Tag: Hair
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: Short Hair Style? Make It Stylish, Sexy And Chic by: Michael Barrows Short hair style? Make it stylish, sexy and chic In all of its transformations and variations, the short hair style has always been numbered at the
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: Looking For New Hair Styles Or A Completely Different Look? by: Perriann Rodriguez Maybe you need a Gia Makeover. By Perriann Rodriguez When it comes to hair styles, there are so many different options today to make
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: Hair Loss: What Is It And What Can Be Done by: Andy Casasanta Male Pattern Baldness: On average, there are 90,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp. The hairs grow from roots called follicles. Blood vessels at the base of
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: Menopause and Hair Loss by: Cathy Taylor The onset of menopause can often lead to hair loss and has long been a part of aging that many women fear the most. These days many more women are also experiencing thinning and
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: Home Remedies by: Andy Casasanta Ever have a bee sting? Try rubbing an aspirin on it. Gum in hair? Soak the gum-coated hair in Coke® and it should wipe out easily. While not being a replacement for medical attention,
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: Why Will Wigs Never Go Out Of Fashion? by: Raymond L'arou Quite simply because fashion exists, With every new fashion we are bombarded with a never ending parade of weird and wonderfull hairstyles that we would never
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: From Ancient Hair Straightening To Sedu Hair Irons by: Paton Jackson Over the last year sedu hair iron has become a brand name of hair irons. Its’ sales grows every month and it is probably the best seller ever
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: Do You Know These Hair Coloring Secrets ? by: Jane Preeter Coloring your hair is perhaps the quickest and most dramatic way to change your look. There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi- permanent, with variations
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: Summer Hair by: S.P. Bragg Summer is not the time for ho-hum hair so I have lots of ideas for you to try out. So, lets get started. 1. Pull it up using a scrunchy. This is fast, easy and very effective. 2. Go for the
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: Prom Updo Hairstyles by: Stuart Simpson How can I get that classy updo prom or formal hairstyle? First you need medium to long length hair. You will also need some ponytail holders, gel, and long pins. The trick to
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: Hair Care Home Remedies by: Elizabeth Kiely Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies. Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut
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: Seven Home Hair Color Tips for Great Results by: Nancy Faizabadi Some hair professionals may try to discourage you from doing your own home hair color, saying that drugstore hair color products are harsh and the results
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: The Beautiful Bride To Be – Beauty Tips For The Big Day by: Declan Tobin It goes without saying that we all want to look our best for the big day. So preparation is the key. Take care of your skin, hair and body
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: Soft Hair And Skin Au Naturelle by: Gerard Bulger Just picture this, your walking down the beach front, its a warm sunny day, a light breeze in from the sea is gently blowing through your hair gives it more waves than
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: The Best Hair Products (That Really Work!) for Under .00! by: Renu Dalal-Jain Sometimes I feel that our hair has a direct line to our hearts... when we have a bad hair day, the whole world seems gloomy, and dark portentous
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: Hair and Haircare For Hairdressing by: Billy Lim For healthy, beautiful hair, emblazon the word protein in your mind. Hair is at least 97% protein, containing 19 of the 22 amino acids that from protein. This should vividly
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: How to Choose the Perfect Hairstyles for your Face by: Donna Monday There must be a million and one ways to style our hair. If you like your hair styled short, there are short hair styles for women, short hairstyles
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: To Get That Famous Hair Cut You Gotta Ask by: Donna Monday There you are sitting at your dining room table with all those pictures of hair cuts spread out in front of you. You’ve managed to narrow it down to a
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: 7 Mistakes That Will Ruin a Professional Image by: Sheila Dicks Some of us are aware of it and some us are not. What is it? Image mistakes. A successful career depends on good grooming and self-care. A polished
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: Homemade Beauty Recipes by: Kenia Morales Do you want to look stunning with out wasting too much money? If your answer is yes, then you should read this tips. They have past on from generations to generations. The best
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: Japanese Hair Straightening: All You Ever Wanted to Know by: Danna Schneider By now, I'm sure you've heard of the hair straightening process invented in Japan that has swept America and made countless women forever grateful
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: Women's Guide To Having Fun And Looking Great For The Holidays by: Kenia Morales Family reunions, parties, great food, gift exchanges are all some of the characteristics that make the holiday season so special. So, why
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: 5 Quick Tips for Great Holiday Hair and Makeup by: Donna Monday This holiday season you might say that old fashioned glitter and glamour is back. The online beauty tips web site http://www.1-minute-beauty-diva.com has
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: Stop Hair loss! by: Kenia Morales Are you losing more than 20-100 strands of hairs a day? If your answer is yes; you are part of 50 percent of the population experiencing hair loss, but before you get alarmed there are
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: Hair Removal - Choose From Nine Methods by: Mike Jones Use this overview to re-examine your current hair removal method to ensure you are using the best possible method FOR YOU! #1: Depilatories Depilatories as a
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: Beauty Secrets by: Kenia Morales How many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and wished you could change a minor problem? To look even more beautiful. Here are five helpful & easy ways to achieve beauty secrets. Skin
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: Cleanse and Stimulate your scalp with the right Shampoo! by: Mike Yeager Shampoo contributes to good hair care. In our quest for the perfect makeup, the vital importance of good hair care is mostly ignored. Your hair is
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: Ladies, show off your Hair with cute Hair accessories! by: Mike Yeager Hair accessories offer an easy way of showing off your hair. Choose from a host of hair clips, scrunches, trendy scarves, bandanas and what have you.
