Tag: Night
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: Yellowstone Camping In The Fall by: William Smith Soon, the busy summer tourist season will be over in Yellowstone National Park. If you are interested in enjoying one of the world's most unique geological wonders without
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: How To Stay Warm Backpacking by: Steve Gillman Stay warm or die. That's what it comes down to at the extremes. More people die in the wilderness of exposure than from any other cause. Staying warm, of course, also means
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: Menopause and Insomnia by: Cathy Taylor Insomnia is a very common symptom reported by numerous women at the onset of menopause. It is characterized by sleepless nights and often uncomfortable sleep such as tossing and
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: How To Stop Morning Breath by: Dr. Harold Katz FACT: Just about EVERYONE has morning breath to one degree or another. STATISTICS ON MORNING BREATH, WHERE DO YOU FIT? Approximately 35% of the world's population has a
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: Motorhome Rental – How and Where to Find the Best Prices by: Peter Lenkefi If you have ever had the feeling of traveling wild and free across the country on wheels, then you must be considering renting a motorhome
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: How to End the Misery of Bedwetting by: Graham Jones When a child wets the bed they worry. Children tend to become dry during the day more easily than at night. During the day they are awake and aware of their feelings
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: You Can Have Night Vision Too by: Joe Andrea Gooden When you think of night vision the first thing that comes to mind is most likely a cool thing that you see in spy movies or something that the army uses on their top
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: Be A Real Spy Associate by: Joe Andre Gooden When the need arises for any kind of spy equipment or surveillance equipment www.spyassociates.com is the answer. This website offers all of the latest equipment for surveillance
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: Why I Write Horror by: David Silva These are some of the snapshots I carry with me: My father coming up to visit me after first being diagnosed with leukemia. The visit was a surprise, and he brought a new computer
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: Five Easy Ways To Bring Family Time Into Your Day; Balancing Work And Family Stresses by: BZ Riger-Hull The pace of life seems to quicken every year. More and more time is spent rushing from job to after school activities
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: What Shoes Should You Wear For Unforgettable Prom Night by: Diana Claire Prom night is always something you long to have during your school time. It always a night where you hope to be the most beautiful girl that time.
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: 8 Minute Dating - For Singles With No Time For Small Talk by: Jack Crow You will get to a certain age where, no matter what city code you live in, you will not be content with the date or dates you are currently having.
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: Honeymoon Destinations by: Declan Tobin Your big day is now over all the stress of preparing for that one day is a fond memory, now its time to enjoy the best part of the whole celebration, which is of course the honeymoon.
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: How To Look Great On Your Wedding Day by: Melanie Mendelson Looking great on your wedding day means being radiant, relaxed, and ready to start a brand new existence with the person whom you've chosen to spend your life
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: Unique Ideas for Girlfriend Get Togethers by: Sandra Mahoney Women create friendship opportunities. We suggest get togethers, shopping excursions, road trips, and coffee dates. We remember birthdays and anniversaries
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: Good Places to Meet Excellent Men by: Terry Hernon MacDonald So, you’re convinced that you have zero opportunities to meet men. Are you stuck in an office all day with the same stiffs day in and day out? Have
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: Stirring Up Cape Town's City Bowl by: Gregory Hudson For the discerning traveller to the Cape who would like to explore Cape Town's City Bowl, here are a few suggestions. Remember, Cape Town bears two distinct faces,
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: Conversion Van Camping Advice by: Steve Gillman Conversion van camping doesn't give you the luxury of life in an RV, nor the discomfort of sleeping in a tent. It can be tough to safely heat a van at night, but it's cheap
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: Silent Macau by: Ieuan Dolby A failed or neglected city springs to mind when walking around Macau during the day time. Around the outskirts of the Islands the doors of modern buildings never seem to open. Hotel restaurants
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: Staying Mosquito Free While Traveling by: Sarah Yee The last thing that any traveler needs is to be plagued by mosquitoes throughout their journey. Just as there are sure-fire ways to reduce the incidence of these pests
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: Halloween Rites by: Sam Stevens For some of us, EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN!!! If you want to be unusual dress up as a nurse, secretary, grocery clerk or bank teller this year. Gypsy, vampires and shaman wanna-bes are everywhere
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: Tropical New England by: Nate Soule For New Englanders a tropical island seems about as remote as the Pyramids. A summer getaway to the beach usually means a trip to the Cape or to Maine where while the rocky shores may
