Tag: Card
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: Do Not Business Cards by: Florie Lyn Masarate This is assuming you already know what to do with business cards. There have been tips already focusing on what to do with business cards to make them look professional even
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: How To Use Direct Response Card Decks To Fine Tune Your Marketing... by: Thom Reece Market research specialists have discovered a new tool which enables them to quickly identify target market cells, measure buyer acceptance,
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: The Never Ending Sale by: Jay Conners Once you have added a new customer to your book of business, plan on keeping that customer until you have all of their business, and the business of their family and friends. This
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: Gift Certificate by: Reina P Everyone has experienced a similar situation where they have to present a particular individual with a gift and they are one of those people who seem to already have ‘everything’.
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: Never Forget to Say Thank You by: Lisa Hartwell As children we were taught it was a common courtesy to send thank you letters. Remember the chore of having to sit down after a birthday or Christmas and thank grandparents,
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: Different Types of Credit Cards and Features - Part 1 by: Keith Baxter Just as there are too many credit card companies to count, there seems to be just as many different credit cards, all claiming to offer you the best
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: What is on Your Credit Report? by: Beth Pardue Your credit report is a very important piece of the puzzle in your financial picture. It contains a historical record of your personal and financial information including
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: Why Your Credit Score is Important by: Beth Pardue Your credit score can either haunt you or reward you. It all depends on how you handle your credit and payment activities. Your credit score determines what interest
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: Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages by: Beth Pardue When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use
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: Credit Card Wealth Secrets And Ideas by: Steve Gillman "Credit card wealth secrets," the ad read. I assumed it was yet another over-hyped unworkable scheme. It probably was, but it made me remember the times in my life
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: The "Credit Card Debt Termination" Scam by: Charles J. Phelan "Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet
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: Tips for Choosing a Credit Card Company by: John Daley Credit Cards are essential for any consumer today. However, when choosing a new credit card company, many people do not know what to look for. It is important to
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: Marketing to Women -- Can I Buy You A Clue? by: Denise O'Berry A while back a small business owner paid me a visit. He wanted help marketing his fitness business to women. Before we even started talking, he handed me
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: Credit Card Transfers by: Jakob Jelling Be careful who you trust with your credit card transfers. Credit card fraud happens on a regular basis now, for which reason you should be very careful how you use your credit
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: Credit Card Interest Rate by: Jakob Jelling A low credit card interest rate is important in order to save money. Your credit card interest rate is one of the biggest things that you should pay attention to when you decide
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: Credit Card Debt Help by: Jakob Jelling Debt consolidation is the most effective type of credit card debt help. Most people get into credit card debt when they end up getting more than one credit card, and unfortunately,
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: Credit Card Counseling by: Jakob Jelling Credit card counseling can help you get out of debt fast. If you are in credit card debt, then you might want to try going to credit card counseling in order to find out what
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: Bankruptcy Credit Card by: Jakob Jelling A bankruptcy credit card is basically a card that you can get despite bad credit. If you have been in bankruptcy in the past, you are probably finding it difficult to build up
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: Debt Consolidation Primer – Four Things You Can Do to Get Out of Debt by: Charlie Essmeier Problem debt is rampant throughout America. In addition to mortgages and auto loans, the average household in the U.S.
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: Using Business and Greeting Cards Effectively by: Jay Conners Business cards and greeting cards almost go hand in hand when being used for marketing and business purposes. With a few exceptions. One is bigger than the
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: Credit And Debt Management by: Kelly Kennedy Today's consumers benefit drastically from the usefulness of credit. Credit cards are especially useful for large purchases, emergency situations, reservations, identification,
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: A New Way To Self Publish by: Anna Kathryn Bir More and more good authors are turning to the Internet to self publish. There are several reasons for that. All of them are probably well known to every writer by now, so
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: Alternative View Points and the Lamp of Creativity by: Sue Kendrick Pictures they say are worth a thousand words, but many writers know that they are worth much more than that! Without decent photographs or other artwork
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: What's Up with the Bad Reading by: Sam Stevens A lot of times when I am reading people on the site I notice people talking about having a "bad reading." By that they usually mean that the psychic pulled a so-called "bad"
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: Basic Tarot for Beginners by: Sam Stevens If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, but have no idea who to ask to teach you or how to go about it, the following tips should help you get started on your path to
