Tag: Business
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: How Online Marketing Increases Offline Sales Online marketing affects online transactions. Online and offline marketing are not two different things. They complement each other. Some business owners think online and offline
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: Components of a good Business Plan. Few years ago, the mere mention of the term business plan made me feel like I must get my MBA degree now... Although writing a business plan is not as difficult as we think it is. In this
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: What Is Persuasive Copywriting And How Can It Help Your Business? by: Niall Cinneide Persuasive copywriting is what draws the attention of prospective customers. They see your product and are drawn it. But what makes
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: Succeeding in the Business of Freelance Writing by: Amber McNaught Something that's always surprised me about the freelance writing business is just how many writers there are out there who don't seem to realize that
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: Before You Begin, Know What To Expect... How You Can Make a Living, Proof Reading From Home by: Niall Cinneide Proof reading from home is an excellent way to make money, right? How hard and challenging can it be to do
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: 10 Tips for Effective Proofreading by: Jean Hanson Proofreading may not be terribly fun, but it's one of the most important parts of writing. Have you ever read a web page or a document that had typos, grammatical errors,
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: Turn Your Website into a Pot of Gold by: Rachel Lower Out of 500 million web pages, is yours among the very few that visitors will remember? Businesses are catching on as far as hiring professionals to design their websites.
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: Do Not Business Cards by: Florie Lyn Masarate This is assuming you already know what to do with business cards. There have been tips already focusing on what to do with business cards to make them look professional even
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: How Best To Stand Out In The Crowd by: Florie Lyn Masarate Promotional products and quick printing are made for each other. For obvious reasons, printing has been the primary source of promoting, marketing and advertisement
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: Mailing Printing Service A Disappearing Trade? by: Florie Lyn Masarate Business cards, brochures and catalogs in the mailing service may seem a diminishing craft, considering the electronic systems that technology has
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: Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses by: Andrew Wroblewski Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Each
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: Simple Steps To Plan Your Business For Success by: Tina Valiedi Planning your business is the critical starting point. You need to map out your business. Where do you plan on going with your business? What steps are you
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: Link Building by: Mansi Gupta A web directory is a internet web page consisting of categorized links to other web pages. They specialize in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web directories often
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: Internet Advertising Options by: Nial Robbins Your online business will likely require more advertising than a contemporary business downtown, yet some new to the world of online business do not spend the time and money
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: MLM and SEO. Bad Business! No Business! by: Joe Balestrino MLM has been around way before the Internet. It is a few steps above a chain letter. Well, maybe more then a few steps. MLM has paved the way for people to have
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: 3 Proven Ways You Can Boost Sales With Autoresponders by: Chad Cook Many people associate autoresponders with emails. They are not mistaken anyway but for this piece of auto pilot programs are more than emails. Autoresponders
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: 3 Simple Steps To Internet Home Business Promotion by: Joel Teo Many internet home business owners are lost when they first start out building their internet home business and spend time purchasing bulk popunder traffic
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: Are You Living the Life You Imagined? by: Kathryn Beach Are You Living the Life You Imagined? Do you feel strong, healthy, financially secure? Are you too busy working to make more money than you need just to 'get by'? Will
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: But I’m not a People Person! by: Jonathan R Taylor Do you have to be a "people person" to run a successful business? It’s a good question and one that’s brought up occasionally in meeting with clients.
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: What is MLM? by: Tal Fighel Multi level marketing (MLM) is a form of direct selling. Companies market goods and services through networks of people who are called independent distributors. These people either buy products
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: Relationships Are The Key To A Network Marketing Business by: Kirk Bannerman While it is true that heavily branded websites like amazon.com are household names and carry an implied trust with visitors, the vast majority
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: AdSense is Stupid When... by: Kamau Austin There are times Google's heralded ad affiliate program isn't in your long term business interest. Oh no I said it! AdSense isn't the unstoppable revenue engine for every eBusiness.
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: How Do You Live the Internet Dream? Automate, Automate, Automate! by: Diane Hughes There’s no doubt that one of the things that excited you about operating your online business was the thought of making money while
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: Choosing The Right Affiliate Program by: Mal Keenan Choosing the right affiliate program is vital for your success. We don’t want to end up with lemons, right? It is not advisable to invest time and effort into
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: Solutions for your internet business opportunity. by: Richard Loh "Why How When Where and Who" of managing your online home business. "You are fired"!! No, Donald Trump cannot fired you, you can only fired yourself.