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: Looking for a Holiday with a Difference? by: Chloe Lim Fancy holidaying somewhere unusual? How about a 7 day tornado chasing safari? Care for a camping safari across the desert? How about a night in an Igloo? Or perhaps
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: 5 Romantic Travel Resolutions by: Paris Permenter & John Bigley A new year always means a chance for a new start. You and yours can begin this new year by making some travel resolutions together, regardless of your time
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: It Only Takes a Spark ... Pass It On by: Dan Britt Great inspiring people have influenced people in every area of life throughout centuries. Henry David Thoreau, the great 19th century transcendentalist writer, was influenced
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: It Only Takes a Spark ... Pass It On by: Dan Britt Great inspiring people have influenced people in every area of life throughout centuries. Henry David Thoreau, the great 19th century transcendentalist writer, was influenced
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: Muraqaba-The Sufi Meditation by: Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi When we try to learn a new skill or try to gain knowledge about a specific subject, we follow a guideline or a system, which demands that we pay attention to the
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: Ready for the Light? by: Caroline Shaw I am all ready here..I am ready for Christmas, for the carolers, for the candy canes and mistletoe. But most of all I am ready for snow. I want to see it. I want to feel it. I want
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: Are you a Sleep Walking Zombie? by: Royane Real Do you get enough sleep? Chances are you don’t. Many people living in modern industrial societies suffer from a chronic, and worsening sleep deficit. Until a
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: Masturbate and Feel Good by: Jessica Stumper "Masturbation ... is not approved of the Lord nor this church, regardless of what may be said by those whose 'norms' are lower", President Kimball of the Church of Jesus Christ
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: Tips for Enjoying the Night Sky by: Chuck Fitzgerald Looking up into the night sky is our oldest recorded hobby. Thousands of years ago, people around the globe began recording their star gazing experiences. Many of
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: Why The Moon Is Your Key To Night Fishing Success by: Daniel Eggertsen Want To Catch More Fish At Night, Watch the Moon! Sounds like a crazy idea, doesn't it? I thought so to, until I experienced it first hand. Using
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: The Major Benefit Of Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen Number One Benefit to Night Fishing I think the best thing about night fishing is that the conditions are generally the same as day fishing, but the results are
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: The Truth About Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen Why Night Fishing Beats Day Fishing Any Day of the Week Without a doubt, night fishing is better than day fishing for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is the
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: Night Boat Fishing Checklist by: Daniel Eggertsen Boat Fishing At Night Checklist Here is an easy checklist of items you will need before you head out for a night fishing trip. ** Two Flashlights with new batteries
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: Some Things You May Not Know About Luring Fish In The Night by: Daniel Eggertsen Do You Need Special Bait For Night Fishing? Night fishing is becoming more and more popular recently, and for good reason. Not only do
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: The Secret About Night Fishing Line by: Daniel Eggertsen The Best Type Of Line For Night Fishing Here is a topic that is often debated between night fishermen. Depending on how you like to fish at night, here is what
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: Why a Blacklight Will Take Your Night Fishing To A New Level by: Daniel Eggertsen If You Have Never Used A Blacklight While Night Fishing, You're Missing Out We all know the benefits of night fishing - bigger catches
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: Night Fishing Preparation, The Key To Success by: Daniel Eggertsen Preparation is the Key To Successful Night Fishing, You Better Have These... Night fishing requires quite a bit more preparation than daytime fishing
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: The Things You Won't Look Out For (But Should) When Night Fishing by: Daniel Eggertsen 5 Things To Be Careful of When Night Fishing Night fishing can be some of the most exciting, rewarding and fulfilling fishing you
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: Snowboarding At Night by: Jakob Jelling Nighttime snowboarding is another aspect of snowboarding that is unlike any other that you may have tried so far. Many people find snowboarding at night to be very relaxing, exciting
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: 10 Fishing Gems by: Frank Faldo Fishing Gem #1 – When Is Best? If you are in a boat and plan to anchor and bottom fish, get out there before the sun goes down and set up . Over many years, it has been noticed
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: Night Rod Handling Tips by: Frank Faldo Rod Handling at Night Fish feed by sense at night, not by sight. Using some of the proven techniques below, you can turn an average night of fishing into a fish fighting frenzy!
