Tag: Space
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: Top 5 Most Often Carried Handbags by: Cathy Feldman Handbags have become the most popular accessory on the market and there’s no reason to wonder why. There are so many styles and trends to choose from that it’s hard
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: How to Make Money From Your Website by: Mark Pascua Are you a webmaster and don't know how to make a profit with your website? Or do you want to create a site but don't know how to get started? If you fit in the latter,
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: Jimmy Buffet Slept Here – Why Caribbean Villas Are So Darn Popular by: Bob Bouknight You’re ready to book that trip to the Caribbean that you’ve been talking about for so long. You go online to get
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: 10 Benefits of Being a Blogger by: Nicholas Dixon I have been a blogger since September 2004 but only began to take it seriously this year. My blogging journey began when I stumbled upon a company owned by Google named
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: The Importance Of Bedroom Design In A Home Decoration Project by: Shrinivas Vaidya Dear friends, A home is a place where we live, spend most of our lives, with family members and our loved ones. A bedroom design
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: How to Kickstart a Good Bedroom Design Project? by: Shrinivas Vaidya Dear friends, Any room in your home is primarily a space within walls, floor and a ceiling. When the structure or the apartment gets constructed,
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: If Nasa Can Launch The Space Shuttle, Then You Can Become A Successnaut by: Owen Stobbe The recent mission of the space shuttle Discovery is NASA's first return to space since the Columbia shuttle accident in Feb/03.
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: Modern Science Fiction by: Samir K. Dash Science fiction is a narrative (usually in prose) or a short story, 'novella' or novel length. As to what it is about, is not easily classificable. Such stories are about an amazing
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: Stimulate Your Sensebuds...and Wave Goodbye To Writers Cramp! by: Linda Gray When you get stuck for ideas, and the words won’t flow, invariably it’s because one, more or all of your senses aren’t being
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: Creative Storage Solutions by: Rachel Paxton When the things in your home start crowding in around you and you're short on cash, it's time to come up with some creative storage solutions. Don't be afraid to think "out
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: How You Pay More for Unused Web Space and Traffic by: Subhendu Sen "2GB web space with 50GB traffic for .95 per month!" A luring ad—definitely. In fact this ad makes many small business owners feel cheated
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: Writing Effective ALT Text For Images by: Trenton Moss Anyone who knows anything about web accessibility knows that images need alternative, or ALT, text assigned to them. This is because screen readers can't understand
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: Web-site designing Pillars (part2) by: Pavel Lenshin USABILITY Usability is what makes your WS pleasant to deal with. While everyone defines personally for her(him)self how to make design nice to look at, memorable
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: Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting by: Ninad Gupte Web hosting can be an exciting business start up for aspiring entrepreneurs. All you have to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller,
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: Basic Graphic Design by: Kelly Paal Wether you design your business brochures, flyers, web page, or ads there are some things that you need to know. There are some basic graphic design principles that those of us trained
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: 7 Key Points to Consider When Choosing a Web Host by: Kyle Dusang With literally thousands of web hosting companies in the industry all vieing for your business, carefully consider these key points to ensure you make the
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: First Web Hosting Experience by: Igor Romanoff Well… you've purchased a domain name… created a pretty design… filled it with content… what now? HOSTING. I suppose that you know what a web hosting
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: OHare Airport Parking by: Greg Bessoni Whether your flying out of OHARE for business or leisure, we all know how parking at OHare International Airport can frustrate any human being. The lack of space, the price, the thought
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: Airport Parking at LAX Just Got Easier by: Greg Bessoni Whether your flying out of LAX for business or leisure, we all know how parking at Los Angeles International Airport can frustrate any human being. The lack of
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: Offline Ways To Promote Your Business by: David Bell If you are trying to promote your business now, you can move in one of two directions: You can take the conventional route to promotion and mount an elaborate
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: Free Or Not Free -- It's Your Choice by: Randy Justason The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of
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: Signatures -- The Long and Short of It by: Doug Davis What is the accepted standard for signatures? Who sets these standards? The signatures in question are those blurbs that we include after the body of our main message
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: The Freedom to Fall by: Skye Thomas So you want a soulmate do you? Okay not necessarily something that big and cosmic but 'happily ever after' would suffice just fine. Maybe you have somewhat of an idea the type of person
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: Creating Sacred Space in Your Home Office or Garden by: Jan Marie Dore The environments we surround ourselves with contribute to our sense of well-being as well as to our creativity and productivity. There is a direct
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: Life’s an Illusion… by: Gene Simmons I’ll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I’m not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you
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: Self Care by: Dona Kerr and Dawn Wood What does it mean to practice self care? It’s creating a space and a healthy mind and body to support you in being the best you can be. If your space is filled with chaos,
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: If NASA Can Launch The Space Shuttle, Then You Can Become A Successnaut by: Owen Stobbe The recent mission of the space shuttle Discovery is NASA's first return to space since the Columbia shuttle accident in Feb/03.
