Tag: Public-Relations
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: Public Relations by: Jan Fritz The wind of changes... The digital world has changed the form and scope of all communications. The positive aspects of this new world are as overwhelming to interactivity as a truckload
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: PR: The Wildcard Marketing Strategy by: Dali Singh What is the true purpose of public relations and how can it really help impact the growth of your small business? In order for the media to succeed, they need information
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: Public Relations Strategies: Focus PR Campaigns with Media Coverage Analysis by: Richard Cunningham Prior to launching a new public relations campaign, evaluate the media coverage you’ve gained and dig deep into
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: Do-It-Yourself Public Relations by: Bonnie Jo Davis "Advertising is what you pay for. Publicity is what you pray for." What is a small business owner to do? You have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of competitors
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: Sound Like Your Situation? by: Robert A. Kelly What a shame! Potentially productive public relations people resting on their oars in a large organization. Just kind of tinkering with tactics and leaving target audience
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: Writing Suitable Copy for the Press by: Carolyn Moncel Summer is finally here and school is out, but learning for the rest of us continues. Whether you're a seasoned PR professional working for a top agency, a novice
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: The Truth About Public Relations by: Robert A. Kelly The truth is, you CAN attract the support of those external audiences whose behaviors have the most effect on your enterprise. But you must do it by first achieving
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: Leveraging your Reputation - Making PR Work for You by: Barry Forward We rely on all kinds of tools and advice to help our businesses grow, from accounting and legal advice to graphic design and sales seminars. But what
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: Managers: Get Real, Please! by: Robert A. Kelly Personnel mentions in the newspaper and product plugs on radio hardly qualify as an adequate return on your public relations dollar, and you probably know it! Especially
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: Why PR is a Vital Force by: Robert A. Kelly Because it can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors. Something of profound importance to businesses, non-profits and associations who can sink or swim on
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: What Many PR Users Ignore by: Robert A. Kelly Simply that the behaviors of their most important outside audiences rank pretty low on their list of things to worry about. And this despite the reality that, properly cared
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: Public Relations' 8 Fix Factors by: Robert A. Kelly I say to business, non-profit and association managers, a key part of your job description is – or should be – do everything you can to help your organization’s
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: Managers Who Tap Into PR's Value by: Robert A. Kelly Business, non-profit and association managers get a ton of satisfaction when they do something really positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that
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: PR Essential to your Success by: Robert A. Kelly Whether you are a business, non-profit or association manager, your success will depend, to a large degree, on how well you positively impact the behaviors of those outside
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: Managers: PR More Than Tix and Plugs? by: Robert A. Kelly You bet! And in three ways vital to you as a business, non-profit or association manager. To succeed, your public relations effort needs to do something really
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: Managers: A Key to Your Survival by: Robert A. Kelly Most business, non-profit and association managers live to tell about it only IF they achieve their operating objectives. Very little wriggle room there. But among
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: Managers: Why PR is SO Key by: Robert A. Kelly When outside audiences important to your operation do not understand what you are all about or, worse, harbor misconceptions, inaccuracies, untruths and false assumptions
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: Managers: Why Not PR Like This? by: Robert A. Kelly I mean public relations that presumes from the get-go that the right message, strategy and communications tactics can change perceptions among each of your business,
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: Managers: Can We Agree on This? by: Robert A. Kelly Your public relations effort really should involve more than press releases, brochures and special events if you are to get your PR money’s worth. In particular,
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: PR: Focus on What Matters! by: Robert A. Kelly Sure, as a manager, you have a talented member of the PR team assigned to your department, division or subsidiary, or housed at your agency, and s/he is darn good at placing
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: Do You Really Need PR? by: Robert A. Kelly The right kind of PR, that is, the kind that puts you in charge of the care and feeding of a lot of people who play a major role in just how successful a manager you’re
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: Want This Kind of PR? by: Robert A. Kelly PR that really does something positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect your business, non-profit or association? PR that uses its fundamental
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: PR Advice You Didn't Ask For by: Robert A. Kelly Although, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you may be glad this came your way. Especially if your current public relations effort is delivering more
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: Managers: Paying for PR-Lite? by: Robert A. Kelly As a business, non-profit or association manager, your public relations expenditure may give you names in the newspaper or product plugs on radio. But what about key
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: How Real PR Works by: Robert A. Kelly For some, public relations works well when their news release or special event winds up in the newspaper or on the radio. For others, public relations works best when it does something
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: Why Do You Want PR? by: Robert A. Kelly To get someone’s name in the newspaper or a product mention on a radio talk show? If that’s all you expect, fine. But that response tells me that, as a business,
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: PR: Time For a New Playbook? by: Robert A. Kelly When your public relations results pretty much depend on whether your news item gets used in a newspaper column or on a radio talk show, you may be ready for a fresh approach.