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: Night Fishing Preparation by: Frank Faldo I have to admit this subject bores me to tears. Amazingly, the simple fact is that every time I interviewed a fisherman about night fishing tips he mentioned preparation at the
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: Hell-Roaring Creek by: Sandin Phillipson The first Summer that I lived in Colorado provided me with an opportunity to do some field work in the western Rocky Mountains. To reach my first campsite, I followed a rutted
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: Stag Party Ideas by: Marco Walker Way, way, way back in history the stag party was celebrated in all sorts of ways, and you thought it was a modern day invention, shame on you. The Vikings stag party would consist of
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: Stag Night Ideas by: George It is believed that the concept of stag parties and the associated celebrations first began in Greece. Whenever any Spartan was to enter into wedlock his friends used that opportunity to celebrate
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: Spider's Night on the Boom by: Gary E. Anderson An excerpt from the book Spider’s Night on the Boom by Gary E. Anderson www.abciowa.com I've never been what you'd call a wild child. When I was in grade school,
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: Family Night on a Budget! by: Cyndi Roberts When you and your family are on a tight budget, sometimes one of the first things to be cut out is money for entertainment. When our 3 children were small, my husband and
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: A Wish List From Mom To Dad by: Tammy Pinarbasi Here is just a little wish list I put together for you. First, I feel I should tell you that I greatly appreciate all that you do for me and our family. Feel free to grant
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: Too Much to Do? Too Little Time? by: Aurelia Williams Have you ever felt like someone just pressed the Fast-forward button on your day and before you know it the day is over and you are sitting there wondering what you've
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: Getting Mama Out of the House by: Valerie McDermott Some mama’s I know are all over the mama get-together idea from the day they deliver their little bundle of joy. Scrapbooking, girls night out, dinner and drinks,
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: Bachelor Party Planning – The Ultimate Weekend Trip with the Guys by: Mike Oulahen Rounding up the guys to devour some barbecued red meat followed by a drunken jaunt to the local “nudie bar†just doesn’t
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: It’s Friday, Do You Know Where Your Women Are? by: Joseph Matthews To quote the actor Chris Tucker - "It's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got sh*t to do!" Well, maybe you do have a job and things
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: Creating Event Magic through Planned Video Production by: Marie-Claire Ross Once upon a time, there was a young, stressed out corporate events planner called Tanya. She was organising a large-scale event for her firm’s
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: Storck, The Rouge Garden Gnome by: The Gnome Keeper It started innocently enough. I was shuffling aimlessly through Marc’s garden center, surrounded by baby tomato plants and the occasional faint whiff of bagged
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: 10 Tips For Better Sleep by: Wendy Ann Owen We all need some help now and then in getting to sleep. Rather than just popping a pill which can be habit forming and lead to more sleep problems in the long term, try these
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: 6 Easy Techniques To Cope With Night Shift Work -Without Any Expensive Doctors Or Medicine by: Ebe Heng People working the night shift poses a huge challenge for their sleeping system, because of the improper light exposure/
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: Say 'Goodbye' To Sagging Skin by: News Canada Dear Epi Dermis, I use a day cream religiously - yet I've heard that I should also be using a night cream. What's the difference? - Curious in Calgary Dear Curious,
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: How To Get A Good Night's Sleep! by: Michele Carelse Do you remember when you were little and it seemed as though sleep overcame you as soon as your head hit your pillow? And you slumbered through the night until morning
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: Wake Up To The Facts About A Good Night's Sleep by: News Canada (NC)-Just about everyone has heard that sleep is important to health and well-being, but did you know just how important it really is? The fact is, the human
