Tag: However
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: Cell Phones for Kids - How Young is Too Young? by: Barry Nagassar Take a random tween, age 8-12, place them in front of a rotary phone and observe at the blank stare of bewilderment. Yes, gone are the days of the landline,
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: The Edinburgh Festival – Why Brits Are Missing Out by: R. Richmond The annual Edinburgh Festivals are regarded world wide as some of the best Europe has to offer in terms of film, literature and music. Every year
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: "COMING SOON...Online Attractions - Featuring all of the beautiful men and women searching for LOVE" by: Victoria Leal In my attempts to find the love of my life, I knew that they were not going to be found in the town
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: Movies on the Internet by: Maitre Defilz You're watching TV 1 evening scanning through the reruns thinking it's pathetic how little there exists to watch anymore when a incredible movie trailer comes on. It's every single
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: Why Book Writers Need A Running Mate by: Marvin D. Cloud By far, I have found that the lack of discipline is the biggest hindrance for most people, when it comes to writing a book of any kind. Although I urge you as a
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: Stress Relief During Pregnancy by: Beverley Brooke If you truly want to ensure a great pregnancy, you should work on keeping a healthy and positive physical, mental and spiritual state. There is substantial evidence which
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: Magickal Wreaths by: Sam Stevens Wreaths are like rings. They represent the Universal Circle ("Let the circle be unbroken …" as the song lyric goes) and also the idea of circulating love, wealth and prosperity for
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: Women’s Guide: Friends To Let Go! by: Kenia Morales Real friends are hard to find but once you find them they can bring so much joy in to your life. However, not everyone can be that special confidant. Just like
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: 10 Situations where Men and Women Differ So Much! by: Jeff Cuckson Joke from a Woman to another Woman "Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke!" Joke from a Man to another Man; "Men are Vain, They
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: The Secret Of Silver Jewelry by: George Ahrens When we talk about precious metals we usually mean gold, platinum and another pure metal, fine silver. Silver is one of the original materials of value mentioned in the
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: 3 Website Positioning Tactics Guaranteed to Boost Your Traffic by: Michael Turner There are many tactics you can use to increase traffic to your website. However, three particularly effective suggestions include search
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: 10 Sensible Steps To Take Before Choosing Your Domain Name by: Emma Kalson With such a huge growth in the number of websites and the resulting difficulty in finding an available domain name, it is tempting to grab the
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: How to Build a Website by: Maricon Williams Many businesses and companies are finding it hard to build their own websites. Nevertheless, it should not be daunting as they envision it to be. In fact, it’s easy.
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: 10 Ways to Achieve Superior Web Site Design by: Maricon Williams In order to achieve online success, one must have effective and reliable products and services and great web design as well. Many people are judging the
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: Breathtaking Color Power! by: Maricon Williams Colors convey character, emotion and intention. You are what colors you choose. Thus, your choice of colors should reflect the message or feeling you to hope to convey to
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: IKobo Review - Part 2 by: Adam Senour Attempt 1 Conclusion On July 13, 2004, the transaction was cancelled. My MasterCard was never charged. However, I did notice that my limits as a sender and receiver had been unilaterally
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: Hostels in Germany – The Amazing Discovery of Irresistibility by: Marcus Hochstadt Would you like to spend nights at the most beautiful, most exciting and most unforgettable places? Would you like to constantly
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: How to Choose a Bed and Breakfast by: Tammy Jordan Sikes So you've decided to shun the neon-flashing motel chains and marble-foyered monsters and venture into the world of cozy, intimate bed and breakfasts? After all,
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: Under Their Thumb ... Tripping The Parental Triggers! by: Edward B. Toupin Some of my clients have come to me feeling like their worlds were not under their own control. They felt as though everyone else ran their lives
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: The Reason Nothing Happens ... Is Because Nothing Is Happening! by: Edward B. Toupin I hear many clients declare how boring and stagnant their lives have become. As they disclose their concerns, the answer usually bubbles
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: Extraordinary People ... in Mediocre Times by: Edward B. Toupin My grandfather used to speak of the days when people drove the world. It was a time when people were proud to contribute and move society and industry forward
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: Another Life ... I Wish I Were Someone Else by: Edward B. Toupin In 1978, Erma Bombeck wrote a book entitled "The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." It was a most humorous read, at the time. Of course, this
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: Freudian Slip by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 17, 2003 My dilemma is this. I've been going out with my boyfriend for five months. He is a very loving and romantic guy and would
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: Faux Feelings by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 10, 2003 I'm a male, 28, in a happy relationship for a year. None of us is perfect, but we are a good fit for each other and I have
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: Character or Reputation by: Norman Lawrence Character or Reputation. When we see these two words together, we often mistakenly believe that you cannot have one without the other. Reputation in a nutshell is what others
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: Artificial Intelligence ... what have we learned through natural ignorance? by: Edward B. Toupin During the late '80s and early '90s, I had the opportunity to work with expert systems in real-time production environments.