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: Writing a Business Plan After You Buy a Business by: Sandi Schneider Business plans are usually written when you want to start a new business; however, writing a business plan is an excellent way for you to lay out on
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: How To Win The War of Pay Per Click Advertising by: Raamakant S. Do you know what is the most important question among most internet marketers specially newbie’s. It’s "How to get highly targeted visitors
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: The Inportance of Having a Mentor by: Larry Denis When you first start your business everything can be quite confusing. There are many pitfalls and problems that are difficult to work out on your own. Choosing the right
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: 5 Secrets to Building a Successful Internet Business by: Jan Peterson Everyday I talk with people who want to get started on the internet with their own business. But the whole process seems a mystery to them whether
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: Getting Targeted Traffic by Standing Out In The Crowd by: Jack Humphrey Have you ever seen the trading floor in action on Wall Street? After the opening bell, things get chaotic. People who don't know what's going on
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: Autoresponse Plus, The Email Marketing Solution To Increase Sales by: Matt Bacak Autoresponders in General Autoresponders have been around for quite some time. The Internet is overflowing with companies offering them
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: Internet Marketing VS Forex Currency Trading by: Amin Sadak Have you noticed that when someone’s trying to sell you something - such as a system for making money - they always make it look far easier than it is?
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: The Importance of Business Marketing by: Tony Smith Business marketing is one of the most important parts that your business needs to be addressed with careful attention and proactive thoughts. In last decade or so, the
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: Is Your Business Making These Mistakes When Customers Contact You? by: Peter Geisheker In this marketing article I would like to discuss the importance of presenting your business in a professional manner when customers
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: The 9 WORST Internet Marketing Mistakes by: Talbert williams Have you ever wondered how can you possibly figure out how to market your Internet business when you’re bombarded with so much conflicting information?
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: The Magic Three Ingredients for Web Marketing by: Judy Cullins Who doesn't want more web traffic (targeted traffic) to come to your site to eventually buy your product or service? Maybe you are a newbie or non-techie
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: The Never Ending Sale by: Jay Conners Once you have added a new customer to your book of business, plan on keeping that customer until you have all of their business, and the business of their family and friends. This
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: Become a Wedding Planner by: Patrick Ryan Creating your own business in this day and age is more important than ever. The trick is to find a niche market and tap into it on the way up. It is no secret that the wedding
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: Why Hire an Advertising/Marketing Consultant? by: Mary Ellen Martelli As a business owner, you have the option of taking several different approaches to handling your Marketing and Advertising. You may choose to handle
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: Top 7 Tips for New Businesses by: Mary Ellen Martelli The marketing decisions you make for your new business are the most important part of making your business a success. Marketing is about building a strong presence,
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: Breaking The Chains! by: Jason Gober Ways for Independent Businesses To Compete With Corporate America Everyday, customers and business owners are bombarded with billboards, logos, print and electronic ads from huge
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: What To Say When The Media Calls by: Kevin Nunley Nothing makes sales take off like media saying good things about you. Thousands, even millions, of people hear a media source they know and trust explain why your business
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: Privacy Rights – Big Brother’s Bumbling by: Richard A. Chapo The General Accounting Office has reported the federal government is ignoring individual privacy rights of citizens. Not only is it ignoring guidelines,
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: Why El Cheapo Domains Will Cost You Money by: Niall Roche You want your own online business? Good because it's one of the most fun things you can do with your spare time and can be very profitable. Remember that just
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: The Business Side of Craft Shows by: Natalie Goyette Starting a craft show business when you're really an artist at heart may be a rude awakening for you. Nevertheless, if you decide to turn your hobby into a business,
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: Digital Photography- Capturing Your Valuables For Insurance Purposes by: Kevin Rockwell Many years ago when portable home video first came on the market I had a small business focused on taking inventories of peoples
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: Can You Still Buy Ephedra by: Todd Brenner With millions of people aiming for successful weight loss, many are still interested in diet pills and want to buy ephedra. Perhaps you are wondering...can I still buy ephedra? The
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: Childcare Finances – Some Money Basics by: Melissa Newby Sole proprietor, Inc, LLC, - What does it all Mean? Your childcare is a business. While you may not need to formally create a legal business, there are
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: Are Autoresponders An Important Asset To Your Business? by: Vickie J Scanlon Autoresponders are an important asset to an Internet Marketer. When I heard that statement, I said, “Okay – great! What is it!â€
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: Virtual IT Anyone? by: Rick Parrott Running a business requires top-flight skills in many areas. The problem for a small business is that there are less people to share knowledge. In fact, people may mean “youâ€!
