Tag: Room
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: Baby Shower-Novel Way Of Arrangement by: David Chandler Baby shower games. Photo matching - enticing baby shower game- all the guests should bring the baby picture of themselves. Arrange all pictures on a board.
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: Jimmy Buffet Slept Here – Why Caribbean Villas Are So Darn Popular by: Bob Bouknight You’re ready to book that trip to the Caribbean that you’ve been talking about for so long. You go online to get
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: Do You Have Tickets To Your Dream Theater? by: Saleem Rana I'd like you to do an exercise with me. I want you to use your imagination to construct a dream theater. Begin by visiting your living room in your mind’s
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: Insider Tips For Finding A Great Online Poker Room by: David Olsen Even though they look pretty much the same and they’re all selling essentially the same few games, all Online Poker Rooms are NOT created equal!
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: Heirloom Decorating by: Rachel Paxton I love to surround myself with things from the past. To me "heirloom" doesn't necessarily mean something really old, because memories are always in the making, and displaying a family
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: Do You Know How To Use Window Coverings ? by: Sarah Peters Window coverings serve an important role in your home, giving you privacy and also protecting your furniture and décor from the harshness of prolonged, direct
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: Luxury Hotel Breaks – Avoiding The Hotel Horror Stories by: R. Richmond When looking for hotel accommodation most people are very price driven in terms of making their choices. Finding out where you want to go
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: Top Tips for Keeping Your Home Tidy by: Keith Kingston You’ve got so much tidying to do, so little time. So what’s a person to do? You can either lower your standards and just ignore the mess, or you can
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: Floral Futon Covers by: Dan Noyes Floral Futon covers If you are looking for futon covers with floral prints, then you have come to the right site online. We have a range of pastels, bright shades and various floral
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: Decorating a Childs Room to Look Like a Mysterious Jungle - and Teaching Them Something Too by: Joey Lewitin (When designing a child’s room, you want to create an atmosphere that inspires and stimulates them mentally.
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: Samurai Swords – Choosing a Sword to Buy by: Nick Johnson It’s undeniable that a well placed and mounted samurai sword or samurai sword set looks fantastic and an ads character to any room of the home, but
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: My First Thermographic Experience by: Brenda Witt I had been a bit nervous all day wondering what my thermogram procedure would entail. Would I need to undress completely? Would I be given one of those paper gowns that
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: Creating Good Feng Shui in Baby's Room by: Kathryn Weber Getting ready for a new baby requires a lot of thought and planning from what diapers the baby will wear down to the decoration and arrangement of baby’s
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: Finding Your Feng Shui Power Spots for Love and Romance by: Stephanie Roberts The first step in using feng shui to attract a partner or improve your love life is to find the relationship power spots in your home. Once
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: Creative Storage Solutions by: Rachel Paxton When the things in your home start crowding in around you and you're short on cash, it's time to come up with some creative storage solutions. Don't be afraid to think "out
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: The Magic of Design by: Melody Foster There was a time people thought the world was flat. At another point in history it was believed that women didn’t have the know-how to run a business or change a tire. Then
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: Parents Time-Out At Disney World by: Cara Goldsbury So you think a trip to Walt Disney World is one only the kids can enjoy. Well, think again! Here are a few tips for making your vacation to Mickey Mouse Land a memorable
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: Discover The Sophisticated Side Of Mickey Mouse by: Cara Goldsbury Is it possible for sophisticated travelers to really enjoy themselves in the land of Mickey Mouse? Absolutely! Walt Disney World has undergone a transformation
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: Alternatives for Business Travelers by: David Leonhardt "I'm coming home. I've been away too long. Been away so long. I'm coming home" – Ian Thomas, in Coming Home I still recall my road warrior days. It seemed
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: Vacation In Comfort With Kids by: David Leonhardt It takes a special person to travel with kids – a parent. Children have their own needs. Their idea of a vacation is more "adventurous" than a parent's. They
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: Hostels And Other Cheap Travel Accommodations by: Steve Gillman Hostels have been around in one form or another for a long time. They are oriented towards young travelers and anyone else seeking cheap accommodations.
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: Hotel Safety Tips by: Lana Hampton As is often the case, the more we travel, the less we think about our safety. It's easy to become comfortable in a hotel when we spend so much time in it. Most people have caught themselves
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: Inns and Bed and Breakfasts – Are They For Everybody? by: Cliff Calderwood Inns are a delightful alternative to hotels and resorts. They can be just the right ticket for your vacation, providing you understand
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: Staying Mosquito Free While Traveling by: Sarah Yee The last thing that any traveler needs is to be plagued by mosquitoes throughout their journey. Just as there are sure-fire ways to reduce the incidence of these pests
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: How To Tell If It's A Swell Motel by: Ed Williams Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of traveling in connection with my writing. The past three weekends alone I’ve driven to Sylva, North Carolina, Louisville,
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: Western Caribbean Cruise by: Clint Leung We were on the Radiance of the Seas for the western Caribbean cruise on November 28/04. This was our second cruise with Royal Caribbean with our first last year on the larger Adventure
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: MALAYSIA: An Asian Retirement Paradise by: Shannon Roxborough Asia's best-kept secret for expatriates, Malaysia has a vibrant mix of foreign and indigenous tribal cultures, creating a veritable melting pot of peoples,
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: Things You Need To Know Before You Book a Hotel Online by: Chloe Lim Does it seem as if every time you look around on the internet for a hotel room, you find more web sites that say you can get a hotel room for less?