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: Cosmetics – the practical way to BEAUTY! by: Mike Yeager Want that healthy, tanned look without that elusive Spanish holiday? Use cosmetics! For cosmetics is the easiest way to enhance your image. Image is what
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: Hairstyles That Make You Look Attractive by: Mike Yeager Have you ever wanted to change your hairstyles every couple of weeks? It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, not at all. Thinking about
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: Vitamins that May Affect Hair Growth by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith Several different vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause dry hair. To treat dry hair, try taking a multivitamin with 100 percent of the daily value of
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: Benefits of Spa Treatments by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith Ladies, when was the last time you were treated like a queen? Whether it was in this millenium or the last, spending the day at a Spa guarantees the Star Treatment.
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: What Condition Is Your Hair In? by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith Our hair can be categorized in three different ways: Healthy Dry Damaged Characteristics of Healthy Hair Smooth texture and feel Shiny Hair
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: Hair 101 by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith The more you know about your hair, the better you can care for it! Your hair has two separate parts: the root and the shaft. The root is the part of the hair located just under the
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: Is There A Wrong Way To Wash Your Hair? by: Nicole Elizabeth Smith It's not as simple as it sounds. There is a difference! When washing your hair, it is best if you get in the shower. You may give yourself a back-ache
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: 5 Steps to Make Stress Your Best Friend by: Laura Bankston You probably think I'm wacko, but it's true - stress can be your best friend! Stress is actually a positive experience to be channeled to improve your life. For
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: No More Mr. Fuzz Face by: David Leonhardt Body image is a big issue for some and a small issue for others...but it is an issue of some kind for almost everybody. Some people feel they are too wide. Others feel they
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: The Rat Race and Smiling Over Spilt Coffee by: Connie Tsang As if choreographed and rehearsed the night before, one lays witness to the rumble of heels, a sea of italian-crafted, waxed, buffed and protected from any Act
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: You're How Old?!? by: David Leonhardt a.k.a. The Happy Guy "Well, Happy Birthday! How old are you anyway?" "Oh, I'm just 29 … again." It's a harmless game, denying our age, right? We play sensitive about our
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: A Bad Hairdresser Day by: David Leonhardt "Hey everybody!" Hairdresser Lady called out. "It's The Happy Guy." "Don't try buttering me up, Hairdresser Lady," I warned. "It's not going to work." "What's not going to
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: What Turns Them On? Pt.2 by: Andre Leblanc 5. The Derrier A rounded peach shaped buttock is considered most attractive for men. The woman’s buttocks stores fat for breast feeding and storage for lean times. This
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: Seducing with Hygiene by: Caroline Anton The world wide web is full of articles and stories on how to seduce women (and men). Often you would come across various products that will make women crazy about you, or vendors
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: Reduce Anxiety About Decison Making by: Kathy Gates What’s the alternative to making decisions? Allowing someone else, or circumstances, to make them for you. And that is giving up control of your life.
