Tag: Negative
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: Depression Can Turn into Joy by: Ann Stewart Depression is the most prevalent disease of our time. Under the guise of informing the public, both the medical profession and the media are constantly "warning" us of the
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: The Power of Self-Esteem! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Why are there so many women haunted by a low self-esteem ? I have shared many thoughts through out my blogs on feelings, jealousy, worries, fears, and self-esteem. Every
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: Mind Games! by: Dorothy Lafrinere Have you ever been caught up in a thought that will not let you out? Escape is not an option. What was a simple drip in your pool of thoughts, quickly turned into an ocean of tidal waves
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: Mainstream media has become a single-minded authority on how we should perceive life. Theirs is a negative perspective. Could there be a new way of hearing the stories we feel are relevant in our lives? by: M6.net If
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: “An Ultimately Feminine Experience†by: Angela Butera Dickson Having my period is a feminine experience. I don't think of menstruation as a punishment, a sentence, a burden or something I want to be rid of.
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: RECIPE FOR ENCHANTMENT - THE THREE R's: Remembering the Best, Restoring Yourself, Rapture by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein In today's world there are so many wonderful and inspirational books. There are books filled with
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: Argue With Yourself and Improve Your Health by: Dr. Tony Fiore Even as a child, James was described by teachers and his parents as a happy optimist. As the story goes, one day his parents decided to play a joke on him
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: Is Your Soul Breathing? by: Amita Sinha God made humans in his image but these days very few of them lead a God fearing life. Environment is the main cause of changes in a human being. People you meet on a day today basis
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: Anger and Your Health: How Your Outlook Influences Health and Your Ability to Control Anger by: Dr. Tony Fiore The situation: Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist (the glass is
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: Breaking Your Relationship Pattern, Part 1 by: Rinatta Paries When you were little, you looked up to your parents. You imitated their mannerisms, words, and actions as you learned about life by watching them. This applies
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: 7 Things You Can Do To Reach The Success You Truly Desire by: BZ Riger-Hull Ever have those days where no matter what you try life seems to be a series of one step forward and two steps back? Well today is the very
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: The Courage To Succeed! by: Patrick Curl The hardest part of success is the **courage** you need to succeed--when you think: "I'm afraid to talk to people.", or "I'm a loser, nobody in their right mind would follow
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: I’m Not Depressed; I’ve Just Been Having A Lousy Conversation With Myself by: Della Menechella Not long ago, I attended a mastermind group. During the meeting, one of the women went into a litany about
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: Look for the Positives by: Gene Simmons Our lives are overflowing with negative information from the newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Nations are at war, thousands are dying of starvation and hundreds are
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: Self-Healing Basics by: Christin Snyder * The material presented in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prevent any illness. Through this article I would like to
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: Questions and Affirmations - The Art (and Science) Of Talking To Yourself by: Frank F. Lunn I Hear Voices… This is not a statement of paranormal; it is a statement of truth. Yes, we all have an inner voice…Is
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: Down On Your Luck? Here's How You Get Over The Hump! by: Richard Vegas It's time to put a bad rumor to rest right now. Good things don't happen to you because you have "good luck." And, bad things don't happen to you
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: Boosting Your Success with Six Easy Happiness Tips by: Christina Winsey-Rudd In what areas of your life would you like to achieve greater success? State-of-mind (attitude towards life and work) absolutely affects your
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: Use Your Imagination to Create the Self You Want by: Gerri D Smith “Every prayer - every thought, every statement, every feeling -is creative. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will
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: The Most Famous Line I Never Wrote by: Al Martinovic There is one line that can dramatically impact your life and I want to share this quote with you but first let me explain... There will be many obstacles in your
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: How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences by: Zaak OConan Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents,
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: Self-Sabotage - Are We Prisoners of the Past? by: Rosella Aranda Many people who suffer from low self-esteem would give anything to escape their painful feelings of inferiority. Almost anything, that is. People are
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: Psychic Advice - How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences by: Zach Keyer Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping,
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: Christian Ethics & Servant Leadership in Today’s Workplace & Society by: Stan Lewis Sundered Knight: Although the world, Denies the weak aid and justice, Scorns charity, Diminishes morality And Godly