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: How To Communicate Using Space by: Tristan J. Loo What Is Proxemics? The study of the communicative aspects of personal space and territory is called proxemics. Everyone is surrounded by an invisible zone of psychological
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: Igniting Self-Expression: Open Space Technology by: Judith Richardson Judith Richardson, MA, of Pono Consultants International and Emergent feminine, thrives on working with groups, and she exercises this passion in forums
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: Speak Up For Yourself by: Kimberly Fulcher Do you have internal rules about how you expect the people in your life to treat you? Are you comfortable speaking up for yourself when someone crosses one of those lines?
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: Time Management by: Joe Cirillo Can’t find the time for time management? You’re not alone. Most of own at least one book on time management, many of us own several but all the books in the world won’t
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: Reading Women: Body Language Briefing by: Aaron Jones Body language is the meaning behind the words or the “unspoken†language. Surprisingly, studies show that only up to an estimated 10 percent of our communication
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: Muraqaba-The Sufi Meditation by: Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi When we try to learn a new skill or try to gain knowledge about a specific subject, we follow a guideline or a system, which demands that we pay attention to the
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: Clutter-Clearing and Your Authentic Self by: Stephanie Roberts Have you ever felt so discouraged, your life so out-of-control, the universe so unresponsive to your needs and desires, that you couldn't help it: you just
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: Worldly Balance by: Jesse S. Somer Take a look around; do you think things are balanced in our world? Balance, now here is a topic that has been hounding me since the day I was born. An understanding of balance seems
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: Banishing Your Critic by: Lynn Cutts Whenever we start a new creative project, it's always a little scary. We're never sure how it's going to turn out. And that element of uncertainty is just the thing we need to get
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: What is Feng Shui, and How Does It Work? by: Stephanie Roberts Feng shui (say "fung shway"), often called the art of placement, could just as accurately be called "the art of flow." This ancient Chinese practice, literally
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: Rightful Owner by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 20, 2003 I was recently looking through some old photos when I found some of an ex-boyfriend when he was a child. I remember him telling
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: Feng Shui with Style! Working with Your Element Type by: Stephanie Roberts When you begin to study feng shui, you quickly realize the importance of the qualities and characteristics of the five feng shui elements: wood,
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: Creating Supportive Environments by: Alicia Forest I’m writing this on my laptop in a Cosi café in Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C. The reason I am here has nothing to do with me or my business, but the reason
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: Networking Crossover by: Jan Fritz As I try to explain and describe the power of cooperation in workgroups, I often get lost. Networking Cross-Over is far more easy to visualize as it has innovative and intuitive parts
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: With Understanding Comes Success by: Jeffrey Rolo One of the reasons I strongly encourage horse owners to train their own horses rather than ship them away to a professional trainer is familiarity. Quite simply, an unfamiliar
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: Tips on Buying a Boat: Seven Tips on What should you look for when investing in watercraft by: Keith Binnersley I discovered sailing many years ago and found it to be a wonderful way to enjoy time with friends and family
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: The 7 Feng Shui Fundamentals for Children's Bedrooms by: Kathryn Weber Feng shui is a very popular and intriguing concept in home design today. In addition to the life benefits it provides, it also offers a roadmap,
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: How to Choose a Baby Bathtub by: Jackie G. Maxwell Choosing a baby bathtub is likely one of the easiest decisions you'll have to make when it comes to acquiring supplies for the new arrival. Basically, if it holds water,
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: Road Trip with Kids by: Brigette Meier Boredom, limited space and overflowing energy are a source of nuisance for a child when in a restaurant - how much more in the narrow cage of a car on a hour-long ride. You have
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: You've Got Mail by: Nicholas Dixon It seems that Google is revolutionizing the Net in more than one way. Recently they announced that they will be offering a free email service called Gmail. It will offer its users 1GB
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: How to Profit From Your Ad Space in this Economic Downturn by: John Schultz Recent research predicts that the online ad market will decline by 25% in 2003.** In 2004, net advertising is a buyer's market. Everyone has
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: One Giant Leap for Mankind by: Paul White Those Oldies amongst us who can actually remember Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon never think of it as just history. We were there. It was live, and we were all part of it. Practically
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: Make Houses for Sale More Appealing by: Paul Grunlerder Making Houses for Sale Look Like Homes Are any of your houses for sale out there? If so, beware the appraiser! Appraisers not only use objective criteria for evaluating
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: Free Or Not Free - It's Your Choice by: Randy Justason The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of
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: Graphic Design Tip- White Space as a Positive Element by: Robert Kennedy Graphic designers of catalogues, booklets and annual reports should consider the paper pages as a positive element of the available graphic design
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: Secrets Of Getting Free Advertising by: Jason Barrow The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of
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: Useful Tips for Evaluating Your Meeting Venue Options by: Susan Freidmann However, large or small the meeting, location is key. Your environment, formal or informal, helps set the necessary mood and ambiance for the meeting
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: The 12 Most Common Newsletter Design Mistakes by: Roger C. Parker Your newsletter’s success depends on its design. An attractive, easy to read newsletter encourages readers to pay attention to your message. However,