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: Creative Wedding Cards by: Declan Tobin You invitation is a reflection on the type of wedding its going to be weather it be formal, informal or themed this will be transparent in the invitation. The invitation is the
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: IKobo Review - Part 1 by: Adam Senour The Initial Discovery In April of 2004, I became aware of a company called iKobo as the result of a posting on Web Design Forums (http://www.webdesignforums.net), a website design
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: Travelers Checks Versus Debit Cards by: Steve Gillman My first time overseas, I had to exchange cash in 0 of travelers checks to pay a mountaineering guide who hadn't heard of American Express. The bank charged me
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: Beware of Using Your Credit Card Abroad? by: Gerron Woodruffe It’s summer. And for some lucky Americans, this means going vacation to a far off land in hopes of relieving the stress of everyday life. In general,
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: Traveling to Europe with your Digital Camera? by: Doug Rogers The Vacation Season is fast approaching and naturally you will be taking your digital camera along for the journey. After all your vacations are far and few
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: A Lifetime Cruise - Hawaiian Cruise - An Exotic Hawaiian Cruise Trip by: Colin Hartness Hawaiian Cruises are everyone*s dream cruise to the Hawaiian Islands on an exquisite ocean liner. Being pampered from dawn to dusk
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: Playing Your Cards Right -- Tips for Traveling with Credit Cards by: Gail Corwin Using credit cards while traveling is a good idea for a number of reasons: You have a record of your expenditures for record-keeping
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: URL Everywhere by: Scott 'Gears' Your URL (www) should be everywhere and more. I know many of you are going to think this is common sense, but how many of these are you using? Your web address should be on every piece
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: Is Plastic Making You Happier? by: Colin Mc Caig If you’re like most people, you probably own at least one. And like most people, you’ve maybe never thought what it’s really costing you… At a recent conference
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: Beware the Shopping Mall Monster by: Colin Mc Caig Like me, you’ve probably been offered a fair old number of these by now... ..and, if you’re like most people, chances are you maybe own at least one or two. They
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: Yes Tarot Readings Are For You! by: Alan Woods Have you ever thought? What is the best way out of this situation or which job do I take which decision do I make and offcourse which path is best! Choices, choices, choices,
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: Create a Network and Catapult Your Job Search by: Teena Rose Networking is still known as a great job-search strategy, yet it eludes some individuals simply because they don’t know how to go about it. Individuals
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: LifeHacking Your Grocery Shopping by: J Wynia "The cupboards are full and there's 'nothing' to eat". Has that phrase ever echoed through your kitchen? Do you have stacks of food items that don't really go together taking
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: Interpreting Tarot Cards - Part 3 by: Maria Svensson In the previous article, we looked at an easy tarot card reading method using just the 22 major arcana cards, and got as far as the Wheel of Fortune. We will carry
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: Make Learning The Tarot Easier Part II by: Deborah Sexton Key Meanings Cards Depicting Drugs, Alcohol Use 7 of Cups and Temperance ( Reversed ) Cards Depicting Transportation, Travel and Journeys (Literal or Spiritual)
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: Make Learning The Tarot Easier Part I by: Deborah Sexton Like anything else that is complex, the Tarot can take years to learn. If you plan to do readings for others you must learn them as completely as possible. This
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: Interpreting Tarot Cards - Part 2 by: Maria Svensson Last time we looked at a simplified tarot card reading scheme based on the 22 major arcana cards, and got as far as the Emperor. We will continue this week with the
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: Can Fear of Public Speaking Actually Make You a Better Speaker? by: Larry Tracy Few elements of modern life can be so detrimental for one's ability for self-improvement and success than “Fear of Public Speaking.â€
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: Interpreting Tarot Cards by: Maria Svensson Interpreting Tarot cards is, as you might expect, quite difficult and requires much practice. So is there an easy way? A short cut? yes - by focusing only on the Major Arcana
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: Be Happy, Join The Wednesday Worry Club by: Rev. James L. Snyder Of all the people who know me, no one would say I am afflicted with worryitis. They may say other things about me, which may or may not be true, but that's
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: How To Pack 48 Hours Into Your Day by: Ayesha Dean Too much to do, too little time, constant stress. Most of us have been there. Not too long ago this is how I lived my life. I had deadlines to meet but I would constantly
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: Future Prediction by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 13, 2004 I'm in a long-distance relationship that is five months old; of those five months we have spent a total of 15 days together
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: Life After Debt – Strategies for Dealing with Problem Debt by: Brian Sabalinski Honorably and ethically rid yourself of burdensome debts using the little known Negotiation Strategy, without having to experience
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: Depositing Funds to Your Online Casino & Poker Room Account by: Andrew Denton Ways To Deposit When I first wanted to start playing in online casinos and poker rooms, I thought it would be as easy as 123 to start playing
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: Blackjack - Increase Your Odds With Basic Strategy Plus by: Tom McBroom Blackjack Basic Strategy, played perfectly in a game with favorable rules, will reduce the edge against you to about one half of one percent, the
