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: Battling Internet ADHD: Ten Tips for Writers by: David Beveridge Write for a reason Get to the point. One of the basic references for Web design is Steve Krug's, Don't Make Me Think. My book for Web writers (not yet
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: Link Trades That Waste Your Time by: T Frady Never has competition been so difficult in the Internet world. Google and Yahoo keep indexing more and more pages, into the millions upon millions, and yet more and more people
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: 10 Important Web Design Tips: SEO Friendly Website by: Siuchu Suga A website should firstly be searched out by visitors before talking about attracting or retaining those visitors. Nowadays, a “well designed websiteâ€
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: Domain Addresses by: Ruth Peterson When setting up your web page there are more things to consider than the banners, font, pictures, forums, and colors you employ. In fact, one of the most important aspects of your web
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: Web Site Design – Focus, Focus, Focus by: Halstatt Pires When creating a web site design, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to be all things to all people. In reality, the key to a good web site design
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: The Site Map – Important or Not? by: Halstatt Pires Have you ever visited a web site and noticed the "Site Map" button jammed somewhere near the bottom of the page? Ever click on it? Probably not. So, why do sites
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: Reciprocal Links: Look Before You Link by: Robert Raught A reciprocal link is when a web site links to you and you link back to them. If you own a website, I'm sure you've received emails asking for link exchanges.
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: SEO Success - Step Two is Attracting Search Engine Attention by: Chesa Keane Once the website has been created and published, many new website owners think that the web development project is finished. But in reality,
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: Keywords, Competition and Being Number One- Uncovering the Algorithm by: John Krycek By following these steps you will see that most closely guarded secret-- the search algorithm. Remember the movie "the Matrix?" The
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: Pay Per Performance Web Traffic by: Tom O'Brien Why should you pay to get web site traffic, isn't SEO enough? It's a fair question - after all most businesses on and offline have tight budgets to play with and need to
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: Link Building by: Mansi Gupta A web directory is a internet web page consisting of categorized links to other web pages. They specialize in linking to other web sites and categorizing those links. Web directories often
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: Adsense Tips to Explode Your Online Profits by: Alli Ross There are many adsense tips floating around the internet. Here are some adsense tips that can drastically increase your CTR (click-through-rate) and your profits.
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: Not Tracking Your Clicks? You're Competition is... by: Andrew Murray In this article we will discuss the importance web site tracking and explain to you why it is so important to pay attention your current web traffic.
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: Set up Your Own Webcam by: Silvina Georgieva These days, web cameras are everywhere. Your friends have one, maybe your office or the university that you study in also do. So, you decided to finally go with the crowd and
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: FineBrowser – your multibrowsing experience by: Max Maglias Convenience is something people constantly seek. That applies to everything – apparel, vehicles, and everyday working conditions. In search of
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: Do You Know How To Defeat The Browser Hijacker ? by: Tom Jenson Your browser now has a new start page and a new search page. Every time your browser loads a page that doesn't exist, you end up at some strange site, probably
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: Make Your Web Site Quick To Load And Keep Customers! by: Michael Kralj The time it takes to load your site can make or break a visitor’s first impression of your site. If your site takes too long to load, the visitor
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: Search Engine Optimization and Submission Facts by: A.M. Wilmont Bringing potential customers to your business website is an ongoing task, not a single decisive event. First you need to ensure that your pages are adequately
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: Search Engine Benefits to Article Marketing by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul You've probably heard by now that article marketing can help you build links back to your site. But there's a lot more to it than that. Articles aren't
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: How to Approach Potential Link Exchange Partners by: Mark Hochhaus Exchanging links can be a great way to build relations with other sites and boost your ranking at the same time. You never know how many friends you can
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: Develop a Solid Website Presence by: Michael J Medeiros Starting an internet business can be confusing. The internet is the new world of business and research. It’s significantly different then launching a conventional
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: Write Articles Geared to Your Local Market to Bolster Your Local Search Visibility by: Lynella Grant The Shortest Distance to Your Home Town Enterprise is Over the Internet Combine two dynamite online methods for bringing
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: OCR Software-- Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition? by: James M. Eglin Optical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text
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: The Best Places To Submit Your Articles For Viral Traffic Generation by: Terence Tan If you've spent any time online trying to promote your website or business, you must have very likely realised that one of the most
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: How to Create Stories that Sizzle by: Caterina Christakos How to Start Your Story with a Bang The purpose of creating a story is to create a world that will draw the reader away from their own. In order to do this one