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: Bichon Frise: Hot Spots by: Janet Combs “Hot spots†are surface skin infections caused when populataions of normal skin bacteria grow and overwhelm normal resistance. They ae generally curcular patches that
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: Bath Time Fun by: Jennifer Gove Bath time can be fun or it can be a real hassle if your child is afraid or don’t like it. So we as mothers try to make it a fun time for our little ones! Then the problem will be
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: Creating A Web Page That Sells - A Look At Graphics and Copywriting by: Patrick Mahoney This is a response to a client that we have been working with, and a website they are building that will sell an eBook on "Hair Styling
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: Hot or Not -- Prom Trends for 2004 by: Blake Kritzberg Prom: it's loaded with expectations. For some, it's merely a dance. For others, it means that first great step into adulthood, while savoring one's position at the
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: Hair Style Should Depend on Your Hair Texture by: Stuart Simpson When deciding a hair routine, you first have to determine you hair type. Hair texture is an important part of determining how your hair is cut, how you
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: Self Acceptance – Lessons From My Hair Affair by: Lee Mellott For our diet and, indeed, in every aspect of our lives, we must remember to relax from the demands of the unrealistic ideal. For those trying to lose
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: Coping With Telogen Effluvium by: Richard Mitchell Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition that is characterized by a general thinning of the hair over a period of months. It is usually found in people who have recently
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: Coping With Alopecia Areata by: Richard Mitchell Alopecia areata is a condition that is typified by patchy hair loss over the scalp or body. It comes in several forms ranging from a single patch to total body hair loss
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: Coping With Male Pattern Baldness by: Richard Mitchell Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. For it to develop, three
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: Do Traditional Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Relevance Today? by: Richard Mitchell Could it be possible that our ancestors got it right with some of their traditional hair loss remedies? Folklore tells us they certainly
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: Herbal Hair Loss Remedies For External Use by: Richard Mitchell In a separate article in this series we looked at some of the most popular herbal hair loss remedies for ingestion. Here we'll expand that theme to include
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: Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope by: Richard Mitchell Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to
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: Top Nutritional Tips To Support Healthy Hair Growth by: Richard Mitchell 1. Eat adequate amounts of protein. Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino
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: Is There a Role For Nutrition In Treating Hair Loss? by: Richard Mitchell Could something as basic as inadequate nutrition really contribute to excessive shedding of hair? Does sensible nutrition have a role to play
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: Cosmetic Hair Loss Solutions by: Richard Mitchell Many people suffering from hair loss prefer not to use the strong drugs and medications that currently form the best available treatment options. They may have tried a
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: Non-Approved Drugs That Can Help In The Treatment Of Hair Loss by: Richard Mitchell At present only two medications have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss, namely finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil
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: Common Treatments For Hair Loss In Women by: Richard Mitchell Much has been said and written about modern day hair loss treatments but this tends to relate almost exclusively to men. Do these same treatments offer solutions
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: The Main Causes Of Hair Loss In Women by: Richard Mitchell When you think of hair loss it's natural to assume that it's a condition that predominantly affects men. Some experts however suggest that as many as one in four
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: Don't Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming by: Richard Mitchell One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable.
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: Latest Techniques Deliver Painless Hair Transplants by: Richard Mitchell The recent development of improved hair transplant techniques ensures that patients can now benefit from pain-free surgery. Unlike the older techniques
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: Ayurveda Can Help Stop Hair Loss by: Richard Mitchell Most hair loss sufferers seek solutions from Western medicine or turn to remedies derived from local traditions. Some experts however argue that the ayurvedic system
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: What Is The Role Of Minoxidil (Rogaine) In The Treatment Of Hair Loss? by: Richard Mitchell Minoxidil is one of only two FDA-approved treatments for hair loss and is the only anti-baldness drug approved for women. Originally
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: How Does Propecia (Finasteride) Help In The Treatment Of Hair Loss? by: Richard Mitchell Finasteride was initially marketed to treat prostate conditions under the name Proscar in 5mg pills. It was known to inhibit the
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: Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance? by: Richard Mitchell The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural
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: Types of Hair Loss Treatment Currently Available by: Richard Mitchell The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions, but they do represent regimes that many sufferers
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: Develop a Strategy For Dealing With Premature Hair Loss by: Richard Mitchell The fact you are reading this probably indicates you have concerns about the rate of your hair loss. Baldness may sometimes be a source of amusement
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: What is normal about hair loss? by: Richard Mitchell It is important to note that shedding of hairs is a natural process with anything from 100 to 300 hairs randomly shed each day. In this article we'll look at two distinct
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: Laser Hair Removal: Hair Raising Experience by: Barry Lycka, M.D. More and more people are giving laser hair removal a shot! If you're not into this hot, new treatment, then you've come to the right place. Imagine
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: Treatments that offer hope to hair loss sufferers by: Richard Mitchell Many people experiencing premature hair loss simply resign themselves to a process that is as inevitable as growing old. This is a positive and healthy
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: What Are The Common Hair Loss Causes? by: Richard Mitchell One of the most worrying aspects of hair loss treatment is the tendency of so many people to seek solutions without first determining what has caused their loss
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: Are Hair Loss Treatments Just One Big Scam? by: Richard Mitchell The hair loss industry is not one that inspires great confidence in most people. I have to admit this is perfectly understandable given the damage caused
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: 10 Steps To Detoxification by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN Technology. We live in a grand time of technological development. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras and DVDs. But the human body has not
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: Hair Analysis – The Roadmap to Wellness by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN Did you know that your hair has the advantage of long-term memory? Hair is a permanent record, like tree rings. A three-inch strand of
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: Medical Hair Restoration by: Ben Stewart Medical hair restoration in the literal sense includes the hair loss treatment which depends upon the use of medicines. Unusual hair loss both in men and women is caused by the
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: What's with my Hair Falling Out !? by: Dr. Thomas S. Lee, NMD “Yeeee gads! My hair is falling out!†This is a cry that can affect your whole family for long, awkward moments. What is it with your hair?
