Tag: Made
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: Evolution of Books by: Padrone Delibri A Book is anything that is in written, printed, or blank pages format fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. In other words, a book is a collection of leaves
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: The Truth About Home Made Facials by: Janice Wee I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato,
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: Man Made Diamonds – Save Big Money And Avoid Mined Diamond Scams by: Robert Joseph High quality man made diamonds are a bargain at about per carat, and they do not increase in price exponentially as carat weight
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: A Special Kind Of Love by: Kirsten Hawkins My grandmother taught me to crochet the moment my clumsy, chubby fingers could hold a crochet hook. By the time that I was six, she handed me her sewing needles to thread for
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: How I Met My Angel by: Saleem Rana Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual “how to†article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. When I was just
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: 48 in One Day with Plants? You Bet! by: Michael McGroarty You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your newsletter as long as you reprint it as is, including the contact information at the end. Website
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: Grandfather Clocks by: Marcelle Snyder For many people, the dignified appearance and mellow sound of a grandfather clock gives life to a home; in addition, buying a grandfather clock can be an excellent investment. As
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: What Is Fine Pewter? by: Marcelle Snyder Pewter, in general, is a silver-white alloy consisting principally of tin. The properties of pewter vary with the percentage of tin and the nature of the added materials. Antimony
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: Sofa Slipcovers - Give Your Home An Instant Makeover! by: Caroline Smith Sofa slipcovers are designed to be easy to fit over your existing upholstery, to give your furniture a fresh new look and protect the fabric underneath.
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: Beads – A Brief History by: Felicity Walker What do you think the earliest recorded use of beads is – is your first thought perhaps beadwork created by the Egyptians? Yes, there certainly were a lot of
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: The Greatness Of Gumbo by: Kirsten Hawkins Perhaps nothing is better known as a staple of Cajun cuisine than gumbo, a spicy, hearty stew or soup whose name literally means “okraâ€. Called one of the greatest
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: Credit Card Wealth Secrets And Ideas by: Steve Gillman "Credit card wealth secrets," the ad read. I assumed it was yet another over-hyped unworkable scheme. It probably was, but it made me remember the times in my life
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: Modern Techniques of Breast Enhancement by: David Chandler Breast is a symbol of femininity and sexuality. In case you feel you are disproportionate, there is nothing to worry. Breast enhancement can reinstall your glowing
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: Deception Wrinkle Cream by: Jasmine Yap New Cosmetic Product Makes Wrinkles Almost Invisible to the Naked Eye! Watch this recent ABC News clip and see the results for yourself! An independent news organization persuaded
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: Custom Slipcovers Can Give Your Furniture A Stylish New Look by: Caroline Smith If your furniture could do with a new look, then you may be interested in some custom slipcovers. Unlike re-upholstery, a slipcover can
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: Interesting Facts on Samurai Sword Manufacture by: Nick Johnson A samurai's sword is his most sacred and prized possession. Not only did the samurai rely on his sword to defend him, but spiritually the sword held greater
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: Writing As A Gift by: Jenna Glatzer “What am I supposed to give Anthony as a wedding gift?†I asked Kristin, my bridesmaid and person-who-was-married. “I mean, what kinds of things do brides give their
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: Orientalism by: Samir K. Dash Edward Said's Orientalism can be summed up in three following points: first he talks of the distinction between pure and political knowledge, shows the power relation of any text to political,
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: The Phantoms of Six Mile Road by: David L. Russell I was going through a box of personal belongings a couple of weeks ago, when I stumbled across some pictures of my 1978 high school graduation. My daughter Vonnie laughed
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: Writing as a Gift by: Jenna Glatzer What am I supposed to give Anthony as a wedding gift? I asked Kristin, my bridesmaid and person-who-was-married. I mean, what kinds of things do brides give their grooms? I was thinking
