Tag: Different
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: What To See In Loches by: Jakob Jelling Loches is a very interesting town located within the region of Loire Valley, in France. This town is very attractive due to the several different antique buildings it has and the
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: Houlgate And Its Beaches by: Jakob Jelling Houlgate is a sea resort town situated at the back of a hill, within the region of Normandy, in France. Due to its great beaches and charming general appearance, this town attracts
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: The City Of Florence And Its Past by: Jakob Jelling The city of Florence, or Florentia according to its Italian name, was founded in the first century B.C. by the Romans. This way, it has passed through a really great
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: Pay Per Performance Web Traffic by: Tom O'Brien Why should you pay to get web site traffic, isn't SEO enough? It's a fair question - after all most businesses on and offline have tight budgets to play with and need to
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: Are You Lost or Are You Found? by: Debbie Friedman It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should
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: Are You Lost or Are You Found? by: Debbie Friedman It was one of those nights where the clock wasn't in sync with my schedule. As I was finishing getting ready to go out for the evening, the clock was telling me I should
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: Ghostwriting - Making Money by Being Invisible by: Marg McAlister My bookcase take up one whole wall in the family room, from floor to ceiling. It shows my eclectic reading tastes... fiction, non-fiction, Harry Potter
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: How Different Courses Can Help You Become a Good Golf Player by: Peter Dewerth Golf is an fulfilling and absorbing sport but, even so, there is a risk that you may become stale or bored if you do not change the place
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: "Big Air" Jumps Making Big RC Buggy Problems? by: J.P. Turner Who can deny that one of the big thrills of driving your off-road RC buggy or truck is going wide open throttle off an incline and hurtling thru the air like
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: Reasons to Ditch Your Guitar Pick by: Scott Thomas "Hello, it’s ol’ riffmaster again…. Lately, I haven’t been using my guitar pick all that much. I got this tab book of some good ol’
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: How to use Hidden Cameras by: Joe Gooden Hidden cameras come in many different kinds of sizes and price ranges. These cameras are one of the most popular surveillance tools used by investigators. Hidden cameras are incredibly
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: There Are Many Types Of Bugging Devices by: Joe Gooden Bugging devices come in many different kinds, sizes and price ranges. Eaves dropping devices are one of the most popular surveillance tools. Bugging devices are
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: Track With Your GPS Vehicle Tracker by: Joe Gooden GPS is one of the newest crazes on the Market today. GPS is now available in almost everything. GPS tracks your locations from a satellite which makes it a popular feature
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: Wedding Decorations – Less is More by: Elsie Gilbert Often overlooked, wedding decorations can make a real difference to your wedding. The correct wedding decorations can really help to add that extra touch of
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: Defense Against Dogs by: Peter Vermeeren As a dog trainer and handler many times I get questions from people about how they should defend themselves against a dog attacking them. This is a very interesting question but
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: Wedding Dresses – The Latest Trends! by: Elsie Gilbert Wedding dresses are such an opportunity for any bride to show their unique sense of style and to really make a fashion statement. Gone are the days of the
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: The Real Meaning of Adventure by: Sparb Aeneuer Adventure is a State of Mind What is adventure? Some people believe that adventure is not just that extreme and dangerous experience that one could find existing. On the
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: The Mystery of the Correspondence Chess Specialist by: John C. Knudsen With the advent of computer program use in correspondence chess, many over the board players remain convinced that the "CC Specialist" is nothing
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: You Are Not Special by: Joseph Matthews I want to share with you a few emails I've gotten from fans of my site which I find to be quite troubling... ************** Hi Joseph, When I would learn these openers and what
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: Catapult Your Business—How to Get Customers to Chase You to Buy from You by: Alan Boyer I was thinking about the statement: “The Small Business Administration tells us that 80% of all small businesses will
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: Easing Your Financial Burdens With Credit Counselling by: Melanie Slade It is a well-publicized fact that more of us are getting ourselves into greater debt, and this may be true for you. The embarrassment of your financial
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: Imagine The Imagination by: Shadha Kudrath Ali Imagine a three hundred page book was in the author’s mind before it was poured out onto the pages of the book. Imagine all those words are words we all know and
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: How Do You Write Poetry? by: Anthony Keith Whitehead The very short answer is: don't write at all unless you have to. The short answer is: in numerous different ways. A somewhat longer answer is: find the way that best
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: Tap the Creative Inside You by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Imagination is the source of creativity. It's a place where unlimited possibilities reside. It's where pure energy lives. People are innately imaginative and
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: Dreading the Writing Assignment? Outlines to the Rescue by: Christine Taylor Writing technical articles is a challenge. There you sit, surrounded by reams of research, notes and interviews. Where do you start? Remember
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: 800cc Breast Augmentation Translating the Jargon and Getting the Breasts You Want by: Jeff Lakie Many women say that they would like bigger breasts without really considering precisely what 'bigger' means to them. Even
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: Different Types of Uggboots by: Brian Fong Uggboots, the latest fashion trend, are everywhere! It seems you cannot walk by the window display of any clothing or shoe store without seeing in it a pair of these trendy boots.
