Tag: Potential
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: How Can You Find Out The Salary Of A Freelance Proofreader? by: Niall Cinneide How can you establish the earning potential for a new job? For example if you are looking for the salary of a freelance editor, how will
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: Turn Your Website into a Pot of Gold by: Rachel Lower Out of 500 million web pages, is yours among the very few that visitors will remember? Businesses are catching on as far as hiring professionals to design their websites.
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: Generate Huge Profits By Increasing Sales Conversions by: Tina Valiedi Increasing the number of your sales conversions is critical to ensuring the success of your business because every customer you turn into a buyer
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: Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success by: Morris Clopton What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While
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: 10 Sizzling Offers That Sell Like Crazy by: Richard Meredith One of the best way to increase your sales is to offer your potential customers a special offer. It could be trial offers, discounts, purchase awards, etc.
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: Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success by: Glenn McDonald What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While
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: Looks or Heart? by: Brian Maloney No matter how you want to spin it, beautiful people are just that, beautiful. However, to what degree does it play into you finding your perfect match? Seemingly, most of us are engulfed
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: An Editor Spins Her Thoughts about Web Content by: Linda Jay Geldens A glossy magazine placed an advertisement on its Web site, targeting the publication’s upscale subscribers. The expensive ad emphasized how
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: I Don’t Need A Website!….Do I? by: Janice D. Byer, MVA Once upon a time, in a small home office, a busy entrepreneur wondered why he wasn’t quite as busy as he would like to be. “I market my
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: Why You Need A Web Site by: Edward Robirds "I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don’t think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site?" In this day and time, there is
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: Are Your Emails Being Heard by: David Lake Yes, the headline is spelled right. What if you had a way to make your clients remember you and your e-mail. In order to do this, you would have to do something different that
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: A "Potential" New Year's Resolution by: Steve Brunkhorst It is often said that all of us come into this world on equal footing, with nothing in our possession. Certainly we are born with equal value in the eyes of our
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: Where Has All the ENCHANTMENT Gone? Long Time Passing ... by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein I thought you might enjoy reading a professional article I prepared several years ago. It is just as current today and really
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: Encouraging Blossoms of Achievement by: Steve Brunkhorst The tiny dogwood sapling was only a twig when my mother planted it years ago. At age four, with a red wagon and bucket, I was happy to carry water to anything that
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: Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life by: Mike Moore If we are the products of our attitudes then it is important for us to examine our attitudes, both positive and negative, to discover the impact they are having on
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: Do You Need a High IQ to Be Successful? by: Royane Real Do you know your own IQ? Do you know what it means? Although the IQ test is very widely used, and the results are almost synonymous with our idea of intelligence,
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: Ten Terrific Self Motivating Tips by: Mike Moore No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves. Here are ten very effective strategies
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: I Am Unique by: Graham and Julie We have given a lot of thought, paid an indecent amount of money and taken much action over the years to change the way we are. To become ‘better’ human beings. To make the
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: Your Fingertips and a Phone-line, perhaps. by: Seamus Dolly Never, before the Internet and its components, did a regular person have such cheap access to such a wide database. With it comes an opportunity. To download
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: Coaching Your Teenagers on the Quest for Good Grades by: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed. It is important that as a parent, you create a flexible environment that supports your teen, and provides her with the opportunity to
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: Ecards as a marketing tool by: Dessy Oundian As any successful businessman will confirm, having a great product or service is just the beginning. After all, in this day and age, everything comes down to marketing. The
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: Posturing Yourself As The Expert By Utilizing Google Search by: Jason Blackston First, go to google and type "dan kennedy" into the search box. At the present time I get about 49,200 results! Now, type in "jason blackston"
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: Using Your Personal Website To Clinch That Job! by: Colin Ong Tau Shien With an increasing number of employment portals emerging, it is apparent that internet tools do help bring the job-seeker and the potential employer
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: The Golden Rule Of Website Building by: Robert Evans Setting yourself up to earn a steady monthly income has to be a pre-requisite to your success online. There is no doubt that large sums of money can be made (and indeed
