Tag: Safe
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: Battling Tough Spyware Applications on Your Computer by: Mitch Johnson Due to the extensive craftiness of spyware intruders, new methods have allowed spyware applications to load even while the computer is in safe mode.
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: There Is Hidden a 'Successful Formula' In Everything by: Karl Smith Although many say that things change on the net, still what worked before keeps working. Let me give you an example: If you have a PC and you do not
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: The Accidental Leader by: Steve Wright It was never planned, it just happened. After years of enjoying what you do, and consequently doing quite well, your efforts and results have been recognised by management. They
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: Why Failure is Good for You by: Jimmy Roos How do you view failure? Do you see it as something negative that you don't want to be associated with or do you see it as something positive? Most people in the world don't
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: The Ultimate Kick-Butt Motivational Lesson by: Robert Evans How often have you struggled with yourself over the work that needs to be done? How many times have you put off performing some task or other because it's too
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: A Simple Cure For Anxiety And Depression by: Saleem Rana Our innate desire is to be happy, and when we move away from it, we experience fear. This fear is actually millions of years old, for it arises from the biological
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: A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy by: Saleem Rana Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than living out effects. Let me draw a simple analogy to clarify my point. Imagine standing
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: Discovering Your Strengths by: Kathy Paauw "Most Americans do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong
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: Music & Intelligence: Will Listening to Music Make You Smarter? by: Duane Shinn Will listening to music make you smarter? Will learning to play a musical instrument make your brain grow larger than normal? Questions
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: Got Goals? Did You Reach Them? by: Lynne Dean Most of us have goals. Big ones, small ones. But not always do we follow through with them and that...hum…could be dangerous. You see, within a lifetime our goals
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: Inspiration, the Living Force by: Lynne Dean These moments of awareness are powerful motivators. They boost our spirit and expand our view of certain joys we don’t have the chance to appreciate every day. They
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: Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard? by: Lynne Dean We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing
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: Grocery Shopping Tips by: Kelly Kennedy The grocery store is full of delicious items that may all seem tempting to buy however use these tips to keep your costs down and not purchase more than you need. Before Heading
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: Who's the You Running Your Life? by: Keith Varnum Get Drama and Trauma Out of Your Karma You finally make a friend or get a hot date with someone you're attracted to-then blow it by acting aloof or not being yourself.
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: Alcohol And Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke If you have been drinking up until the point when you become pregnant or smoking it is also vital that you stop doing so immediately. Many women worry that they consumed a few
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: Dietary Precautions During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke When you are pregnant, you should be sure to wash all raw vegetables prior to consumption. Raw vegetables have the potential to carry toxoplasmosis, which is a
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: Smoking During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke If you have been drinking up until the point when you become pregnant or smoking it is also vital that you stop doing so immediately. Many women worry that they consumed a
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: Common Sense Approach To Pregnancy Weight Loss by: Beverley Brooke Ok so everyone gains weight while they are pregnant. This is perfectly normal. It is also perfectly normal for a woman to want to lose that weight after
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: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke Many women have questions about the types of food that are safe to eat during pregnancy. It is actually easier to discuss the types of foods you should avoid during
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: Are You Choosing Your Website Colors Safely? by: Maricon Williams Many designers are overlooking the vitality of colors in creating a web site. Why is it vital? It is because it creates a mood – it can annoy, irritate
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: Don't Drink The Water by: Steve Gillman Definitely don't drink the water if the locals don't. Aside from this travel guideline, it's tough to judge when it is safe to drink the water in another country. It is often best
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: Hotel Safety Tips by: Lana Hampton As is often the case, the more we travel, the less we think about our safety. It's easy to become comfortable in a hotel when we spend so much time in it. Most people have caught themselves
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: How To Be Safe While Traveling by: Scott Flint The most dangerous time in your life, when you are most likely to be attacked is when you are traveling in an unfamiliar area. Tourists are the favorite prey of the goblins
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: E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources by: Candy Brauer I'll be the first to admit it; I'm a cheap skate. I'm not as bad as many I meet, but if there's a legal, ethical way to get it for cheaper or free, I'm there.