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: Stop, Look And Listen by: Lael Johnson There are three journal actions that you should take when writing a journal entry. You should stop. You should look, and then you should listen. In order to write a journal entry
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: So, You Think You Want to Be a Freelance Proofreader by: Jan Kovarik How many times have you thought to yourself that you would be a good proofreader? You have a decent working vocabulary, you are able to construct a
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: Give Your Readers A Sample by: Jean Fritz Manufacturers of food products are masters at marketing. When they launch a new product, they hire crews of merchandisers to pass out samples and coupons during peak grocery shopping
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: The Write Habit: How to Strengthen Your Writing Muscle by: Katey Coffing, Ph.D. Writing is a muscle that needs exercise to stay in shape. I realized how true that saying is when I took what I called "a well-earned break"
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: The Top Five Writing Mistakes Professionals Make by: Judy Cullins Yes, you know your subject. You also need to think about entertaining your audience, and making your book or other writing easy to read. If your writing
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: A New Way To Self Publish by: Anna Kathryn Bir More and more good authors are turning to the Internet to self publish. There are several reasons for that. All of them are probably well known to every writer by now, so
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: Discover 3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Articles by: Brandie King Are you using these methods to promote your articles? If not, you are missing out on some easy ways to get more traffic. Ways that require no additional
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: Four Easy Ways to Get a Book Written (Especially If You Don't Like to Write) by: Michelle McGee-Jones Becoming an author is probably a lot easier than you think. It’s time to get that book out of your head and
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: How Do I Submit My Site To Search Engines? by: Vinu Thomas You've built up a good site, put in a lot of content, but none of the search engines lists your site? If you'd like to know how to go ahead with Search Engine
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: Simplify Your Web Site for Clarity and Ease of Use by: Edward Robireds There are plenty of web sites out there in which basic elements of design are ignored. The viewer may experience overkill and frustration, instead
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: What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? by: Karyn Greenstreet What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of
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: Website Development: Become Your Own Expert by: Theresa V. Wilson Starting and maintaining a business is challenging enough without the additional financial burden of hiring a web site expert to put your vision on paper.
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: Do You Really Need A Website? by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA Having a website is the one form of marketing your business that just keeps on giving! But how do you know if you need a website? Well, with the amount of information
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: Some Useful Common Site Ideas by: Richard Lowe, Jr. In my web surfing adventures, I've found a few site elements which make surfing easier and more enjoyable. There are no concrete, hard- and-fast rules to follow - these
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: What is PageRank? by: Matt Colyer What is Pagerank? - Pagerank is based on how many links to one website. PageRank is a value that represents how important a page is on the web. Robots or Spiders figures that when one
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: Absolute & Relative Links How Do They Rank? by: Martin Lemieux The question for this article is whether or not you should use "absolute url's" or "relative url's"? Not only that, this article researches whether or not
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: Ten Basic Steps For Building A Web Site That Works by: Lee Traupel 1. Assemble a web site development plan that is integrated with your overall marketing processes; the content should be consistent with offline materials,
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: What to avoid to make your website design effective? by: Veselin Andreev Andreev The effective design is this one, which is maximum simplified, conformable to your users because they are your main purpose. This one, simply
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: Top 10 Web Design Mistakes by: Lisa Irby As a webmaster, you want to keep your visitors content so they’ll come back again. Below you will find ten common mistakes made by webmasters that may deter people from
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: How To Get Profits From Your '404 Page Not Found' File by: Radhika Venkata "'Page Not Found' on this Server. Check the URL and try again. Or Refresh the page..." This is the annoying error that we will come across every
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: Reasons Why You Should Have A Weblogger Installed On Your Web Site by: Radhika Venkata I don't know about you, but when I built my first web site three years back I don't know anything about the webloggers. One day when
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: Web Site Professionalism? What Is It? by: Radhika Venkata Your web site should be- visitor friendly to navigate search engine friendly for the crawlers Automated with ecommerce and subscription forms... Your
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: Using "Title Tags" With Your Web Links & Images by: Martin Lemieux Using "Title Tags" for your web links & images is an arsenal many companies fail to utilize when planning out their web site optimization. These tags
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: Metrics Matter! by: Philippa Gamse Recently, I talked with a speaker about her "extremely successful" Website. She based this opinion on the fact that she was selling several e-books every day and generating "some calls".
