Tag: Money
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: What to Remember When Purchasing Your Car by: Andrew D'luko Buying a new car is the second most expensive thing most consumers buy. Next to houses of course. That is why it is important to know all the tips on making
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: All About Car Shows: Why You Need Sponsors by: Tonza Borden You might be wondering why you need car show sponsors and who are sponsors. Here’s an example. A sponsor is an individual or corporation who donates free
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: Synthetic Lubricants Mean Less Dependence on Foreign Oil Consumption by: Steve Danielson As big oil companies continue to grow bigger, foreigners are the ones who get most of the money. If you own a lot of oil stock
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: Best Negotiating Tips When Buying An Used Car by: Robert Smith Being a good negotiator doesn't have to be difficult. Sooner or later everyone has to negotiate with someone if they want to get a good deal on a purchase.
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: Gas Pump Money Saving Tips by: Leroy Chan Gas prices are zooming sky high with no ceiling in sight. Do you remember when a gallon of unleaded cost .25? These days, it’s more important than ever to stretch your
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: 10 Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas by: Pete Lance Gas prices are getting more and more ridiculous. And it’s going to keep increasing with no limit in sight! For the new car owners out there, do you know that a
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: Consumer Tips: How To Buy A Used Car Privately by: News Canada (NC)-Many people buy cars privately rather than through dealers. You can often save money going this route, however, keep in mind that if you have problems
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: 18 Simple Ways To Save Money On Your Car by: Jeff Slokum The upkeep of your vehicle can be quite an expense - from initial purchase to insurance to maintenance. And sometimes we get the sinking feeling that every time
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: 18 Tips for Saving Money on Gasoline by: Fisher Swanson Gas prices are on the rise again! Here are some tips to help you conserve gas and save money as we approach summer gas prices. 1. Keep your car tuned up. Cars
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: How To Buy A Bmw On A Hyundai Budget by: Tukshad Engineer UNDERSTANDING THE UK CAR MARKET - Traditionally, purchasing a new car in the UK has always been an expensive pursuit. Manufacturers have been able to restrict
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: Driving To Savings: Car Tips To Save You Money by: Jeffrey Strain Although the most interesting method to save on car operating costs came from my chemistry teacher in high school (Buy your gasoline in the early morning
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: Staying Sane While Wall Street Crashes by: David Leonhardt a.k.a. The Happy Guy Everybody is riding the Wall Street Roller coaster. Even if you are not invested, the headlines scream out one word: PANIC! It's hard not
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: Five Major Ways to Save Money by: Paul Davis There are two main roads to improving your personal finances: increasing income, and cutting costs. Increasing income is the harder road to travel. After all, you can't always
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: Craving for Financial Freedom by: Dinar P. Wiria-Atmadja Have you ever felt trapped in a Rat Race and wished to retire quickly but rich? Have you ever felt that you are spending way too much time working with your boss
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: 401(k) Plans by: Charles M. O'Melia Excerpt from the book 'The Stockopoly Plan'. by the author Charles M. O'Melia I’ve been in and interested in the stock market so long (one year shy of forty years) I can remember
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: Mortgage Free In 15 Years! by: Tom Levine Imagine paying your mortgage off in 15 years! Think of all the great things you could do with that extra money. What would you do? Retire early? Buy an R.V.? Travel around
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: Can’t Stand The Heat…. by: Brian Weiss It seems that every day I turn on the TV and find a Poker game. Texas No Limit seems to be all the rage these days. I love watching it. When I discuss this with others,
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: Life's True ROI by: Charles McCaron al debt load and ROI, whether the industry as a whole is in a slump, whether there are too many partner or legal problems, whether future demand will materialize and so on and so forth.