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: Golden Rules For The Use Of Autoresponders by: Dan Ames Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently asked
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: Another Fine Mess! by: Doug Woodall I was reading an excellent article today titled "Identity Theft" by Judith Collins at eWeek.com, when it got me to thinking.... I'm in the Anti-Spyware business, and I'm doing a lot
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: Whats All This I Hear About Firewalls? by: Tom Antion At this point, if you've got the whole "turning the computer on" thing down; you are ready to learn about firewalls. Whether you use your computer for business or
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: Golden Rules For the Use of Autoresponders by: Nial Robbins Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently
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: Never Give Up On Your Dream! by: Janice Sharman I can vividly remember the day I got my first website. I hadn't a clue what I was doing. I had no idea what an autoresponder was, what was required of an affiliate, how
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: 7 Tips to Improving Your Cash Flow by: Pam Newman Cash is King…That is what everyone tells us and it is true! You cannot function successfully in any business without proper cash flow. So if this Cash Principle
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: Factoring Services by: Ivan Hummers Many businesses have heard about banks and private companies that offer factoring services to assist businesses in paying accounts receivables until the actual bill is paid, however
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: Business Entities – What Are The Choices? by: Neil Clarkin When you decide to start your own business, one of the most important decisions you will make is determining which business entity is right for your business.
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: Customer Service For Huge Profits by: Christos Varsamis Customer service is the most vital asset for Business either it is online or offline. It's the critical factor which determines if your business has a future or
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: E-commerce: Is It Right For You? by: Mark Thompson The birth of the Internet and the mass availability of Personal Computers in the late 80’s changed peoples life forever, Everyone now has had the potential to
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: Taking Time Off for Your Business by: Wendy Y. Bailey As a business owner, wouldn't it be great if you could take time off whenever you needed to? Unfortunately, most small business owners worry that the business will
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: Be Prepared When Seeking A Mortgage by: Mark Lambie When you're looking for a mortgage, whether it's a first time loan or you're taking advantage of an opportunity to refinance an existing mortgage, it may seem that you're
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: How to Reduce Stress and Boost your Productivity by: Lorraine Pirihi Hi! Did you know that 60-90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses? Stress is costly in terms of our health, relationships and performance.
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: Where Are The Delighted Customers? by: Robert Craven WHERE ARE THE DELIGHTED CUSTOMERS? QUESTION If every company wants to delight its customers, then how come we don't spend most of our ‘customer days’
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: Generate More Referrals the Easy Way by: June Van Klaveren When asked where new business comes from, most business owners admit that most of their new business comes as a result of referrals. But few have a strategy in
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: Genealogy Leads: Pros and Cons by: Ed Forteau Working genealogy leads can be an effective method of building your network marketing business. One of the biggest hurdles that you face in recruiting has already been overcome
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: Making Time For Your Family and a New Internet Home Business by: John Purdy Starting your own internet home business can be a very fulfilling experience. It offers many new and exciting challenges, with the hopes of
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: 7 Financial Strategies for Transitioning from Salaried to Solo by: Nina Ham A 40’s something woman was talking to me the other day about her growing sense of frustration with “working for someone elseâ€
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: Learn How To Get The Most From Your Team by: Matthew Tibble Being a leader isn’t easy. Every one looks to you to make decisions, resolve disputes, and to carry all the responsibility. Being a leader can be a
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: Marketing to Women -- Can I Buy You A Clue? by: Denise O'Berry A while back a small business owner paid me a visit. He wanted help marketing his fitness business to women. Before we even started talking, he handed me
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: Reverse Merger, IPO Or Direct Public Offering (DPO), Which One Is Right For You? by: Joseph Quinones A direct public offering is when a company raises capital by selling its shares directly to what is refer to as affinity
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: How To Conduct On-Line Due Diligence Before Entering Into Business Relationships by: Frank Bruno Do you enter into business relationships, acquisitions, property investments, partnerships, or enter into a transaction
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: What You Should Know Before Copying Contracts from the Internet by: Nina L. Kaufman, Esq. Copying contracts from the Internet is a bit like wearing your old cousin's hand-me-down dresses . . . in order to walk into abee's
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: 5 Questions Every Successful Entrepreneur MUST ASK to Make More $$ on your "Cool Ideas" by: Melanie Benson Strick All wealthy business owners know that the difference between just being an entrepreneur and being an industry
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: How To Conduct On-Line Due Diligence Before Entering Into Business Relationships by: Frank Bruno Do you enter into business relationships, acquisitions, property investments, partnerships, or enter into a transaction