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: Made in Heaven by: Nithya K Consumed by my loss, I didn't notice the hardness of the pew where I sat. I was at the funeral of my dearest friend - my Mother. She finally had lost her long battle with cancer. The hurt
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: Horology - Back in Time by: Martin Smith You should be familiar with some terminology before you learn about watches. Horology is the art of making clocks, watches and other devices for telling time and it is also the
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: Beaded Earrings Cultivate an Exotic and Sultry Look by: Sam Serio When we think beads, we normally think of bracelets, anklets, hair ornaments and necklaces. What about beaded earrings? Well, earrings are mostly made
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: Deception Wrinkle Cream by: Jasmine Yap New Cosmetic Product Makes Wrinkles Almost Invisible to the Naked Eye! Watch this recent ABC News clip and see the results for yourself! An ndependent news organization persuaded
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: The History of Ugg Boots by: William Siebler From Australia's Official Dictionary: The Macquarie Concise Dictionary - ug boot / Australian 100% merino sheepskin lined boot. Also called ugh boot , ugg boot. Did you know
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: Animal Jewelry: a Very Different and Beautiful Form of Adornment by: Angela Davis Animal jewelry is a wonderful way to express your love and appreciation for your pet animal. Not only is it an ideal gift to give to animal
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: Women’s Guide: Friends To Let Go! by: Kenia Morales Real friends are hard to find but once you find them they can bring so much joy in to your life. However, not everyone can be that special confidant. Just like
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: Custom Jewelry, Informationa and Buying Tips by: www.kaisilver.com Custom Jewelry, Information And Buying Tips. Custom jewelry includes any jewelry that is made according to design details provided by the buyer. There
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: Gemstone Rings, History And Information by: www.kaisilver.com Mankind has believed in the special powers and capabilities of gemstones since many centuries. Gemstones were earlier worn as simple pendants or amulets and
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: Corsets - To Cinch Or Not To Cinch? by: Wendy Yeager Up through the Victorian Ages, corsets were very popular with women. Corsets were worn to reduce waist size. A tiny waist made for an attractive figure. Corsets were
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: Choosing the Right Website Designer by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA You've made up your mind. You want to have a website to represent your business. The next decision to be made . . . who should you hire to develop your site? There
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: Web Site Templates by: Anthony Lee How to make web website x 10 times cheaper and x 10 times faster. Take a look: http://www.templatemonster.com/~david/article/106-m.jpg http://www.templatemonster.com/~david/article/107-m.jpg http://www.templat
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: Made of Atomic Size Stars in a Clumpy Firework Universe by: Eugene Savov The discoveries of normal galaxies, strings of galaxies and heavy elements in the far distant universe [1-7] suggest that these space objects have
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: Ultralight Backpacking - Testing Skills by: Steve Gillman On Lake Michigan, at the end of the Stonington Peninsula, there's a stretch of empty beach. Part of the Hiawatha National Forest, it's framed on either side by
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: A Tribute to Edna by: Laurie Hayes To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. – Unknown This week I had a coaching session that caused me stop, sit back and reflect on why
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: A Miraculous Movie by: Stephen Schochet It was originally called The Big Heart. Daryl Zanuck the shrewd head of Twentieth Century Fox couldn't buy the image of Santa Claus in a court room. But like so many ventures Miracle
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: Las Vegas & The Movies by: Iulia Pascanu Sunny Las Vegas hosted hundreds of movies or movie-scenes. Some of them got the Oscar. Others got lost on the way. But Vegas surely remains a classic attraction for film-makers
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: Istanbul, Turkey - Where Two Continents Meet by: Lori Guretzki Istanbul, situated along the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, is the only city in the world bridging two continents, Europe and Asia; it is as old as civilization
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: Tourist in My Own Hometown by: Marcia Passos Duffy I lived in the suburbs of New York City almost all my life and it was only when I was in my 20's and working on 5th Avenue when I finally went to the top of the Empire
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: Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really! by: Ronnie Nijmeh When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in