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: 50 Surefire Web Design Tips by: Mario Sanchez Tips to brand your website Include your logo in all pages. Position it at the top left or each page. Complement your logo with a tagline or catchy sentence that summarizes
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: Designing Professional Web Pages by: Joanne Glasspoole If your Web site doesn't project a professional and polished image to your visitors, your credibility and that of your products and services will suffer. Image is
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: Why a Website Design Speaks Volumes about Your Company? by: Anthony Jewell Whether a business has just got off the ground or has been established for years, start-up and long running companies are looking to the internet
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: Improving Usability For Screen Reader Users by: Trenton Moss Simply ensuring your website is accessible to screen reader users is unfortunately not enough to ensure these users can find what they're looking for in a reasonably
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: Designing A Website That Sells by: Nial Robbins Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in with the good meat or wasn’t clean? Would you buy a car from a sales lot that had totaled automobiles
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: Keyword Optimization - How To Achieve It by: Elizabeth McGee The most important thing you can do for your business and your website is develop relevant keywords that are not too competitive yet generate targeted traffic
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: The Art Of Link Exchange by: Oleg Lazarenko Before you start reading this article I must warn you - everything that was written here is my own experience in link exchange. This article should not be referred to as official
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: A Beginners Guide to Web Page Design by: Michael Turner Designing your own successful web page can seem difficult and nearly impossible if you do not do a little research first. The reason you need to know the basics
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: How To Run A Successful Link Exchange Program by: Joe Balestrino Link Exchanges are a very time consuming project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact them and place a link on your page can
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: 10 Website Blunders Guaranteed to Send Your Visitors Elsewhere by: Michael Turner When you build your website you need to have a plan first. The reason for this is if you do not have a plan you will likely make mistakes,
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: How To Write An Effective FAQ Page by: David Coyne Websites that have multiple pages usually have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)page. There are several good reasons why you should have one. An FAQ clears out
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: 3 Website Positioning Tactics Guaranteed to Boost Your Traffic by: Michael Turner There are many tactics you can use to increase traffic to your website. However, three particularly effective suggestions include search
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: 5 Simple Steps to Protect your Digital Downloads by: Priya Florence Shah A couple of days ago, I was searching for a popular eBook online. Now I'm not going to tell you the name of this eBook for reasons you'll understand
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: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Snippet: Create It and Use It! by: Kay Zetkin The Macromedia Dreamweaver MX have these powerful new addition to its toolset – introducing, Snippets! Do you often use blocks of code? Well,
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: Top 10 Ways To Irritate Your Visitors by: David Bell Let's face it. It is really hard to come up with new ways to fully irritate visitors to your site. I thought I would share some ways that I have found to irritate
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: How to Create a Useful, Popular Website by: Michael LaRocca In this free email course, I'll tell you everything I know about setting up your website and placing it highly in the search engines. Everything I tell you will
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: Get Real-time Adsense Channel Stats And Find Out Which Ads Are Being Clicked by: Subhendu Sen If you have multiple sites or multiple directories in your site for different subjects and you have placed Adsense codes in
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: 8 Ways to Build a Really Bad Web Site for Search Engines by: Gareth Davies Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the
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: Key Facts you should know about Web Site design and Search Engine Optimization by: Rajitha Dahanayake 1. Web site File Structure / File Naming Most search engines do not recognize beyond two directory levels. Make
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: Basic Rules on Web Design by: Granny's Mettle In every design there are basic rules to consider. For a web design, here are a few of the rules which you can take or break for your projects. 1 > Viewers do not want to
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: Basic Rules on Page Layout and Color by: Granny's Mettle For one to be able to stand out from the rest, one needs to go out of the box, break the rules, and some other clichés that apply to breaking out from the traditional.
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: How You Pay More for Unused Web Space and Traffic by: Subhendu Sen "2GB web space with 50GB traffic for .95 per month!" A luring ad—definitely. In fact this ad makes many small business owners feel cheated
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: Tell me what your website does! by: Trenton Moss You know exactly what your organisation does and what your website offers its users. This information has probably become second nature to you, but first-time visitors
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: Sitemaps 101 - Back To SEO School by: Niall Roche Sitemaps are without doubt one of the most often ignored and undervalued aspects of search engine optimization. You've probably spent a huge amount of time working on
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: 2 Tips On Effectively Organizing Your Navigation by: Jamie Kiley Not all links are created equal. While all of your links may be important, you must sort and prioritize to come up with an effective navigation scheme.
