Tag: Television
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: Games To Encourage Thinking Skills by: Steve Hall There is no doubt about it, using computer games is a great way to encourage children to expand their realm of thinking. Your options for entertaining your child may seem
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: Healthy Kids are Happy Kids! by: Paul Duxbury Health is a feeling of physical and mental well being. A healthy child displays a tremendous zest for life. He is energetic and undaunted by the challenges that life places
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: How To Go Through Menopause Without Stress by: Alicia Simpson Are you confuse whether you already entering menopause or not? You feel not all the sign appeared to you, except you suffering stress all the time. It’s
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: Houseboats Give Us The Freedom To Explore by: Jane Stokes (courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-Ask those who do it. Most people say it is a very special kind of freedom to cruise this continent's most beautiful inland water
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: Eight Great Tips For The Adventure Traveler by: News Canada 1. Embrace the place. Be sure to explore around the corners, go into the one of kind shops and meet the locals. Find out where the towns folk go for coffee and
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: Television on Your Schedule with a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) by: Becky Jacobs The introduction of the VCR changed so much for the television viewer. Before the introduction of the VCR, you had to watch the show when
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: Health & Beauty: Oily Skin Can Get Dehydrated Too by: News Canada (NC)—All skin types - normal, dry, and oily - needs to be moisturized in summer. Your face may appear to have a shine without a morning lotion,
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: Travel Answers by: Jane Stokes (Courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-Here are the answers to this season's most frequently asked questions: Internet Issues Q: Am I missing something if I don't use the Internet to research
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: Keeping Feet One Step Ahead by: News Canada (NC)-Foot care is essential, even for those vacationers relaxing at beaches and resorts. If taking the occasional walk on the beach or a leisurely swim in the ocean is the extent
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: Five Year Self-Employment Plan - The No Hype Way Into Business by: Larry Eastman First, allow me to explain that this article isn't about a get rich scheme that's intended to draw you into a scenario of spending your
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: Unplug from the TV Matrix: Begin a New, Genuine, Creative Life by: Katherine Westphal In the movie The Matrix, humanity was enslaved by machines that plugged into their brains and created an artificial reality, while
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: Coin Collecting: Getting Started by: News Canada (NC)-Okay. So you've been diagnosed with the collecting bug. Don't panic. Here's what you need to do: first, visit the library. Pick up some standard reference catalogues
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: Aspect Ratio: Full Screen Vs. Wide Screen by: Lawrence Roth Movies on DVD and VHS are often available in two screen formats: full screen and wide screen. The full screen is where a movie is modified to fit a television
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: Explore A Whole New World On The Water! by: News Canada (NC)—How will you spend your precious spare time this summer? For many Canadians, making the most of it means escaping by boat to explore a whole new world
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: Common Boating Questions – Part 1 by: News Canada Which type of boat is right for me? For most buyers, general purpose craft which serve as fish, ski and picnic boats are ideal; for others needing something specialized,
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: Discover Boating.ca Website Answers Your Boating Questions by: News Canada (NC)-lt's spring! Every year at this time, a lot of people think boating might be a great family activity for them, but don't know where to start.
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: Oh Baby! You Can Make It Happen by: News Canada (NC)—Right from the beginning, a baby learns that certain actions within his or her environment can bring desired results. Typically the first sign of reinforcement
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: Talking to Kids ABout War by: John Philip Jackman A few days ago, my 8 year old daughter asked my wife “What state is Iraq?” My wife explained that Iraq is not a state, but another country. This led to a number
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: The Effects of Televised Sexual Content on Adolescents by: Brent Sitton According to a September 2004 study by the RAND Corporation, "Adolescents who watch large amounts of television containing sexual content are twice
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: Stopping Young Risk Takers by: News Canada (NC)-In Canada, more child deaths are due to unintentional injuries than to all other causes combined. Furthermore, injuries are a primary cause of children's hospitalizations
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: An Ode To Dad by: News Canada (NC)-For over a hundred years, we have dedicated the third Sunday in June to honour dear ol' Dad. This year, treat Dad like a king and honour him in style. Yvonne Diesing, Dockers® Brand
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: How To Help Kids Deal With Stress by: News Canada (NC)-Modern life is faster and more stressful than ever. To cope, many resort to dreaming of their happy childhood days. But for a surprising number of people, this kind
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: It Doesn't Take Much Force To Cause A Head Injury by: News Canada (NC)-Head injuries are the number one cause of serious injury and death to kids on wheeled equipment such as bicycles, in-line skates, scooters and skateboards.