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: Four Ways to Free/Low Cost Travel by: Liana Metal 1. Free lodging! Find a pen friend. Maybe you haven’t thought of this. It’s the best solution to your budget problems, but you can’t have it overnight!
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: Istanbul, Turkey - Where Two Continents Meet by: Lori Guretzki Istanbul, situated along the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, is the only city in the world bridging two continents, Europe and Asia; it is as old as civilization
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: How to Choose a Bed and Breakfast by: Tammy Jordan Sikes So you've decided to shun the neon-flashing motel chains and marble-foyered monsters and venture into the world of cozy, intimate bed and breakfasts? After all,
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: What to expect upon arriving in Jamaica and at your Sandals Resort by: John Gall What to expect upon arriving in Jamaica and at your Sandals Resort When your plane touches down at Sangster International Airport in Jamaica
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: Improve Your Love Luck with Feng Shui! by: Stephanie Roberts Are you tired of looking for love without success? If so, the layout, furnishings, and energy of your home and bedroom could be part of the problem. When the
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: Going Seamless: Dissolving the Brain Divide by: Maya Talisman Frost Are you a right-brainer or a left-brainer? The greatest thinkers are at a loss when it comes to answering that question. Just as we admire athletes
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: Cleaned Up or Cleaned Out? by: David Leonhardt a.k.a. The Happy Guy I need your help. I did a good deed recently, but I was gripped by second thoughts. I want to know if you think I should have done this. Here is what
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: No Time For The Gym? by: Diana Keuilian Dorm Room Exercises Combat College Weight Gain As you have undoubtedly heard, college students around the country are gaining weight at a rapid rate. A recent study by Cornell
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: You Made A Mistake? Way To Go! by: Rosella Aranda Mistakes have gotten a really bad rap. Whether you call it an error, a blunder, a screw-up, a faux pas, a gaffe or a boo-boo, no one wants to be guilty of committing one.
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: Are You Making a Sacrifice? by: Debbie O'Meara When I was a university student, an ice cream-loving friend of mine gave up ice cream for Lent. It became a joke among all of us as we watched him suffer through keeping
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: True Happiness by: Kim Olver Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappiness or frustration. After all, wouldn’t life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would
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: Aftermath of a Child’s Near Death Experience by: RobinRenee Bridges An 18 month-old girl lay dying of diphtheria in January of 1944. It was before the widespread use of antibiotics. In fact, the antibiotics were
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: The Symbolism Of Double Fishes by: Jakob Jelling In feng shui and for oriental traditions, the fish is a very symbolic creature which represents abundance and wealth. Having fishes in the kitchen is a great way of helping
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: Friends? by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 18, 2004 I met my friend when we were in graduate school, and we enjoyed hanging out together outside of classes. After receiving our degrees,
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: Opening Hearts is as Easy as Opening a Window by: Sarah Smiley Two-year-old Owen goes to speech therapy twice a week. The therapist’s office is small and gloomy. There is one large window, but the shade is always
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: Enjoy Your Favorite Wine…But With Some Rules by: Celina Richards The mere mention of etiquette brings to mind various images, mainly negative. Etiquette means observing set rules. It’s not about the quaint
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: 5 Simple Steps To Dividing Your Hardy Water Lilies by: Brett Fogle If you missed the springtime window of opportunity to divide your hardy water lilies, don't worry, it's not too late. Although springtime is the best
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: Setting up the Perfect Billiards Room: Create the Ideal Space for your Pool Table by: Reno Charlton If you enjoy relaxing over a game of billiards at the local bar, then what could be better than having your very own
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: Poker Face In Cyberspace by: Oddvar Pettersen His palms are sweaty and his heart is racing, but he smiles when he sees his cards. "I can't lose this one", he says, with a big grin on his face. Poker in cyberspace is
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: Why Kids Toys Are For Kids by: Jennifer Gove I have made a discovery in my adult life, kids toys were made for kids. Now I know you may be puzzled about this because we all have sat down and played with our children,
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: Help Your Children to Love Reading by: Tracy Catarius It is so important to create an environment that promotes the love of reading. Not only is reading necessary for survival in today’s world, it is educational,
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: Time for Sleep..A Guide for First Time Parents by: Ryan Sorensen If you don’t want to fight your two year old for space in your own bed, you must start early in establishing good bedtime habits. Good bedtime habits
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: Back-to-School success: Support your Child with Feng Shui by: Vicky White Fall is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere, and back-to-school energy is everywhere. The malls are full of harried parents and children in
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: The 7 Feng Shui Fundamentals for Children's Bedrooms by: Kathryn Weber Feng shui is a very popular and intriguing concept in home design today. In addition to the life benefits it provides, it also offers a roadmap,
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: What You Need to Know about Baby Monitors by: Eric & Lisa Koshinsky Baby monitors are an essential part of baby gear. When you have the baby asleep in the crib, you don't have to keep constantly checking to make sure
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: Cleaning a Child's Bedroom - 15 Minutes a Day by: Jess Knutson Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don't worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and
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: Study Skills - How Can YOU Help Your Kids? by: Frank McGinty Some years ago when touring the Scottish Highlands, a man I met said something that's stuck with me ever since. He was elderly, yet was still working away
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: Baby Room Themes: Fun Ideas Your Baby Will Love by: Alli Ross Decorating a nursery for your new baby can be a fun and exciting experience. It will be the first place for your baby to dream, to experience, and to grow.