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: Why Most Women's Self-Defense Programs Are Wrong by: Jeffrey Miller In the world of women's self-defense training, there are two generally accepted "schools" of thought. Unfortunately, both take extreme viewpoints and
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: Choosing A Perfume by: Sara Blackmoore The choice of fragrances and scents seems to grow wider every day, as manufacturers fight for our attention and try ever harder to distinguish their offerings from the competition.
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: Multi Gemstone Rings, Why Wear Rings With Many Gemstones by: www.kaisilver.com Look around and you will find that gold rings or silver rings with many colored gemstones are very popular. The eariliest jewelry designs
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: Hairstyles That Make You Look Attractive by: Mike Yeager Have you ever wanted to change your hairstyles every couple of weeks? It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, not at all. Thinking about
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: Discount Fragrances, perfume or romantic gifts will enhance your love life. by: Mike Yeager All throughout history cologne has played an important role. Throughout many different countries in the world the use of fragrance
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: Effective Website Design by: Julie Martin One of the most commonly overlooked elements of an effective E-Business is the very thing that is essential to your success. Something as simple as the design of your website
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: The Advantage of Printing Software by: Kristine Llabres As the world advances in its way of living plus the invention and innovation of different technologies, almost everyone are using various facilities that would enhance
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: Designing your Web Site for ALL Browsers by: David Bell Let's face it. Building a web site that browses consistently on multiple platforms and multiple browsers is not always as easy as we would like. It is safe to
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: Designing your Web Site for ALL Browsers by: David Bell Let's face it. Building a web site that browses consistently on multiple platforms and multiple browsers is not always as easy as we would like. It is safe to
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: Visiting Toronto by: Felix Gillett Touring Toronto After visiting Toronto you’ll get a feel for what it’s like to live in one of the largest metropolitan areas in Canada. As Toronto is the capital of Ontario
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: Fond Memories And A Common Sense Approach To Living In Morelia, Mexico by: David B. Wix For me, living in Morelia was a very rewarding experience. It was certainly far different than what I had been used to in the United
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: The Story of the 12 Animal Zodiac in China by: Wong Yee Lee One day, Tian Di (The God Above) wanted to manage all animals on earth. He took out 12 chairs and told the cat to tell 11 other animals to go to the sky palace.
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: Target Practice And The Internet Entrepreneur by: Elizabeth Piotrowski Internet marketing, a lot of the time really is hit and miss. Always keep in mind that when you promote your site you are, in effect trying to get
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: How Many Sales Have You Made After Your Advertising Campaign? by: Radhika Venkata When you start your online business, you will go through a series of steps like: ==>Domain registration ==>Website designing and
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: Trust the “System†– It Works! by: Gene Simmons The “System†– the overall structure and organization of this great creation that we’re a part of… including our ability
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: What to Do When You Are Chased by a Snake by: Dr. Freddy Davis I lived for several years on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It is a tropical island setting with a wealth of beauty and lots of things to do. We lived on
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: Embrace Change by: Mark Susnow We all have a unique way of communicating our story, a way that reflects our life experience. The photographer uses a camera, the artist a brush, and the musician a melody or rhythm. But
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: How Can Man Shoes Help Your Day To Day Activities by: Diana Claire Man likes to do different kind of activities, beside their routine work. Therefore they usually need different shoes to help them. What kind of shoes
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: 9 Ways to Live Creatively by: Lise Richards Creativity – according to Webster’s it means having the ability or power to create; characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative. Ok that sounds great, wouldn’t
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: Relationships Technology by: michael lipp The notion that there can be a technology of relationships basically contradicts what we all know aboout relationships. I don’t mean education about relationships; it’s
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: Cultural Differences—Making it Work Virtually by: Susan M. Totman (MVA) Working virtually adds a whole new dimension to the phrase “cultural differencesâ€. It immediately becomes apparent how different
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: Avoid Stress By Being Yourself by: Janet Male Ask a hundred different people how to deal with stress and you'll probably get the same amount of different answers.... Which could result in more stress.... And therein
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: The Keys to Martial Arts Life Mastery, Key #2: CHARACTER And the Ninja's Law of Interdependence by: Jeffrey M.Miller In the philosophical teachings which form the foundation for the Ninja Warrior's lifeways, there is
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: Check Your Frequency by: Selena Richardson From time to time we need to stop during our day to keep our frequency in check. Our frequencies are the ranges of feelings and emotions that we have. Like radio waves, our feelings
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: Respect is a Four-Letter Word by: Laurie Hayes One of the most important needs for every human being is the need to be respected. It doesn’t matter if you or anyone else is a corporate executive, host of your