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: Share Ad Expenses to Boost Profits by: Will Dylan The challenges of the small business owner are well documented. They must battle for market share against larger competitors, run all aspects of their business, and even
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: E-Newsletter Layout: Add White Space to Improve Readability by: Richard Cunningham White space in newsletters is like pausing in conversation. Take a breath now and then to avoid overwhelming the reader. It’s
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: Luau! Decorating with a Hawaiian Theme by: Debbie Rodgers Hawaii is a first choice travel destination with millions of people - and for good reason. Bring a little of that island feeling into your home, either indoors
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: Warm Up the Night! Patio Heaters and Fire Pits by: Debbie Rodgers In some areas right now, the weather is ideal for sitting outside in the evening -- the bugs have gone and the sky is clear -- but the nights are chilly.
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: Light Up the Night! Quick Facts about Outdoor Lighting by: Debbie Rodgers When the days start to get shorter, the darkness may drive us inside from our porches, patios or decks. Don’t despair – outdoor lighting
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: How to Decorate your Outdoor Space without Breaking the Bank by: Debbie Rodgers Noted English clergyman Sydney Smith (1771-1845) is quoted as saying, "Economy in the estimation of common minds means the absence of all
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: How To Give Your Home More Space by: Tameka Norris Have you been wondering how to free up space in your home? Do you live in a dorm or an efficiency where every inch of space counts? Maybe you're tired of trying
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: Wall Oven - A Necessity For The Disabled by: Allan Wilson Wall ovens, available in electric and gas forms, are best ovens for the people with disabilities. The ovens can be placed considering the required height of the
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: Making Space In Your Home by: William Sault Make Space Clear out excess furniture and accessories from the interior of your home as much as possible. If a piece of furniture is too big for the room, or is crowding the
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: Everything In Its Place With Closet Organizers by: Andrew Caxton Most people like you love to keep everything in its place. They like also to clean up every room of the house often. However, it can take some hours to
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: House Plans – Where To Start by: Martin Smith You have found the perfect lot on which to build your new home. Now you have an abundance of decisions to make. Where will the house sit on the lot? You will have to
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: The Futon Essence by: Dan Noyes Space is at premium. Isn’t it? – A food for thought! A futon is popular in Japan because, even in homes, space is at a premium. This means that many rooms are used for different
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: Making The Most Out Of Your Closet Organization by: Brian Channell If it is hard to find certain articles of clothing in your bedroom closet each morning, you probably need to work on your closet organization. There are
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: Closet Organizer Tips by: Brian Channell While searching for that perfect closet organizer to suit your storage needs, it’s important to consider how much space you need. Sometimes it’s hard to throw beloved
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: Kitchen and Bathroom Blinds by: Garry John There are some important considerations when treating kitchen and bathroom windows. With the unique conditions that exist in these rooms it is important to choose blinds that
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: Choosing the Right House Plan by: Dascar Daniel Now that you have made that bold decision to build a home of your dream, it absolutely important to get the best home you can imagine. For you and all of us, building the
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: Thinking Out of the Box by: Marc Rifkin Much of my time as a Professional Organizer is spent helping people to put things into containers and boxes. But, success in this business requires as much thinking “out of
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: Home Remodeling Business by: Dan Noyes The need for home remodeling is on the rise as many people like the neighborhood they live in and the affordability of their existing homes. By incurring a little cost they can remodel
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: Thinking Vertically by: Marc Rifkin I’ve often wondered why we describe houses and other buildings in terms of square footage. Though we live in a three-dimensional world, when it comes to real estate, only length
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: Visions of Sugar Plums and Holiday Safety by: Wally Conway Ho, Ho, Ho, Holiday greetings to you! Every year at this time I can't help but notice the beautiful holiday lighting and adornment. It's great to see that even
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: Beyond the Box: Outdoor Spaces Can Extend the Boundaries of Your Home by: ARA Content (ARA) - Fresh air, natural light and open space are key elements in today's home designs. New home buyers and existing homeowners
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: Home Decor Tips by: Keith Kingston Home décor tips can bedroom from a messy, dirty cave where you hide your filth into a peaceful oasis in which you seek solace from the everyday craziness that is our lives. In order
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: Making Your Kitchen Work for You by: Barbara Schmidt (ARA Content) (ARA) - The kitchen often becomes a family hub, the heart of the home for daily activity and entertaining. For this reason, the design of a kitchen
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: Measuring Space - How Much Room Do You Really Need? by: Pamela Cole Harris When planning your home décor, it is vitally important to understand your space needs. Do you have enough room to open any doors? Can you walk
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: Making The Most Of Your Smart Decision To Hire An Interior Designer by: Karen Trubner-Kent So you’ve decided to hire an Interior Designer—good move! Now what? Before you start planning your “revealâ€
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: Have You Considered These Space-Saving Bed Designs To Maximize Your Interior Decorating Space? by: S.A. Smith Vertical and functional space planning are two of the most overlooked areas in most households interior design
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: Making Space for Sacred Space by: Stephanie Yeh When you read a great inspirational book, prayer, or article, don't you think to yourself, "What a great idea! I should do more daily rituals, prayer, meditation."? It always
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: Life’s a Beach – A Shore Theme in Your Outdoor Space by: Debbie Rodgers Twentieth century American architect Phillip Johnson once said, "I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach?"