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: Managers, Have You Been Shortchanged? by: Robert A. Kelly You have been if you’re a business, non-profit or association manager whose public relations budget is focused largely on nifty brochures, column mentions
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: Managers, Got a Grip on Your PR? by: Robert A. Kelly What are you trying to do with your business, non-profit or association public relations program? Get a little publicity for a service or product? Or, perhaps, you’re
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: A Manager's PR Paradigm by: Robert A. Kelly If you manage a department, division or subsidiary for a business, non-profit or association, your primary public relations model probably should read this way: people act on
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: Know What Matters Most About PR? by: Robert A. Kelly When, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you are able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions
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: Managers Need Basic PR by: Robert A. Kelly True, because department, division or subsidiary managers for a business, non-profit or association really DO need a dynamic yet workable blueprint for reaching those key
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: PR Going According to Plan? by: Robert A. Kelly Think carefully! You’re a department, division or subsidiary manager for a business, non-profit or association and you really need to achieve your operating objectives.
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: Managers Who Spend PR $$ Wisely by: Robert A. Kelly If you are a department, division or subsidiary manager, your budget is a precious possession whether you work for a business, a non-profit or an association. So why
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: Managerial Survival Key by: Robert A. Kelly For business, non-profit or association managers like yourself, survival pretty much depends on whether you achieve, or fail to achieve your department, division or subsidiary
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: Mission-Critical Public Relations? by: Robert A. Kelly As a business, non-profit or association manager, any tool that helps you reach your department, division or subsidiary objective IS mission-critical. And particularly
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: How Managers Hit PR Paydirt by: Robert A. Kelly As a business, non-profit or association manager, you’ll know it’s PR paydirt when you’re able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way
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: The Best PR Has to Offer Managers by: Robert A. Kelly How cool is this? You’re a business, non-profit or association manager. You decide to get serious about your public relations and shift the spotlight away from
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: Not Getting the PR Results You Want? by: Robert A. Kelly The reason might be this simple: as a business, non-profit or association manager, you’re too focused on communi- cations tactics and not on a workable blueprint
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: Managers: Are You PR-Fit? by: Robert A. Kelly Can you honestly say that your business, non-profit or association’s key outside audiences behave in ways that help lead to your success on-the-job? Or, have you
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: Managers and PR Genius by: Robert A. Kelly The real public relations geniuses might be managers. You know, managers who pursue their objectives by reaching, persuading and moving those outside audiences whose behavior
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: Something "New" For Managers? by: Robert A. Kelly A new public relations blueprint could be a good idea if you’re a business, non-profit or association manager who’s not getting the important external audience
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: If Your PR Can't Do This, Bag It! by: Robert A. Kelly As a business, non-profit or association manager, why continue a public relations effort that doesn’t deliver the key external audience behaviors you need to
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: Hey, Mr/Ms Manager! by: Robert A. Kelly Does it really make sense to bet your PR budget on results like newspaper mentions and zippy brochures while your all-important outside audience behaviors are probably receiving
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: Managers, Start Your PR by: Robert A. Kelly There’ll never be a better time for a manager working for a business, non-profit or association to ask this question: “Am I getting the public relations results
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: PR: Room at the Bottom? by: Robert A. Kelly When special events and communications tactics rule the PR roost instead of a workable plan designed to manage external audience behaviors that impact your organization the
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: The Ultimate PR "Scam" by: Robert A. Kelly It happens to business, non-profit and association managers when their public relations budget fails to deliver the crucial external audience behaviors they need to achieve their
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: Public Relations: Toast? by: Robert A. Kelly Could be, when unit managers in businesses, non-profits and associations don’t get the really important external audience behaviors they need to achieve their department,
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: Why All Managers Are Alike by: Robert A. Kelly Because, like you I suspect, they have key target audiences whose behaviors help or hinder them in achieving their organizational objectives. But even in their own best
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: Managers Who Leave PR to Others by: Robert A. Kelly You’re a business, non-profit or association manager who needs to achieve your organizational objectives on schedule. Since public relations should be helping
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: Are You the Culprit? by: Robert A. Kelly Are you a manager who pretty much ignores your organization’s important outside audiences? If that’s you, do you realize how difficult you’re making it to
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: Make Your PR Budget Work Harder by: Robert A. Kelly Do it by restructuring your business, non-profit or association public relations program so that it delivers the stakeholder behavior changes you want. Changes that
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: Use Every Weapon You Have by: Robert A. Kelly One of the strongest weapons available allows business, non-profit and association managers to begin changing the behaviors of their key external audiences in ways that lead
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: Want PR's Full Value? by: Robert A. Kelly Make sure somebody is worrying about those outside audience behaviors you need to help reach your objectives. And I mean the kind of behaviors you like: prospective buyers browsing
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: PR: Let's Talk Fundamentals by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word
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: Are You a PR Chowderhead? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word
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: How About MANAGING Your Own PR? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: Are You PR-Challenged? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count
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: Don't Need No Stinking PR? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word
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: Don't Put Up With "Junk PR" by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word
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: Public Relations Mixup? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count
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: Get PR Off the Bench by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count
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: Why PR Packs a Punch by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count
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: Public Relations: Why it Works by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: Where is the Best PR Value? by: Robert A. Kelly Wherever the fundamental premise of public relations is practiced. Look at what it suggests. People act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to
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: Successful Small Businesses Use PR by: Robert A. Kelly It’s obvious when a small business has accepted the fact that its most important outside audiences need lots of care and feeding. They do something about it.