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: Advertising Your Home Business on a Budget by: Stone Evans When you are starting out in a new home business and no one knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face is how to drum up new business. If
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: 1,001 Deals and Steals: A Guide To Online Classifieds by: Donald Lee Some naysayers way back in the 1990s predicted that online shopping wouldn’t last. Sure, and they said television was a passing fad, too! As
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: Advertising Your Home Business on a Budget by: Stone Evans When you are starting out in a new home business and no one knows who you are, one of the greatest challenges you will face is how to drum up new business. If
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: WARNING to Home Based and Small Business Who Want to Buy Television Cable Advertising by: Dr. Letitia S. Wright, D.C. Most small businesses will not even try to advertise on television. It’s too expensive and the
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: Why Most Marketing Videos Don’t Work by: Marie-Claire Ross Every now and then I will meet someone who has commissioned a marketing video that did not work for their company. It is a sad state of affairs and it is
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: Marketing Tips - Advertising by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Typical methods of advertising-newspapers, radio and television are effective if used properly, but there are other, less expensive ways to get your company's name
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: How Can I Get Name Recognition? by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Some of the ways in which to get your "name out there" are to call your local television and radio stations, and ascertain whether there is a medium you can get
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: Leverage the Power of Publicity for Your Small Business by: Isabel Isidro Your business is only as good as the number of people who knows about it. For your venture to grow, you need to start spreading the word about
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: Promoting Your Business on Cable Access TV by: Carolyn Moncel "Don't knock it until you've tried it." That's what I told a political opponent's campaign manager when he laughed at me for using cable access television
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: TV Signal Theft – Robbing Canadians by: News Canada (NC)—According to some recent ads, there's no such thing as 'free' cable or satellite TV. The bottom line message: television signal theft is just that,
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: Your Most Personal Document by: News Canada (NC)—Every person should have a will, which should cover at least seven essential points to avoid difficulties in the future. Make sure only one Will exists. Determine
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: Signing And Witnessing Your Will by: News Canada (NC)-Signing and witnessing is critical to the legal validity of your Will and requirements differ from province to province. Witnesses You and your two witnesses sign
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: Your Will - A Personal Reflection Of Your Life by: News Canada (NC)-Every person is unique, however, people have common needs - air, water, food, shelter, love, a sense of accomplishment. Beyond these, we are also concerned
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: Top 10 Reasons Why It Is Not Wise To Write Your Own Will by: News Canada (NC)-Although some provinces accept a handwritten, self-made will (called a "Holograph" will), it is risky to do it yourself. The cost of having
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: Improve Your Pest Control by: News Canada (NC)-Pests come in a variety of forms, from mice, earwigs, ants and grubs to invasive weeds. They can trigger allergies, carry disease, contaminate food and even damage our possessions.
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: How Big A Hole Do You Have In Your Wall? by: News Canada (NC)-Imagine punching a hole in one of your home's outside walls and feeling the cold, dry winter wind rush into your house. Now imagine what all that cold air
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: A Brief on United States Satellite TV Deals by: Teddy L.Cc Want to know more about United States satellite TV business despite getting those 'free' satellite TV deals? As you all may already known, satellite TV business
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: How To Choose The Right Television For You by: Duane Smith Watching television has progressed from a luxury that only few had in their homes in the middle of the last century to the point where most consumers not only
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: Guide to Mounting your Satellite Dish by: Adam Maywald The Dish Network satellite dish is only about 2 feet in diameter. Very much a space saver when it comes to mounting the satellite dish on a wall, fence or garage! Since
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: Satellite TV by: Teddy Low Here is some information about satellite TV. Satellite television or satellite TV is television delivered by way of orbiting communications satellites located 37,000 km above the earth's surface.