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: How to Get a Grip on Your Money by: Lorraine Pirihi Most people have no idea where their money goes. They earn it and they spend it. That's fine if you want to live from week to week and are not concerned about your
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: Unleash Your True Potential by: Lorraine Pirihi Some time ago I attended a birthday party and met a young guy who just happened to be 30. I say young because when you're 47, that is a young age! He told me about his
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: 9 Ways To Outsmart An Identity Thief by: Andrew Obremski Identity theft statistics are shocking, to say the least. And it's not going to get better any time soon. But there is no need for you to become a statistic. Here
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: 9 Ways To Outsmart An Identity Thief by: Andrew Obremski Identity theft statistics are shocking, to say the least. And it's not going to get better any time soon. But there is no need for you to become a statistic. Here
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: Is Your Money Keeping Up With Inflation? by: Carlos T. Fernandez In today’s unpredictable global economy, you obviously never know what is going to happen next. Uncertainties and concerns regarding the Iraqi threat,
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: Get Off Your Butt and Create Your Financial Future…Now! by: Lorraine Pirihi Most people have no idea where their money goes. They earn it and they spend it. That's fine if you want to live from week to week and
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: Are You Worth Investing In? by: Lorraine Pirihi Do you realise that if you're green you're growing and if you're ripe you're rotten? So says Winston Marsh, Business Marketing Guru in his recent newsletter. Here's and
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: Clients…Do You Really Need Them? by: Lorraine Pirihi Running a successful business takes a lot of energy and there are so many areas that as a business owner you need to pay attention too. It's not enough to spend
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: Fantasy versus Reality by: Skye Thomas Building wealth isn't something for the frightened, ignorant, and lost. You have to be emotionally strong, prepared, and standing in the right spot. So many of us fantasize about
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: The Many Ways To Profit From O.P.P.'s Multiple Cash Streams by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore In a previous article we introduced you to the concept of O.P.P., or Other People's Property. In that article we asked you what you
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: A gadfly on a dinosaur's butt , or the hood-winking of the American investor. by: Charles M. O'Melia A gadfly on a dinosaurs butt, or the hood-winking of the American stock investor. Have you ever noticed how some words
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: Fire Your Bank by: Michael Carey Corruption In The Banking Industry Drowns American In Debt 91 years ago, way back in 1913 our Federal Government implemented legislation that removed their sovereign rights to increase
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: First-Time Home Buyers Can Save For That Downpayment Faster by: News Canada (NC)-For many first-time homebuyers, the thought of saving a substantial amount of money for a downpayment can seem overwhelming. But there are
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: IF- The Wonders of Investing by: Kemberly Wardlaw IF If it seems as if all investors are selling, who is buying? If trading has become entertainment for you, it may be time to refocus on profits. If your stock has
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: RRSP Investing Mistakes To Avoid by: News Canada (NC)-So, you're ready to step up contributions to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). You are eager for the tax and compounding growth benefits. You think you
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: Day Trading – The Ultimate Work-From-Home Job? by: Harvey Walsh Ever dreamt of giving up the daily grind? Want to strike out on your own and work from home, but don’t know what you could possibly do to make
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: How To Save Money On Car Loans by: Noel Hynes Have you noticed that everyone seems to have a newer car than you? There's good news. You can find a way to upgrade your old clunker to a newer model. There are many ways
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: 16.4% APR ,000 Auto Loan…HELP! by: Tom Levine Are you the victim of a high interest rate auto loan? If so, the following email discussion may help you. Read on: DEAR LoanResources.Net: I was very impressed
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: Spring into Spring by: Lorraine Pirihi Hasn’t time flown? Already we’re into the last quarter of the year and isn’t it perfect timing to clear out the cobwebs of winter and prepare yourself for the
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: Make the Most of Your Money by: Lorraine Pirihi I'm always amazed that so many people spend most of their life at work and totally neglect their personal affairs. Many of the business people I work with want their professional
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: Student Credit Cards 101 by: Rebecca Lindsey If you’re a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Because financial
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: Wire Transfers: The Easiest Way To Send Money by: Jakob Jelling In the past, if you wanted to send money electronically through a wire transfer you only had a few options available to you. You could go to your local bank
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: The Art of Writing a Check by: Jakob Jelling Although it may seem very obvious, many people do not know how to write checks. With the birth of a generation that regularly uses ATM check cards, online bill payment systems,
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: Three Proven Steps to Improve Your Home Business Advertising Response in Just 10 Days. by: Bob Markovsky Newspaper advertising is a tremendous source of new business that for so many businesses doesn’t ever reach
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: Types of Investment by: David Johnson The word 'investments' is one that most of us are familiar with hearing in financial context. For many of us, it may make us thing of big business and vasts sums of money, but there's
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: Cutting Costs can significantly increase your income by: Lori Redfield As a work at home Mother, I know the value of a deal. Any smart business person knows that the best way to make money is to SAVE money. Recently
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: Best Long-Term Investment In Today's Market? by: Willard Michlin The stock market is very unstable at this time going up and down while interest rates are so low you want to be a borrower and not a lender. Would you
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: Trading For A Living - Part 1 by: Geoff Turnbull There can’t be many traders who haven’t at least considered the idea of telling the boss what they think of him, throwing it all in and going off to trade
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: Is This A Good Time To Sell Your Body Shop Business? by: Willard Michlin Have you ever asked yourself the question? “Is this a good time to sell my business?†That is a question every business owner asks himself,
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: 7 Golden Rules to Financial Prosperity by: Irena Whitfield Not Enough Money? I believe that most people haven't got enough money for everything they wish to have - the more you have the bigger your plans, and you have