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: PR: Ouch! Tells the Tale by: Robert A. Kelly Ever get the feeling that your public relations program isn’t doing much about the behaviors of your important outside audiences? Those audiences whose actions have
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: Can Small PR Firms Deliver Huge Results? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: How Would You Ever Know? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net
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: It's Just Common Sense! by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word
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: A Simple Formula for Success by: Robert A. Kelly Leaders in the business world need public relations big time, and they show it every day. How? By staying in touch with their most important external audiences and by
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: Easy to be Foolish About PR by: Robert A. Kelly In fact, here are three really foolish goofs made by too many business, non-profit and association managers. If that’s you, you foolishly do nothing positive about
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: Public Relations Productivity by: Robert A. Kelly Should it be measured in “publicity by the pound,†or by how well external audience behaviors help achieve the organization’s key objectives? I opt
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: Why Public Relations Doesn't Just Happen by: Diane T. Creston Public relations is a very important part of the marketing mix. A successful PR campaign provides third-party endorsement of products or services which is
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: Time to Spruce Up Your Public Relations? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: Publicity Performance Not Enough? by: Robert A. Kelly Even after a nice piece in a national publication, or a stint on a popular talk show, do you still have a feeling that your public relations dollar could be better
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: Which PR? Judge for Yourself by: Robert A. Kelly You are a senior business, non-profit or association manager. So, chances are you call the shots for your department, division or subsidiary. Which means you can make
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: A Well-Oiled Strategy Machine by: Robert A. Kelly Yes, that’s what public relations really is when it tracks important external audience perceptions and follow on behaviors. And again when it does something about
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: PR Failure Defined by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count
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: PR Is Just Smart Business by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word
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: Just What Kind of PR Matters to You? by: Robert A. Kelly Parties, videos, booklets and column plugs? Or public relations that does something positive and directly about those important outside audiences of yours whose
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: PR: How Sweet It Is! by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word
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: So What's Wrong With Strategic? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: How Public Relations Changes Minds by: Robert A. Kelly Public relations changes minds in the process of delivering what business, non-profit and association managers need more than almost anything else – the kind
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: Take the High Ground With Quality PR by: Robert A. Kelly Quality public relations does something positive for business, non-profit and association managers about the behaviors of the key external “publicsâ€
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: PR and the Small Matter of Results by: Robert A. Kelly As a business, non-profit and association manager, how satisfied are you when the public relations people assigned to your unit spend the bulk of their time on
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: How to Take Advantage of Public Relations by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: Ignore PR at Your Peril! by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word
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: Why Not Juice-Up Your PR? by: Robert A. Kelly Say, from tactics like special events, brochures and press releases to a public relations effort more in keeping with the challenges you face as a business, non-profit or
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: How PR Makes a Manager's Life Easier by: Robert A. Kelly Things are pleasant for many business, non-profit or association managers when their public relations people deliver newspaper and talk show mentions, informative
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: PR Buyers Beware! by: Robert A. Kelly It can bite you and waste your public relations budget when the program emphasizes communications tactics instead of how to make certain your key outside audiences understand who
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: What You Don't Know About PR Can Hurt You by: Robert A. Kelly And hurt bad if you are a business, non-profit or association manager. Especially when you rely too heavily on tactics like special events, brochures and press
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: Why Good PR Warrants Your Attention by: Robert A. Kelly Because good public relations can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors among key outside audiences. And that can help business, non-profit and
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: Recessions Don't Last Forever! by: Robert A. Kelly Recessions Don’t Last Forever! It could, but what if it doesn’t? Will you be prepared? Will those key external audiences of yours, whose behaviors
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: What Is "Best Practice" Public Relations? by: Robert A. Kelly Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net.
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: Anxious About Your Public Relations? by: Robert A. Kelly Shooting from the hip always creates anxiety. Especially when managers order a communications tactic here, another there, but fail to base them on a realistic
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: PR: Am I Getting a Good Deal? by: Robert A. Kelly You are getting a good deal when you accept the fact that the right PR really CAN alter individual perception and lead to the changed behaviors you need. Especially
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: What's Important About PR? by: Robert A. Kelly Quite a bit, actually. Public relations helps business, non-profit and association managers achieve their managerial objectives with results like these. New proposals for
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: A Blueprint for Managing your PR by: Robert A. Kelly OK, as a manager, your goal is to show a profit for your business unit, or meet certain expectations of your association membership, or achieve your non-profit’s
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: Add Some Firepower to your PR by: Robert A. Kelly Sure, as tactics usually presented to business, non-profit and association managers, special events, brochures and news releases are fine. But they’re not the
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