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: The Debate Around Controlling Pests In Our Gardens by: News Canada (NC)-An important hobby for many Canadians, and one that is increasing in popularity is gardening. "I have a firm belief that the gardening industry is
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: Year-Round Tree House: Attic Renovations Create Fun Space For Play by: News Canada (NC)—Tree houses are great in theory but pose a number of safety issues and aren't ideally suited to cold weather play," says David
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: Adding Texture To Your Floors Adds Texture To Room by: News Canada Texture is key in flooring as well. The Perspective 4 plank line of floors features bevelled edges along both the width and the length of planks. (NC)—Home
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: Maximizing Your Living Space by: News Canada Look to contemporary (modern) décor to maximize space. TORLYS Uniclic® Cork flooring, with its sensuous texture, can warm up a modern interior, preventing it from looking
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: Carpet Takes Center Stage by: News Canada (NC)—From soft, layered intricate vine and floral designs to multi-levelled patchwork weaves to tailored ribs, geometric loops and lattices to nubby, terry-like twists,
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: Foodborne Illness: Did You Know? by: News Canada (NC)-Although most recover completely from it, some people who get food poisoning (foodborne illness) may develop long-term health problems as a result. Illnesses such
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: Brown Burgers May Look Done, But Are They? by: News Canada (NC)-According to Health Canada, summer chefs who cook ground beef burgers on gas grills could have a food safety problem if they rely solely on colour-rather
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: Keep The Bugs At Bay by: Dr. Brian Aw, M.D., and C.C.F.P. (courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-With approximately 42,000 mosquitoes for every person in Ontario, most of us spend a great deal of our summers swatting away these
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: Eight Tips For A Bug-Free Summer by: Dr. Brian Aw, M.D., and C.C.F.P. (courtesy by News Canada) (NC)-With approximately 42,000 mosquitoes for every person in Ontario, most of us spend a great deal of our summers swatting
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: Beat The Bugs… Use Repellent! by: Dr. Brian Aw, M.D., and C.C.F.P. (courtesy of News Canada) (NC)-With approximately 42,000 mosquitoes for every person in Ontario, most of us spend a great deal of our summers swatting
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: What Causes Mental Illness? by: News Canada (NC)-Lots of myths surround mental illness. For instance, many still think that it's something that can be cured simply by 'toughening up' or by adopting a better outlook on
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: Stigma Still Getting In The Way Of Treatment by: News Canada (NC)-Mental illness is something that many people still talk about in hushed voices. Those afflicted are frequently embarrassed about their condition, worrying
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: An Ounce Of Preparation Is Worth A Pound Of Cure by: News Canada (NC)-Doesn't it always seem that you are out of bandages just when you need one the most - your new shoes have created massive blisters on your feet or
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: How To Keep Your Kid'S Brain Healthy by: News Canada (NC)-According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, approximately one in five children between the ages of four and 16 have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder.
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: Finding The Help You Need - Close To Home by: News Canada (NC)-No matter where you live, trying to find out about cancer support and treatment services can feel like navigating a foreign city with a crummy map. But at
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: Health & Beauty: Healthy Skin, More Than Meets The Eye by: News Canada (NC)—The visible signs of aging can be controlled, but the typical office life may not be your skin's best friend. Dry, recycled air is one
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: ADHD Beyond The Classroom by: News Canada (NC)—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is thought by some to be an "academic" disability causing difficulties with attention and concentration in the classroom.