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: Leaving The Tribe by: Justin Luyt One of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, uses this metaphor, "Leaving the tribe," when referring to how we, as people, seek the approval of others in society. Yesterday, as I was on my
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: Baby Steps by: Lynn Colwell I remember with delight when our first child was learning to walk. We happened to be traveling with a musical program at the time. Chris had joined us and about 125 other people "on the road"
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: How AdSense Ruined My Life by: David Westbrook Because I used to work on a crisis line, I've heard a-lot stories of how drugs crept up on people and took over their lives. I once talked to a self-admitted drug dealer
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: MISTAKES by: R J Farey Don’t worry about making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Why should you be different. The person who never made a mistake, never made anything. Mistakes can be costly. They can
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: The Harmless Lump That Opened My Eyes by: Ingela Berger Once I discovered a lump in my groin. I was very worried and really believed it was cancer. When I talked to a nurse and described the symptoms I calmed down. It
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: Dreams of Reality by: Nilesh Gore Every times we discuss about the goals, objectives, success- failure, god- ghost, visions & dreams here I'm putting some very priceless work by an unknown author. with a short story
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: The Power of a Positive Attitude by: Shannon Herod You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog.
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: A Life of Purpose's Extraction by: Tushar Jain Purpose. What is purpose? Drinking coffee when you wake up and making a habit of drinking coffee only when you wake up? No. Trying to drink coffee when it’s hot and
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: History of the Adirondack Chair by: Joshua Brown Thomas Lee designed the first Adirondack Chair in 1903. He was on vacation in Westport, NY and he needed outdoor chairs for his summer home. He tested the first designs
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: Backpacking Clothes - Make Your Own by: Steve Gillman Okay, do you really want to make all your own backpacking clothes? More power to you, and good luck. After the first hundred tedious hours of sewing I started buying
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: Finding The Perfect Pool Cue Case by: Philip Downen A quality billiard cue case is a necessity to keeping that valuable collector pool cue of yours in good shape. There's more than one quality that a person should be
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: Coaching Sports For All The Right Reasons by: Tim A Kauppinen The Glove It was during a March evening in 2002 that I received word that my grandfather was dying. I drove the four and a half hours to Ironwood,
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: Where To Find 10 Fly Fishing Tips In A Single Paragraph by: Donald Berthiaume When looking for information on how to fly fish, fly fishing tips or fly fishing techniques, many anglers, or anglers to be,who limit their
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: The Didjeridu by: Susanna Elisabet Duffy In Northern Australia the Didjeridu is seen as a phallic symbol and therefore a male instrument. Women are prohibited from playing. Stories of the Didjeridu vary from place to
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: What Are Custom Golf Clubs by: Trevor Austin Custom golf clubs are anything from a single club to a full set of woods, irons and putter which have been custom specified and assembled just for you. They may work for somebody
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: No Invitation Needed: Sacred Children Series - 3 of 3 by: Skye Thomas I had my first two children on either side of my twenty-third and twenty-fifth birthdays. I had always assumed that by the time I was forty, I'd have
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: Think Like Your Kids - And Understand Them More by: Frank McGinty Seven-year old Michael was on a school trip to a Wildlife Centre in Central Scotland. It was near the end of the day and they were in the Gift Shop before
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: Home And School Education - Your Kids Can Benefit From Both! by: Frank McGinty Once, as a Learning Support Teacher, I made my way down to the annexe that housed the school's History Department. The annexe was about
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: Responsible Fatherhood - A Unique And Irreplaceable Role by: Frank McGinty Something happened the other day that made me feel uneasy. Yet I shouldn't have felt that way! My wife had left for work and I was hanging the
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: Basic Guide To Choosing Toys For Babies by: Eugen Lisov Basic guide to choosing toys for babies A baby’s only activities until the age of two months are sleeping and eating. He is not interested in anything else.