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: How To Open Up While Staying Safe by: Rinatta Paries When you've had your heart broken in a relationship, it can be difficult to open up to love again and entrust your heart to another person. Similarly, when your partner
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: Dating Online – Can Be Less Stressful by: Martin Smith Dating is a challenge at any age and for both women and men. Ladies worry about your hair, your make-up and whether you look fat. The men worry is their tie
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: Why Anger is Essential to Healthy Relationships by: Kevin B. Burk Many of us have some very definite ideas about anger. We see anger as destructive and hurtful. We consider it to be an inappropriate response. We equate
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: Sex and New Relationships by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Brad was just completing his divorce after having been married for over 25 years. He had not dated in what seemed like forever to him, and had no idea how to start. “How
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: A Recipe for Alchemy by: Keith Varnum Grandma has a scrumptious, old-family recipe for chocolate pecan pie that melts in your mouth. Uncle Bert whips up a killer BBQ sauce for ribs (or grilled tofu). I’ve discovered
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: Addiction to Clutter by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. Clutter is a big problem for many people. At a lecture that I gave, I asked for a show of hands regarding how many people had problems with clutter and disorganization. I
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: A Safe Place to Fall by: Karen S. Parker Do you know the meaning of a safe place to fall? Parents are to give their children that place where no matter what they do or the mistakes they make, we love them unconditionally
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: Baccarat by: S. Baker Are you a gambling lover? Do you like to spend your vacations at Atlantic City or even Las Vegas? What is your favorite casino game? Blackjack? Poker? Craps? Or maybe it’s Baccarat? Whatever
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: Online Poker by: S Baker Are you a poker player? Can’t get the guys together but still want to play? Try online poker. You can play from the comfort of your home right on your computer. In fact, you can find great
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: Safe Boating... All Summer Long by: News Canada (NC)—In Canada, studies show boating is a safe family activity. Almost every problem we hear about is the result of a stupid decision – mixing alcohol with
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: Boating Safety - It's For Everyone by: James "Doc" Lewis Boating, when a few simple rules are followed, is one of the safest family activities there is. U.S. statistics show boating is twice as safe as biking, five times
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: Get Rid Of Baby Walkers And Bath Seats, Urges Safe Kids Canada by: News Canada (NC)—Do you use a baby walker to keep your baby entertained? Do you use a baby bath seat because it keeps your hands free for baby's
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: Can Your Child Ride Or Skate Safely? by: News Canada (NC)-Riding a bike, scooter, skateboard or using in-line skates is great for kids. These activities help build physical fitness, motor skills and self-esteem. But the
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: The Three Sure-Fire Ways to Teach Your Child About Safety by: Michelle Annese We understand that for your child to be truly “Kid Safe†that they must understand and use two types of self defense. Physical,
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: Helmets Work: The Trick Is Getting Your Child To Wear One by: News Canada (NC)-Bikes, scooters, skateboards and in-line skates are popular with Canadian children. But it's important to stay safe, stresses Safe Kids Canada.
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: It Doesn't Take Much Force To Cause A Head Injury by: News Canada (NC)-Head injuries are the number one cause of serious injury and death to kids on wheeled equipment such as bicycles, in-line skates, scooters and skateboards.
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: Three Steps To Safety On Wheels by: News Canada (NC)-Are your kids safe when riding on wheels - bicycles, scooters, skateboards or in-line skates? Safe Kids Canada, a national child safety program, has launched the "Got
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: A Night Out For Mom & Dad by: Jennifer Shryock Is your babysitter watching the kids and your k9 family member? It is Saturday night and you have planned for a babysitter to entertain and care for your children while
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: Shop: Is Shopping Online Secure? by: Linda Quinones Shop: Is Shopping Online Secure? Is shopping online becoming popular and safe enough for you and I to do the vast majority of our shopping on the Internet? As I contemplated,
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: Securing Evidence In Winning Defective Product Cases by: Maui Reyes Oftentimes when people get into accidents that involve defective products (such as car accidents), they get into shock and delay filing a case. While
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: The Three Sure-Fire Ways to Learn About Safety by: Michelle Annese Hey kids, there are different levels of safety and those levels depend on the situation you are in and the decisions you make in those situations. You
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: Got Wheels? Get A Helmet! by: News Canada (NC)-Bikes, in-line skates, scooters and skateboards are popular with Canadian kids. These activities are great ways to keep fit, but it's important to remember the risks that
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: Be Your Own Way, But Still Use The Safe Tools by: Tony Gevano It is so often that people are not aware with the tools they use when doing their home improvement. Sometimes they use wrong tools just because they want something
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: Will Your Vitamins Be Banned? by: Lee Cummings Imagine this scenario by the end of next August... You contact your favorite supplement distributor to purchase some of your usual vitamins and other supplements and you
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: Brown Burgers May Look Done, But Are They? by: News Canada (NC)-According to Health Canada, summer chefs who cook ground beef burgers on gas grills could have a food safety problem if they rely solely on colour-rather