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: Self Confidence and the Way You Use Your Words by: Allan Cowley The way we use language can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves. By that, I don't mean what language we speak (English, French, Spanish, etc)
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: Stream of Consciousness by: Bill Marshall One thing that is important to realize about thought: one thought always leads to another. It is impossible to have one thought without having another one. What does this have
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: Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life by: Mike Moore If we are the products of our attitudes then it is important for us to examine our attitudes, both positive and negative, to discover the impact they are having on
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: You Can’t Do That! by: Kenia Morales You can’t do that, does this phrase sound familiar? I am pretty sure you heard it before. Families and friends will tell you that when you communicate one of your life’s
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: Happiness Without Prescription by: Heather J. Tait As life and lifestyles speed up, so does the growing increase of the sense of longing, wandering just what else is there for ourselves, our families. Some people address
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: What Dost Thou Speaketh? Hey, Affirm This Way! by: Fran Briggs Articulating repetitive statements with emotion will inevitably connect you to your primary focus. Your destiny is guaranteed, when you repeatedly, decree
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: Make Pessimism Work for You! by: Kenia Morales Viewing situations from a negative perspective is not as bad as it seems. “It is what you do with the though that counts.†I know you maybe thinking HUH! Kenia,
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: How to Change from a Pessimist to an Optimist! by: Kenia Morales Do you always see things from a negative perspective? Do not worry! You do not have to be a pessimist for the rest of your life. You have the power to
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: Bringing Forgiveness Down To Earth by: Cort Curtis What does it mean to forgive? One of the first things we typically think when we hear the word "forgive" is that it is a spiritual concept that is mostly out of reach
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: Why Most People Don't Really Want to Heal by: Kevin B. Burk I recently attended a metaphysical lecture facilitated by Guy Williams, a friend of mine who also happens to be a minister of Religious Science. After the lecture,
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: The Power of Simplicity in Holistic Living by: Prem Nirmal What does it take to live life holistically? It definitely does not require a degree from well known university, a high paying job or huge bank balance. Holistic
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: Ten Major Causes Of Failure by: Christos Varsamis -Lack of a specific purpose in life. You can not hope to succeed in any field of your life if you don’t have a central purpose. If you don’t have a definite
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: Drop The Negations by: Saundra L. Washington D.D. What really binds us to any negative emotional state in which we find ourselves suffering is this: choice. Freedom from negative behavior and thoughts must begin with
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: Step-By-Step Guide to Manifest Your Desires by: Chengxiang Song I have been talking about manifestation for a long time. My intention is to make people be aware of the unlimited power they have been given since the moment
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: Misery Can Eat You Alive by: Laurie Hayes This is a true story about a woman I worked with for several years. I'm sure we all know at least one person who cannot find a good thing to say about anything or anyone. Your
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: Tug of War by: Donna Doyon Opportunity knocks on your door. How do you respond? The voices you hear in your head will probably play a major part in your decision on whether to open the door or not. If they are encouraging
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: Ten Major Causes Of Failure by: Christos Varsamis - Lack of a specific purpose in life. You can not hope to succeed in any field of your life if you don’t have a central purpose. If you don’t have a definite
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: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by: Laurie Hayes The only thing in life we have direct control over is our thoughts and our thoughts determine how we experience life. You may know of someone who has what appears
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: “Reboundabilityâ€: An Essential Skill for a Successful Life! by: Dr. Shawn Byler Do you have difficulty recovering from mistakes, failure and disappointment? Do you find yourself reliving these setbacks over
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: How Much Dysfunction Should You Allow Into Your Life? by: Brian Maloney What exactly is dysfunction? It is a word society, although probably overused, labels most anything and everything. However, its true attribute can
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: African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 2 by: Bret Searles “A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.†Dante Generate Passion Using Visualization - Much of the interpretation of
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: A Negative Thinking Person Cannot Succeed by: Arthur Do you know that negative thinking can be self-fulfilling? When face with a very difficult problem, the person with a negative frame of mind will unlikely be able
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: Setting Yourself Free in Three Quick Steps by: Joy Fisher-Sykes Lilly Tomlin said, "The problem with the rat race is even if you win, you're still a rat." A lot of us are running a rat race - feeling caged into a life
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: One Thing You Must Know.... Now by: Neil Millar The last day of October isn’t a day that most of us would choose to visit a beach in the UK, but stranger than the time of year is the group of minds that met that
