Tag: You-Ve
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: Doing Your Market Research Online by: Norio De Sousa Success on the internet depends a lot on what you know about your target market before starting! If you want to make money on the 'net, you've got to be prepared to
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: How Can I Deal With it All? by: Lisa Martin Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have a to-do list a mile long? An in-tray that's about to collapse? Closets that are jam-packed with junk and a stack of family photos? Now
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: The True and Magnificent Power of Giving by: Zaak O'Conan You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act
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: What to Look For When Buying Athletic Shoes by: Jeff Lakie You've finally had to throw out those cross-trainers. They've been your companions through miles of workouts and it breaks your heart to have to dump them.
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: Finding the Loan UK that Meets Your Needs by: John Mussi For those in the market for a loan UK , it can sometimes seem like nothing is going your way and all of the offers that you've received come with some sort of catch. Some
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: Best-Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak Everyone says, “Some day I'm going to write a book,†but few actually do. So congratulations on a noteworthy achievement! Now that you're holding your book in your
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: Cheer-Leadership or "All I need to know about business I learned from Cheerleading" by: Gisela McKay Thanks to teen movies, many people have this stereotypical idea of cheerleaders as being ditzy and mean. However, there
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: Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention by: Annette Gisby So,m you've had your book published or you've gone the self-published route, but what do you do now? You contact a newspaper, radio or television
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: Writing Effectively: A Two-Part Guide, Part 2 by: Jan Kovarik In Part 1, I gave you some ideas on how to write your text. When your text is finished, you will need to review it in order to spot the flaws, correct the
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: Negotiating Right: Get What you Deserve by: Mridu Khullar If magazine publishing worked like any other business, writers would fix their rates, and magazines would run around trying to hire the best writer in the lowest
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: The Recipe for Getting Published by: Mridu Khullar Got talent but no clips? Here's the recipe for getting published... * Procrastinating When you've finally decided you have to put into writing the fabulous idea that
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: 7 Deadly Mistakes that Cost You Money and Assignments by: Mridu Khullar Sometimes, you just don’t get second chances. Freelance writing works a little that way. If you’ve offended an editor, it’s
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: The Stuff E-mail Query Letters are Made of by: Mridu Khullar Your mother always told you how first impressions were extremely important. That’s why whenever you go to meet an editor, you dress impeccably, walk
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: Freelance Writing on the Internet by: Mridu Khullar So, you’ve decided to take up a career in freelance writing. You’ve hooked up the computer, installed the printer, and learnt the nitty-gritty of your
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: A Few Brief Tips for Dealing with Rejection by: Laura Hickey What to do when you get rejected. You've just finished your book, sent out query letters and was rejected. What's left to do? You could give up, but I wouldn't
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: Will This Be Your First 'How-To' Report? by: Ed Bellamy You've got to start somewhere, but once you've created your very first How-To report and learnt to develop your own research tactics - life will never be the same
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: Get An Attitude About Your Writing by: Angela Booth (This excerpt is taken from my new writing workshop Writing To Sell In the Internet Age.) Writer John Clausen, in his excellent book about freelance writing: Too
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: Dreading the Writing Assignment? Outlines to the Rescue by: Christine Taylor Writing technical articles is a challenge. There you sit, surrounded by reams of research, notes and interviews. Where do you start? Remember
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: Hang In There Dieters, Help Is At Hand!! by: Gordon Black I was thinking about diets and such and it occurred to me that dieting is kind of like sports, but one way in which dieting differs from sports competition is
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: Replacing Your Lost Wedding Ring by: Donna Monday Imagine it’s Halloween evening and you’ve just gone to the door to greet another eager child with your big bag of trick-or-treat candy. You look down at
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: He Still Hasn't Popped the Question. Should You Give Him an Ultimatum? by: Terry Hernon MacDonald You’ve been dating the man forever, and he has yet to cough up a ring. You spend every single weekend with him.
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: Hey, Client, This Is Me! Sell With Your Writing Voice. by: Cathy Goodwin In a crowded market, clients will be seeking personality as they read what you've written -- they'll click right past pages that feel "been there,
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: How Does Your Website Measure Up? by: Dan Karwoski Does your website make a good first impression? Is the navigation intuitive? Is the content appropriate for your audience? You've had your website up and running for
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: Keep Them Coming Back - Update Your Site by: Richard Lowe, Jr. If you are anything like me, your website is a reflection of yourself. It contains your thoughts and communications, exposed to the entire world at all times.