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: Rebuilding Oneself ... the Universe's Basic Training by: Edward B. Toupin I remember Air Force Basic Training. My Training Instructor not only wanted to teach me the military way, but he also wanted to break me down
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: Growth from Discontent ... Life's Way Of Giving You A Little Push by: Edward B. Toupin That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do
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: The Fairness of Office Politics ... Integrity and Political Motivation! by: Edward B. Toupin I hear many complaints daily about the "unfairness" of politics in corporate America. Employees say that their managers "lie"
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: Miscommunication - Root Cause of Problems? by: Zaak OConan People of two opposing ideas can stir up arguments and fights. It's that situation when one thinks he has the right concept while the other one also believes
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: Along the Road to Achievement by: Steve Brunkhorst One of the first things most of us remember hearing when learning to drive an automobile was "Keep your hands on the wheel."Then there were other precautions like, "Keep
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: Student? Studying Long Hours? Read This by: Brian Ellis My name is Brian Ellis and I work in the insurance industry with qualifications now. The Qualification Need My job seemed fairly safe with my firm. I was a good
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: The Fastest Way to Achieve Impossible Dreams by: Chengxiang Song When we were young, we had many dreams, we never thought anything was impossible, we were not afraid to dream anything. However, when we grew up, we slowly
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: "Pretend Interest" and Apathy... What To Do About Them! by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary "apathy is defined as the following: lack of emotion; lack of interest; indifference". Wow,
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: How Thinking With Consequential Logic Creates A Better Life by: Brian Maloney Foresight is a tool we should all have in our war chests. However, many of us disregard this critical thought process. If I drink this much
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: How Much Dysfunction Should You Allow Into Your Life? by: Brian Maloney What exactly is dysfunction? It is a word society, although probably overused, labels most anything and everything. However, its true attribute can
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: Miscommunication - Root Cause of Problems? by: Michael Lee People of two opposing ideas can stir up arguments and fights. It's that situation when one thinks he has the right concept while the other one also believes
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: The Great Underutilized Computer by: Tony Papajohn I am not a geek. So I was not surprised to hear a tech expert speak about how we underutilize our computers. I plead guilty. Not only do I underutilize it, but I
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: Cricket Bat Care And Maintenance Tips by: Ian Canaway You should oil your new cricket bat using linseed oil before you begin to it knock-in. Firstly lightly sand the surfaces of the cricket bat with a fine grade of sand
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: Online Gambling Basics by: Mansi Gupta Poker, black jack or any other casino game with a real fancy name, any lay man acquainted with the web knows that these are only a click away. Online gambling industry today is one
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: American Gambling Basics by: Mansi Gupta Casinos have always been a destination for the wealthy and the famous, however, these days they are hoping to be a regular stopover. But the gambling cannot be confined to one
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: Is Kayaking Expensive? by: Jakob Jelling Before you start kayaking, this is one thing that you will probably be concerned with. After all, not too many people can afford spending too much money on their hobbies, and kayaking
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: Could Baseball Ever Return to the City of Saints? by: Terry Mitchell It became official on September 29, 2004 - Major League Baseball's run in Montreal was coming to an end after 36 seasons. On that day, the announcement
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: Understanding a Tarot Card Reading by: Lisa Lamont Getting the most from a Tarot card reading relies on the reader’s ability to perceive not only the symbolic meaning from the spread, but also the mystical significance.
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: The Value of Observation by: Donald Berthiaume The beginner must learn to look with eyes that see. Occurrences of apparently little importance at the moment may, after consideration, assume proportions of great value.