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: How to Decorate your Space with Wall Art by: Claire Bowes If a room in your house lacks character, by simply placing some fine art prints on the walls can actually make quite an impact. Wall pictures are a necessary accessory
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: Thinking of Remodeling Your Kitchen? by: Mike Yeager If you like to cook, or even if you just do it from necessity, having a homely, organized, and modern kitchen is probably important to you. Although, the traditionally
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: Interior Design Simply Means Personalizing Your Interior Environment by: Mike Yeager Interior Design today is all about customizing your built environment with conceptual planning, aesthetic sense and technical solutions
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: If You Have Any Antique Clocks...Keep Them. They May Be Valuable Keepsakes by: Mike Yeager Been shopping for antique clocks lately? It’s strange that when something is new they are fascinating and cutting edge.
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: Cozy Nooks: Creating a Secret Outdoor Place by: Debbie Rodgers Everyone seems to love a secret -- and when the secret is a nook in your outdoor space, all the better. A nook is defined as a private or secluded quiet inner
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: Home Is Where The Heart Is by: Amita Sinha Every one lives in a house but every house is not a home. A house is a shelter made of bricks, wood or any other material. When this shelter makes your heart alive with happiness
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: Ship Ahoy! The Nautical Touch in Your Outdoor Living Space by: Debbie Rodgers Would you rather be sailing or are you strictly a shore bird? Whether you're land-locked or seaside, you can create a nautical look in your
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: Home Sweet Home by: Akanksha Sinha All of us live in houses but how many of us know how to make it a real ‘HOME’. You may have a very small house with a few rooms: not much to boast about… However, if you follow
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: Escape to Sunny Mexico - at Home! by: Debbie Rodgers Can't get away for a southern vacation this year? Don't despair -- plan a sunny Mexican style refresher for your patio décor and enjoy the festive atmosphere of
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: Maximizing Space on a Minimized Budget by: Travis Boudreaux Do you often have friends, family, or guests over for the weekends and are in desperate need of a spare bedroom? Are you going nuts trying to figure out how
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: So You've Decided to Finish Your Basement! by: Patrick Condon When a family decides to finish a basement space, there are so many factors to consider it can seem overwhelming. What does your family want to achieve within
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: Maximizing Your Living Space by: News Canada Look to contemporary (modern) décor to maximize space. TORLYS Uniclic® Cork flooring, with its sensuous texture, can warm up a modern interior, preventing it from looking
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: Come With Me To The Casbah! by: Debbie Rodgers A ripe persimmon is a thing of beauty – sweet, succulent and an amazing shade of orange-red. Orange and red continue to be popular colors in decorating this year but
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: Using Colors in Your Room by: Lata Budhrani Colors play an important part in your Home Decor process. Colors are what give life and personality to your room. Here are some quickies to keep in mind when deciding over
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: Scrapbooking Clubs: Tips For Starting Your Own Crop Group by: Susie Cortright Before I discovered the world of scrapbooking, I was inexplicably drawn to my local office supply store. I loved to stand in an aisle surrounded
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: Losing Weight is Like Eating Ice Cream by: Will Clower, Ph.D. “Life is like a box of chocolates,†drawled Forrest Gump. Metaphors are great. Writers use them all the time because, simply put, they get your
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: Feng Shui for Your Health and Vitality by: Rodika Tchi, MSc How many of us wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, happy and full of energy? How many of us, after a few hours in the office, still feel full of energy?
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