Tag: Fish
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: Apistogramma, Dwarf Cichlids In The Aquarium by: Auke veenstra The real apistogramma's come from southern America, they all have the same characteristics, like a complex breeding behavior, as their large relatives, only
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: Aquarium Supplies Part 2 - My First Experience With Goldfish by: Jonathan Wangsa If you are seriously considering keeping fish as pets or are just starting out, I would like to stress again the importance of having some
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: Aquarium Supplies Part 1 - My First Experience With Bettas by: Jonathan Wangsa Keeping fish as pets takes more than just feeding them and changing the water every once in a while. Sadly, many people aren't aware of that
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: Apistogramma , Dwarf Cichlids In The Aquarium by: Auke Veenstra The real apistogramma's come from southern America, they all have the same characteristics, like a complex breeding behavior, as their large relatives, only
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: A Look at Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Heart Health by: Adam Short According to research data published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, individuals that include regular daily intake of Omega 3 can reduce the
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: Side Effects of Fish Oil by: Yi Lai Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of fatty acids. Fish oil is recommended as source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil products are becoming increasingly popular due to the many
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: How To Grow Daphnia For The Aquarium by: Alden Smith The benefits of feeding live food to fish in a community tank are many: live food will improve vigor and color, and more closely resemble the food found in the fish's
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: Australia's Fraser Island – Escape Forever by: Glenn Murray For all its conveniences, modern living leaves a lot to be desired. We spend our days enduring the ever-increasing pressures of work, the city’s
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: Fishing In Jamaica by: Ryan Larson Fishing in Jamaica is part of a dream vacation for many. There are many excellent fishing spots, as is evidenced by Jamaica’s international popularity as a fishing destination
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: Cabo Sport Fishing is Like a Box of Chocolates by: Richard Chudy As Forrest Gump would say, you never know what you’re going to get. Not too many things get me more excited than the prospect of hooking and landing
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: Fish Creek House - Making Montana Memories and a Dream Come True by: Cid and Dan Busarow WHITEHALL — Cindy Buscarow fulfilled a childhood dream when she moved to Montana last May. Another dream was reached two
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: Where to Find Some of the Best Beaches in the World by: Helen Palmer We think that Cape Town has some of the best beaches in the world. You can choose beaches which are on the Indian Ocean, with warm water, or those
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: Where to Find Some of the Best Beaches in the World by: Helen Palmer We think that Cape Town has some of the best beaches in the world. You can choose beaches which are on the Indian Ocean, with warm water, or those
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: A Close Encounter with Wild Dolphins by: Gustasp Irani My first glimpse of Tangalooma’s famous wild dolphins was from the boat that ferried us to Moreton Island 75 minutes from Brisbane, Australia. They arched
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: How Salt Cod conquered the World by: Richard Robinson “…as ill luck would have it, it happened to be Friday and there was nothing to be had at the inn but some pieces of fish, which is called Abadexo in Castile,
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: Balance - And Other Things... by: Miami Phillips The Mexican Villager The American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small
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: A Bad Move by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 7, 2003 My husband is a wonderful man, we are in our thirties, well-educated and fairly affluent. However, his mother has been a stumbling
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: The True and Magnificent Power of Giving by: Michael Lee You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act
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: The Symbolism Of Double Fishes by: Jakob Jelling In feng shui and for oriental traditions, the fish is a very symbolic creature which represents abundance and wealth. Having fishes in the kitchen is a great way of helping
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: 3 Steps to Defining Success and Defining Your Future by: Dr. Robert Eubanks Q: Are you a success? A: Its all in how you define the word! An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican Village