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: Four Tips For Getting More Mileage From Your Articles by: Bonnie Jo Davis It has become common knowledge that the smartest and most effective free method of advertising your business and services is to write and submit
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: 1 Seldom Discussed Method Of Web Promotion by: Mark Terry So you've made the perfect web site (in your eyes at least) and that all-important traffic is out there just waiting to visit you. You've done your research and
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: Create An Ezine To Get People Back To Your Site by: Richard Lowe, Jr. I know you've worked hard on your website. I know it looks pretty good - in fact, it's fantastic. However, you are facing one huge problem - getting
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: 4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation by: Michael Lee It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't
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: 7 Gifts that Multiply Happiness by: Steve Brunkhorst Did you know that there are gifts that will multiply your happiness when you give them away? Here are seven of those gifts. Giving these gifts will allow you to share
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: How To Be a Champion in Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Are you left with inspiration but no action after hearing, reading, and watching stories about other people who are successful? If so, you're not alone. I've
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: Budget the Luxuries First! by: Andy White Strictly speaking, his advice was preceded by another Heinlein maxim as well. "Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat
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: How To Be a Champion in Your Life by: Sopan Greene, M.A. Are you left with inspiration but no action after hearing, reading, and watching stories about other people who are successful? If so, you're not alone. I've got
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: Are You Stuck? by: Murdo Macleod You know the feeling. There's something you want to do. You've thought about it, you've made your decision, and now it's time to act. Except... you don't. You want to take the next
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: Ideal Self by: Kimberly Fulcher Envisioning Your Ideal Self In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled
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: A Real Psychic Life - The True and Magnificent Power of Giving by: Zach Keyer You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within
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: Where to Begin? by: Damien Senn January is the king of months for those looking to make new beginnings. After the reflections and indulgences of December, the excitement of a new year unfolding brings contemplation of
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: The True and Magnificent Power of Giving by: Michael Lee You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act
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: Need a Boost? Take a Look at How Far You've Come by: Lisa Lake Too many of us are too hard on ourselves, always alert to that devilish voice whispering "you should be farther along in life". Smother that voice right now
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: Give Your Dreams Substance by: Josh Hinds Setting goals is wonderful; it confirms that we've taken those first awkward steps towards attaining what we desire in our lives. The simple fact that you've taken the time to
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: Your Growing Edge by: Angie Dixon You’ve probably heard the term “leading edge†used to refer to technology or products that are in front of the curve, that are really advanced. You may have even heard
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: Feng Shui with Style! Working with Your Element Type by: Stephanie Roberts When you begin to study feng shui, you quickly realize the importance of the qualities and characteristics of the five feng shui elements: wood,
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: Recreating Yourself by: Skye Thomas So it's time for a change. You've taken that hard look in the mirror and you've decided that who you are is not who you want to be. Or perhaps you're standing at a fork in the road
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: Practice, Practice, Practice by: Skye Thomas It may sound silly but the key to self-confidence and building more self-esteem is through practice. Practice what it is you want to feel more confident about and eventually,
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: Pride Goeth… by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 25, 2002 My boyfriend's daughter (I'll call her Mary) got married six months ago. She is 19 and pregnant. My boyfriend (I'll
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: A Ball, Some Friends, and a Soccer Goal by: Nick Smith If Pele, Maridona, and Beckham don't sound at all familiar to you, or if you think Freddy Adou is a guy you may have gone to high school with, keep reading... please.
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: Passionate About Organizing – How To Create A Single System To Organise Both Your Digital And Traditional Photographs by: Kesh Morjaria Digital photography promises much. Store your photographs on your computer,
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: Minimize Stress in Your Life by: Kim Beardsmore Use these simple tips to minimize stress in your day to day living. Lower your expectations and you will suffer less disappointment. Try seeing everything as already perfect
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: 10 Filler Activities for the Summer Business Slowdown by: Kit Lum Summer is a time for the outdoors, for that well-deserved vacation, and with everyone out and about, it’s also a time that you may notice a slowdown
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: Why Aren't They Buying? by: Michael Southon You've polished your sales page over and over again until it's gleaming with benefits. You're getting plenty of traffic. And still - no sales. What's wrong? It could be
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: Four Steps To Eliminate Frustration and Turn Your Online Failure Into Internet Success by: Russ Moore OK, you've been bustin' your butt trying to make money online, but it's just not working out. You're one step away
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: I'm Talking, But is Anyone Listening? by: Denise Hall Internet marketing is a wonderful thing, but it has it's drawbacks. For instance, if you own a brick and mortar store you have a *physical* presence that gets noticed.