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: The Best Blue Christmas by: Ed Williams It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just a few days away, isn’t it? Santa will soon be making his yearly run around the globe, delighting both children and adults
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: Clean Your House in Half the Time! by: GranMamma When cleaning your house, the first thing you need to do is to find a supply and tool apron. (gardening apron works well) The apron should contain several large, deep pockets.
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: Born With Instructions by: Carol M. Welsh We finally seem to get parenting techniques that work with the first child only to find out that they don’t work with the next child. Why can kids be born with instructions?
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: Keeping Baby Safe: your most important role as a parent by: Claire Bowes Saying Thanks, But No Thanks to Used Safety Equipment Once your beautiful bundle of joy arrives, the work of raising your child really begins.
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: Dislocating the Distractions by: Brian Roe One of the major issues with having your own home-based business is distractions. It's easy to abandon work when the television is just down the hall (or in the same room), or
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: How to Create an Online Newsroom the Media will Love by: Bill Stoller From time to time, people ask me how public relations has changed during the two decades in which I’ve been seeking publicity. My answer: technology.
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: Turn Your Wisdom Into a Workshop by: Suzanne Falter-Barns The Technical Revolution has done a lot for us -- we merely have to pick up a phone or send an email to conduct business. Yet, there still is no substitute for
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: 30 Tips for Keeping Meeting Expenses to a Minimum by: Susan Freidmann Money makes the world go ‘round. And when it comes to meeting planning, money can probably get you whatever you want. However, few event planners
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: Your Condensed Guide for Working a Room by: Oscar Bruce Working a room...if only it could be fun...or at least guaranteed productive. I am referring to that mandatory event that requires us to mix and mingle, to meet
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: Captive Marketing - What Will They Think of Next? by: David Badurina Every once in awhile a light bulb goes off in someone's head and a new marketing concept is born. One of the more recent "opportunistic" marketing methods
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: The Press Pack Is Chasing You - Give Them Room by: George Hopkin There’s good news for public relations execs, marketing professionals and even one-man-band entrepreneurs: journalists are surfing your sites looking
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: Houston Divorce Lawyer Answers Common Questions About Mediation by: Marilyn Gale Vilyus If you are reading this, then you are probably either thinking of filing for divorce -- or have a feeling that your spouse may be
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: Decorating a Kid's Room by: Joey Lewitin The most important thing to consider when decorating a child’s room is to make the child comfortable. You want to surround them with fun, playful items. The way this room
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: Back to School Feng Shui by: Kathryn Weber How Rearranging Your Child’s Room Can Make Better Study Habits This Year Every school year parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect
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: Seeing the Light by: Jeff Carpunky Lighting "Light has illuminated the path of humanity" – While Einstein was probably referring to one of his mind-blowing theories, lighting has also revolutionized the home.
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: Creating Unique Details With Wallpaper Borders (Decorating With Wallpaper) by: Jaima Brown (ARA) - True decorating distinction lies in details -- little finishing touches and unusual twists that make a room entirely unique.
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: Art and Design by: Lise Richards Maybe you’ve faced it before – a new house with an empty room or two. This room is just crying out for some furniture. So off you go to purchase a sofa you admire - then
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: Humidifier Use In The Home by: Kelly Gillis Humidifiers get a lot of use in baby nurseries. When baby is having a breathing problem due to illness, improving and moisturizing the air will help him/her breathe easier.