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: Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success by: Stephan Iscoe No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but
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: 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management by: Tom Russell Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical
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: How to Stay Motivated Despite Negative People by: Peter Murphy Getting motivated is sometimes easy enough to do, at least for short periods of time, but staying motivated can be a lot harder to do. And when you add
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: How To Stay Positive In spite of The Negativity Around You by: Josh Hinds I'm often asked how it is that I stay so positive. Now allow me to clear up some misconceptions you might have based on that last statement. I
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: Ask Yourself by: Selena Richardson With the beginning of a new year, are you happy with your life the way it is now? You just set new goals and resolutions for 2003 but are you satisfied with where you are now? This
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: How to Gain a Good Self-Esteem - the Easy Way by: Carna Zacharias-Miller Need more self-esteem? - I thought so. Just about all of us would like to see some degree of improvement in the way we perceive ourselves. If
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: The Magic Ratio of Positive and Negative Moments by: Patsi Krakoff According to the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, each day we experience approximately 20,000 moments. A moment is defined as a few seconds
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: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. Five simple ways to bring more peace and harmony to your life! by: Marla Sloane When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The fastest way to achieve peace and harmony
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: Avoid the Tendency to Underestimate Your Greatness by: Josh Hinds As a whole I think there is a sad tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much greatness lies inside each and every
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: How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences by: Michael Lee Watching the news can be hazardous to your health. It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents,
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: Three Great Ways to Deal with Negative People by: Peter Murphy 1. Do not believe everything you hear! With close friends and family it is not unusual to think that you ought to take onboard everything you hear. However
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: Dealing With Negative People Made Easy by: Peter Murphy I was playing tennis today with one of my tennis buddies. We play once a week and we usually chat about work, professional tennis players and local news. Today
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: Think, Pause & talk by: Nilesh Gore There are two kinds of peoples we generally face in every walk of life 1] who talks negative and excessive and 2] who talks whenever required or talks right and right time. But
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: Why Aren’t You Seriously Wealthy Already? by: Neil Millar I bet you want to be wealthy, but somehow the money eludes you. Perhaps you overspend, perhaps it's the impulse purchases, perhaps you just don't earn
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: Thinking for Success by: Janet Ilacqua Thoughts are very powerful. An intention held long and hard enough will eventually manifest itself physically. A negative or positive action will stir up negative or positive thoughts
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: Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts by: Andrew Abernathy Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful. PINT. How did you do on beginning your day with one of
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: How Are You Feeling? It's More Of A Brain Question Than You Think. by: Andrew Abernathy How you respond to How are You reveals a great deal about you. "Hi! How are you?" "Not bad, you?" How many times have you started
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: How to get rid of inaction paralysis! by: Caroline Jalango How many times have you come up with a brilliant idea only to find yourself paralyzed with inaction and wondering/regretting why you never pursued it? How many
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: Why Positive Thinking Doesn't Work by: Julie Plenty There was someone I used to work with who, well aware of their tendency to look at the negative side of things, used to constantly tell themselves to "think more positively".
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: The Power of a Positive Attitude by: Shannon Herod You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog.
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: Attitude In Business by: William C. Wilson Sr. Is your attitude pulling you down? Are you an optimist, glass half full, or a pessimist, glass half empty? We have all experienced ups and downs in life. How we deal with
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: The 10 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Haven’t Reached a Dream by: Carol Dickson-Carr Following are a series of questions I needed to ask myself and find answers to over the course of my life before finally deciding
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: When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful by: Catherine Franz Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you,
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: Conversational Negative Self-talk by: Skye Thomas Most people don't even know they're doing it. Throughout the course of normal conversation, they bombard themselves with negative self-talk. Even people who are aware
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: Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf by: Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz You've bogeyed your last hole, you are about to hit your next drive. As you take your practice swings, your mind is still on the last putt that you blew.
