Tag: Message
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: Internet Forums - Six Ways To Avoid Disaster by: Elaine Currie Internet Forums are highly popular, they cater for all tastes and deal with every topic imaginable. People visit Internet forums for a variety of reasons,
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: 10 Elements Every Direct Mail Piece Should Have by: Joe Niewierski Don’t want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? Studies show an effective direct mail campaign should draw
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: How To Create An Automated Income Producer by: Dan Farrell One of my favorite net marketing tasks is creating a FREE report or e-course and watching it fill with subscribers on an autoresponder. You might not realize
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: Absurdity of Absurd: Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot by: Samir K. Dash What does ‘Absurd’ mean ?When I searched the glossaries ,I found the word to be ‘out of harmony’(1).But yet the definitions trying hard
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: Why Self-Publish Your Book? by: Ceci Miller When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who’s definitely the right person to write that book, right away I’ll often encourage him or her to self-publish.
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: Wording Up Your Website by: Glenn Murray Back to basics. Forget funky design, good copywriting is the key to a clear and intuitive website. Are you losing business because of your website? More and more customers are
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: "Get It All" with Good Web Content by: Cherie Davidson No matr how goud th infomation... why wood you tak content like this seriusly? No mater how good the infomation, if is riddiled with typos its asta lavista baby.
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: How To Write Compelling Autoresponder Messages That Recipients Will Love To Read by: Chad Cook An autoresponder can send emails but the essence is that those emails get read and acted upon by the recipients. There is
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: Five Tips to Launching a Successful Message Forum by: Lisa Irby Forums a.k.a. "message boards" can be great marketing tools for your website. They attract repeat visitors and provide a meeting place for them to share
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: Autoresponder Tips by: Richard Lowe, Jr. An autoresponder is useful for, well, responding to people who send you inquiries through email. They are actually more than just merely useful - they are an essential tool in any
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: The Number One Tried and Tested Method For Exploding Your Ezine Subscriptions by: Tracey Meagher We all know how cagey and stubborn prospects can be and we know that only a tiny percentage will buy our products the first
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: Speakers and Trainers - The Internet is Your Biggest Megaphone by: Dr. Lynella Grant Speak to an Audience that Reaches across the Globe As a professional at home on the platform, you’ve spent years polishing a
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: How To Top The Medal Tables With Your Website by: Michael Cheney You can achieve success with your website of Olympic proportions - here's some help to get you started.. The Olympic motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius"
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: E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources by: Candy Brauer I'll be the first to admit it; I'm a cheap skate. I'm not as bad as many I meet, but if there's a legal, ethical way to get it for cheaper or free, I'm there.
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: Simplifying Simple by: Eliza Bloom I have a 440-page guide on how to simplify my life, but I haven't found the time to read it. Like you perhaps, my once-quiet world now clatters with the joy of a large family. Amid
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: Great Communication Skills by: Colin Ong TS Having good communication skills in the workplace is important. This article will provide tips to take into account a rapidly changing workplace. Details of the message: It
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: What My Neighbour’s Cat Taught Me About Communication by: Marie-Claire Ross Igor is a large, muscly Russian Blue cat that loves to sleep for most of the day, get scratched under his neck and play a short game of
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: E-mail Magic by: Joe Cirillo Is an overabundance of e-mail stealing precious moments of your time? If it is, it’s time to take some of those moments back so you can start enjoying life instead of feeling overwhelmed
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: What is Intution and How do I use it? by: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or
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: Powerful Communication:Language: The Key that Opens or Closes that Important Door by: Connie Butler What prevents people from using their native language or secondary languages confidently comes down to seven traps that
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: Maternal Instincts by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 14, 2002 I am a woman in her mid-60s whose husband passed away, and I do not want to enter into a relationship with another man.