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: 5% Down Vs. 10% Down - A Comparison by: John Carle & Sharon Gregresh It has always been an issue for home buyers to save their down payment. Many people, on advice from various people wait to save 10%, rather than moving
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: How Can the Average Person Build Wealth in Real Estate? by: Dan Auito Books on real estate are a dime a dozen—and most focus on taking advantage of someone else’s misfortune. They frequently describe lofty
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: The Diamond Cutter by: Janet K. Ilacqua Geshe Michael Roach is a Princeton graduate and a Buddhist monk. After graduation, he spent seven years studying the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. At the suggestion of his teacher,
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: 10 Tips to Grow Your Business Plain & Simple by: Beth Tabak “Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.†Albert Einstein Recently I heard a statistic that the majority of businesses
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: The Future Of Banking - Bank Online by: Jakob Jelling Chances are your bank is a virtual place. Since the invention of the Internet you can see your balances anywhere, at any time. Most banks think globally and have acted
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: Debunking the FAFSA Myth by: Keith Tuomi With the plethora of big-business entities jockeying for the money of students on the path to becoming well-to-do responsible consumers with a house, car, and 1.5 children, it's
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: A Real Estate Investing Primer by: Adem Hamidovic There are a great many books and web sites devoted to real estate investing out there, but most of them concentrate on one specific area of investing. It's often hard
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: Building Wealth by Paying Yourself First by: Ryan McKenzie When I look around at all of my friends, and a lot of my family, I see a lot of people living from pay check to pay check, under monetary stress. These same
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: THE “SEVEN Csâ€: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - The 4th C: CUMULATIVE MONEY PROBLEMS by: Dorene Lehavi A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The
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: Wealth Creation and Mortgage Planning - Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together by: Jeff Blovits What if I were to tell you that almost everything you have been told about what to do with your home has been absolutely
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: Make Your Financial Dreams A Reality by: Angela Dawn Huggins Tons of opportunities for you to achieve financial success is flooding into your inbox every day. May'be you've even opened and did the suggestions by the author.
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: Stop Debt Collectors by: Omar M. Omar Can you stop debt collectors ? . . .You better know you can You can stop debt collectors under the law provided by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you use credit cards,
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: Money Does Talk! by: Willard Michlin When buying something, you can buy in one of two markets. The first is buying on terms in the retail market and the second is buying in the wholesale cash market. This can be illustrated
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: Learn All About Feng Shui Money Trees by: Jakob Jelling A feng shui money tree is an indoor plant used in order to attract prosperity and wealth into any space. The feng shui money tree's botanical name is Pachira, and
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: Secrets & Benefits of Secured Loans by: Christos Margetis Borrowing money has become more and more popular in the UK over recent years, and this is partly due to the fact that it has become far easier to borrow money.
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: Global Banking Forced to Favour the Customer by: David Llennac Banks worldwide are offering more and more new services that help the customer understand and plan for their future. The bank or financial institution is
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: Eight Ways to Consolidate Debt by: Gerri Detweiler Next to winning the lottery, a debt consolidation loan is a debtor’s dream. With one monthly payment and a fixed monthly payment schedule, you can actually see
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: Save Money On Your Grocery Bill by: Shannon Jarvies We've all heard about certain ways to cut your grocery bill like avoiding the grocery store when you're hungry, using coupons on double coupons day, and buying only
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: Why Conventional Wisdom Is Almost Always Wrong! by: Daniel S. Peña, Sr Dear Friend and Subscriber: I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the first issue of my Quantum Leap Advantage®4® Internet Newsletter.
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: Super Rules, OK? by: Darby Higgs Do you rule your superannuation or does it rule you? It’s easy to fall for some myths about your super unless you do some clear thinking about who is in charge. Virtually all
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: Keeping Your Own Money – NOT Handing It Over To The Taxman. by: Leo Rogers Most people trying to make a crust online (or offline for that matter) are so focused on doing just that, they ignore taking simple steps
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: So Where Do You Fit In? by: Cathy Bryant Many of you reading this are working full-time, with a dream to eventually leave your job for complete independence from home. Some of you are also working at a home-based business;
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: Personal Debt Reduction Practices by: Gary Gresham Personal debt reduction practices, the steps people take to relieve the debt in their lives and to become more financially free, are a hot topic among financial circles.
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: How to Make the Most of an At Home Money Making Business Opportunity by: Adrian Austin An at home money making business opportunity can be a great way to stay home and earn money. However, as with any opportunity, you
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: How To Make Easy Money on the Internet -- But This Time It's Actually TRUE! by: Jim Clark Introduction: On the World Wide Web, domain names are the equivalent of real estate. Owning a domain name lets you stake you claim
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: Managing Your Business’ Cash Flow by: Monte Zwang You wouldn’t drive a car without a gas gauge or speedometer, and if you’re driving on an empty tank, you won’t get very far. Then why would
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: Business Funding by: Monte Zwang Every business needs money at one time or another. The process of obtaining financing can be daunting and the chances of success limited if it is approached in a disorganized or haphazard
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: The Shadow by: Al Thomas The Shadow knows. There used to be a radio program called The Shadow where the hero, Lamont Cranston, the Shadow, would overcome the shadowy forces of doom by clouding the vision of those around
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: Financial Tips for Trying Times by: ARA Content IHateFinancialPlanning.com offers advice on managing your money (ARA) - When life gets unpredictable, there's one thing Americans always want to hang onto: their money.
