Tag: Emotional
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: About Emotional Child Abuse And Neglect by: Reverend Brenda Hoffman Any child who experience any form of physical or emotional maltreatment is likely to bear emotional scars. For this reason it is necessary to use the
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: Professional Writers Dance Between Passionate and Impersonal by: Bonnie Boots People that love to write often feel being paid for publication is the benchmark of a “real†writer. So they read all the books
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: Stress Relief During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke If you truly want to ensure a great pregnancy, you should work on keeping a healthy and positive physical, mental and spiritual state. There is substantial evidence which
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: Are You Trying too Hard to Be Happy? by: Carna Zacharias-Miller We all want to be happy. However, if a woman pushes herself to emotional and mental exhaustion in order to reach “perfect†happiness, she could
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: Do Words Really Hurt? by: Angela Baker Have you ever been told by someone that you love or by someone of higher authority that words don’t hurt? Have you been told that as long as you are not being hit, that it
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: Do Words Really Hurt by: Angela Renee Have you ever been told by someone that you love or by someone of higher authority that words don’t hurt? Have you been told that as long as you are not being hit, that it
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: A Woman’s Job No Woman Wants! by: RW Ward Never talked about and seldom acknowledged is the fact that women have by default one of the worst jobs on the planet, namely final arrangement director. Of all the funerals,
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: Emotional Freedom - At YOUR Fingertips! by: Silvia Hartmann What would you say if I told you I know of a simple method that can make emotional stress such as upset, anger, fear, concern and distress simply melt away in
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: How To Save Your Marriage by: Kaveh Nayeri, MS Getting married (or beginning an intimate relationship) is, in a way, like starting a business you’ve always wanted to own or a university program you’ve always
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: Making Communication Effective: 4 Language Filters by: Steve Brunkhorst Language is a challenging way to communicate. It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings by describing our personal views of reality. Yet language
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: On Empathy by: Sam Vaknin The Encyclopaedia Britannica (1999 edition) defines empathy as: "The ability to imagine oneself in anther's place and understand the other's feelings, desires, ideas, and actions. It is a term
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: Mental, Emotional and Physical Prosperity by: Stephanie Yeh To create true, lasting prosperity, almost any guru can tell you that you must align your physical, mental and emotional states and actions. This all sounds
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: How Can You Use Pain For Your Benefit? by: Inna Segal Pain is defined in the dictionary as a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder, emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid, annoyance: something
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: Anorexia - a Game of Control! by: Wilma Watson This article will help you see what lies behind the eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa, giving Anorexia tips. Low self-esteem produces a game of control. It causes a
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: Inner Space by: Louise Pool Every woman needs her own personal space for relaxation, not only to release us from the stress cycle but also to restore us so that we can reassume our responsibilities calmly and with deepened
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: Breakup Rescue: Extreme Deep Healing by: Jeanette Castelli If it's being a long time, and you are still going through the emotional rollercoaster of a breakup, feeling pain, anger and depression, know this: You don’t
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: Unplug from the TV Matrix: Begin a New, Genuine, Creative Life by: Katherine Westphal In the movie The Matrix, humanity was enslaved by machines that plugged into their brains and created an artificial reality, while
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: "The Mastery of Learning" in Context by: Melvin Lewis Thomas Metaphysical circles often characterize incarnation as consisting of four bodies that work in concert to give us what we know of as a human. These are the physical,
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: Are you able to say both "Yes!" and "No!"? by: Charlie Badenhop I hear from many people that they see ever increasing expressions of anger in their everyday life. Understanding the process of anger is an important topic
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: African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 2 by: Bret Searles “A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.†Dante Generate Passion Using Visualization - Much of the interpretation of
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: African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 1 by: Bret Searles “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.†Maya Angelou Our
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: Release Your Agression In Your DIARY OF EMOTIONS by: Jay Ball In order for you to make positive ground daily you need an avenue of escapism that allows you to shed the emotional baggage that we all carry around with us.