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: Fishing: Big Fun at Small Expense by: Drew Hennigar No Fortune Needed to Go Fishing Walk into any store selling fishing supplies and you might be overwhelmed by the variety of merchandise as well as the cost of some
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: About Buying Fly Fishing Flies Online by: Steve Clark For many fly-fisherman, fly-tying is a serious hobby. Given that tying your own flies provides so much satisfaction, why buy flies online? For many fly-fisherman,
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: Make Your Own Fishing Decor from Fishing Gear by: Elly Kendall Decorating with old, used fishing gear is fun, creative and inexpensive. It's pretty easy to find unique fishing gear to use as decorating items. Here are
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: Diving sites in Coron Bay by: Jakob Jelling Coron Bay is a diving destination located on Palawan Island, in the Philippines. This site is one of the most famous wreck diving destinations of the entire world due to the
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: The Only Fishing Experts You Should Listen Too by: Daniel Eggertsen Everyone's an Expert, So Who Has The Right Answers? Have you ever been stuck in a conversation with a fisherman who thinks they know everything there
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: Why The Moon Is Your Key To Night Fishing Success by: Daniel Eggertsen Want To Catch More Fish At Night, Watch the Moon! Sounds like a crazy idea, doesn't it? I thought so to, until I experienced it first hand. Using
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: The Major Benefit Of Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen Number One Benefit to Night Fishing I think the best thing about night fishing is that the conditions are generally the same as day fishing, but the results are
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: The Truth About Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen Why Night Fishing Beats Day Fishing Any Day of the Week Without a doubt, night fishing is better than day fishing for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is the
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: Some Things You May Not Know About Luring Fish In The Night by: Daniel Eggertsen Do You Need Special Bait For Night Fishing? Night fishing is becoming more and more popular recently, and for good reason. Not only do
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: The Secret About Night Fishing Line by: Daniel Eggertsen The Best Type Of Line For Night Fishing Here is a topic that is often debated between night fishermen. Depending on how you like to fish at night, here is what
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: The Things You Won't Look Out For (But Should) When Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen 5 Things To Be Careful of When Night Fishing Night fishing can be some of the most exciting, rewarding and fulfilling fishing you
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: How To Find Fish by: Frank Faldo Ponds Anywhere there is a pond; it could be a hidden hotspot for fish. The bottom line is, no matter how small the pond may be, it is only a matter of time until the fish find it. If
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: How to Fish Spring Trout Streams by: Frank Faldo Fishing spring creeks isn’t easy. Don’t expect large quantities of catches, but do expect a challenging experience which has a certain mystique about it.
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: Fish Recipes by: Frank Faldo These recipes are wonderful and they are old family recpies. Most of the fish were caught using the special Evening Secret (http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/Fish_Recipes.php)
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: Fishing Equipment Tips by: Frank Faldo Cheap Sinkers Spark plugs make excellent disposable sinkers. Need some cheap (free) fishing weights? Go to any gas station and ask for them. Then, loop a rubber band through
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: Bass Fishing Tips by: Frank Faldo 3 Lures You Must Have Do you know what the top 3 lures for catching Bass are? Though there aren’t any specific statistics, a survey was conducted amongst the pro bass fishermen
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: 10 Fishing Gems by: Frank Faldo Fishing Gem #1 – When Is Best? If you are in a boat and plan to anchor and bottom fish, get out there before the sun goes down and set up . Over many years, it has been noticed
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: Bluegills, Trout, Walleyes, and Catfish by: Frank Faldo BlueGills, The Basics Bluegills are popular game to go for because they are plentiful across the continent. Another reason they are popular is because they go
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: Saltwater Fishing Tips by: Frank Faldo Get Rid Of Sharks Sharks buggin’ you? To get rid of them pour some fish blood on a paper towel or newspaper and roll it into a ball. Toss it overboard and the sharks will
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: Night Rod Handling Tips by: Frank Faldo Rod Handling at Night Fish feed by sense at night, not by sight. Using some of the proven techniques below, you can turn an average night of fishing into a fish fighting frenzy!