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: Credit Card Shocker by: Rosella Aranda Have you ever looked at your credit card statement? I’m not talking about just making sure that all the transactions are correct. I’m talking about looking at the
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: Survival Tips For Small Businesses by: BrainyBusiness You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or whatever you’ve got to know how is to keep your
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: How To Make A Lot Of Money On The Internet Doing Nothing by: Dean Phillips "You can make a lot of money on the Internet doing nothing!" That's the number one Internet marketing myth. It's an urban legend, of course.
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: Can You Really Make Money While You Sleep? by: Kathleen Gage If you’ve been utilizing the Internet for any length of time it’s likely you have been bombarded with junk mail claiming you can make money “while
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: Are You Beating Up On Yourself About Debt? by: Mario Castagno When you hear the word "debt", whats the first thought or feeling that comes to you? For most people debt is "bad" or it becomes the "enemy" and is something
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: Surefire Ways to Attain Moneymaking Success by: Michael Lee You have probably heard other people say that "Money isn't everything" or "Money can't buy happiness." They may be right in some aspects; but it's not just about
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: Greed can cost you your shirt! by: Wilard Michlin The proper action when things are going well is to pay off debt and consolidate your position. Then you will be financially strong and can go for further expansion without
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: The Wonders of Compound Interest by: Rosella Aranda Albert Einstein called compound interest “the greatest invention of all time.†It has even been referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.â€
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: Plan For Wealth by: Stephanie Yeh One very important wealth creating habit is to set up a concrete plan that you can actually follow. You see, wealth takes planning, and is usually the result of taking a set of orderly,
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: 10 Ways To Find The Money Hiding In Your Paycheck by: Robert Dickson No matter how tight things are financially for you; no matter how bleak you think that 2005 might be, if you are earning a paycheck then there's extra
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: The Secret To Having A Successful Online Business by: Alan Cheng For three years in Internet Marketing, I’ve tried to find what the secret was to having a successful online business. During the first 9 months it
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: Borrowing on a Credit Card by: Alastair Taylor One of the easiest ways to borrow money of a financial institute is to use a Credit Card, available from all banks, building societies, and other financial organisations.
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: The Difference Between “Need†and “Want†by: Craig Nathanson Let’s face it: Most people spend way too much money on things they don’t really need. The more money we make, the more
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: How To Protect Your Investment Capital? by: David Chew What do you expect when you buy a stock? We expect the stock price to go up so that we can sell at higher price than we originally bought them and take the profits.
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: What To Consider Before Approaching Lenders by: Jeff Schein Dealing with a bank doesn't have to be like walking through a maze in the dark. Keeping the following points in mind when you approach a bank should help you
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: Benjamin Franklin, Pennies, and Millions of Dollars$$$ by: Tom Levine 1. On Benjamin Franklin: In 1757, Benjamin Franklin published "The Way To Wealth", a basic summary of his 25 year “Poor Richards' Almanac.â€
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: 6 REALLY COOL THINGS: The King of your Castle!!! by: Tom Levine If you want to be a millionaire, if you want to be smart with your money, if you want to get ahead in life, build security, establish equity, and retire
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: Emotional Trading by: Al Thomas The single most expensive stock market trades are those made with emotions, but, of course, you are not an emotional trader are you? Before you bought that stock, mutual fund or Exchange
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: Can You Make Money Without Money? by: Abel Cheng When I ask why you don't start your own business, I always hear, "I don't have money to start a business." This is a common excuse people give for not starting their
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: Setting Financial Goals, The First Step In Turning Your Dreams Into Reality by: Teresa Kaufman Setting financial goals is the single most important thing you can do to take control of your finances. Your life can’t
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: Refund Anticipation Loans -- More Harm than Help by: Drachir Semaj If someone offered to give you a loan for 00 at interest rates of up to 222 percent you’d probably laugh at them and walk away; but, this spring,
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: The Great Stock Market Secret by: Al Thomas When the stock market is going up and all your stocks and mutual funds are making money you feel like a genius. It is too bad that some folks don’t remember what happened
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: Glide into Tax Season with Solid Financial Planning by: ARA Content (ARA) - With good planning, you can start the year off right by making sure you and your family are financially fit and ready for the new year, and possibly
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