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: Why Work from Home? by: Linda McGrory Have you noticed? There is a lot of publicity these days about working from home - increasing numbers of people are dreaming of leaving the rat race; TV programmes are made showing
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: Realistic Expectations When Starting a Home Based Business by: Rebecca Gilbert Working out of your home with an internet business can be the most rewarding experience, both personally and financially, that a person can
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: Internet Marketing; The New Frontier by: Lanard Perry If you've spent any time on the Internet recently you know, even if only subconsciously, that web based "work from home" opportunities are a dime a dozen! But I bet
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: Why Does Your Business Need An Autoresponder? by: Albert Hoogendoorn Suppose you have a website with 500 visitors a day, and one in fifty of them requests information. That's ten e-mails you're going to have to send manually
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: It Can't Happen to Me.....Can It? by: Denise Hall We all know scams abound on the internet. The types we're probably most familiar with are the "get rich quick" schemes and the "Nigerian scam" letters. If you're smart
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: The Most Powerful Niche In The World And How You Can Always Profit From It by: Markus Wahlgren There is one piece of software that is always going to be purchased like hotcakes regardless of how the market is. No matter
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: The Golden Rule Of Website Building by: Robert Evans Setting yourself up to earn a steady monthly income has to be a pre-requisite to your success online. There is no doubt that large sums of money can be made (and indeed
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: Sick Of Wading Through Spam? by: Michael Cheney It's a nightmare isn't it? You fire up your email system first thing on Monday morning to be greeted with hundreds of new messages. "Great", you say, "I'm so popular!" But
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: Don't Get Caught With Your Profits Down! by: Denise Hall It's the busy season - the time of year when your customers shop 'til they drop. As a business owner you're probably happily enjoying the extra sales the holiday
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: What is a Guru? by: Robert J Farey A guru is a teacher. On the internet a guru is someone who has a lot of experience and has made the grade, ie. He/She has set up a business that is financially successful and is willing
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: Start a Home Based Business? When Is The Best Time? by: Rebecca Gilbert I’m often perplexed at the number of people that I see start home based businesses on the Internet and then give up on the idea shortly afterward.
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: A Lesson From “The Apprentice†That Can Make You A Master by: Karon Thackston I have to admit, I was curious. When I saw previews of a new show called “The Apprentice,†it made me want to at least
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: Plans Aren't Wine, And They Don't Always Age Well by: Molly Shomer The following crossed my desk recently. The author gave me permission to share her story: "Please alert people to something we're experiencing right
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: Deeds of Variation - Are They Justified? by: Janine Byrne Introduction Deciding to make a Will and then actually putting the decision into action can be a somewhat stressful, upsetting and daunting task for some people.
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: Women, War, and Dating by: Ed Williams I guess I should’ve figured something like this would happen one day. My son Will, who has just turned sixteen, is now dating, and was out on one this past Saturday night.