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: Night Fishing Preparation by: Frank Faldo I have to admit this subject bores me to tears. Amazingly, the simple fact is that every time I interviewed a fisherman about night fishing tips he mentioned preparation at the
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: 4 Critical Fly Fishing Tips by: Frank Faldo Good Fly Presentation Obviously, the goal when casting a fly is to present the fly to the fish in a realistic manner. You are trying to simulate nature here. If you are going
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: A Simple Way To Identify and Catch The Big One In River! by: Ebenezer Heng River dry fly fishing considered as the purest form of fly fishing inspired generations of writers, artists, poets and even philosophers to wax
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: 6 Things You Must Do If You Want To Have The Secret To Catching More Trout by: Robin Shortt It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John
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: De-Mystifying Fly Fishing by: Cameron Larsen I remember the first time I saw someone fly fishing. I think I was five years old. My father, my sister and I had back packed to a remote alpine lake. My trusty Zebco with
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: Choosing The Proper Fly Fishing Leader and Tippet by: Cameron Larsen Selecting the correct tapered leader and tippet for the type of fishing you are about to do is crucial. Nothing can spook fish quicker than an oversized
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: The Dead Drift by: Cameron Larsen One of the most popular fly fishing techniques is called dead drift. Dead drifting is primarily done when fly fishing with nymphs, and are fishing slots, seams or smaller rivers. It is
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: Tips to Photographing Your Trophy Fish by: Tukto Lodge When it comes to catch and release lakes, it is important for you to be ready to catch your fish, take a prize-winning shot and release your giant back into the water
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: A Different Kind Of Catch by: Jonathan Green Brought to you by www.discovereronline.com - Educational Research Marine Biology At 50ft below the surface of the ocean, the blood in the water draws ocean predators to our
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: Cincinnati catfishing Bait by: Norb Wormald Some of the baits I have used for used for CATFISHing here on the Ohio River are, chicken liver, minnows, shrimp, Spam, French Fries and more. Fresh chicken liver works
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: Fishing for Blue Fish by: Todd Lehr Bluefish (Potatomus salatrix) is a tenacious saltwater fish that provides some of the best angling thrills on light tackle. They are mainly thought of as an Eastern United States fish,
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: Trout Species – Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout by: Brett Fogle Rainbow Trout: Few freshwater fish can match the fighting spirit and beauty of a Rainbow Trout. The Rainbow Trout is a well-traveled species of fish.
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: Fly Fishing Secrets for the Novice as well as the seasoned Angler by: Brett Fogle Fly fishing is an exciting and fast growing sport in all over the world, and especially here in the U.S.A. The reasons for the increasing
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: Fall Pond Cleaning by: Brett Fogle Doing a full pond cleaning during the colder winter months can be very stressful on your fish. However, if the pond is really dirty and full of 'muck' - then you may want to consider
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: Trico Time by: Cameron Larsen Ahh, yes. Trico time, the time of year accomplished fly fisherman throw down their rods in disgust. Take up the golf clubs, repaint the house, design the ninth wonder of the world. Anything
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: Choosing A Fly Rod by: Cameron Larsen For many reasons, it is with some trepidation that I approach this subject. As I have stated in previous articles about fly fishing gear, you ask 15 people, and you get 15 different
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: Winter Trout Fly Fishing by: Cameron Larsen It is winter time now. One step on the frozen porch steps first thing in the morning removes any doubt of that fact. Winter time brings on many thoughts, holidays, dark afternoons,
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: Fly Fishing and Kids by: Cameron Larsen I have taught all three of my kids about fly fishing, and many of their friends as well. Like all things taught to humans, some caught on faster than others. Some pursued it, so
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: Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass by: Cameron Larsen Like all bass fishing, bass fly fishing has exploded in popularity. The largemouth bass is considered by many the greatest of all gamefish. Once limited to just the Eastern
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: The Value of Observation by: Donald Berthiaume The beginner must learn to look with eyes that see. Occurrences of apparently little importance at the moment may, after consideration, assume proportions of great value.