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: A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #3 by: Sam Stevens Most Tarot decks consist of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana consist of four "suitsâ€, just like a deck of regular playing
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: Connecting On The Road by: Jeff Anderson Are you one of those travelers who simply cannot stand to be apart from your internet connection? And are you wondering how you can still have get email or surf the web while on
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: Poker by: Tony Karabetsos Americans play Poker in many places such as in casino card rooms, online and at home. It is estimated over 0 million in bets are made through online casinos everyday and this figure may double
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: People Love Games by: Jeff Anderson People love games. Whether it's a board or card game or a game for computer play, they are fun and popular. People have played games since the beginning of time. Games were first
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: Seven Ways For Saving Your Digital Images For Ever! by: Chris Thomas So, you have taken lots of pictures with your new digital camera, the memory card is full, and you are wondering how to store and archive your images. 1
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: Online Blackjack Basics by: Chen Ching-feng Online blackjack or “21â€, as it is commonly known, is by far the most popular card game offered in virtual casino establishments. This page will tell you what you
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: 7 Card Stud Poker by: Chen Ching-feng Stud poker is poker in which the first round of cards, and often the last, is dealt face down and the others face up. 7 card stud poker is a variant of this, which has become more
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: Connecting On The Road by: Gregg Siebert Are you one of those travelers who simply cannot stand to be apart from your internet connection? And are you wondering how you can still have get email or surf the web while on
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: Understanding a Tarot Card Reading by: Lisa Lamont Getting the most from a Tarot card reading relies on the reader’s ability to perceive not only the symbolic meaning from the spread, but also the mystical significance.
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: Tarot Basics by: Lisa Lamont A Tarot card deck typically consists of 78 colorful cards imprinted with what many deem fascinating and curious images. The cards, each filled with a particular meaning and portent, most often
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: Games to Play With Tarot Cards by: Lisa Lamont The lighter side of Tarot deals with games played using this deck of uniquely peculiar cards. These range from the highly complex to those a four-year-old can play. “Zarcana,â€
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: The History Of Blackjack and How To Play The Game by: Adel Awwad The origin of Blackjack is somewhat unclear. Some people believe that Blackjack originated in French casinos in the early 1700s where it was known as "vingt-et-un"
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: An Easy Way to Become a Good Blackjack Player by: Tom McBroom Learning to play the game of casino Blackjack reasonably well is not rocket science, regardless of what the dozens of books on the subject would have you believe.
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: Playing Ace-King in Texas Holdem by: Doug Tomlinson Everyone who plays Texas Holdem knows that Ace-King is one of the very best starting hands. But, it is just that, a starting hand. It’s only 2 cards of a 7 card
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: Bingo – It’s Birth and Beginning by: John C. Thorenssen The true origin of bingo dates back as far as the mid 16th century and is connected, strangely enough to the unification of Italy in 1530. This unification
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: College Savings Reward Plans - Making Them Work for You by: Tim Paul You are probably well aware that college costs are soaring and that the need for parents to build college savings has never been greater. You may also
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: Your Child’s Self-Esteem is in The Cards by: Susan Howson Research has shown that the present generation of children worldwide is demonstrating more social-emotional challenges (from low self-esteem to depression)
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: Can I Write and Print My Own Business Brochures and Business Cards? by: Jan Kovarik If you have a computer and a printer, preferably one that can print in color, then you can make your own brochures and business cards
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: My Rich Mum's Ebook Secrets by: SS.Jay As usual, I walked into the Starbucks for my morning coffee. Enjoying my morning coffee in Starbucks has been a routine since a year back. Now, everything in that particular Starbucks
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: How To Create and Market Your own E-Book by: Michael Southon The Internet presents an amazing opportunity for anyone who knows how to research and write. There's masses of free information on the Web - all you have to
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: How to Boost Conversion Rates, While Lowering Merchant Account Fees! by: Eric Graham Using an Address Verification System (AVS) when processing your online credit card transactions can help to reduce the number of fraudulent
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: It Can't Happen to Me.....Can It? by: Denise Hall We all know scams abound on the internet. The types we're probably most familiar with are the "get rich quick" schemes and the "Nigerian scam" letters. If you're smart
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: Got Some L.A.F.S.? by: Kathryn Thomas Could you use some laughs? I’ll bet you could, especially if they increased your online sales. And, no, I’m not talking about jokes, cartoons, and riddles. L.A.F.S. stands
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: Don't Forget B.O.B.! by: Kathryn Thomas So you’ve got everything in place, busily working away for you. You’ve got your banners out, you’ve exchanged links, you’ve optimized your site for the search engines,
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: My Top 7 Favorite Ecommerce Tools by: Jim Edwards When you make your living on the Internet, you sometimes forget that the resources you use every day (and take for granted) might rate an incredible discovery to anyone