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: Window Blinds by: Helen Fargo Popular Blinds Changing the look of your home really is not that difficult and does not require any more effort than installing window blinds. This might not seem like a very big deal to
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: Taking Care of Futon Frames, Furniture, and Mattresses by: Dan Noyes So you have bought a futon as a second bed, just in case you have visitors from another town. You not only use the futon as a bed for a guest, but
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: A Brief History of Candles by: Dominic Ferrara For centuries man’s progress has been lighted by candles. However, people know only very few things about the origin of candles. It has been written that the first
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: Vintage Plastics; Bakelite, Celluloid and Lucite by: Sharon Lemell Antique and Vintage Bakelite Jewelry plus all Antique and Vintage Plastics including Celluloid, Lucite, Bakelite Kitchenware, Flatware, Utensils and Collectibles
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: What Makes a Hammock a Quality Hammock? by: Zino Davidson Whether you plan a camping trip into the jungle where you will need a portable hammock or you just want to relax in your garden in a large hammock chair... in
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: The Best Time to Inspect: Part 2 by: Wally Conway Amazing as it may seem, homes inspected prior to going on the market have two very significant attributes: 1. They sell faster than homes not inspected until the buyer
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: A Quick History Of The Clock by: Joey Lewitin The earliest clocks were simply ways of keeping track of time using the elements. The sundial did this, as well as a clock created in ancient Greece often ascribed to Plato,
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: The House That Became Part Of A Family (Part Three) by: Pat Stelzer That October morning dawned bright and sunny, seemingly an omen of good things to come. It was moving day! We were actually moving into our “newâ€
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: Handicrafts of Kerala by: Jayachandran.R Kerala, the Gods own country Situated in India has a rich tradition of Handicrafts. Kerala's traditional handicrafts are a class of its own. The artisans of kerala have traditional
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: Add Some Light To Your Life With Candles by: Wendy Yeager Candles first served as the main source of light for early civilization. They have made many changes through the years. The candles of today are not the same
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: Why Not Add a Shower To Your Bathroom? by: Mike Yeager If you are thinking of remodeling your bathroom and redoing or adding showers to them, consider all of your choices. The age we live in has allowed us many choices
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: This is why people Should consider Granite Countertops by: Mike Yeager Granite countertops are among the most beautiful things you can add to your kitchen. Kitchen countertops gain a beautiful glow from these pieces of
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: Snoring- a Small Change Can Make a Big Difference by: Kevin Meates We all know how annoying snoring can be, both for the snorer and the partner. The effects and seriousness of snoring are becoming more apparent with
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: Down with Acne! by: Beth Scott Like a good many people I have been the victim of acne vulgaris (what an appropriate name) the medical term for pimples. It has made me aggravated, made me cry, and made me angry. Thousands
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: The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss by: Kathy Thompson AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. Just three little words --- DON'T BUY IT! If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. If you don't eat it,
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: NXT Unbreakable Sun Lenses by: Benjamin W J Teo Before the creation of NXT, optical lenses such as sunglasses were not impact resistance. And could cause serious injury to your eyes if the lenses were to crack or shatter. Now
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: Add Healthy Fat to your Diet by: Richard Moore Easy ways to include important good-for-you fats in your everyday diet. Add Healthy Fat to Your Diet 1. Try to eat fish twice a week, especially salmon, herring or mackerel.
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: Who Says You Won’t Enjoy the Beach When You’re on a Wheelchair? by: Maricon Williams Summer is fast approaching, as early as now, we plan superb escapades and cool adventures. Once again, a vacation is tempting
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: Toxic Chemicals, Are Your Children Being Exposed? by: Shelly Platt You do what you can to keep your little ones safe and healthy in this world we live in. You put your household cleaners out of reach and make sure the
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: Holiday Baking Tips: Dessert Won't Be Humble Pie Anymore by: News Canada (NC)—As the holiday season arrives, our menus are sure to include tasty treats and yummy desserts, including traditional and new, anything-but-humble
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: Home Made Ice Cream Recipe for Coffee Can Ice Cream by: Patricia B. Jensen This delicious home made ice cream recipe can be made with a few simple ingredients and a couple of coffee cans. The very best thing about having
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: Electric Melons! by: Ed Williams Know what one of my favorite summer pastimes is? Eatin’ watermelon. That’s right, just eatin’ some cold, juicy watermelon. People these days don’t really
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: Blended and Varietal Wines by: Darby Higgs Novice wine lovers soon come across the concept of blended and varietal wines. The two questions that spring to mind are, “what does it mean?†and “does it
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: An Introduction to Wine by: Jason Ditto What is wine? Wine has been made for centuries from just a two simple ingredients: yeast and grape juice. Actually, just about any fruit juice can be used, but by far the majority
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: Coffee Drink Basics by: Gary Gresham When you enter a coffee house, you have a multitude of drink choices like latté, cappuccino, straight shot and caffé mocha just to name a few. Sometimes knowing what to order
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