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: Is Citrus Aurantium really bad for your health? by: Lee Cummings Once again the “wisdom†of the FDA and the supplement hating Academia and the out of control trial lawyers - have gotten it wrong. And are doing
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: Top Ten Reasons Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy Works by: Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP Studies and research show natural HRT really works. By using natural progesterone you can reap the benefits in the following
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: Tanning The Natural Way by: Caryl B. Grecia This is a call to everybody. Save your skin, now before it’s too late! Having a tan makes you look more healthy and gorgeous. But how do you do it without bad consequences? There
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: Titanium Dioxide: Toxic or Safe? by: Lori Stryker Titanium dioxide is the subject of new controversy, yet it is a substance as old as the earth itself. It is one of the top fifty chemicals produced worldwide. It is a
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: Toxic Chemicals, Are Your Children Being Exposed? by: Shelly Platt You do what you can to keep your little ones safe and healthy in this world we live in. You put your household cleaners out of reach and make sure the
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: MSM - The Best Natural Remedy For Pain Relief by: Brad Bahr With all of the dangerous side effects of pain medicine in the news these days it's great news that there is a safer alternative available to us. MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane)
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: Is Your Recipe Safe? by: News Canada (NC)—Sure, it tastes great and earns rave reviews from everyone sitting at the dinner table. But is your favourite recipe also a safe one? To prevent serving up foodborne illness
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: Have Diabetes, But Enjoy Quality Food? Try Diabetic Recipes! by: Mike Yeager Having diabetes certainly limits some of the food you can eat, but with the right diabetic recipes you can still enjoy fine food. Sometimes,
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: Safe From Strangers by: Gary Direnfeld There are few thoughts as terrifying as the abduction of your young child by a stranger. The fear causes parents to think long and hard about their children’s safety. They
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: Pet Owner Are The Majority Population In The U.S. by: Thaddeus Collins According to recent statistics, an astounding 65% of all U.S. household have at least one pet, and in many of these homes, their pets are considered
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: Baby Crib Safety - Frequently Asked Questions by: Martin Smith The crib is where your baby will spend a lot of their time and you want to be sure they are safe. Below are some of the questions (with the answers) that
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: Nothing Beats Family. by: Ridgely Goldsborough I stepped into my hotel room to a pleasant surprise. Lots of room surrounded an inviting king-size bed, flanked by overstuffed armchairs that rested against sliding glass
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: Safe Relationship Spaces by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D. I have been counseling individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and have numerous published books on the subject of relationships and
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: Borrowing Children's Products From A Friend, Or Buying Second Hand? Make Sure They're Safe, Says Safe Kids Canada by: News Canada (NC)—Raising children is expensive. More than half of Canadian parents cut costs
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: Are Your Children At Risk From Products In Your Home? Check This Week, Urges Safe Kids Canada by: News Canada (NC)—Most homes with young children are full of products such as cribs, baby gates, and playpens. Parents
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: Are There Any Safe Alternatives to E-mail? by: Rosalyn Bronstein When e-mail first became popular in the 1990s, it was viewed as nothing short of wonderful. There was no need to go to the post office, no need to purchase
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: Halloween & Hounds by: Jennifer Shryock Halloween is “fright night†for humans not dogs. Screaming, running, spooky children in masks make many dogs uncomfortable, nervous and frightened. Halloween costumes
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: House Rabbits are fun and cute pets. by: Mike Yeager House rabbits are a perfect pet for many people, regardless of whether they live on a farm or in an apartment. House rabbits are small, easy to take care of, and don’t
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: Making Safe Online Purchases by: Sarah Nyberg Finding Your Store There are a number of ways you can go about finding a nice store to buy from online. First, depending on what you're trying to buy, try to think if anyone's
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: ContentWatch Announces “Family Safe†Recognition for Family Safe Web Sites on the Internet by: Scott Nelson SALT LAKE CITY – September 15, 2004 – ContentWatch, Inc., a trusted provider of Internet
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: Internet Safety by: Sharon Housley Parents are constantly struggling with ways to keep their children safe online. The Internet has a global reach and at this point no bounds, or limitations. Outside of installing filtering
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: Keeping Your Kids Safe While They Are Online by: Tina Barraclough The INTERNET can be a dangerous place for your kids, if you don't know the risks that can occur while being online. It is our jobs as parents, to know what
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: Is Your Business Safe? by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Well, is it! Do you back up your files on a regular basis? Do you have a back up plan in place? What’s important to your business and what isn’t? What happens
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: 5 Tips for a Safe Online Job-Search by: Teena Rose Conducting a job search using the Internet has definitely transformed how jobseekers contact hiring companies. The availability of copying and pasting a text version
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