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: How to Hire a Freelancer Using Elance by: Matt Bacak If you have a project that you need to outsource but don't know where to turn, Elance might be your solution. Elance connects businesses with a pool of professional
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: Effective methods of doing business online! by: Nowshade Kabir With all these dot com failures so rampant, you may question, is it still viable to consider an online venture? The truth is: while spectacular rise and
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: Shop: Is Shopping Online Secure? by: Linda Quinones Shop: Is Shopping Online Secure? Is shopping online becoming popular and safe enough for you and I to do the vast majority of our shopping on the Internet? As I contemplated,
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: Online Merchant Account - Costs and Alternatives by: Bruce Zhang A Merchant Account is a commercial bank account established by a merchant to receive payment via credit cards. Three parts are required to accept credit
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: Are You Safe Ordering Online? by: Michael Rock Even this day and age people are very insecure about ordering anything online. Even though many people order and give their credit card information over the phone they still
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: How To Choose a Good Credit Card Processor For Your Home Business Website by: John Stafford I'm sure you've heard the phrase: "If you don't accept credit card payments you're losing 80% of your potential sales" Well,
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: Using Paypal for eBay Purchases by: Terry Gibbs Paypal is the preferred payment choice for many buyers because Paypal allows buyers to pay instantly for eBay purchases. In this article, we will review using Paypal on
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: Taking Paypal on eBay by: Terry Gibbs Accepting Paypal as a payment method might increase your selling prices and your profits. This depends on what you are selling. I sell collectibles to collectors. My clients are like
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: My Secret To Selling More Big Ticket Items by: Willie Crawford Many aspiring Internet marketers hear all of the talk about earning a six-figure income and assume that it's all hype. Some of it is hype, but earning a
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: How To Give Your Business Credibility by: David Coyne Let’s face it. Buying products and services from the Internet can be a bit intimidating. You may have no idea where the online merchant is located. You may
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: Killer Online Marketing Strategy Goes Offline by: John Jantsch One of the greatest ways to generate new marketing strategies is to look for new ways to apply proven techniques. Heck, some of the greatest business innovations
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: Postcards Make It Rain Referrals by: John Jantsch One of the simplest ways to expand your marketing efforts is through the consistent use of postcards. Create a list of narrowly targeted prospects and then hammer away
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: How to NOT to Go Into Big Debt While Building Your Online Business! by: Tal Fighel Credit cards can be a great thing for the new online independent business owners who have just started their online venture. They are
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: Don't Get Caught With Your Profits Down! by: Denise Hall It's the busy season - the time of year when your customers shop 'til they drop. As a business owner you're probably happily enjoying the extra sales the holiday
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: How Web Masters Can Start a Home Based Business Using Credit Cards by: Claire Bowes If you’re a webmaster who has been itching to start a home based business and you are experiencing some cash flow problems and
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: The Headless Newbie - don't burn that credit card by: Marc Howlett Are you a headless newbie? I know I was when twelve month ago when I started looking into setting up an online business. Whichever way I turned people
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: Increase Sales with Payment Solutions by: Marc Singer Take a second and imagine your shopping on a website, find the product you've been looking for, and as you go to the order form to purchase it, you find out that
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: How to Eliminate Credit Card Refunds from 'Digital Thieves' by: George Papazoglou Can you encounter the number of times where a Credit Card Sale was generated, only to receive a "Refund Notification" from your contracted
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: Don’t be a Victim of Online Auction Fraud by: Stephen Bucaro The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) reported that last year 7.7 million dollars was lost through online auction scams. The actual losses are much
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: Filmmaking - Don't Pay Rate Card! by: Angela Taylor If you want to broadcast across Hollywood that you are an amateur, pay the rental company’s published rate card amounts for your production equipment. No professional
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: Filmmaking - Don't Pay Rate Card! by: Angela Taylor If you want to broadcast across Hollywood that you are an amateur, pay the rental company’s published rate card amounts for your production equipment. No professional
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: Be Image Smarter - Stop Using "Cookie Cutter" Marketing by: Judith A. Wentzel We all know you only get one chance to make a good first impression. That is why all your marketing materials need to relay a sharp, professional
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: Promote Your Web Business With Every Email You Send! by: Dan Karwoski Website owners are always on the lookout for new ways to promote their business. What if I told you could advertise your business every time you send
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: Networking - Relax! by: Gill Fernley Networking – relax! – Gill Fernley and Justin Baker, Six Degrees Network Anyone who has been to a networking event has met business card thruster guy. Won’t leave
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: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder… by: Janice D. Byer, MVA However, in the world of business, this cliché may not necessarily be true. Sometimes it can be more like ‘Out of Site, Out of Mind’.
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