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: 3 Very Simple Steps To Making Money Online by: Mike Law Network Marketing or MLM (Multi Level Marketing) is one of the biggest earning potentials on the internet today. The internet is a multi billion dollar industry
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: Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer by: Rosalind Gardner Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliate sites, I had no need for a personal assistant. The sites were all in place, and my affiliated
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: Science of Advertising and How to Benefit From It by: Arun Pal Singh It is very important to realize that persons buy from you. It is the mind at other end of the internet who will decide a sale from you. Thus it is very
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: Multi-Level-Marketing: The Real Estate of the 21st Century by: Sarah King A single event, or series of events, leads many people to the depressing conclusion that they’re not where they want to be in life. They’ve
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: Keyword Rich Copy Works - But Only When You Have A Plan by: Julia Hyde There's no quick or easy way to write copy for your website. In fact, you should do several things before you even begin to put pen to paper-or fingers
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: How To Start A Home Based Gift Basket Business by: La Tunya Sifford Many of us dream of working from home, spending more quality time with our families. I decided to do just that. Yes i was afraid of failing, not being
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: Your Website: Better to Have Not, Than to Have Rot by: Walt McClure It's a dirty rumor - vicious and naughty to all who believe: Better to have a not-so-good web site than no web site at all.... Don't do it. Don't
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: How To Start A Home Based Gift Basket Business by: La Tunya Sifford Many of us dream of working from home, spending more quality time with our families. I decided to do just that. Yes i was afraid of failing, not being
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: Online Business Start-Ups: The Agony & The Ecstasy by: Michele Schermerhorn Any business start-up can be difficult but the online business start-up is more so. Both business owners have the same problems of financing,
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: Are You SURE You Want To Start Your Own Business? Part Two of a Series by: Charles and Holly Egner Why, exactly, do you want to go into business for yourself? Is it because you cannot stand the thought of working
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: How To Sell Your Website Fast by: Manny Avedissian Dear Website Owner, If you have an existing website or domain name you no longer need and wish to sell it to an interested buyer for a one-time profit, or if you’re
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: How to Write B2B Ads That Catch Customers by: Steve Koons Are your business-to-business ads working for you? If they are not making sales, are they at least generating interest in your company? Are they making an impression
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: 7 Ways to Stop "Selling" & Start Building Relationships by: Ari Galper Sometimes we can all use a friendly reminder to keep us from backsliding into old ways of thinking about selling that lead us down the wrong path
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: 3 Things You Should NEVER Do in a Joint Venture by: Jinger Jarrett A joint venture can be one of the most profitable and fastest ways to make money on the Internet. It can also destroy your reputation, get you ignored,
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: Ten Tips for Affiliate Marketers Using Google AdWords by: Patrick Carlow One of the hottest ways to sell affiliate products is using Google AdWords. Follow these tips and strategies to maximize your earning potential. 1.
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: Bridging the Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer by: Julie Chance Bridging the Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer: A Step by Step Guide for Developing Awareness, Building Credibility and Acquiring Customers Have you ever
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: Successfully Selling Your Professional Services by: Dr. Rachna D. Jain As a professional service provider you face special challenges promoting yourself to potential clients. You may have certain restrictions on how you
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: The Building Blocks to Effective Marketing by: Julie Chance The Building Blocks to Successful Marketing It’s More than Sales and Advertising By Julie Chance Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a
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: Creating A Brochure by: Vann Baker Why does your business need a brochure? A cover letter to a potential client can present only a small fraction of information about your business. Potential clients are often swamped
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: Sell Without Feeling Like A Used Car Salesman by: Julie Chance Many business owners and professionals are appalled at the thought of having to sell their products or services. If you are going to be successful though,
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: How To Avoid Your Joint Venture Proposals From Getting Deleted, Torn Up… Or Tossed In The Round File by: Gabriel Howes I believe Joint Ventures are one of the very best ways to grow your business... Yet I know
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: Service Professions: Does Your Website Follow These 5 Simple Rules For Getting More Clients? by: Michael Port There are literally thousands of different options, styles and formats to choose from when designing your service
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: Where to Get Legal Representation for Your Injury Claim by: Granny's Mettle Nowadays, getting legal assistance and representation are so costly that many are finding other ways to look for cheap and sometimes "free" legal
