Last seen: Fri 30 Sep, 2022
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: A Leadership Lesson: Two Guys With Guns by: Brent Filson Raymond Chandler author of the famous Philip Marlowe detective stories advised writers suffering from writers' block: "Whenever you get stuck, have two guys walk
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: Status Quo Pep Talks That Can Threaten Your Leadership by: Brent Filson Organizations live and die by results. Yet most organizations get a fraction of the results they are capable of. There are many reasons for this:
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: Blowing Your Own Leadership Horn by: Brent Filson There are two streams of competitiveness running through every organization. The first goes outward: It's the organization's competitive activities toward its competitors.
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: 25 Leadership Maxims by: Brent Filson "We will never know how really good we are as leaders unless we are leading people to be better than they think they are." "Poor performance is less harmful to a leader than mediocre
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: Get Angry And Then Get Results by: Brent Filson Leadership is not about winning a popularity contest, it's about getting great results. To do so, leaders must challenge people not to do what they want to do but what they
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: "He Hate Me": Turning Their Bad Attitude Into Your Great Results by: Brent Filson "He Hate Me" was the nickname of Rod Smart, a leading rusher in 2002 for the Las Vegas Outlaws of the now defunct XFL pro football league.
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: Get Out Of The Stone Age: Give Leadership Talks by: Brent Filson 160 years ago, the newly invented electric telegraph carried the first news message. The message zipped 40 miles in a flash over wires from Baltimore to
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: A Lasting Leadership Lesson: How One Leadership Talk By George Washington Saved The Revolution (And Our Fledgling Nation) From Catastrophe. by: Brent Filson Leadership lessons come in many guises. One unforgettable lesson
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: On St. Valentine's Day, Or Any Romantic Interlude, Woo Your Sweetheart With Chocolates, Roses ... AND A Leadership Talk by: Brent Filson Leadership authority Brent Filson asserts that wooing one's sweetheart can be done
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: Ringing Doorbells Without Howitzers by: Brent Filson Many operations leaders have been there, done that with re-engineering. And they report, in effect, that the process is like ringing a doorbell with a howitzer shell.
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: Leadership Like Water-Water Canoeing by: Brent Filson Although world business is undergoing historic changes, the prevailing view of what constitutes business leadership is stuck in the past. Generally, business leaders
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: Motivational Operations by: Brent Filson There's an inexorable law operating in business. I call it the law of UP — Unfulfilled Potential. One can see aspects of this law working in other areas: For instance,
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: The "Greatest" Leaders Are Often The Worst Leaders by: Brent Filson It's a common occurrence, a CEO leads a company to record earnings, retires and in months, those once high-flying earnings are dropping like shot ducks. Observers
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: Leadership Development and Jumping Out of Airships by: Brent Filson A German silent film melodrama depicts an airship bombing London during World War I. Lit up by searchlights and strafed by fighters, the crippled airship
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: Here's The REAL Reason Bush Won: The Dark Night Of The Leadership Soul by: Brent Filson George Bush won the election because he was finally able to break out of the presidential bubble and give "leadership talks" on
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: Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation by: Brent Filson Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can't get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people
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: The End Of Marketing by: Brent Filson Working with top companies worldwide in all major sectors for 20 years, I've discovered that few of them come even close to achieving their potential results. A key reason is that
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: Leading Bad Actors To Be Good Performers by: Brent Filson A successful leader told me, "The biggest challenge I've had in my career is dealing with bad actors. Brent, do you have tips on how to do it?" First, before
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: The 20/60/20 Rule Of Leadership. Don't Go Solving The Wrong Problems by: Brent Filson Several decades ago, a passenger jet approached a Florida airport with the pilot and co-pilot struggling to fix what they thought was
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: Turbo Charge Your Career With The Most Powerful Leadership Tool Of All: The Leadership Talk. (Part One) by: Brent Filson Leaders speak 15 to 20 times daily. You speak at meetings, you speak across their desks, you speak
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: Turbo Charge Your Career With The Most Powerful Leadership Tool Of All: The Leadership Talk. (Part Two) by: Brent Filson In Part One, I described the Leadership Talk and how it is a much more effective leadership tool
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: Turbo Charge Your Career With The Most Powerful Leadership Tool Of All: The Leadership Talk by: Brent Filson To develop and deliver a great Leadership Talk, you must understand that every Talk has three important parts.
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: The Four Laws Of Leadership (Part Two) by: Brent Filson In Part One, I described the laws of motivation. In Part Two, I'll examine the laws in more detail. Law 1. Motivation is physical action. Motivation isn't about
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: The Four Laws Of Leadership by: Brent Filson Leadership is motivational or it's stumbling in the dark. After all, isn't it more effective to have people want to go from point A to point B instead of to be ordered to
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: CEOs And Boards Are Locked In A Spiral Of Doom by: Brent Filson American CEOs are dropping like flies. Boards, armed with new federal rules and stock exchange requirements coming in the wake of the corporate scandals
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: Ceos And Boards Are Locked In A Spiral Of Doom by: Brent Filson American CEOs are dropping like flies. Boards, armed with new federal rules and stock exchange requirements coming in the wake of the corporate scandals
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: In Leadership, Results Are Limitless by: Brent Filson Results are limitless. That's not a supposition. That's a fact. Leaders who don't believe that don't understand the power of leadership to achieve great results. Leaders
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: Boost Your Leadership Skills Simply By Answering The Question, "What Does Your Organization Really Reward?" by: Brent Filson The difference between leaders is ears. Good leaders not only ask good questions, but they
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: A Rare Leadership Skill: Dealing With People Who Want Out by: Brent Filson As a leader, you'll inevitably be faced with people wanting to leave your team or organization. Dealing with the challenge is critical for your
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: In Leadership, Good Enough Is Pretty Bad by: Brent Filson The first time I meet a leader to decide if we should work together, I invariably ask one question. The answer to that question gives me an idea of whether we'll
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