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: Hate the Abuser, not the Abused! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Abuse is the most horrible attempt at power that I have ever researched! This is why: The shame that is felt by an abused person is so deep that it takes years
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: Stopping All The Talk And Getting Readers To Read by: Florie Lyn Masarate Majority of salesperson talk too much. That is what they are there for and that is their trade. Oftentimes, this technique of non-stop talking
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: Mind Games! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves
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: Building Solid Relationships Using the Power of Words by: Zaak O'Conan We may not be aware of it; but the words we utter daily may have different interpretations, even if you think that they mean the same thing. Here's
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: Head-On Collision Fatality by: Matt Borja You wake up in the morning, and look outside the window and see what a beautiful day it is. You get up after a short while and put on the coffee. The early morning senses wake
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: I Can't Find My Homework, Mom! "Ask My Dear, and It Shall be Given to You!" by: Laurie Meade Do you believe in asking God, or whatever higher power you choose to believe in, for the answers you need, when you need them?
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: Never Forget Another Birthday Greeting by: S Baker Be honest not with us, but with yourself. How many birthdays have you missed this year? We are all quite busy and we even have a hard time remembering what day it is,
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: How To Win Big At The 2006 FIFA Football World Cup... by: Simon Thorpe Excitement has started to build around the 2006 FIFA World Cup in the past couple of weeks with many of the important group deciding games due to
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: How to Conduct Personal Background Checks by: Jasmine Ong You want to conduct a personal background check on a colleague, maybe even a prospective mate, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it? Before you
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: Make a Game of Your Guitar Practice and Surprise Yourself by: Jeremiah Thompson So you want to be improve your guitar playing? Well, like any thing, guitar skill progress takes time and practice, but many of us have
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: The Twelve Songs of Christmas: Surprising Secrets of the Season's Most Popular Tunes by: Scott G (The G-Man) The holidays are filled with joyful emotions and honored traditions, including the playing of songs about snowmen,
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: Media Stunts For An Injury Claim by: Mohammad Latif The claims culture arrived in the UK and it was chaos. Door canvassers and telesales, knocking and ringing constantly for an injury claim. Have you had an accident
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: Digital Photography- Capturing Your Valuables For Insurance Purposes by: Kevin Rockwell Many years ago when portable home video first came on the market I had a small business focused on taking inventories of peoples
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: Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements? by: Ruth Stattmiller Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy. Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier,
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: How To Choose The Perfect Digital Camera For You! by: Amit Laufer The huge variety of Digital Cameras in the market is a great thing but it is making our buying decision a difficult task. The following buying tips will
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: Thicken That Sauce! by: Michael Sheridan With most sauces and nearly all types of gravy you will need to use a thickening agent at some stage. This may be one of any number of things. The most commonly used are starches
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: Fun & Easy Halloween Party Themes and Ideas by: John Lenaghan Halloween is the day of the year that has the most parties thrown in its honor. Everyone loves to dress up and attend Halloween parties with their friends.
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: Home Study: What Life-enhancing Skill do You Learn? by: Ian McAllister Home Study: What Life-enhancing Skill do You Learn? You're already doing unofficial home study when you research a project online. Study in class
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: Battling Tough Spyware Applications on Your Computer by: Mitch Johnson Due to the extensive craftiness of spyware intruders, new methods have allowed spyware applications to load even while the computer is in safe mode.
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: Spyware, This Time It’s Personal! by: Doug Woodall First the basic definition of Spyware: It is a type of software which is installed onto your computer without your permission... It can log your keystrokes, which
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: OK, You've Got a Puter, and You Get Online by: Doug Woodall Recently a wave of information has surfaced about Search Engine Security Holes, Browser Vulnerabilities, redirection to malicious Websites, even Online Extortion
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: Another Fine Mess! by: Doug Woodall I was reading an excellent article today titled "Identity Theft" by Judith Collins at eWeek.com, when it got me to thinking.... I'm in the Anti-Spyware business, and I'm doing a lot
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: How To Stop Spyware From Robbing You by: Tom Jenson Booting up the computer in the morning seems to be taking longer and longer. The pauses between asking for a web page and it loading increase. Suddenly, even keystrokes
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: Malware: Computing's Dirty Dozen by: Joel Walsh It seems that no sooner do you feel safe turning on your computer than you hear on the news about a new kind of internet security threat. Usually, the security threat is
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: Deadlines Can Be A Writer's Best Friend by: Bonnie Boots I click the "send" button on my e-mail and my article is instantly transmitted to a magazine. Minutes later, I have a reply from the editor. It reads "Snappy writing
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: Making Professional-Looking Brochures by: Florie Lyn Masarate Brochures are for displaying services. They are also for selling an idea or service. If these purposes are put into a list, then it would be endless. The numerous
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: Luxury Hotel Breaks – Avoiding The Hotel Horror Stories by: R. Richmond When looking for hotel accommodation most people are very price driven in terms of making their choices. Finding out where you want to go
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: Conquering a Woman's Heart by: Caterina Christakos Conquering a woman's heart is for many men more or less some kind of a minefield. Certainly, women contain every ingredient needed for making a Molotov Cocktail, and
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: Running Injuries: Why Are We So Stupid? by: Michael T. Kershaw Running and fitness enthusiasts will always have injuries, despite the fact that our equipment (i.e. shoes) is getting better all the time. The reality is,
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: DVD's Delivered by: Vizel Numrique 1st there was the remote control...you do not even have to leave the comforts of your couch to change the channel. Currently you are able to have movies delivered right to your mailbox.