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: The Way Of A Bass Fisherman With a Fly Rod And The Way Of A Bass With A Fly by: Donald Berthiaume -----SIDEBAR------------------------------------------ Older fly fishing classics contain a wealth of knowledge for the
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: Where To Find 10 Fly Fishing Tips In A Single Paragraph by: Donald Berthiaume When looking for information on how to fly fish, fly fishing tips or fly fishing techniques, many anglers, or anglers to be,who limit their
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: The Wet Fly Swing by: Cameron Larsen The wet fly swing sounds like something one does at the square dance hall. Instead the wet fly swing is one of the oldest fly fishing techniques. It is used for all types of fish,
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: Lucky Hat by: Marshall Estes Do you have a lucky hat? It was a beautiful warm day in the mid 70's. Typical of what we get in Colorado during September. I started out by checking the stream flows on the stream flows
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: Choosing A Fly Reel by: Cameron Larsen Selecting a fly reel for trout fishing has become, like many things in fly fishing, a somewhat unnecessarily complicated adventure. The problem is, reels have gotten so well-made,
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: Confidence in Fly Fishing by: Cameron Larsen For those of you who, like me, have memories of fishing that pre-date memories of school, think back to as many fishing partners and trips as you can. Even those people you
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: The Mayfly Nypmh by: Cameron Larsen Their names roll off the fly fisherman’s tongue like the names of lost loves. Making the angler drool almost as much as the fish (if fish could drool). Hendricksons, Green
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: The Ubiquitous Woolly Bugger by: Cameron Larsen The ubiquitous Woolly Bugger, never quite spelled correctly to my eyes, appeals to the eyes of every gamefish imaginable. If I had one pattern to fish the rest of my life,
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: Do Fish See in Color by: Cameron Larsen Fish do indeed perceive color. Every fly fisher knows that or ought to know that. Like humans, the retina of a fish have rods and cones. Cones are used in the day and rods at night.
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: Nymph Fishing Techniques by: Brett Fogle Small stream nymphing is a very productive form of fly fishing. At times, you will not rise a fish to a dry fly. Yet there are fish feeding actively below the surface. So, you
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: Selecting the Right Tackle by: Brett Fogle One of the most important things to consider when fly fishing is choosing your tackle the right way. Many people overlook this important factor and start with the wrong assumptions.
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: General overview about Trout Senses by: Brett Fogle When fly fishing for trout, it is of crucial importance to understand their senses. Trout are fish, after all, and make different use of their senses than we do. Understanding
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: Trout Species – Brook Trout by: Brett Fogle Brook Trout: Frequently gullible, yet extremely tasty, Brook Trout are wonderful trout to fish for - especially since they frequently inhabit the most beautiful stream
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: Trout Species – Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout by: Brett Fogle Rainbow Trout: Few freshwater fish can match the fighting spirit and beauty of a Rainbow Trout. The Rainbow Trout is a well-traveled species of fish.
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: Fly Fishing Secrets for the Novice as well as the seasoned Angler by: Brett Fogle Fly fishing is an exciting and fast growing sport in all over the world, and especially here in the U.S.A. The reasons for the increasing
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: Finally, You’ve Caught The Perfect Fish. Now, Do You Know How To Fillet Your Fish? by: Catherine Kenyeres You can’t be happier. You have finally caught the perfect fish. Do you know how to fillet your fish?