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: The Bingo Renaissance by: John C. Thorenssen Little old ladies in slippers, playing for pennies and cents in a converted community hall is no longer the reality of bingo. The game has in recent years and now more than
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: What Julia Roberts Has to Say about Motherhood by: GranMamma Julia Roberts recently gave birth to twins: Hazel and Phinnaeus. At 37, America’s Pretty Woman couldn’t be happier in her new role of motherhood. The
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: Oh Baby! Choosing the Right Baby Name by: GranMamma Naming a baby is no easy task. However, the following tips will help you give your baby his or her very first gift. 1. Religion: For some parents, religion plays a
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: 3 Very Simple Steps To Making Money Online by: Mike Law Network Marketing or MLM (Multi Level Marketing) is one of the biggest earning potentials on the internet today. The internet is a multi billion dollar industry
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: Promoting My Affiliate Programs. How? by: Vickie J. Scanlon Getting your website up, is really just the first phase of your journey to a career on the Internet. You must promote your website, your product or your service
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: Finding it Online: Internet Research Made Simpler by: Philippa Gamse This article was originally published in Insights - the journal of the Northeast Human Resources Association. Introduction The Web can be an incredible
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: Trinkets, Lockets And Empty Pockets by: Dean Phillips It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write
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: Google AdWords: Like Playing The Lottery by: Dean Phillips A "dollar and a dream," is all you need said the television commercial. The lure of the Lottery is a seductive one: plunk down a dollar and you might become
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: A Quick and Simple Tip for Gaining Customers by: V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D. In the course of my career, I’ve had to deal with a lot of vendors—software companies, sensor manufacturers, electronics distributors
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: Attracting New Business on a Shoestring Budget by: Kelley Robertson In a recent marketing workshop I attended, I discovered that most business owners rely on just two or three strategies to attract new business. Even
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: Government Overregulation of Broadcast Content Could Backfire by: Terry Mitchell Rush is right! The government's stepped up bid to regulate broadcast television content is indeed frightening. Limbaugh made his comments
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: The Hypocrisy of Insider Trading Laws by: Terry Mitchell Perhaps Walter Williams and I are the only two people on earth who can see the hypocrisy of insider trading laws. I somehow doubt it, though. Williams wrote a column
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: Rasing a Violent-Free Teen in 10 Easy Steps by: Peggy Butler The disquieting behavior of teenagers in the 21st century, is being hailed by experts as a disturbing trend among troubled youth. Such an interpretation
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: Bashing the Opposite Sex by: Austin Culley Way back in time, when men used to roam the earth with club in hand, women prayed that the man who knocked her out cold was "the one" - the caveman of her dreams. Sadly though,
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: Rising Damp by: Alastair Taylor It doesn’t sound like a particularly interesting topic, however a quick search on the worlds favourite internet search engine will show that in some circles rising damp is a very
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: Botox Toxin Not So Toxic by: Barry Lycka, M.D. The Botox toxin is not so toxic if you’re trying to take the crinkle out of your wrinkles. The clostridium botulinum bacteria produce Botox. Now you see why we call
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: Focus on Trans Fat by: Jon Gestl There's no doubt--carbohydrates have taken center stage in public discourse about dietary practices. You can't turn on the TV, open a newspaper or walk past the office water cooler these
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: Mad Cow NOT Bad Cow! by: Jan McCracken I don’t know which of the biggest headlines are being read right now… Mad Cow or New Diets for a New Year (but I have my suspicions!). HOWEVER ~ let’s look
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: Personal Training: 3 Powerful Ways To Position Yourself As An Expert by: Aaron Potts Regardless of what profession you are in, it is critical that people believe that you know what you are talking about! You won't find
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: Policosinol and Cholesterol Reduction by: Protica Nutritional Research The word cholesterol has become synonymous with poor health. Indeed, one does not typically hear the word used, or see it printed, unless it points
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: Do you need Glyconutrients? by: George Satovich With all of the exciting things people are seeing in their lives as a result of adding glyconutrients to their diet, the question has been raised "Are glyconutrients a miracle
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: Coat of Arms by: Trevor Dumbleton One of the most enduring and beautiful pieces of family history is the coat of arms. These stunning pieces of artwork recall the days of chivalry and heraldry while they hearken back