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: Get More Done! by: Adrian Coppola Have you ever heard the old saying If you want something done, ask a busy person? Ever wondered why? Ever felt stressed out because you never seem to get through all the chores so you
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: Re-Use The Links You Have When Revising Your Site! by: Martin Lemieux Many times I've seen a web site undergo a revision and everything is brand new, even brand new links! You've worked so hard to get those great page
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: Don't Forget B.O.B.! by: Kathryn Thomas So you’ve got everything in place, busily working away for you. You’ve got your banners out, you’ve exchanged links, you’ve optimized your site for the search engines,
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: Unique Niche Markets by: Dan Brown 1. Your niche could be that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the extra customers to make up for it. 2. Your niche could be that you offer a
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: Best-Selling Book Secrets by: Matt Bacak Everyone says, “Some day I'm going to write a book,†but few actually do. So congratulations on a noteworthy achievement! Now that you're holding your book in your
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: THE 7 Step 'Formula' For Writing POWERFUL Articles In Less Than An Hour by: Cory Threlfall What I'm about to Reveal to you in this article is a easy to follow, "Step-By-Step" formula for writing Powerful articles in less
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: Is Your Web Site Direct Marketing? by: Daniel Levis Here’s one of your biggest opportunities to outflank the competition online. Use your website as a Direct Marketing vehicle, in the classical sense. Have a very
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: Using Repackaging to 'Go Big' with your Online Biz by: Andrea J. Lee It's actually quite common for online business owners to find themselves stuck. So let's start with a bang and talk about one of the best ways I know
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: Break Out of Your Comfort Zone by: Ted Kushner Are you having a hard time breaking out of your comfort zone? Everyone has a comfort zone- they are the routines in your life that you've become accustomed to. Routines
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: Internet Marketing Secret - Know Your Competition by: Jack Elmy Okay, you’ve got your website up and running; you’ve crammed it with all kinds of interesting content; you’ve researched your keywords
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: Business Blogging - 5 Tips to Help You Barrel Through Writer’s Block by: Tinu AbayomiPaul It’s inevitable. Everyone hits the wall. Whether you’ve been blogging ten weeks, ten minutes, or ten months,
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: If You Do Nothing, You'll Get The Same Results - NOTHING! by: Denise Hall We, as Internet marketers, must learn various strategies for getting visitors to our websites and making sales. After all, that's the object
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: What Happened? Troubleshooting Poor Response from Ad Campaigns by: Diane Hughes Too many small business owners today run ad campaigns that get little to no results, and they have no idea why. When you have the knowledge
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: How to Write Your Way to More Quilting Business by: Chuck Smith So, you've opened up your quilting business? You're in a good location, provide a superior product and offer compelling prices. Yet, somehow, you'd like
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: Want to Make More Money? Fish in a Bigger Pond! by: Kimberly Stevens Setting prices is a dilemma most service business owners encounter at one time or another. This week, it was Susan’s turn. “When I first
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: How to Get People to Read Your Ads Like CRAZY! by: Neil Moran Rule One :- The Headline The headline should summarize the whole offer. It should grab the eye, and make you want to read the subheading. The headline
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: Writing Powerful Effective Solo Ads by: Steven Boaze Everybody wants to make more money... In fact, most people would like to hit upon something that makes them fabulously rich! And seemingly, one of the easiest roads
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: Revealed: The ,500 Copywriting Formula by: Sopan Greene Have you heard of Brian Keith Voiles? Probably not, but if you have eyes you've seen his ad campaigns and you probably even bought products that he created ad
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: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Writing Articles. by: Anna-Marie Stewart Venton So how do you get started? What do you write about? What do you actually DO with your articles once you`ve written them? It seems daunting,
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: 10 Steps to Better Sales Copy by: Brandie King You've worked so hard getting that much elusive traffic to your site. You've taken out a few ezine ads that have returned a good number of clickthroughs, you're getting some
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: Cracking The Billable Hours Ceiling by: C.J. Hayden How many of you made as much money as you wanted to last year? Don't be shy; raise your hands. Hmm, I don't see too many hands out there. What would you say is the cause
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: How to Read A Person Like A Book by: Oscar Bruce The human mind is an innovative hybrid that allows us to anticipate the future - to think big thoughts. That's the good news. However, a growing number of psychologists
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: Captive Marketing - What Will They Think of Next? by: David Badurina Every once in awhile a light bulb goes off in someone's head and a new marketing concept is born. One of the more recent "opportunistic" marketing methods
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: The Truth About Joint Ventures by: Jason Mangrum This is a "Shareware" Article (what's that? read on...) This article is shareware. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid
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: Organizing Your Home: The Family Room/Living Room by: Norman Fleming Some homes have a “great room†and no living room, others have a “family room†and a living room. No matter what you call it
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: Scented Candles – Take Me AWAY! by: M J Plaster Remember the old Calgon commercial—"Take me away Calgon!" There's only one thing that can take you away faster than a Calgon bath, and that's a scented candle.