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: Fishing Through the Cracks by: Terry Lee Higginbotham Take Time to Fish Between the Cracks The summer of 1972, my brother and I were filling cricket and bait buckets for Mr. K.C. Bray at the Sunset Marina on the Toledo
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: How To Care For Your Fishes Without Spending A Fortune by: Partha Mitra Whether you have a big sized aquarium with lots of fishes or just a glass bowl on your table with a couple of Gold fishes, they give you great pleasure
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: Bath Time Fun by: Jennifer Gove Bath time can be fun or it can be a real hassle if your child is afraid or don’t like it. So we as mothers try to make it a fun time for our little ones! Then the problem will be
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: Gullible's Travels by: Jim Murdoch A journey by a web-footed gull through a sea of sharks. Definitions: Gull - a dupe, a fool; vulnerable to deceive; to trick; to defraud. Shark - voracious marine fish; swindler; rapacious
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: Small Business Marketing: Are You Using a Net or a Spear by: Jeremy Cohen When I was back in college, over a decade ago, I decided that when I was done I would run off to Alaska and work in the fishing industry. The lure
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: How to Select the Proper Pond Pump by: Gerry Fung Whether you have a preformed or a liner pond, a pond pump is a paramount component of any water feature. Stagnant bodies of water attract mosquito infestations, which
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: Fall Pond Cleaning by: Brett Fogle Great question. The answer is it really depends. Doing a full pond cleaning during the colder winter months can be very stressful on your fish. However, if the pond is really dirty
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: Maintaining Oxygen Levels in Fish and KOI Ponds by: Brett Fogle Severe environmental stressors are the most frequent causes of sudden fish death in garden ponds or other fish habitats, and the lack of oxygen in the water
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: Hot-Weather Fish Feeding Facts by: Brett Fogle Summertime provides the best time of the year to water garden – and also to be on the alert for high-temperature problems. To remain healthy and continue growing,
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: Winterizing Your Pond by: Brett Fogle For many parts of the country, it's getting to be that time of year again. Time to start thinking about getting your fish and plants ready for old man winter... Every year, as the
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: What to feed your fish during colder winter months by: Brett Fogle With air and water temperatures dropping in most parts of the country, now is the time to greatly reduce the amount of food you are feeding your fish.
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: Storm Warnings For Ponds by: Brett Fogle California has earthquakes; we in the south and east coast have hurricanes. One thing we all share is power outages. Ours are usually caused by storms. Most power outages last
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: Summer Pond Tips by: Brett Fogle Use an oxygen tester and air stones to keep your available oxygen level to at least 7.0 parts per million of dissolved oxygen in 90 degree F. water. Koi and goldfish start showing signs
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: Hand Feeding your Koi by: Brett Fogle One of the most rewarding and entertaining things about having a Koi pond is when your fish finally start eating out of your hand. There is no better way to learn each fishes' personality
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: To Salt or Not to Salt Your Pond... by: Brett Fogle The important question of whether or not to add salt to your pond is often confusing for beginners and forgotten by experienced pond-keepers. To newbies and pro's alike
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: Mosquito Farms? Is That What Water Gardens Are? by: Scottie Johnson What is nicer that a lovely backyard garden pond. The lush growth rising above the water, graceful fish darting about and the soothing sound of the water.
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: The String Algae Blues... by: Brett Fogle Now that Spring is upon us and things are coming back to life in your pond with the warmer weather, many of us are battling with string algae. String algae is caused primarily
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: Overwintering Pond Fish by: Brett Fogle The metabolism of koi and goldfish is controlled primarily by water temperature. As the water cools, pond fish require less protein in their diet. When koi and goldfish are fed
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: Fish Health in Hot Summer Heat by: Brett Fogle Summer is over, but for many of us - the heat remains. Here a couple of things to do to keep your fish healthy and your pond clear going into winter. First, remember to
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: Funniest Pond Stories - Part 1, May 2004 by: Brett Fogle Get ready for some gut-wrenching, laugh out loud hilarious pond stories from all over the world... (Continued from May Issue of PondStuff!) We had some hilarious,
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: The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil by: Iulia Pascanu Is high-dose fish oil the magic pill? Dr. Barry Sears claims that Zone diet, combined with daily supplements of high-dose fish oil ("pharmaceutical grade"), antioxidants
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: Vitamin Supplements in a Liquid World by: David Leonhardt Every day, it seems like we are living in an increasingly liquid world. I'm not preaching against the evils of alcohol or for a new era of prohibition that will
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: Foods to Fight Disease by: Jon Wickham When it comes to food, we can't ignore the facts - or the science. You need a healthy diet for a healthy life. Research shows a healthy diet could help or prevent a number of health
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: 10 Smart Shopping Tips To Protect Your Family From Getting Sick by: Terry Nicholls Prevention of food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Here's how to start off safely. 1. Pick up your packaged and
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