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: Hey, Your Basement Smells! An Article for People Looking to Sell Their Home by: Darin "Sid" Cameron and Kimberly Shallenberger-Cameron Thinking about selling your home? As real estate agents, the condition we find homes
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: Making a First Impression When Selling Your Home by: John Carle & Sharon Gregresh So you've decided to take advantage of the booming real estate market and put your house up for sale. As you know, buying a house is the
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: Selling Your Home - A FSBO's Guide to Keeping It Safe by: Michelle Annese Home sellers not only need to think like a realtor in finding potential buyers for their homes, they also need to think like a personal security
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: Home Improvement That Will Add Value To Your Poperty by: BUKABOO.COM TOP TIPS FOR SELLING YOUR HOUSE http://ww.bukaboo.com/index.shtml Want to sell your home quickly? Home makeovers are all the rage, but you don't
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: Bodily Attributes! by: Seamus Dolly The revolution is indeed underway. Money married to desire, imagination and necessity has produced a technological revolution which will see incredible changes and potential. This is
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: Movin' On: Taking Transhumanism in Stride by: Maya Talisman Frost Back in the seventies, we watched "The Six Million Dollar Man", a popular television show about a trained agent who was critically injured and given the
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: Just How Dangerous Is OxyContin, Anyway? by: Albert Frantz OxyContin belongs to a family of drugs called opioids, which are derived from the opium poppy and are among the most common drugs used to address both chronic
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: Autoresponders: Automatic Internet Marketing Success by: Dan Ames What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this
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: Peddling Your Own Wagon Through Local Exposure by: Bonnie Jo Davis In my e-book "Articles That Sell", I've shared the secret of marketing your business on the Internet. If you've been active in your efforts, you've been
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: Find a Job in a Fast Growing Field Using Labor Market Information For Your State by: Chuck Huckaby The question confronting most people who want to find a job is "what's a good paying job with growth potential?" At
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: Top Ten Online Choices to Get Clients to Choose you Again and Again - Part 1 by: Judy Cullins Did you know that 95% of coaching businesses fail because their owners don't pay enough attention to sales copy? Whether you
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: Create a Win Win for Small Your Small Business by: Gary Goldsmith Discover How Specialized Cost Containment Creates A New Win-Win Position For Property Owner’s And You Property Management: A simple strategy to
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: You Are Losing Customers By Not Doing This by: Dr Kem Thompson Not doing what, you ask. Writing and submitting articles. Writing articles is a cost- effective way of promoting your business. It exposes you to potential
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: Build Your Own Insurance Business with InsureAmerica by: Casey Coke Dallas-based InsureAmerica Management Company has released a new Internet site, www.byoib.com, to aid in recruitment of nationwide health insurance agents.
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: A Tip to the Beginning Entrepreneur: Know What Marketing Means by: Rick Tanzo Internet Marketing has been a buzzword for over a decade now, a short time by ordinary measure. And yet in terms of Internet reckoning, this
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: How To Give Your Home A Face-Lift: The Sellers' Guide To A Quick Sell by: W. Troy Swezey One of the great challenges to selling a home can be showing all of its space, decor and natural light potential. For example,
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: Want To Be Profitable In This Real Estate Bubble? I'll show you how in just Three Easy Steps by: Chris Anderson, PhD This is a question I get almost everyday from either our web site GetPreconstructionProfit.com or from
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: Profits With Rental Properties by: Jakob Jelling So you are interesting in becoming a landlord? Investing in rental properties can be an exciting and very profitable business. Not only can real estate provide current
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: 7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale "Disappears" by: Ari Galper You're close, really close, to making a sale. Your potential client is in the market for your product or service and you've had a couple of good meetings. Based
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: Top Ten Tips When Business is Slow by: Judy Cullins How's your business going to keep growing with the holidays just around the corner? What can you do when most people don't want to spend money now? If you are concerned
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: Breaking the Ice and Winning Over the Client by: Robert Moment Wherever you turn these days you’ll find articles covering every business strategy and tactic available to man from how to make a great presentation
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: Selling Is Easy When You're First, Fast And Foremost by: Jim Meisenheimer First - being before all others. Fast - moving or able to move quickly. Foremost - first in rank, order, or place. Wouldn’t you like to
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: How To Sell A Website Fast by: Manny Avedissian Dear Website Owner, If you have an existing website or domain name you no longer need and wish to sell it to an interested buyer for a one-time profit, or if you?re a speculator
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