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: 5 Simple And Easy Ways To Advertise Online by: Sandra Stammberger Advertising is everything some people say. Regardless if you have a product, a service, a hobby website or just want to share pictures of your wedding,
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: Forming a Corporation – Investors by: Richard A. Chapo You’ve come up with the best idea since sliced bread, figured out a business name and formed a corporation. There is, however, one small problem. You
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: Is Now the Time for a Play about the War in Iraq? by: Ron Brynaert Everone knows that comedy is mostly about timing. If you hit upon the right nerve (is a funny bone a nerve?) at the right time then, usually, you don't
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: How to Create Stories that Sizzle by: Caterina Christakos How to Start Your Story with a Bang The purpose of creating a story is to create a world that will draw the reader away from their own. In order to do this one
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: A Writer's Inner Battle by: Grace V. Planas There is a psychological nuisance so powerful that can deflate the drive, self-esteem, and human spirit of many aspiring Writers of any age. These Writers are faced with an
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: Refinance Student Loans - How and Why? by: Vanessa McHooley Let’s face facts. Going to college these days, especially private universities, is no cheap task and can put you well into debt before you even enter
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: How New Authors Can Keep Their Manuscripts Coherent by: Marvin D. Cloud In large publishing houses, many manuscripts penned by first-time authors, never make it past the "first reader" who for all practical purposes is
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: Poetry Workshops by: Rose DesRochers I find poetry workshops study more the theory and craft of writing poetry. I joined one in the past and found it to be filled with snobs who pretty much write bad poetry. Half of what
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: Book Marketing 101 by: Jeremy M. Hoover Francine Silverman. Book Marketing from A-Z (InfinityPublishing.com, 2005). Trade paperback. 400 pages. .95 US. For beginning authors, book promotion is the key to success.
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: The Arrogant Writer: Five Ways to Nurture and Defend your Muse by: Jill Nagle Arrogance has a bad rap. We think of arrogant people as unpleasant to be around, full of themselves, and incapable of taking an interest in
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: E-Matchmaking: Can a Computer Program Find Love For You? by: Devlyn Steele I logged on to a dating site the other day and was greeted by a large, flashing message. It promised that if I took the time to answer a series
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: I Wonder Why Dictionaries Went Out Of Fashion by: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons) More Tips For New Writers (Part IV) When you begin writing for your home based business, never lose sight of the following facts: People
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: Are You Achieving Your Writing Goals? by: Mridu Khullar At the start of this new year, like at the start of every other new year, I came across dozens of articles about the importance of setting achievable goals, challenging
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: Six Tips for Submitting Fiction by: Amber McNaught You can learn a lot about what it takes to place a story in an ezine by starting up one of your own. Last month we started work on a new ezine for writers, which we
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: 5 Keys to Unlock the Waitlist Lock by: Linda Abraham Being wait-listed is tough, and you need the right set of keys to open the door to your dream program. The truth is that even with these keys, it's still not guaranteed
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: Negotiating Right: Get What you Deserve by: Mridu Khullar If magazine publishing worked like any other business, writers would fix their rates, and magazines would run around trying to hire the best writer in the lowest
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: More Ramblings About Iraq by: Kenneth J. McCormick Iraq has become the quagmire of the middle east for the American military. What is the problem in Iraq and why is the situation getting worse and worse? It is you know,
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: How To Tell If You Are A Literary Snob by: David Leonhardt "I don't know if I should put 'writer' on my business card," I murmured. "Then don't," my wife said in her infinite wisdom. "Put 'author' on it." "But if I
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: 3 Tips to Achieve Your Writing Goals by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ 1. Make your goals achievable. By achievable, we mean realistic and attainable. You might unconsciously have set a goal even others will have a hard
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: Keys to Characterisation by: Aspire2write Far too many inexperienced writers create flat, stereotypical characters: the brave fireman, the damsel in distress, the strict schoolmistress. The best characters are those who
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: Write Strategy: Think, Believe, Attack by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Think of writing like karate...it's about DISCIPLINE. Writing, like other forms of art, work or talent, requires discipline. It won't ever be enough
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: The Writing Club by: Ieuan Dolby Typically when falling asleep in bed at night great thoughts enter the mind, long stringed and meaningful sentences trip over each other to receive attention at the front of the brain alongside
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: Know Money to Make Money by: Ivon T. Hughes The experts are always telling us that getting paid for what you know is one of the most effective, least time-intensive ways to make a buck. Well, if you know anything about
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: The Way of Light by: Remko de Knikker - Caprio The Netherlands is a country known for its religious, ideological and ethnical tolerance. But what is perhaps less known is that it is also a country religiously divided
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: The Writing Club by: Ieuan Dolby Typically when falling asleep in bed at night great thoughts enter the mind, long stringed and meaningful sentences trip over each other to receive attention at the front of the brain
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: Couples Under Cover: How To Keep Your Private Life Private! by: Katy Terrega Okay, okay, I admit it; even though my husband and I are old enough to have raised two teenagers, we actually do have a sex life. My children,
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: Cellulite: The Biggest Female Epidemic by: Beth Scott Cellulite is probably one of the most embarrassing of all physical faults that women have. Cellulite isn’t just a problem with the obese or overweight either.