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: Lowering Your Risk Of Heart Disease by: News Canada (NC)-If you have been deemed at risk by your doctor, there are steps you can take to help control risk factors. According to Statistics Canada, heart disease is one
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: Simple Steps To Avoid 'Winter Itch' by: News Canada (NC)-Here are some helpful tips you can follow this season to avoid the dry, itchy skin that affects so many Canadians. Make sure you use moisturizers regularly,
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: Save Your Skin By Starting Early by: News Canada (NC)-Maintaining proper skin-care habits to prevent dry skin throughout the year can go a long way toward keeping your skin moisturized during the harsh winter months.
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: Psoriasis Itch Causing Marital Tension? by: News Canada 'Scratchless' Tips Q: I have had psoriasis on my scalp for 8 years. My wife has always been very supportive, even helping massage my treatments into my scalp. But,
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: No More Bad Hair Days : Tips For Clearing Stubborn Dandruff by: News Canada (NC)-Dandruff - that dry, itchy, white flaking of the scalp - affects up to 70% of the population in various degrees of severity. It results
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: What is Hepatitis C? by: News Canada (NC)-Hepatitis C is an infectious virus that is carried in the blood and harms the liver. About 240,000 Canadians are infected, many of whom are unaware that they even have it. The
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: Hepatitis C: Early Detection Means Better Health by: News Canada (NC)-Experts estimate that 240,000 people in Canada are currently infected with hepatitis C, of whom only 30% know they have the virus. The only way to
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: Today, Living Well Means Making Healthy Choices by: News Canada Here are some tips to help: o Eat for health as well as for pleasure. o Read food labels carefully - know what you eat. o Follow your body weight,
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: Getting Tough On E. Coli Can Help Prevent Kidney Failure by: News Canada (NC)-Despite the fact that Canada's food supply is among the safest in the world, sometimes the food we eat can make us sick. Foodborne illness,
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: Pain In The Neck? by: News Canada (NC)-Neck pain is less common than low back pain, which affects about 80 percent of us at some time in our lives. Nevertheless, a huge number of adults - between 38 and 50 percent - have
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: Sleep Tip by: News Canada (NC)-Just about everyone has heard that sleep is important to health and well-being, but did you know that… Wool Keeps Your Bedding Dust Mite Free Did you know that beds are a prime
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: Don't Fool With A Seizure by: News Canada (NC)-You and a friend are enjoying an outing when -suddenly-your companion appears to lose consciousness, falls to the ground and starts to shake uncontrollably. The person is
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: 5 Tips to Reduce Depression by: Wayne Perkins While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events and the business
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: Vitamin E and Lung Cancer Prevention by: News Canada (NC)-Lung cancer, the most preventative of all human cancers, remains the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. Several studies have shown that vitamin
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: Multivitamins vs. Single Supplements by: News Canada (NC)-With all the different types of vitamin and mineral supplements available on the local pharmacy shelf, it can be confusing to determine what you really need. Sometimes
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: Music Hath Charms ... by: News Canada (NC)-Sandra Trehub at the University of Toronto studies how people develop hearing and speech perception from infancy to adulthood. She has developed ways to measure hearing and speech
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: A Head Start for Preemies by: News Canada (NC)-The presence of too much of a steroid hormone called cortisol, either from a baby's own adrenal gland, or reaching the baby across the placenta from the mother, can lead
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: Breathing Easier in Montreal by: News Canada (NC)-In cystic fibrosis, the lungs are destroyed after they become too inflamed, which can in turn sabotage the whole respiratory system. While advances in drugs, diets, and
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: Repetitive Strain Injury by: News Canada (NC)-Repetitive Strain Injury (R.S.I.) occurs when muscles, nerves or tendons become inflamed or irritated. R.S.I. is often reflected in people who have developed arthritis as
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: Ergonomics - What Is It? by: News Canada (NC)-Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between people and their work or workplace. It's also about matching jobs to the needs and abilities of workers. What can I do,