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: Painting as a Spiritual Expression by: Ernesto Apomayta Is a painting no more than a piece of paper with lines and color or is it more than that? In the hands of the master painter, who is painting in the spirit; the
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: Phone Tips To Get Things Done: Professional Phone Skills by: John Robertson It happens all the time, you hear someone over the telephone and you make a generalization about the person you are speaking with. It may not
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: Disguise Your ClickBank Affiliate Links Using Status-bar Faking by: Tim Coulter Many surfers are savvy enough to identify ClickBank affiliate links, simply by glancing at their browser's status-bar before clicking. The
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: Winning the War On Spam by: Michael Southon For years I didn't worry much about spam. But lately it's got out of control. Over half of my email is now spam, and it was growing by the week - until I took action. This
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: How To Write E-mail Messages For Phenomenal Results by: Ewen Chia Would you be interested in getting 10 times better results from your current e-mail marketing campaigns? While the above is a hypothetical figure, it
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: Lumpy Mail Gets Your Message Through by: John Jantsch When it comes to your gravy, lumps are bad. When it comes to getting your marketing message through the mail room, past the gate keepers, and onto your buyer’s
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: Building an Email Marketing List by: Megan Corwin There's a marketing estimate that it takes something like seven contacts with a potential client before they purchase. Email is a wonderful way to handle these contacts
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: Streaming Audio Made Easy by: Quentin Brown February 1, 2004 Internet streaming audio is the most prevalent form of multimedia on the Internet today according to Creative, one of the leading companies in the sound hardware
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: Email Etiquette III by: Kathie M. Thomas Further to my previous issues this subject continues - part III. This month I'll share on Topic Changes and Read Receipts. Both can give you some trouble if you're not careful. Topic
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: Email Etiquette II by: Kathie M. Thomas I had great feedback from my last article, and was asked to write further on the subject; hence my title. This month I'll share on Email Etiquette in discussion groups. For those
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: “Improve Your Email’s Deliverability“ by: Karen Fegarty With SPAM accounting for over 50% of the email that is delivered to our inboxes many corporations and ISPs have implemented solutions to deal
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: Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results by: Karen Fegarty Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program,
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: What Good Is An AutoResponder? by: Richard Lowe, Jr. A term that confuses just about everyone is "autoresponder". When I mention that to friends or associates, they almost always reply with a blank stare, a "what the
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: Using Forums to Promote Your Business by: Megan Corwin When is work not really work? When it's fun! Using online forums, also called message boards, can be a fun way to promote your business in a low key way. Benefits: You
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: Simple Steps to Project a Professional Home-Business Image by: David A. James One of the more difficult tasks to deal with when starting a home-based business is to decide how to establish your pathways of communication
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: Viral Marketing by: Rajitha Dahanayake What is Viral Marketing? “Viral marketing is word of mouth marketing on the web. In other words it is the “e†term for word of mouth marketing.†Viral marketing
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: What Makes Your Online Ads Persuasive? by: Lil Waldner The first impression that the people get from your ad decides if they click or skip. This shows that writing really persuasive ads is not easy. Writing irrestisible
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: Interested In Free Targeted Traffic by: Jason Paris How to Get Free Targeted Internet Traffic to Your Website No matter what opportunity or product you promote via the internet you do not have a business unless you
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: When a Customer Has Done Everything to Get Your Goat by: Ron Hutton You try to make your customers happy. You sincerely WANT them to be pleased with your products and service. You go out of your way to provide quality
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: The “secret weapon†of successful web marketing is… by: Liz Micik Impulse shopping in the checkout lane may be what drives grocery store profits, but chances are it doesn't do a thing for your business.
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: Sneaky Web Design Tricks That Automatically Boost Readership & Drive-Up Conversion Rate! by: Dan Lok Do you have powerful, irresistible, conversion-oriented sales copy that's waiting to be uploaded simply because you
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: Email Follow Up Tips, 8 Of Them... by: Daniel Levis The first thing you need to do is get your e-mails opened & read. Spend at least as much time worrying about the subject line of each e mail in your sequence as you
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: Profit From an Online Community by: Stephen Bucaro What if you could setup a website, then lay back and collect money while web users build your website for you? Surprisingly, there are many ways to do just that. Examples
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: Email Deliverability Tips by: Tom Kulzer Ensuring requested opt-in email is delivered to subscriber inboxes is an increasingly difficult battle in the age of spam filtering. Open and click thru response rates can be dramatically
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: Automate Your Web Business by: David Coyne Whether you sell products or services on the Internet, you should get an autoresponder as soon as possible. It’s an immense time saver. And for most online entrepreneurs
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: Why You Need an Article-Marketing Strategy before Posting a Single Article Online I by: Dr. Lynella Grant Part 1 of a 2-part series To read Part 2 http://www.promotewitharticles.com/strategy102.html First, Define
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: The Unidentified Rule of Email Advertisements by: Steven Boaze Majority of the email messages we receive today either ends up in our saved messages folder or goes straight to the trash can. The more dominate and familiar
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: A single email is never enough by: JD Burson “Repetition is the key to advertising (marketing)â€. Those words were said by a friend of mine, Jason Olson, back in his days of selling radio and direct mail ads.