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: How to Create an Enjoyable Web Page Design by: Lala C. Ballatan Novice and professional designers alike – you may probably be skilled enough of any one or all of the techniques in creating a Web page and designing
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: The New Google Ad Links by: Subhendu Sen You know about Google Adsense, now it's Google Ad Links for Google Adsense publishers. [ For who do not yet know what Google Adsense is : "Google AdSense is a fast and easy way
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: Keep Your Navigation Consistent! by: Jamie Kiley One of the single most important aspects of effective navigation is consistency. Why? There's a simple reason. Visitors want familiarity. They are more comfortable and
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: Set up Your Online Portfolio by: Lala C. Ballatan Planning to set up your very own online portfolio? Very well, then you have to know first what’s an online portfolio and its uses. Of course, you also have to know
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: The 8 Most Important Website Design Principles by: Brian Basson Building an Innovative and Effective Website, by making full use of available technologies, is crucial for the future success of your current or future online
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: Make Your Navigation Highly Visible by: Jamie Kiley Effective navigation stands out. It's clear, obvious, and highly visible. You'll need to have a clear section of the page designated for navigation--one that a visitor
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: Testament to Testimonials by: Cal Hyslop Should You Use Testimonials on Your Website? We have all seen websites showcasing their testimonials either spread strategically throughout the site or all together on their own
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: CSS – Site Design Basics Part One by: Michael J Medeiros When it comes to designing a Website, there are several modern programming techniques that can make the designer’s task much easier. Once the content
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: How Much Bandwidth Does Your Web Site Need? by: Marc Eberhart One of the most common concerns people have when deciding to host a web site is figuring out how much bandwidth they’ll need. Get too little bandwidth
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: How Does Your Website Make Me Feel? by: Philippa Gamse, CMC When people think about the Internet, they think about technology. When people hear that I am a Website strategy expert, they see me as a "techy type". But
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: Building Your First Web Site? by: Tim Querrey Creating your own site can be a satisfying experience. Here are some tips to help get you up and running. Before doing anything on the technical side, you need some kind
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: The Top 3 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Website's Search Engine Rankings- and How to Fix Them! by: Richard Martin Getting your website up and running is hard enough. After spending hours getting the HTML code just right
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: Are You Getting The Most From Your Meta Tags? by: Francisco Aloy As any Web Business startup knows, creating a Website is a bunch of work! You have to bother with content, layout, graphics and HTML links, just to name
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: Web Accessibility. . . Making your Pages Friendly to People with Disabilities by: Robin Nobles Did you know that nearly 20 percent of all Web users have some form of disability? “Making your site accessible
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: Mobile Accessibility - Your website in the year 2005 by: Philip Wylie Throughout 2004 the number of web enabled portable devices boomed. By “portable devices" I mean PDAs and smart phones. What does this mean for
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: Web Design Tips To Grow Your Online Sales by: Andy Best The way you design your web site affects your visitors’ online experience. As each visitor to your site is a potential customer, the easier they find your
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: Make your site quick to load! by: Michael Kralj The time it takes to load your site can make or break a visitor’s first impression of your site. If your site takes too long to load, the visitor will click “Stopâ€
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: Design Your Site For Traffic In 2005 by: Elizabeth McGee What better way to start the new year than with more traffic to your web site. Web traffic is a critical part of your internet business and it is imperative that
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: The Meta Tag Myth by: Bobby Heard The more the better right? Wrong. At least when it comes to meta tags. The history of the meta tag started off as a nice tool that web sites could use to show the search engines what
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: Advantages for Using FrontPage... maybe this HTML editor has some hidden advantages by: Robin Nobles Ever since I've been doing SEO work, I've always griped and complained about FrontPage and all the extraneous code it
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: The Secret Benefit Of Search Engine Optimisation: Increased Usability by: Trenton Moss A higher search ranking is what many website owners dream of. What they don't realise is that by optimising their site for the search
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: The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility Part 2: A Higher Search Engine Ranking by: Trenton Moss An additional benefit of website accessibility is an improved performance in search engines. The more accessible it is to search
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: Give Your Website A Chance by: Elizabeth McGee I often wonder how serious people are when it comes to their websites. I thought that most everyone knew that the phrase "Build it and they will come" no longer applies
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: Score BIG With The Search Engines - Maximising Your Site's Potential by: Steve Ashton I often get asked, "How do I improve my site's performance in the search engine's." or "I have a small budget, how can I compete with
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: The Immutable Laws Of Effective Navigation - Part 1 by: Jamie Kiley The first immutable law of effective navigation: It's gotta be readily available. Visitors should not have to hunt for your navigation or wonder where
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: PHP On-The-Fly! by: Dennis Pallett Introduction PHP can be used for a lot of different things, and is one of the most powerful scripting languages available on the web. Not to mention it's extremely cheap and widely
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