Tag: Feel
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: Menopause and Dizziness by: Cathy Taylor Unfortunately during menopause, the explosive symptom of dizziness is all too common. You know the feeling - a spinning sensation inside your head ripping down through the rest
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: The Power of Self-Esteem! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Why are there so many women haunted by a low self-esteem ? I have shared many thoughts through out my blogs on feelings, jealousy, worries, fears, and self-esteem. Every
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: Hate the Abuser, not the Abused! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Abuse is the most horrible attempt at power that I have ever researched! This is why: The shame that is felt by an abused person is so deep that it takes years
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: How A "Psychovirus" May Be Destroying Your Life by: Saleem Rana A pervasive sense of low self-esteem, a feeling of unworthiness, is perhaps the most debilitating belief system that you can entertain. If you feel unworthy,
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: Are You Soakin’ It Up? by: Gene Simmons …And holding it way down inside you like an old sponge? Be careful. Just like an old sponge that’s held its liquid a little too long, we may start to get stinky
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: Mind Games! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves
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: Are You Lost or Are You Found? by: Debbie Friedman It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should
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: Are You Lost or Are You Found? by: Debbie Friedman It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should
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: Improve Your Image at Work by: Race Kale The image we have at the place we work or, in other words, what people we work with think about us, is always important for each and every one of us. It sometimes happens that
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: God Wants You to Be Wealthy by: Caterina Christakos You have heard it time and again. Lottery Winners lose it all and trust fund babies waste their parent's hard earned cash. In fact, up to 80% of the lottery winners
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: They Have Kids by: Kelly Wolf You’ve met someone who stirs you in ways you’ve only imagined. E-mail from them arrives in your mailbox and you smile. Their voice on the other end of the line makes your stomach
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: Is There Sex After Motherhood? by: Susan Peach If you’re like many new moms, your sex life may have undergone some changes since the birth of your baby, especially if this is your first child. Sleepless nights,
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: A Beginner's Guide To Weight Loss- 5 Steps by: David Speringo “I’ll start my diet today†you say to yourself for what seems the 485th time. But as the day wears on, you fall back into your typical eating
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: Boost Energy Levels Without Even Breaking A Sweat! by: Tim Webb Have you ever wondered whether you always need to work (and sweat) hard to feel a rush of energy? Of course for many people this is the method by which
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: Gifts Make Others Feel Special by: Randy J. Menvor Gifts A Great Way To Show Your Care We all like to receive gifts. Surprisingly enough, most of us also like to give gifts. Giving gifts gives us the feeling of doing
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: Taking Control Of The Stress In Your Life by: Janice Pagan Did you know that... Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual
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: Amazingly Romantic Ideas - 16 Ways To Win Your Lover's Heart by: Jessica Kihara Some people have a natural ability to romance the oppposite sex and others seem like they don't even know what it means. However, everyone
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: What Should You Serve If Some Of Your Dinner Party Guests Are Diet-Conscious? by: Joanie Williams You are planning an elegant dinner party, with delicious food and drinks. But you know that two or three of the guests
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: Recognizing The Warning Signs Of A Sick Car by: Samuel Murray Okay, something’s wrong with your car. You know it. It just doesn’t “feel†right. That may sound lame when you’re talking
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: Keep Thy Journal Private! by: Barbara Carr Phillips If you live with other people, I know you shudder to think about what would happen if your personal journal fell into the wrong hands. Journaling is not about writing
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: The Bottomless Notebook by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Reading through a writer's notebook or journal is like discovering pearls, rubies and diamonds amidst a pile of rubble. That little notebook is a powerhouse of ideas
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: The Unwritten World Of The "Reality" Of Letterwriting by: Tamara Stevens The unwritten “reality†of letter writing You may wonder why I have chosen this title of this post. Well from my experience is that
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: Why Men Cheat by: Gregory Lions "Big, little or short or tall, Wish I could have kept 'em all, I loved 'em every one" - T.G. Sheperd, I Loved 'Em Every One I thumbed through the New York City Yellow pages under "Escort
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: Men and Women COLLIDE! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Ever been in a situation in your life when your entire world seems to COLLIDE with itself? I am sure we all can raise our hands to that question. There are many ways to COLLIDE
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: 7 Habits of Highly Successful Dating by: Bonnie Lee 1) Don’t look at other women While dating, focus your attention on your date and make her feel as if she matters the most to you compared to other women.