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: Closing Up Your Container Garden by: Debbie Rodgers All good things eventually come to an end and so summer is waning, even as autumn gives most of us a fresh start. I'll bet your summer container plantings aren't really
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: Surfing Your Adrenalin Wave: How To Dissolve--Not Disguise--Anger by: Maya Talisman Frost Feel that rising tide of anger? Surf's up! Start paddling. Whenever we feel angry or frustrated, we get a blast of adrenalin
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: The 7 Phases of Change by: Kimberly Fulcher / Shawn Byler Lose The Weight For Good With The Seven Phases of Change The process of losing weight requires change; in lifestyle, routines, and habitual choices. One of the
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: Diabetes; Life After Diagnosis by: Alexis Allen So you’ve learned that you’ve got diabetes. Well after the initial shock you’re stuck with dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with your diagnosis.
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: See Yourself Losing Weight by: Mark Idzik One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire? You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight,
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: Exposing the Miracle Cure by: Hiram Perez It was Saturday morning and while I was making breakfast, letting the cats outside, and watering my half-dead plants, I had the TV on. Saturday morning TV is usually composed
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: Cracked Up Glossary Of Common Gym Terms by: Nick Nilsson If you’ve ever had occasion to visit a gym, you’ve no doubt heard people talking about "feeling the burn" and "pumping up." But did you ever wonder
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: Resistance Training With Your Dog by: Nick Nilsson You may be wondering, "How can I possibly do resistance training with my dog?" Well, here are a few exercises you can do with the aid of your faithful furry companion. Leg
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: Body Image by: Caryl Ehrlich What do you look like? How big (or small) are you? How tall (or short)? How much do you weigh? When I ask participants how much they weighed when they were teenagers, I hear this lament:
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: You Know You're Craving Sweets A Bit Too Much When... by: Ed Williams You know that you’re craving sweets a bit too much when.... You buy bags of miniatures of your favorite candy bar because you’re convinced
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: AUTOBIOGRAPHY: How to Write & Publish Your Life Story by: Jeff Rivera Have you ever thought about writing your life story as a book? Do you have fascinating events in your life to tell that you know would make a bestselling
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: Cisco Certification: Taking Your First Certification Exam by: Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933 You’ve studied hard; you’ve practiced your configurations; you’ve used your flash cards over and over again;
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: Creating Quality Websites by: Jesse S. Somer Websites, there are literally billions of them out there in cyber-space. How many of them do you go to and just think this is boring, bland, or hard to use? It seems like too
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: Good Websites Stand Out From The Masses Of Boring, Hard To Travel,.. by: M6.net Good websites stand out from the masses of boring, hard to travel, and overly commercial sites that now rule our Cyberspace. Interactivity
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: The True Meaning of Freeware by: Daniel Robson The vast majority of us will have, at some point, had freeware games or applications installed on our systems. If you’ve played an online Java or Flash based game,
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: Strategic Checklists by: Robert F. Abbott I've been through a couple of checklists in the past few days, and it's reaffirmed my faith in their effectiveness as a communication tool. Now, there are at least a couple of
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: The 'Eighth Wonder of the World?' by: colin mc caig I'm sure you've heard this term used at least once or twice… And if you're like many people, you've maybe never thought about its true significance. One person
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: Stress in the Workplace by: Lorraine Pirihi Why are you so busy? Do you really have too much work? Is work so important to you that you'll sacrifice just about anything in your life to get the job done? Even if it's at
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: Why Are You So Busy? by: Lorraine Pirihi Why are you so busy? Do you really have too much work? Is work so important to you that you'll sacrifice just about anything in your life to get the job done? Even if it's at
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: Five Magic Phrases: Tips For Negotiating Like A Pro by: Jenna Glatzer Those who are new to freelancing are often too afraid to ask for more than a client offers. Thrilled to be making any money at all, new freelancers
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: The Power Of Giving by: William Reed You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act known as "giving?" When
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: Hassle-Free Homebuying by: W. Troy Swezey Perhaps you’d like to take advantage of today’s great buyer’s market in housing but feel a little intimidated by everything that’s involved. You know
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: Hassle-Free Homebuying by: W. Troy Swezey Perhaps you’d like to take advantage of today’s great real estate market in housing but feel a little intimidated by everything that’s involved. You know
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