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: Decorating With Wallpaper by: Mike Houghtin If you're looking for a unique way to express your individual taste and personality there is no better way to decorate than by using wallpaper. You can take a simple room and
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: How to shop online for Fireplaces, Stoves & Accessories by: Katrina Dwight Fireplaces and fireplace mantels are fast becoming a core feature in homes across the world as they add a real feature point to any formal or
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: Organizing Your Home: The Master Bedroom by: Shaan Randow As we move through the house, we’re going to hit the master bedroom next. I want this room to be a haven and an escape for you. You won’t see your
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: Organizing Your Home: The Family Room/Living Room by: Norman Fleming Some homes have a “great room†and no living room, others have a “family room†and a living room. No matter what you call it
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: Bathroom Interior Design by: Allan Wilson Any advice or guide on the interior design of a bathroom should be based around one simple concept: keep it simple. Rooms inside of a home should have functional aspects, and
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: Chill Out With A Quality Ceiling Fan by: Mike Spencer Are you craving some air flow in your house? Is the air conditioner running as hard as it can go but it still feels stuffy and hot in your house? Try installing a
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: Making Space In Your Home by: William Sault Make Space Clear out excess furniture and accessories from the interior of your home as much as possible. If a piece of furniture is too big for the room, or is crowding the
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: Lamp Shades Decorate a Room by: Dean Novosat When redecorating a room, don’t forget about your lighting. While it may seem that you will have to purchase all new lamps for your new décor, sometimes all you need
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: House Plans – Where To Start by: Martin Smith You have found the perfect lot on which to build your new home. Now you have an abundance of decisions to make. Where will the house sit on the lot? You will have to
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: The Futon Essence by: Dan Noyes Space is at premium. Isn’t it? – A food for thought! A futon is popular in Japan because, even in homes, space is at a premium. This means that many rooms are used for different
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: Rustic Accessories the New Buzz in Home Decor by: ARA Content (ARA) - As the cooler seasons draw closer, thoughts and activities drift slowly from the outdoors to the inside, and the annual human version of hibernation
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: Geomantic Rules in the Living Room by: Jheng-Syong Chen Chinese people attach importance to the science of Geomancy - study of the influence of landscape (hills, river, layout of land or house) on people and their fortunes.
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: Caring for your Wood Furniture by: Batsheva Vaknin There is nothing like wood furniture to add elegance and beauty to a home. Whether it is a thick, all-natural butchers block table, an Art Deco wooden dresser, a simple
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: Decorate with Area Rugs by: Olivia Filipetto If you're looking to update and revitalize a room in your home quickly, easily and inexpensively, consider using an area rug. A decorator rug is a furnishing and home-decorating
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: Designing Your Kid’s Room is Child’s Play! by: Batsheva Vaknin Would your child’s room benefit from some fresh design ideas and reorganization? Most could, but it can be hard to know where to begin
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: How To Make Your Room Look Larger by: Olivia Filipetto Although many new houses today are large, unfortunately they may contain small rooms, a little smaller than we'd like. Small rooms can feel confining and uncomfortable.
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: Decorating Color Schemes by: Olivia Filipetto When decorating your home or room, picking a color scheme can be a daunting experience. You worry that you may pick the wrong color and need to start your decorating project
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: Choosing the Right House Plan by: Dascar Daniel Now that you have made that bold decision to build a home of your dream, it absolutely important to get the best home you can imagine. For you and all of us, building the
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: Home Furnishings and Shelving by: David Kunstek It's spring time and that means we start working on our homes. Cleaning, organizing, purchasing new things to spruce the place up are just some of the home furnishings
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: Home Staging Tips by InsiderPropertySecrets by: InsiderPropertySecrets Home staging is a technique used to dress or stage a home so that buyers can really see it at its best. In essence what you must do is make your home
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: Seven Ways to Emphasize a Decor Style by: Julie Dana After searching decorating books, using trial and error decorating, and growing up a little bit, you have finally found the style of decorating that you really love.
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: Fishing Decor - Manly yes - but Women like it too by: Johann Erickson Most might think that fishing décor is only for little cabins in the woods, but this style of decorating can actually work well in any home. For
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: How About a Jungle Mural to Put Some Swing Into Your Child’s Room? by: Michael Holland If your child loves all different types of animals, a jungle mural is a great way to make their room a fun and enjoyable place.
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: Fun Nursery Themes That Will Even Have Your Baby Talking! by: Michael Holland There are many whimsical, fun baby room themes if you are planning on decorating a nursery. Infants need stimulation, so parents get the chance
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: The Free Neighborhood Home Décor Makeover by: Pamela Cole Harris Watching home makeover shows can make us all yearn for spiffy new décor in our outdated rooms. But if Trading Spaces doesn’t call, and your
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: Speedheat Introduces New Products For Radiant Heating by: Ingrid Weir Electric radiant floor heating systems are heating systems designed for use under carpeting, area rugs, tile, stone, and laminate wood floors and have
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