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: WOMEN (What We Are) by: Dorothy WOMEN are a good thing! WOMEN are soft! WOMEN are sensuous! WOMEN are sexy! WOMEN are sweet tasting! WOMEN are fun to play with! WOMEN are pleasing to the eye! WOMEN are strong! WOMEN
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: Getting An Exciting Life After A Break Up by: Caroline Therancy Breaking up. The End. The journey is over. You feel rejected. Hopeless. You don’t want to go back in the jungle again. You may even have that
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: SEX, Self esteem, and ME ! by: Dorothy Lafrinere I have touched on so many emotions in the past and I am still feeling the need to share yet another. I have spoken on women's issues mainly, yet trying to keep men on a
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: Are You Trying too Hard to Be Happy? by: Carna Zacharias-Miller We all want to be happy. However, if a woman pushes herself to emotional and mental exhaustion in order to reach “perfect†happiness, she could
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: Astral Attack by: Sam Stevens Believe it or not most astral Attacks are not caused by curses or witchcraft. Half the time astral attacks are not intentional. They take place on the subconscious level and are the result
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: Why Keeping Promises Are Very Important by: Elaine Sihera David made a promise to Sushma whom he had met a couple times and fancied. He would ring her as soon as he got in from work that day, he said. She waited eagerly
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: Big Fine Women by: Ed Williams Sometimes those of us of the male persuasion don’t like to admit things that we hold deep inside for fear that we’ll be made fun of. All of you men out there know exactly what
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: Encouragement for Working Moms by: Ana Tampanna How many of us decide to shoot for the stars, then beat ourselves up when we find that the process of building the necessary equipment to reach that high is not easy? We
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: Slimmer Legs ... Stress-Free by: Gordon Black Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something
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: Why Some Women are Desperate by: Carol M. Welsh I asked Dave how he was doing since it was the anniversary of his wife’s death. He replied, “It’s rough, but what is even worse, is women won’t
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: The Confidence Walk by: Sherri L Dodd A few days back, in the midst of my chaotic holiday shopping excursion, I decided to take refuge in a pleasant nook of the mall. While gathering my thoughts, I was presented with
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: Meeting Your Online Date in Safety by: Caroline Mackenzie Here are some common sense safety tips for meeting your online date in person. Your instincts will play a strong role in keeping you safe too, so listen to them
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: Behind Pro-Anorexia Sites by: Tia Scott Anorexia effects thousands of people each year, most whom are females ranging from the ages of 15-25. With the boom of pro-anorexia sites, the media has portrayed its negative
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: Replacing Your Lost Wedding Ring by: Donna Monday Imagine it’s Halloween evening and you’ve just gone to the door to greet another eager child with your big bag of trick-or-treat candy. You look down at
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: Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors? by: Danna Schneider Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded
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: Will the Angels Abandon Us? by: Skye Thomas If we don't behave according to a specific church's doctrine, will our guardian angels turn their backs on us? If we are struggling with our overall belief in God or we're
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: What Clutter Clearing Can Do For You by: Stephanie Robertss You can get a pretty good idea of the benefits of clutter clearing simply by imagining your life free of all the negative effects of clutter: lack of focus and
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: Moving On to Much Better Things After Leaving an Abusive Relationship by: Terry Hernon MacDonald Leaving an abusive relationship is difficult, but being alone can feel worse. All your happily married friends are still
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: Look better feel better by: Kenia Morales Yikes! It’s that me, I though after seeing my reflection. What happened? I feel like a different person and I am right. I went from being a single, ambitious young woman
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: Flirting For A Long-Term Relationship by: Sharon Jacobsen Have you ever wondered why we flirt? I mean, we've all done it at some time but it's one of those things that we do without really giving any though to why or
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: CyberDating Lie Detecting by: Kathryn Lord Did you know that Online Dating is the top moneymaker on the Web? Chances are good that if you are single, you have joined a site or two yourself. If so, you've probably asked
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: 7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion After Divorce by: Joanie Winberg Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living "out of the
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: Hunter and Gatherer by: Skye Thomas Deep down, we haven't evolved as much as we would like to believe. Like the caveman, we still want to curl up next to someone during the dark of night so that we aren't so alone in
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: Choosing a Comfortable Yet Flattering Bra by: Wendy Yeager Todays bra is not only designed to make you feel pretty and sexy, they are designed for comfort and practicality. You can choose from an underwire bra for support
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: Feeling Sexy During Pregnancy by: Anne Cavicchi Some people think that the word sexy and pregnancy do not belong together. I have to disagree. In fact, I have heard many men say that a woman is her sexiest and most beautiful