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: Simplify Your Message For An Effective E-Newsletter by: Michael J. Katz If you're old enough to know your total cholesterol count off the top of your head (217), you may remember a man by the name of Jim Fixx. Fixx
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: Why Doesn't My Small Business Web Site Sell? by: Jeremy Cohen Many small business owners are disappointed by the ability of their web sites to generate new business. Simply having a web site does not guarantee its effectiveness
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: Why Doesn’t My Small Business Web Site Sell? by: Jeremy Cohen Many small business owners are disappointed by the ability of their web site to generate new business. Simply having a web site does not guarantee
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: Get Traffic & Sales Using Discussion Forums by: Jean Sutherland Message boards, discussion forums and newsgroups can all produce very profitable results for you and your business. Most of us already participate in one
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: The Top 10 The Top Ten Signs That Your Marketing Message Needs a Facelift by: Bea Fields Is your marketing plan dull, flat, and downright boring? Is it lacking the zest and appeal which can penetrate the consciousness
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: Internet Communication Methods by: Sharon Housley How do we keep Internet communication simple? Let's start by taking a look at the different methods used to communicate on the web. It is important to understand the nuances
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: LED Moving Message Displays by: Paula Jones LED's are becoming more and more popular in all kinds of lighting fixtures. For simpler, slimmer design, moving message displays utilize Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s)
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: Moving message Sign by: Paula Jones Moving Message Signs are a unique, attention-grabbing way to communicate and motivate. They are used for eye-catching shop-front or under awning advertising, promotions of products
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: Moving Message Board by: Paula Jones Moving message boards are used in the areas where continuous announcements, or other information are need to be displayed in to either indoor or outdoor. Used most widely in churches,
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: Moving Message Display by: Paula Jones Moving message display are designed to be installed into environments where vast amounts of information need to be conveyed to large audiences both quickly and efficiently, also
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: What Do The Olympics Have To Do With Marketing? by: Dan Lok Millions of people around the world tuned into the Games of the XXVII Olympiad for the extraordinary displays of physical strength and prowess offered by the
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: The Sweet Aroma of Highly Effective Marketing by: Jeremy Cohen Highly effective marketing is accomplished when your marketing materials and marketing strategy work together to reliably move your prospects through your
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: 7 Tips for Successful Postcard Marketing by: Bob Leduc Simple low-cost postcards have become a valuable business tool for modern marketers. They can produce a surge of traffic to your web site or a flood of high-quality
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: Be Image Smarter - Stop Using "Cookie Cutter" Marketing by: Judith A. Wentzel We all know you only get one chance to make a good first impression. That is why all your marketing materials need to relay a sharp, professional
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: About Your Newsletter by: Iulia Pascanu No matter how you name it: email advertising, email marketing campaign, newsletter, ezine. The medium is already worn out. Overused. Abused. This means you have to make extra efforts
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: Maximize Attention for Your Small Business by: Jeremy Cohen If you have a great product or service that people want you are well on your way to being successful. However, in order to lock in and grow your success you
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: Make your 2005 Email Marketing Plan Successful - Six useful tips by: Mike Savaliya Email Marketing is growing more and more every year. Many small E-business owners have already made marketing plans for 2005. Email marketing
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: How To Survive Speed Networking by: Alan Matthews “ Speed networking “ is a contradiction in terms. The whole point of networking is to build relationships over time so that people get to know and trust
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: How to Generate More Business by Telling People What You Do by: Jeremy Cohen What do you tell people when asked what you do? Many small business owners and independent professionals repeatedly miss great opportunities
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: Voice Mail That Sells by: Kelley Robertson As a business owner, I receive my share of sales calls in a given month. More often than not, I’m away from my desk or out of the office which means I end up listening
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: Your Business Deserves a Second Chance! by: A l Hanzal When you started your business, you dreamed your customers would love your products and services. They would be excited. You would make money doing what you love.
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: Kick-Starting Body Copy by: Patrick Quinn Several correspondents to our newsletter, AdBriefing, say that they are having trouble writing body copy for ads. Their problem seems to be the age-old one of how to kick things
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: Sell with KISS, as in "Keep it Simple, Stupid" by: Stan Rosenzweig (From “Smart Marketing – What big companies practice and you should learn about marketing branding and business development†by Stan
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: How to Print Your Marketing Postcards For A Penny, Address Them For Free, and Automate the Whole Process by: Jason Van Orden This article will show you how to cut your printing costs to a penny and have your postcards
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: What A Newsletter Can Do For Your Business by: Claire Cunningham Newsletters are often thought of as easy, do-it-yourself communications projects. The reality is different…and that can be discouraging. Developing
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: Does Your Message Pass the Test? by: Claire Cunningham Develop an effective benefit message and you’re well on your way to building your company’s entire marketing program. After all, you need focus to create
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: Creating Marketing Fireworks by: Charlie Cook If you live in a small town like mine on the Connecticut coast, you will spend the 4th of July watching fireworks, along with everyone else in town. Why is it that people love
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: Testimonials Convert Prospects Into Buyers by: Bob Leduc Big businesses get instant credibility with their well-known company name or brand name. But small companies have to create their own credibility. One of most powerful
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: Powerful Direct Marketing Numbers by: Larry Brophy Direct Marketing works! Why? It works because it's personal. It carries a message, answers questions and gets orders. Direct Response Marketing works because it is "conversation
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: What Is the Most Effective Way to Advertise? by: Charlie Cook Bob from Ottawa wrote to ask, "What is the most effective way to advertise locally at a friendly price. Thinking of postcards..." Bob has an unusual business.