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: The Key to a Successful Business by: Rietario Daffari Where would a business be without a business plan? A business plan sets the course for the future of the business. It gives the business owner or manager a sense
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: How Can Qualifications Help Your Proof Reading Career? by: Niall Cinneide For those who are looking for a career as a proofreader, it is important to have the right qualifications. It is important to remember that this
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: Best-Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak Everyone says, “Some day I'm going to write a book,†but few actually do. So congratulations on a noteworthy achievement! Now that you're holding your book in your
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: Branding In Printing by: Florie Lyn Masarate When you encounter the term branding in printing, the logos, designs and styles that are inherent are the first things that come to mind. Branding, if you dig deeper are not
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: Business Success Secrets: Improving Yourself by 1% Daily by: Josh Brown Hey, Josh here from Investor Wealth Academy sitting 29 stories above the glitter of Times Square. Lou and I are in New York this weekend on business
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: Write Articles Geared to Your Local Market to Bolster Your Local Search Visibility by: Lynella Grant The Shortest Distance to Your Home Town Enterprise is Over the Internet Combine two dynamite online methods for bringing
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: Constant Change Is A Certainty In Online Marketing by: Kirk Bannerman "If you don't like the weather, just wait for 10 minutes"... This old saying which addresses the variability of the weather in Montana is also applicable
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: Internet: The Darling Of Business by: Arun Pal Singh Internet has become indispensable in our lives. It has become the biggest source of communication and information for us. Just pause for a while and imagine being without
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: Why is a Logo so Important to Your Business? by: Anthony Jewell Well, a logo for your business. Why is it important? Does it matter what it looks like? Is Yours Professional? These are some good questions to ask when
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: The Tax Grind by: Levi Skinner As an owner of a home based business, a person is also responsible for keeping track of everything they will need for filing their taxes. This is an aspect of the home based business opportunity
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: Protect Yourself by: Levi Skinner In the past several years, work from home businesses have become increasingly popular. Many people are drawn to the benefits of a home based business, such as being your own boss, setting
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: Work It by: Levi Skinner Many people would love to be able to build their own home business. The chance to be your own boss, set your own working hours, and be able to work in your pajamas if you wish is a huge draw
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: It Really Is Only 'Early Days' In The Internet Gold Rush.... by: Richard Grady One of the questions that I am getting more and more used to hearing lately is: 'Is it too late for me to start an online business? Have
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: 6 Easy Steps to Separating Your Personal Life from your Business by: Mike Law If you work from home, chances are you already know that you’re really pulling “double dutyâ€. You probably work on your
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: Help for the Home Based Business by: Mike Law Outsource, work, home, business, income, Wouldn’t it be great to get some good, affordable, reliable help, even though you work out of your home? But finding workers
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: How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content! by: Mike Law Are you aware of how vitally important and valuable CONTENT is to your online business? In fact, content can do more to build your business and profits
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: Network Marketing Do's and Don’ts by: Mike Law Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately respond, “for the money!†However, this is not the real reason. No one subjects them to
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: Tips For Evocative, Distinctive Company Names by: Marcia Yudkin As the sponsor of a Name-This-Company Contest, I’ve been watching suggestions come in by the dozens every day. Unfortunately, the great majority of
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: Using Business and Greeting Cards Effectively by: Jay Conners Business cards and greeting cards almost go hand in hand when being used for marketing and business purposes. With a few exceptions. One is bigger than the
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: Catapult Your Business—How to Get Customers to Chase You to Buy from You by: Alan Boyer I was thinking about the statement: “The Small Business Administration tells us that 80% of all small businesses will
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: Keep the Referrals Coming by: Jay Conners A key method of our survival in the business and retail world is referrals. Referrals are always nice, because they come from someone on the outside of your company who has enough
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: How To Avoid A Business Naming Disaster by: Marcia Yudkin An entrepreneur of my acquaintance, in a rush to get his new company up and running, launched his new online publishing venture with a press release and great
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: All You Need To Know About Press Release Writing and Distribution by: Amber McNaught (This article is an extract from the ebook "PR Power: How to Write a Killer Press Release – and make sure it gets published"
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: Three Ways to Get More Referrals by: Jay Conners When you are in the business of sales, among the many key ingredients to your success is receiving referrals from as many sources as possible. Wouldn’t it be nice
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: Why Didn't I Think Of That? Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets by: Daryl Campbell Congratulations, you've finally finished your ad copy. You've gotten feedback and it all looks good. Now do something to make your copy even
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