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: Swimwear That You'll Feel Comfortable In by: Mike Yeager Finding the right swimwear can be a fun and also a stressful experience. You want to look your best in the swimwear of your choice at the beach. Light, colorful
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: Underwear That's Right For You by: Mike Yeager Probably the most popular type of all underwear on the market for men is the boxer-brief. I think it’s fair to say that this style of underwear has become the underwear
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: Finding the Fashion You're Comfortable With by: Mike Yeager Fashion is not only what we wear, it is also how we describe ourselves to the world. When you’re deciding which fashion is for you, take the time to consider
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: Dating Tips for the Shy Woman by: Terry MacDonald Dating can be an absolute nightmare for shy people. You want to meet the right person, but you’re too scared to do anything about it. Introductions—sticking
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: Yoga for Every BODY by: Jenny Ward We all want to feel loved, open, free and peaceful. We all desire to let go of the ideals and expectations of the “world†and be simply still. What if you had permission
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: Coping With A Funeral by: Sharon Jacobsen When the death of a loved one occurs, regardless or whether it was expected or not, you will find yourself having to deal with a great number of people. Some you will know closely,
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: Hey, Client, This Is Me! Sell With Your Writing Voice. by: Cathy Goodwin In a crowded market, clients will be seeking personality as they read what you've written -- they'll click right past pages that feel "been there,
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: How Does Your Website Make Me Feel? by: Philippa Gamse, CMC When people think about the Internet, they think about technology. When people hear that I am a Website strategy expert, they see me as a "techy type". But
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: Explore The Adventurous Side Of You by: Loreal Oliver Adventure. Do you actually remember the word? When was the last time you went out for some real adventures? Well, you might be having some wrong perceptions about
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: Turbulence or Smooth Ride? You Decide. by: Pat Graham-Block Why is it that 2 people can use the same airport, the same airline and even be on the exact same flight, and have 2 totally different stories about their trip?
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: Do You Make These Air Travel Mistakes? by: Neil Stelling You're sitting at home thinking about tomorrow's plane journey. Remember last time ? Remember how you felt when you arrived ? Aggravated, stressed, hot, tired,
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: Produce Huge Results for your Business using Joint Ventures by: Abe Cherian One of the best ways to make money, at the least, if not at no cost, are joint ventures. What I'm talking about is joint venturing With Others
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: How To Get Attention, or: 'As You Read This, You Feel an Irresistible Urge to Go On Reading!' by: Kai Virihaur We all want attention. As children we crave the attention of our parents. Later in life, we want to be seen
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: Ten Free Ways to Promote Your Site by: Marie M. Roker 1. Free Publicity. You can create a dynamic, free press release at the following sites: http://www.openpress.com http://www.prweb.com http://www.prfree.com 2.
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: Link Popularity and Your Add URL Page by: Bob Hampton With all the buzz going on about the importance of a site's link popularity, the "look and feel" of your Add URL page (or whatever you have named your add URL page)
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: Your Hidden Portal to Peace by: Keith Varnum Want more peace and joy in your life? Daily stress getting to you? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can—by tapping into a little
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: Getting Things Done, Without the Sweat! by: Ronnie Nijmeh How do you get your people on your side? And once their on your side, how can you get them to do anything you want? It's a skill that we all want. Nothing's better
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: Wireless Meditation: Top Five Tips for Wherever-Whenever Mindfulness by: Maya Talisman Frost The problem with meditation is attachment. We get in the habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion, incense, CD, certain time
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: Three Proven Ways To Leverage the Big Power of Small Changes by: Dr. Stephen Kraus, Success Scientist Successful people set ambitious goals. But the high standards and lofty visions necessary for great success can
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: Unprofessional Conduct by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 14, 2004 I am sitting here so unsure of what to do anymore. I've never asked anyone for help of this type, as many people come to
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: How to Succeed for the Rest of Your Life by: Steve Brunkhorst I spoke recently with the owner of a large clothing store who had poured years of effort into his business. He had achieved his dream and built a successful
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: Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 2 by: Rinatta Paries The first step toward being able to attract and create your ideal relationship is to clear the way for it by eliminating baggage from your past. This baggage
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: How To Meditate Without Even Trying by: Marie-Pier Charron I remember when I started trying to meditate. I would sit down, close my eyes, and try to be really calm (my definition of meditation at the time). That was hard:
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: How to Put the Sizzle Back in Your Relationship with These Seven Goal Setting Tools by: Colin Dunbar Goal Setting and Relationships? That is not as weird as it may sound. Consider the following definition of a goal: "A
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: 7 Power Skills that Build Strong Relationships by: Steve Brunkhorst A strong, healthy relationship is one in which the partners show respect and kindness toward each other. The relationship forms a rewarding and enduring