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: Insomnia: Break the Cycle and Get Some Sleep! by: Kristina Haisten Insomnia is a common sleep sickness that affects many people around the world. For some, it is a chronic situation that may require medical attention;
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: Insomnia: Stop the Frustration by: Mark Idzik A sleep disorder that has affected many people world-wide, insomnia is unfortunately quite common in today. But the consequences brought on by insomnia may not be as ordinary
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: How sleep affects our skin by: Lori Stryker Sleep is a "natural, temporary loss of consciousness" (Robinson, 1941) necessary for our bodies to build up energy reserves and regenerate body cells and tissues. During sleep,
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: Too Stressed to Snooze? by: ARA Content Solutions for a More Peaceful Night's Sleep (ARA) - Most Americans do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep required for good health, safety and optimum performance. In
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: Insomnia Fighters - How To Sleep When Your Work Is On Your Mind by: www.sleepsecrets.info Excerpt from "How to sleep without pills" Mr. S. was the account executive of a big advertising agency. His day consisted largely
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: How To Give Up Insomnia by: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons) I am writing this on a Sunday morning following a very restless night when sleep just didn’t want to be my friend. I have suffered with insomnia for many years
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: Revivin' From Revivals by: Ed Williams Remember the revivals they used to have around these parts back when we were growing up? I sure do. Back in those days, most churches had at least one revival each summer, usually
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: Mommy Needs Her Sleep by: Tammy Hussin, J.D Bringing a new baby home from the hospital is a beautiful experience, but it can also be filled with a multitude of anxieties and frustrations. One of the major sources of anxiety
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: Halloween Safety Tips by: Susan Dunn, MA Halloween is an exciting night for children and a busy time for their parents. With such excitement, it’s easy for children to forget basic safety rules. When emotions
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: No Smooshing! by: Gary E. Anderson From the book No Smooshing! Gary E. Anderson www.abciowa.com High school football is in full swing, and it’s fun to sit in the stands on a crisp autumn night and watch our
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: Beating Middle of the Night Stress by: Kate Hufstetler What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep? Do you lie there tossing, stretch, panic, and feel your heart thumping? Do
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: Late Night Adventures with Your Children by: Kate Hufstetler Vacations are fun ! Weekends with the family are nice. But, Late Night Adventures are "simply marvelous". If you really want to shine in your child's eyes
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: The Fugitive by: Janette Blackwell Where are the dogs of yesteryear? They all seem to be some breed or another these days. They never used to be. Back in the forties, we had dogs that LEANED in one direction or another.
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: Choose The Right Bed Wetting Alarms by: Jan Nicholas Moisture detector alarms are among the most effective tools in helping children overcome bedwetting. Unlike many of the devices and tools intended for children with
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: 5 Ways to Prevent Heat Exhaustion in the Workplace by: Jim Staller Individuals who work in industrial workplaces suffer from heat exhaustion on a daily basis. Some work environments can get as high as 45 degrees which
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: Same Time Next Year: Using Editorial Calendars as Part of your PR Efforts by: Shannon Cherry, APR, MA It's the time of year when calendars crowd out the books and magazines in bookstores and are even on sale at reduced
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: Driving Safely in the Dark by: Terry Brown Safety is a primary concern for all drivers, especially at night. Although there are fewer cars on the road, most fatal car accidents happen at night than any other time of the
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