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: 5 Steps to Adjusting Your Expectations by: Dr. Tony Fiore Dateline: January 4th. Orange County Anger Management class participants review anger triggers of the week. Jane, age 23, engaged to be married: “My boyfriend
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: Leaders "Click It" Into Gear! by: Richard Gorham Ever wonder how two people can be in the same meeting, hear the same speaker communicate the same message - yet once the meeting is over, each person's perception of the
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: The Tiniest of Gladiators by: Rick Beneteau I stared into those biggest of navy blue eyes and felt the power of his fighting spirit, despite the pain and week long raging fever. Most of the time my heart was in my throat
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: The Gift of Failure by: Jean Fritz During this Thanksgiving holiday, we are reminded to reflect on the bounty in our lives. Most of us have jobs, family, a place we call home and food on the table, and for these things
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: Eureka! I’ve Found It! by: Gene Simmons OK, so it wasn’t quite that big of a deal. But I did find the “T†that mysteriously escaped from the word “not†in one of my articles a few
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: Wisdom of the World's Proverbs by: Rodney Ohebsion You don't have to excavate diamond mines or oil fields to find one of the world's greatest treasures. All you need to do is look at the world's proverbs--the "people's
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: 10 Ways To Boost Your Creativity by: Julie Plenty Creativity is your birthright – but can often be hidden in the everyday. To facilitate your personal development and self growth, here are some creativity tips
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: Clocks, Seasons, and Cycles by: Skye Thomas Why should you follow astrology? How can people believe that the planet Neptune is affecting our choices and actions here on earth? If it's been studied forever, then why
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: Breaking Through Resistance by: Selena Richardson Why is it that every time you start something new, a million and one things get in the way? You make a goal to lose weight and all of a sudden every time you go to the
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: Who Needs Heroes? by: Graham and Julie When we were talking the other day we started to think about our heroes when we were young. After we had discussed the usual film star and sports stars that we idolised I remembered
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: R-E-S-P-E-C-T: 25 Ways To Show It by: Laurie Weiss, Ph.D. Convicted criminals report that their violent behavior was caused by perceived disrespect.* Everyone wants to be treated with respect, but respect means different
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: A Field of Multiple Opportunity by: Tony Papajohn Opportunity is all around us and has many facets, but it’s not always obvious. It hides behind the same appearance that everyone else sees, but it reveals itself
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: Europe's Bitter Roots by: David Ben-Ariel As prophesied, there were four Gentile superpowers: Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greco-Macedonian, and Rome (Dan. 2:31-45). THESE are the roots Europe would do well to research! Nebuchadnezzar,
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: Meeting Jesus In Meditation by: Anthony Keith Whitehead There are many approaches to prayer. Not least because there are many different needs. But the greatest of all our needs is to get nearer to Jesus. The most powerful
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: Craft Crocheting From Your Home by: Pierre Benoit Crocheting is not only a craft but an art. Once you master the basic stitches you will be well on your way to creating masterpieces you will be pride to share with your
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: Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga by: Suzanne Morrison Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a
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: The Only Fishing Experts You Should Listen Too by: Daniel Eggertsen Everyone's an Expert, So Who Has The Right Answers? Have you ever been stuck in a conversation with a fisherman who thinks they know everything there
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: Diving in Cozumel Island by: Jakob Jelling Cozumel Island is known by divers as one of the most interesting places to go and practice their sport. This Mexican island does not only offer a wide variety of diving activities
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: How To Tow Another Kayak by: Jakob Jelling While there are a lot of different techniques to get people back in their kayaks should they capsize while they're out kayaking, these techniques are not all foolproof. It is
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: Photography: The Basics by: Colin Hartness Photography comes from the Greek words meaning “light writing†and first became known back in 1839 by Sir John Herschel. For many years prior to this, people had
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: Kayak Paddle Blades by: Jakob Jelling Different kayak paddle blades will have different effects on the control you have over your kayak. The blades of your kayak paddles are the most important part when it comes to worry
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: Specialized Styles of Photography by: Chris Haslego Photography is an all encompassing term used for all types of image capture but there are in fact distinct variations in the manner in which photography is approached
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: How Has Eminem Risen to the Top? by: Jeff Schuman II How is it that a little white boy from Kansas City has become the most well known rapper in the world? Starting from nothing and eventually moving up to a multi-millionaire,
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: Choosing Steelhead Gear by: Cameron Larsen Steelhead Gear Like many things in fly fishing you can ask 10 different fly anglers a single question and you’ll get 10 different answers. Asking what steelhead rod one
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: Do You Know What a Didgeridoo Is? by: Jesse S. Somer Do you know what a didgeridoo is? Do you want to do or learn something different? Find out about it and do it on the Web. Do you know what a didgeridoo is? There are
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: Key Secrets To Remember In Dog Training by: Ray Coleiro While training your dog please remember: Do not punish the dog. Punishment is not a training aid. It does little to foster willingness to learn and achieve.