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: 10 Tips to Use Giveaways Effectively by: Susan Friedmann Walk around any trade or consumer show and you will be able to collect a bag full of advertising specialties, or giveaway items all designed to promote. But look
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: Does your Book Cover Pass the “Ignore†Test? by: Ovi Dogar - The CoversExpert Your book cover is the first impression a potential client has with your book. The book cover design and message will determine
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: Guerilla Marketing Lesson 2: Why Do People Call Me? by: Barrett Niehus Before we begin, I want you to think about how many times you actually sought out an advertisement. How did you know where to look for it? Why did
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: Real Estate Marketing, Do You Use Direct Mail? by: Barrett Niehus Prospecting for leads is by far the most difficult part of being a Realtor or small business professional. In fact, lead development is by far the most
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: 7 BIG Ideas for Better eMail by: BIG Mike McDaniel More about eMail from BIG Mike McDaniel. 1 Empty your In-Box daily. Don’t use it for storage. Check incoming eMail at least once a day and deal with it. Move unread
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: Modern Marketing With Postcards by: Bob Leduc Postcards may be one of the best kept secrets of modern marketing. They produce even better results now than in the past. That's probably because postcards deliver information
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: Developing a Formal Brand Messaging Document by: Richard Cunningham Ensure everyone in your company sings from the same sheet of music when it comes to communicating a consistent brand message. Imagine one of your customers
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: How To Rescue Your Graphic Design Project When All Else Fails by: Dali Bahat Whether you're giving a critical sales presentation to a client, producing visuals for a meeting, event, trade show or seminar, or unveiling
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: Explaining What You Do in 15 Seconds by: Charlie Cook You're in the elevator and your friend John introduces you to Barbara who is the CEO of one of the companies you'd like to do business with. Barbara asks, "What do
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: Is Your Marketing Message Holding You Back? by: Charlie Cook Your marketing message is like a key. If you've got the right one, it will help you unlock doors to new business and start the process of converting them to
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: Image is Everything! by: Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA Marketing is an integral part to any business, especially for a Virtual Assistance who has to rely on a professional and creative image. How you get the word out about your
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: Great Brands Depend on Attention to the Brand Architecture by: Richard Cunningham Do you have the architecture in place to make sure each and every brand contact sends the right message? Thinking in terms of architecture,
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: 5 Reasons Why Headlines Are Crucial To Your Website’s Success by: Robert Boduch Without a powerful headline, your message stands little chance of being noticed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. If your headline
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: Play it Again Sam by: Beth Brodovsky The marketing director for one of my longtime clients used to complain "does it have to be purple again?" What she and many others don’t realize is that the color you are seeing
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: Creating Effective Opt-in E-Mail Campaigns by: Lee Traupel It's been said before, but important to re-emphasize, e-mail is the "killer application" of the information age. According to the latest Forrester Research numbers,
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: Why Mobile SMS Text Marketing not Email Marketing? by: Vijay Shukla Why Mobile SMS Text Marketing not Email Marketing? With over 1.8 billion mobile connections globally, mobile marketing has now become an extremely effective
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: How To Create An Automated Income Producer by: Dan Farrell One of my favorite net marketing tasks is creating a FREE report or e-course and watching it fill with subscribers on an autoresponder. You might not realize
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: Marketing, Lead Generation, and Research: A 3-in-1 Solution. by: Jay Gilmore I Hate Cold Calls Long before I started my business, I realized that I wasn't good at telephone sales and that I would need to generate leads
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: How to Build a Forum That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Months Later, Part 1 by: Robert Plank If you can get a big enough following from customer lists and newsletters you might want to start your own forum. But I always see
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: Seven Ways to Warm Your Prospects Using Website Audio by: Tracey Meagher Gone are the days when putting audio on your website consisted of subjecting your visitors to gaudy musical fanfares and various clichéd sound
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: Mobile Marketing tips for Small Businesses by: Chris Smith Welcome to the next frontier in marketing – wireless or mobile marketing, also known as m-commerce. Analysts predict that 2005 will be the year that mobile
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