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: How to Gain a Good Self-Esteem - the Easy Way by: Carna Zacharias-Miller Need more self-esteem? - I thought so. Just about all of us would like to see some degree of improvement in the way we perceive ourselves. If
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: Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Emotional dependency means getting one’s good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from
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: Why Pacing and Leading is for Wimps! by: Peter Murphy Okay, you have read some books on body language and they all said you must mirror and match, pace and lead.... And you failed miserably when you went out into the
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: How to Jump-start Your Emotional Health by: Patricia Wagner You've probably heard the expression: "It's not what you're eating. It's what's eating you!" This well-known saying reminds us that the thoughts we entertain
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: Where You Can Find Sympathy by: Gene Simmons Ask any of my kids and they’ll tell you immediately that you’ll find it in the dictionary between “sh—“ and “syphilisâ€. Wasn’t
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: The Logic of Emotion! by: Wallace J. Conway Homebuyers are an interesting study. Watching people make their home buying decisions has brought me to the conclusion that every decision that every one of us makes is based
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: Success at Work : People Skills : Networking by: Stephen Bucaro Getting along with your co-workers is critical to your happiness and success at work. You may find yourself spending more time with your co-workers than
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: Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Blackmail by: Jeffrey D. Murrah, LPC Family decision-making is an intriguing phenomenon. Many factors become part of the decision-making process. Emotions play an important part in this
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: The Truth About Why People Search! by: Chet Childers Why do people search on search engines? Let’s confess this seems like a basic question, right? People search because they are looking for something. Complicating
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: How to use Emotional Content to Increase Visitor Response by: John Alexander Did you know that many folks make "buying decisions" when they are moved emotionally? Other traditional medias have made the most of these principles
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: Emotional Marketing - Stimulate Your Prospects Into Buying by: Abe Cherian The secret is creating low cost advertising that compels customers to come to you. Using a simple system of direct mail letters, postcards, email
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: Emotional Marketing - Stimulate Your Prospects Into Buying by: Abe Cherian The secret is creating low cost advertising that compels customers to come to you. Using a simple system of direct mail letters, postcards, email
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: Divorce Online Sevice. Why Should We Lose Money And Time Applying For Divorce? by: James Wood Attempts to use the worldwide Web as an effective means of struggle against bureaucracy are undertaken constantly and sometimes
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: How to Create an Emotional Bond with Your Child by: Anthony Kane, MD One of the most powerful tools that parents have for raising their children is the natural emotional bond that exists between them and their child.
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: The Logic of Emotion! by: Wally Conway Homebuyers are an interesting study. Watching people make their home buying decisions has brought me to the conclusion that every decision that every one of us makes is based in
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: Uncover Emotional Secrets and Live a Happier Life by: David Snape Can you remember a time when you became a little irritated with someone and made a sharp comment that may have hurt, one which you later regretted? Have
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: How Stress Effects Neurotransmitters by: Bev Storer The brain uses feel-good transmitters called endorphins when managing daily stress. When the brain requires larger amounts of endorphins to handle increased stress,
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: Stress The Unseen Killer by: Dr. John Rumberger Introducing Stress Management There are very many proven skills that we can use to manage stress. These help us to remain calm and effective in high pressure situations,
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: Do Your Emotions Control Your Weight? by: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, PhD, ND, DACBN There are those who eat because they are hungry. However, there are those who eat because, to them, food is like a pacifier. They eat
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: Emotional Intelligence: The Basics by: Michael G. Rayel, MD There’s so much talk about emotional intelligence and how it can promote personal and business success. What is it really? What are its basic tenets? Emotional
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: Emotrance & Well-Being by: Zannie Rose Are you ready to easily release worry, pain or fear and restore your emotional health? Are you ready for a dynamic way of processing life experiences in quicker and more joyful
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: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Nightmare After The Ordeal by: Michael G. Rayel, MD Sarah is a 28 y/o accountant who had a traumatic past that she kept to herself. At age 15, she was grabbed by a masked man while she was
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: Menopause Couples by: Cathy Taylor Couples going through menopause often have unique struggles when coping with the new changes and challenges it brings to them both as individuals, and as partners. It is an inner battle
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: Menopause and Women's Health by: Cathy Taylor Couples going through menopause often have unique struggles when coping with the new changes and challenges it brings to them both as individuals, and as partners. It is an
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: You Come First! by: Debra S. Gorin, M.D. A selfish idea? YOU come first? Hardly. The literature of all faiths urges believers to care for themselves. For instance, the cliché “Love thy neighbor as thyselfâ€
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: Food for Thought by: Debra Gorin, M.D. Depression is a disorder marked by sadness, low energy, impaired concentration, and feelings of dejection. Some people believe that depression is normal. Hectic daily activities
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: The Elements of Creativity: Attributes Listing Method by: Dr. Alvin Chan Attribute listing is one of the best ways to generate ideas, whereby there any many parts to the problem/ challenge faced. If you are asked to generate
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: Family Matters by: Rosalyn Bronstein Since the escalation of international terrorist activity a few years ago, many of us have had an opportunity to re-evaluate relationships and reflect upon our lives. This can be a
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: How to While Away a Winter Sunday Afternoon with the Kids & Teach a Little EQ at the Same Time by: Susan Dunn 1. Take care of the birds. First spend some time learning about birds. Check out the bird photo library
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: Social Considerations for Artificial Intelligence by: Noel Anthony Pierre Social Considerations for A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) According to Dennis Gorelik, a single perceived weakness of an AIS (meaning, an artificial
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: The Executive Resume - Moving Beyond Accomplishments by: Linda Matias There is a major difference between conventional resumes and executive resumes. Accomplishments are usually the center point of a conventional resume
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: Franchises - Exit Strategies by: Dennis Schooley At an International Franchising Symposium in London, Peter Holt made the bold statement to his audience of Franchisors that they needed to understand that their business
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: Emotional Fulfillment - Controlling Your Own Destiny by: Dennis Schooley Does A Franchise Meet Your Needs? When you think of becoming a businessperson by making the transition from employee to Franchisee, you don’t
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