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: How To Prevent Dog Bites by: Lateef Olajide It is very certain that there is no guarantee that your dog will never bite someone under any condition which you may not even predict. However, you can reduce the risk attached
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: Renting Versus Buying: Pros and Cons by: Dan The Roommate Man Realtors have benefited from a new variety of homebuyer in today's market: the young, single professional. It used to be that most single men and women resigned
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: Shoppers Beware - 'Tis The Season by: James H. Dimmitt It’s the number one complaint from consumers and it only takes a moment for you to become a victim. While you search for holiday bargains, identity thieves
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: For The Very Finest In Watches, Get A Rolex Watch by: Mike Yeager A Rolex watch sets the standards for all watches, and has for many years. While there have been many imitators, none can match the Rolex’s quality
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: The Economics of True Love by: Adeyemi Adetosoye In the real world, can there be romance without finance? A common saying: No romance, without finance. But what does it mean really? After a little thought about it and
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: The Value Of Adding Fresh Content by: C.E. David Your site’s design is optimized to be search engine friendly. Your advertising strategy is impeccable. The graphics are great. You were savvy enough to generate
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: A Time-Saving Programming Tactic that Doesn’t Work by: V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D. Let’s say that you have a software project that’s under severe time pressure. Let’s say that this deadline
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: The Truth About Free Inkjet Cartridge Recycling by: Niall Roche In a recent stand-up routine, comedian George Carlin suggests that maybe man’s reason for existence is because the Earth wants plastic. The comedy
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: When to Break Creative Rules by: Maricon Williams Before we go unusual or unconventional and take the creative approach to break the rules, it is vital to know what the rules are. There are eight generally accepted rules
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: Basic Problem in a PC by: Pawan Bangar Basic Computer PROBLEMS I have a p3 500MHz PC with 128MB RAM, 10.2 GB HDD Sony CD ROM 48x with window ME edition operating system. I have a problem- when I insert my audio cd, it
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: How I Became a Hard Money Lender by: Barrett Niehus Unlike other investors, my venture into real estate was a natural extension of my secondary business as the IP Ware software developer. However, opportunity and perseverance
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: "Will That Be Cash Or Credit?" by: A. Raymond Randall, Jr. From Bangkok to Edmonton, credit card statements stuff mail and email boxes with payment deadlines. Every bill reminds the giver that gifts given freely do not
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: Customers - Hold Onto What You've Got by: Alan Fairweather You probably spend a great deal of your time looking for new customers or clients. However, are you sure your doing enough to hold onto the ones you've got. One
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: Difficult Customers - There's No Such Thing by: Alan Fairweather A couple of years ago I had a call from a Customer Service Manager working in the paper industry. He wanted me to run a seminar for his team, on "How to
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: Scams to Watch For by: John Parsons The Internet provides with a wealth of information. We can look up our favorite recipes, see what's on TV tonight or just browse for the latest music DVD. As convent as the Internet
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: Outsourcing - Is It For My Business? by: Jakob Jelling There are definitely advantages, but make sure you make an informed decision! There are a lot of advantages to outsourcing, however, there are also some disadvantages.
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: Going Against the Conventional Investment Wisdom by: Terry Mitchell First of all, I want to give everyone the disclaimer that I am not a registered financial advisor and I don’t play one on TV. Therefore, I cannot
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: When Working From Home... by: Christoph Puetz A home-based business has a lot of advantages over the traditional 9-5 office system, and most web hosting businesses seem to be run out of an home office. However, working
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: Sitcom Investing by: Kemberly Wardlaw A fickle stock market encourages good-humored mockery. Recently, as I watched the premiere of a sitcom, an obvious omission breached television etiquette. Silence followed every
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: The Job Loss Myth by: Jean Fritz Presidential candidate John Kerry is fond of stating that “... not since Herbert Hoover has any president lost more jobs than George W. Bush.†And there is a kernel of truth
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: Silicon Valley by: Janet Ilacqua Silicon Valley: a parable We have all heard about the “Silicon Valley†miracle. Not long ago, Silicon Valley found itself at the centre of the world, a job- and money-making
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: Preparing For Your Success by: Lorraine Pirihi When is the best time to prepare for your success in life? What's that you say? " I have to actually have to prepare for it? Doesn't success just happen?" No. It doesn't.
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