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: Why Will Wigs Never Go Out Of Fashion? by: Raymond L'arou Quite simply because fashion exists, With every new fashion we are bombarded with a never ending parade of weird and wonderfull hairstyles that we would never
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: Vacation Is One Way To Run Away From Stress During Pregnancy by: Sara Jameson What should you do to have a happy pregnancy? Many things you could do, but what most pregnant women rarely do is having a vacation. Get a
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: Reason For and What To About Losing Lashes by: S.P. Bragg Everyone wants to have long gorgeous lashes and unfortunately, it's usually the men that are blessed with the long silky variety. We have to work at it. And this
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: Dating/Relationships by: Steve Sokolowski I run a blog where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I've posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of the troubles between
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: 10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make! by: Joi Sigers Okay, you've either gotten married or are planning to pretty soon. Congratulations! I'm sure you're aware that this means you will be responsible
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: Knowing Your Toilet Paper by: Ed Williams At work several days ago, I walked into the kitchen area of our office early one morning to grab a large cup of coffee. Having slept nada the night before due to my typically
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: Seeking Your Passion? Inquire Within! by: Fran Hendrick We hear a lot these days about “passion.†Everywhere we look, it seems like someone is telling us to “find our passion,†to “follow
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: Being Scared Through Food That's Shared by: Ed Williams Most of you who read my columns know that I love women. Absolutely love them. To me, women are God’s finest creation, and then some. The most pleasurable
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: Get Radiant Skin Fast by: Julie Gabriel Winter is a tough experience for any skin type. Even if you have an oily skin, you may suffer from severe skin dehydration due to prolonged exposure to central air heating, contrasting
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: Animal Jewelry: a Very Different and Beautiful Form of Adornment by: Angela Davis Animal jewelry is a wonderful way to express your love and appreciation for your pet animal. Not only is it an ideal gift to give to animal
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: How to Lose Weight While Gardening by: Candee Stark Have you ever dreaded the idea of pulling weeds, planting a tree, or pushing a lawn mower around the yard? Does just thinking about it make you sweat? I am sure the
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: Filtering Values in the Dating Game by: Brian Maloney Ever noticed that when dating, no one really wants to take the first step and open up a dialogue on a subject with depth and substance? It would seem only natural
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: Unique Ideas for Girlfriend Get Togethers by: Sandra Mahoney Women create friendship opportunities. We suggest get togethers, shopping excursions, road trips, and coffee dates. We remember birthdays and anniversaries
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: Keep Your Thongs Looking As Good As You Do! by: Bas de Baar You probably paid a lot of money for that little triangle of fabric with the almost-not-there waistband; but even if you buy your thongs by the dozen at Walmart(r)
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: Loving Beautiful You - An article for Single Moms by: Teri Worten In today’s world of the perfect size and the perfect hair and high fashion, it can be difficult to accept yourself and take pride in the beautifully
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: Self Tanners: Your New Best Friend? by: Danna Schneider Have you ever known a sun worshipper, one of those people who can never seem to get a dark enough tan? They are always looking for that new product that will break
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: Sex is a Serious Thing! by: Amy Guven Most of the questions asked to sexual health experts are about men's early ejaculations and women's orgasm troubles. When you read this you may say: It's normal, if man is coming
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: Feeling Sexy During Pregnancy by: Anne Cavicchi Some people think that the word sexy and pregnancy do not belong together. I have to disagree. In fact, I have heard many men say that a woman is her sexiest and most beautiful
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: Underwear That's Right For You by: Mike Yeager Probably the most popular type of all underwear on the market for men is the boxer-brief. I think it’s fair to say that this style of underwear has become the underwear
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: Dating Tips for Divorced and Widowed Moms by: Terry MacDonald Dating is tough, but it’s tougher for women who are divorced and widowed. Along with the fears of being “out of practice,†there are often
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: E-Book on Russian Women (Part 9) by: Annas Agency® Russian Women and Sex Needless to say that sex is too personal a matter to analyze and classify it. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish a series of peculiarities