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: Reincarnation: Sacred Children Series - 1 of 3 by: Skye Thomas Many years ago, my children were raised on the various teachings and concepts of "magic" as I was studying different religions and spiritual beliefs. I had
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: 5 Ways To Help Your Kids Do Math by: Murdo Macleod Uh oh. Your kids arrive home with their school reports and it's poor marks from the math department. Now what do you do? You may not be a math teacher, but thankfully
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: How To Really Make Money With Datafeed Merchants. by: Konstantin Goudkov I am not going to describe what a product feed (or a datafeed) is. There is a lot of information out there about how to use one to build sites. Instead,
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: Are You Wasting Your Time With Free Ezine Ads? by: Michael Hopkins There are lots of ezines (newsletters) out there that offer free classified ads to new subscribers (and many even offer free ads on an ongoing basis).
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: Multiple Streams of Income: Internet Myth or Vital Business Strategy? by: Diane Hughes So often we, as online business owners, fall victim to the hype surrounding the latest buzzword or idea. It’s a truly pitiful
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: Online Casino - What Is It? by: Aleksei Entertaining industry conquerors more and more space of our lives. Any inventions in any technical sphere of life attract those who are involved in entertainment business. Internet
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: The One Simple Trick That Can Double Your Adsense Revenue by: Brad Bahr I've been working with Google's Adsense program for a while now. If you're not already in the program, why not take a look at it now at https://www.google.com/adsense.
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: Why You Should FORGET About Website Traffic! by: Willie Crawford The headline read, "A funny thing happens when you don't promote your website... NOTHING." Experience has taught me that that's a fairly accurate statement.
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: How To Exploit The Articles You Write And Milk It like Cash Cow Instantly by: Eo Lim Can you create many articles related to your products? If you do, this marketing strategy is for you. You can easily move ahead of
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: Dare To Be Different by: Denise Hall The Internet is a huge world full of information of all kinds. We can learn anything we want from it. We can buy products and services of all types. We can shop from the comfort
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: Got Some L.A.F.S.? by: Kathryn Thomas Could you use some laughs? I’ll bet you could, especially if they increased your online sales. And, no, I’m not talking about jokes, cartoons, and riddles. L.A.F.S. stands
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: Spelling Power by: Kathleen Jerauld-Brack It can make you or break you. The spell checker on your computer is great, but it doesn’t always pick up sound-a-likes. Their, there, they’re for instance. How
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: How to Make Your Business Image Stand out Above The Crowd by: Abe Cherian Traditional advertising methods are still being used for almost 90% of businesses today. The number one problem with this, is that all everyone
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: Want To Know A Secret To Online Profits? by: Peggy Hale "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) I like the quote from Winston Churchill
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: What If? by: Robert Van Rumpt What if you just signed up with one of the many on-line Home Business Opportunities? Good for you! This is an important first step to financial independence. You probably are an optimist
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: Get More Customers – With Less Work! by: Jennifer Tripp A lot of website owners work tirelessly at increasing their traffic. They submit to FFA pages and classified sites. They participate in startup programs and
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: Two Quick Ways to Make Your Copy of Merchant's Data Feed Different From All Other Affiliates by: Konstantin Goudkov Product data feeds are really popular among affiliates because they can help produce thousands of product
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: 5 Easy Steps To Making Money Online by: Rachel Phillips It seems everyone is trying to make a living working from home on the internet now a days. It’s kind of like the starving artist syndrome. I am one of those
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: Information Marketers, Quadruple Your Profits This Year! by: Willie Crawford Last year, you FINALLY finished that ebook you'd been "planning" for years. You wrote a quick website, added some order links, told a few people
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: How To Become A Data-Feed Super Affiliate by: Konstantin Goudkov I am not going to describe what a product feed (or a data-feed) is. There is a lot of information out there about how to use one to build sites. Instead,
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: Worn Out Brochure Design Is Keeping Small Business Owners Down by: John Jantsch I got another one of those calls the other day...Can you make me a brochure?" Many business owners have been sold on the notion that they
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: What is a Guru? by: Robert J Farey A guru is a teacher. On the internet a guru is someone who has a lot of experience and has made the grade, ie. He/She has set up a business that is financially successful and is willing
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