent studies by Terry Telford, from
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: Credit In The Modern World by: T.B. Collins Credit is in every avenue of the modern day world, you can not make a major purchase without the use of credit this includes a auto or a home purchases. But, many consumers
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: When Year-End Sales Resemble Coal And Leave No Room For Gifts by: Teena Rose December can be a trying time for small businesses. The year-end rush to close clients in order to meet target year-end sales goals can leave
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: Legally Clearing Your Credit by: T.B. Collins Over the past several years credit repair organizations have gained a bad reputation due to unscrupulous companies stating that they can clear your credit report. Clearing
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: A Better Way To Watch Your Credit Reporting by: George M Noceti Are you a victim of any credit card fraud or identity theft? Then you definitely need an enhanced defense from those menaces. You can get superior security
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: Free Credit Reports From The Government by: Jeffrey Strain The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.com) where US residents can obtain free copies of their credit reports from
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: Repairing Your Credit is as Easy as 1-2-3 by: Don Blackhurst 1. Review Your Credit Report For Errors. After you have received a copy of your credit report, you need to look through it very closely. If you do not
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: Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling by: Jeanette Joy Fisher Let's be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily
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: Get Your Credit Score To Soar In The Twinkling of An Eye. by: Omar M. Omar Ever wonder how a creditor decides whether to grant you credit? For years, creditors have been using credit scoring systems to determine if you'd
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: Can You Acquire Good Credit Overnight? You Bet. by: Omar M. Omar Your credit file may not reflect all your credit accounts. Although most national department store and all-purpose bank credit card accounts will be included
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