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: How to Co-Wash Natural Black Hair by: Elle Paris If you wear your hair natural, you are probably familiar with co-washing, or washing their hair with conditioner only. Conditioner washing avoids harsh results from frequent
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: See How Easily You Can Revitalize Your Hair by: Jane Preeter Revitalizing shampoos, hair-care products aside, great nutrition is by far the most effective way of getting great-looking hair! Like your body, your hair too
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: Lasers - The New Mythical Gift Of Fire by: Doug Smith In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus gave the gift of fire to Humanity. It provided warmth, light, and energy. Whether or not you believe that myth, humanity
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: Natural Hair - Get Creative With Homemade Recipes by: Elle Paris Do you wear your hair natural? No lye? As many will tell you, once you make a change to go natural your hair regimen must also change. This frequently includes
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: Laser Hair Removal Maryland by: Harry Rockwell Laser hair removal maryland is a safe and effective method for getting rid of unwanted body hair. It is an economic as well as a time saving process that treats a large
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: Don’t Let Dandruff Stop You Wearing Black Dress by: Anantha Krishnan Dandruff is one of those conditions that is infinitely more threatening to your self-confidence than it is to your health, but, for the 50,000,000
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: Discover Effective Home Remedies to Dandruff by: Alex Fir Dandruff is a common problem. You can fall victim to excessive dandruff at any age. 97% of Americans suffer from dandruff at some time. One out of every two persons
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: The Truth About Hair Loss by: Dr. Rita Louise It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100-125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle. At any given
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: The Natural Remedy For Acne by: Kevin Sheldon Acne can be one of the most distressing of afflictions, given that it tends to strike during the teens (although it can, of course, occur at any time of life too). As a highly
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: Important Facts You Must Know About Dandruff by: Alex Fir Do you know that dandruff affects about 70% of the American population? Do you know that they spend 0,000,000 trying to get rid of it? Dandruff is the most
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: Removing Unwanted body hair Permanently & Safely? by: Balaji B Both males and females have unwanted hairs in their body. Everybody wishes to be fresh and energetic. It can be done in a many number of ways according the
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: Andropause and Hair Loss by: Cathy Taylor Andropause and hair loss often go hand in hand. Imagine clumps of hair falling off your head, or observing strands of once healthy hair collecting in the shower drain. Maybe you
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: Hair Transplant Methods by: Karen Brown When dealing with the issue of losing hair, in some cases, individuals choose to use hair transplants as a treatment. A hair transplant basically means to take hair from one area
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: Warning: Do NOT take a Hair Loss Test Until You've Read This... by: Dave Klein You know the scene. You've got thinning hair, and you know you’re suffering from hair loss... But what on Earth can you do about
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: 5 Steps To Conquering Male Hair Loss... by: Dave Klein Would you like to know how to conquer your hair loss problem? Well, here are the 5 critical steps that have been followed by every single guy who has ever conquered
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: Hair Loss in Women by: Karen Brown When people think of hair loss, most often it is balding men that come to mind. However, women lose hair as well. Although hair loss is less known in women, there are many options
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: Hair Loss Resources by: Les Lysek Hair loss is a problem that affects men and women alike. Apart from mental tension it induces a feeling of consciousness in the individual. To what extent this feeling is justified is
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: MSM - The Best Natural Remedy For Pain Relief by: Brad Bahr With all of the dangerous side effects of pain medicine in the news these days it's great news that there is a safer alternative available to us. MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane)
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: Natural Remedies for Hairloss by: Fiona Holmes As many as 75% of men may suffer 'male pattern baldness' as they grow older. If your father, or either of your grandfathers had noticeable balding, the chances are high that
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: Menopause and Hair Loss by: Cathy Taylor The onset of menopause can often lead to hair loss and has long been a part of aging that many women fear the most. These days many more women are also experiencing thinning and
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: A Spousal Trade? We'll Have It Made! by: Ed Williams A short while back, I was at a restaurant enjoying dinner with some friends. At this particular restaurant there were lots of TV monitors, most of which were tuned
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: Tackle, Tackle by: Marsha Maung I don’t know how people raise daughters because I have 2 sons. In my in-sanest moments, I have thought about having a daughter and have entertained thoughts about rushing into Toys’Rus
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