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: Parents Dealing with Worry and Fear by: Lawrence Vijay Girard This column offers solutions to people who write in questions about how they can solve their life challenges through the formula described in the books, Way
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: Counter the Effects of Media Violence on Children by: Brent Sitton Despite the fact that their own ratings systems found the material appropriate only for adults, the motion picture, music, and video game industries
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: EBay Gold by: Greg Hayes Internet auctions are relatively new having been around since the mid 1990's. There are several Internet auctions including Yahoo Auctions and UBid. But of course the undisputed king of Internet
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: The 7 Best-Kept Secrets to Ultimately Achieve Success In Your Life And Your Home Business by: Ryan Terry As you read every word in this article, you will ultimately discover 7 powerful secrets that will effectively make
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: Who Are You Mixing It With? by: Julie Plenty I talk and write a lot about Life Design – creating and sculpting a life that is fulfilling for you. It is about shaping your personal landscape and environment. Part
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: Electrify Your Marketing Using Positive Energy by: Hirini Reedy Many internet entrepreneurs need to often stop and reflect on their results. A bit like an engineer checking your energy circuits. Finding where the most
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: Common Ways People Waste Their Marketing Dollars! (1 of 2) by: Blair Ballard 1. Why paying to get your web site automatically submitted to ten zillion search engines doesn't pay off. The key search engines prefer you
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: Turn your dreams into reality: How to market your intellectual property to the global market by: Neil Armand Turn your dreams into reality: How to market your intellectual property to the global market Whether you have
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: Tradeshow Booth Cures - Knick-Knack Knockouts by: Patty Stripes Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of positioning objects in conjunction with the movement of "chi', or natural energy, through our environments. Chinese
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: There's No Negative In My Program - Part 2 by: John Colanzi Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men. His younger brother arrived
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: Negative Calorie Foods & Weight Loss by: P. Mehta You gain weight when your calorie intake is more than your calorie expenditure. But if this calorie equation is reversed, then it results in "negative calorie" balance
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: Magnetic Therapy, How And Why Magnets Effect The Body by: Barry Dench Have you ever read or have been told that "it is not known why magnets work"? Well, this is untrue. All human and animal bodies are electromagnetic
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: Optimism and Your Heart: How Being Happy Can Protect You Against Heart Disease by: Lucy MacDonald Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you are putting a slice of lemon into your mouth and chewing on
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: STAY HEALTHY AND YOUNG by: Hifzur Rehman Yes, it is possible for the people of all ages to keep themselves healthy, physically fit and young looking throughout their whole lives. Just take the following three steps and
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: Keep Your Weight Loss Dream Alive by: Cheryl Haining Young children are full of dreams of what they will do, be, see when they grow up. As adults most of us have given up the habit of having big dreams. Or if we do, never
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: 5 Tips to Reduce Depression by: Wayne Perkins While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events and the business
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: 5 Tips to Reduce Depression by: Wayne Perkins, Clinical Hypnotherapist While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on
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: Balancing Wisdom & Love by: Eli Galla One of the light & energy templates, which I work with on the body, connects the head with the heart. Doing this energy work alignment, balances wisdom with love. When this permanent
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: The Fine Art of Smudging by: Sam Stevens An Aboriginal Canadian friend of mine who teaches at the Whispering Lodge in Toronto was explaining to me how physical or emotional healing cannot take place until the person is
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: Blast Away Your Negative Stress With Yoga by: Jeff Smith Will you be able to manage the stress in your life? It seems that everyday brings more and more stress. Yoga is a terrific way to counter all the stressors in
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: Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods by: P. Mehta Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is
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: The Utopia of Now by: Julia Allworth Where am I running? What am I looking for? It seems like a funny idea and yet I, like many others, am running towards a utopia that I will never find. Sometimes I think that human
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: Fountain Of Youth by: W. C. (Bill) Wernet SPECIAL PROPERTIES OF WATER It wasn't until the first half of the 18th century that water was even recognized or considered an element, but a compound. It was not until the
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: Eating Healthy in a Time-Starved World by: Protica Nutritional Research Americans are literally running out of time. Achieving a work-life balance, which is still a luxury for tens of millions of working parents, has
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: 5 Tips to Reduce Holiday Depression by: Wayne F. Perkins While war and poor economic conditions begin to affect people all over the world, more and more people suffer with depression. The more we focus on news events
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: Coffee and Health by: Iulia Pascanu Coffee and health used to be a controversed theme in the seventies. Nowadays, moderate coffee consumption is rather exonerated from its supposed negative long term effects upon health. My
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: What to Do When Your Spouse or Your Friends are Negative? by: Michael Losier This year (2004), I've completed over 64 seminars. And one of the most common questions asked is, "What do I do when my spouse, partner or friend
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