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: Isn’t it Time for You? by: Jennifer Ottolino Does it seem like there is never enough time in the day? Why is there plenty of time for everyone and everything but ourselves? The fact is that you only get one shot
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: The Road to 25-hour days - Part One by: Marie-Pier Charron Do you wish you had more time to do things you love, to be with your children, your life partner… and maybe with yourself, too? Do you wish you had the energy
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: Gossip: Destructive Conversation by: Chris Hall An occasional hour of gossip with the girls isn't so bad......or is it? The first thing to determine is the difference between gossip and healthy "girl" talk. Gossip involves
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: What’s Bugging You? by: Sulana Stone Some people lure romance to them. Some folks magnetize riches. Others attract bugs. What’s the difference? Consciousness! The third group has “bug consciousness.” If you
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: Owning Your Power by: Martin Brofman Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for not being yourself may have been to get the love
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: How To Radically Improve Your Everyday Experience Of Life In Two Simple Steps by: Abhishek Kumar Can you do something for me? Tell me… Please don’t think tomorrow. What? Yeah, you heard me. You have
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: I Am Really Worried About The Future by: graham and julie I am really worried about the future. I am 54 years of age, my daughter, who I have brought up on my own since she was two, is about to start university, my mother
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: When Self-Growth becomes Self-Sabotage by: Marie-Pier Charron Many of us invest quality time and energy into our personal development. We buy inspiring books, sometimes with the workbooks or journals that complement
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: Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love by: Halina Goldstein How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper... How much
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: Small Wonder by: Deborah Martin Wonder: ~~To think or speculate curiously ~~To be filled with admiration, amazement or awe; marvel ~~A cause of surprise, astonishment or admiration ~~A feeling of surprised or puzzled
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: Fickle Fates by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 19, 2004 I am currently involved in a wonderful year-long relationship with a man I've known for ten years. We dated briefly all those
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: Triggering Intention: How To Remember To Remember by: Maya Talisman Frost You've got a lot to store in that brain of yours. Sometimes you need to remind yourself to remember something. The most effective way to remember
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: Been There, Done That by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 12, 2004 Fourteen years ago I was divorced from my second wife, her idea. I'll call her Kay. But I never lost my love for her.
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: Why you don't need motivation by: Marie-Pier Charron As a life coach, I often hear people say they lack motivation – in fact, the “motivation discussion†is almost a ritual with my new clients. You
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: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking by: Dana Bristol-Smith Knocking knees, butterflies (who came up with that word?) in your stomach, sweaty palms, quavering voice. We’ve all been there – some of us more
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: Our Feelings and Attitudes Around 'Happily Ever After' by: Skye Thomas Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different?
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: A Perverse Confidante by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 15, 2002 Dad passed away years ago and Mom lives alone. She is still young and healthy, yet she always plays the victim. I am in
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: Bedroom Treason by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 22, 2004 Just a note to ask if there are other married women and men who are happy in their marriage and in their affair at the same time?
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: Why You Must Stop Setting Goals by: Maya Talisman Frost My goal in life is to have no goals. They get in the way of true progress. Plenty of successful people swear by goal setting. They're praising the wrong behavior.
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: What's On Your Shift List? by: Keith Varnum The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one. How do I know? Because these folks are
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: Don’t Let Motivation Cause You to Fail by: Della Menechella Yesterday my teenage son Matt came home with a less than stellar report card. (Yes, even peak performance experts sometimes have trouble motivating others.)
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: Appreciation Attracts Prosperity by: Stephanie Yeh Did you know that appreciation is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe for manifesting and attracting prosperity? According to teachers like L. Ron Hubbard
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: 21 Life Changing Questions You Can't Afford to Not Ask! by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Imagine finally taking off seven coats youÃve been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people
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: Fighting Terrorism With Enchantment by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Many of you may look at my title and wonder if I have 'lost my marbles.' Let me explain. First let me quote from a wonderful article that was passed
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: Self-Healing Basics by: Christin Snyder * The material presented in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prevent any illness. Through this article I would like to
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