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: The Art of Letting Go by: Thelma Mariano It has been six months since I left the corporate world – and there are some things I will always miss. Like saying good morning to colleagues on my way to the office where
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: Choosing a Web Host Based On Price? Don't! by: David Leonhardt It's tempting. There are so many companies offering cut-rate hosting – loaded with astounding post-futuristic techno-gizmo features ! – that
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: Free Online Tools to Design (and Maintain) Your Website by: Susan Gross These days, it seems that everyone has a website. Unfortunately, many of these websites are either bland, or sloppily designed by people who don't
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: The Best Of The Best In Postcards by: Florie Lyn Masarate There are some learning in life that people have to go through with in order to learn the lessons that come with it. This may sound dramatic but it really helps
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: Learning the Adobe Software by: Kristine Llabres Students, professionals and interested persons are always interested in learning news stuffs especially when it comes to computer technology and its software. There is
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: A Great Banner Only Needs Simple Things… by: Granny's Mettle To create your own great banner, you only need five (5) simple things: 1. Size according to standards. Always keep to the standards. Having a bold, huge
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: Book Review: The Non-designer’s Design Book, Second Edition by: Granny's Mettle One of the books I strongly recommend for non-designers like me is Robin Williams' "Non-Designer's Design Book". It is a must for
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: The Smartass Series #1 -- Guide to Building the Perfect Website: a Narrative How-to on Five Top Web Advisors You Should Use instead of this Know-it-all who Knows Little by: Roxanne McDonald ~A man [woman] is a success
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: Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting by: Ninad Gupte Web hosting can be an exciting business start up for aspiring entrepreneurs. All you have to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller,
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: What Can Lots Of Content Do For Your Site? by: Matt Colyer Today there are so many web sites on the web, but so few of them have good content and there are even fewer web sites that have large amounts of content. Why
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: How To Get Repeat Visitors To Your Site by: Jonathon White When you have a website online it is important for you to try and get new visitors to your site, but it’s also important to take care of the visitors that
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: Can Your Visitors Contact You From Your Website by: Dave Tan Argh, where's the contact button?! Believe it or not, some websites just DON'T WANT any visitors (even customers) to CONTACT them. There's no email address,
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: Choosing the Best Holiday Destination by: Rhiannon Williamson Working 9 – 5, raising a family, worrying about the mortgage and trying to make time for all the people, pressures and demands in your life can take
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: The Sixties by: Phil Edwards A decade that stands out above the rest of our world’s history as a time of revolutionary changes from all over the globe - changes that even effected outer space. There was unprecedented
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: Anatomy of a Shoestring Adventure: Lots of Fun for Not Much Money by: Jan Kovarik Just like most people, my husband I live on a “just barely†income. We’ve got “just barely†enough to pay
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: Exotic Georgia Roadkill by: Ed Williams Are we still living in Georgia, or has our state somehow changed into Brazil or Mexico? I mean it, I’m genuinely starting to wonder, and I‘ll tell y‘all why.
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: How To Tell If It's A Swell Motel by: Ed Williams Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of traveling in connection with my writing. The past three weekends alone I’ve driven to Sylva, North Carolina, Louisville,
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: Online Dating, Why Not? by: Brenda Dennick So, you're looking to meet that "special someone". You have tried the bars, blind dates, churches, grocery stores, etc, all with little or no success. What have you got to lose
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: Timesharing Without Owning A Timeshare by: Dana Sanders If you’re dreaming of a unique vacation experience, but don’t have a budget to cover outrageous hotel expenses, or to even purchase a timeshare yourself,
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: Vervets: Criminals or Victims? by: S N James “I’ll get you, ya varminâ€! Vermin - the scourge, tramps & vagabonds of the animal kingdom. This is the stereotypical view of vermin who are inconsequently
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: High Roller or Kid In A Stroller - Las Vegas Has It All by: Elizabeth Ann Wares Las Vegas is much more than jangling one arm bandits, and noisy casinos. Seriously, there is so much more to do than gamble and eat from
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: Car Rentals by: Sandy Baker Renting a car is a tough thing. Well, it can be. But, it doesn't have to be. To find a great deal, or even just a reliable car, you will want to do a little research. Save some extra cash in
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