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: Vitamin Q & A by: News Canada Q: My teenage daughter does not like milk and I'm afraid she isn't getting enough calcium. What can she do to ensure that she is getting enough? A: Building strong bone mass through adequate
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: Take Control Of Your Hormones Without Medication by: News Canada (NC)-It's long been known that estrogen has a major impact on women's hormonal health. As women age, their estrogen levels become depleted and many women
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: 10 Tips For Preventing Headaches by: Schmell Kopfs Never look at the sun directly, especially between 7 am in the morning and 4 pm in the evening. If you will be outside during this time or driving, be sure to shield
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: Nutrition And Mental Function by: News Canada (NC)-Eating well and getting the vitamins and minerals we need over the course of our lives is important for overall good health. It may also help preserve memory and cognition
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: A Devastating Diagnosis Builds Strength by: News Canada "No pain, no gain" (NC)-Nowhere is this familiar refrain truer than in the grueling arena of competitive bodybuilding - a highly specialized form of training in
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: Fuel For Active Lifestyles by: News Canada (NC)-To many Canadians, the hot summer months represent a time for getting fit, having fun and engaging in lots of outdoor physical activity. The following tips will help you
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: Food Safety Begins In The Home by: News Canada (NC)-More than 200 known diseases are transmitted through food, and Health Canada estimates that every year approximately two million Canadians suffer from illness caused
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: Bartender Quick Tip: Buy Vodka Evenly Blended With Lime by: News Canada (NC)-Special occasion gatherings and parties take a lot of planning and preparation, especially for the food and beverages. An occasional short-cut
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: Balance Your Moods With Food by: News Canada (NC)-Here are some helpful hints on the nutrients you need to stay "emotionally fit" and help prevent mood-swings. These foods help keep you "hormonally" healthy - see Canada's
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: Tropical Fruit Smoothie by: News Canada 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) cut-up, frozen tropical fruit (peaches, cantaloupe, kiwifruit, pineapple, mangos)* 2 cups (500 mL) Ocean Spray® Cranberry Cocktail Combine ingredients in
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: English Muffin Crab "Au Gratin" by: News Canada Perfect for lunch or brunch 4 English muffins, halved 1/2 cup (120ml) Summersweet Crab and Three Cheese Dip fine bread crumbs parmesan cheese, freshly grated Green
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: Supreme Burgers by: News Canada 2 pounds ground chuck 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons shallots, minced 11/2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 1/4 cup
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: Southern Mama by: News Canada Ingredients and Preparation 2 cups (500 mL) cold milk 1 medium-size ripe banana, peeled and quartered 1/2 cup (125 mL) frozen orange juice concentrate (or more to taste) Blend ingredients
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: Mexican Burgers by: News Canada Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Makes: 6 servings 1 pkg Knorr® Onion Soup Mix 1 1/2 lbs (750 g) medium ground beef 1/4 cup (50 mL) water 2 tbsp (30 mL) chili powder 1
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: You Don't Know Beans! by: News Canada (NC)-Looking for reasons to get your family to eat more legumes? It turns out that the skin on beans is not just an important source of fibre, it's rich in powerful nutrient compounds
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: To Be Or Not To Be… Healthy? The Choice Is Yours by: News Canada (NC)-Your doctor utters those dreaded words; you must lower your cholesterol or face the possibility of heart disease. You think you will have to
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: Quick and Easy Breakfast Solutions by: News Canada (NC)-Looking for a fresh, new way to start the day? Think outside the breadbox…and beyond! Darlene Gingrich, Thomas' Break-xpert provides the following 'menu' of
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: Supreme Burgers by: News Canada 2 pounds ground chuck 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons shallots, minced 11/2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 1/4 cup
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: Party Food & Fun: Vodka Blends Arctic Cool With Tropical Lime by: News Canada (NC)-Take a look at the vodka labeling next time you shop. The familiar "red dot" vodka in that ice-sculptured bottle has a new, and almost
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: Making The Food-Mood Connection by: News Canada (NC)-Food is more that just fuel for our bodies. What we eat - and when - has a major influence on the hormones that control our moods and emotional well-being, according
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