Tag: Home-Improvement
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: 5 Reasons for Firewood to Get Your Attention in Early Spring by: Susan Penney As the weather hints of warmth and the spring buds appear on trees, firewood may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But early spring
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: A Tankless Water Heater can Save You a Lot on Hot Water Bills! by: Jae Taylor The Flash water heater, model T-K1, is an on-demand, tankless gas water heater. This space saving, highly energy efficient water heater can
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: New for 2006- Granite Flexible Preformed Rock Ponds by: Gerry Fung So you’ve decided to build your very own backyard water garden. You are in the process of actively planning out your design, and you’re
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: Spring Cleaning With Nontoxic Cleaners by: Debra Lynn Dadd Spring cleaning goes beyond normal everyday cleaning. It's a major project of home revitalization: to make everything new by removing dust and dirt, to make sure
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: 5 Secrets To Growing Beautiful Roses by: Abigail Baker A rose is a rose is rose - and there are few things in the garden more beautiful. There are 5 secrets I want to share that will help you to grow healthy roses. Sunshine:
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: Tips for Choosing a Chiminea for Your Backyard or Patio by: David Caban Imagine that you want to stay warm in your backyard on a cool, starry night. One of the ways you can do so is to invest in a clay or cast iron chiminea.
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: Decorating Color Schemes by: Olivia Filipetto When decorating your home or room, picking a color scheme can be a daunting experience. You worry that you may pick the wrong color and need to start your decorating project
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: Decorating to Sell a House by Meeting Three Key Needs by: Julie Dana Specific marketing campaigns are no longer just for automobiles and designer clothes. Targeted marketing techniques are now applied to houses that are
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: Choosing the Right House Plan by: Dascar Daniel Now that you have made that bold decision to build a home of your dream, it absolutely important to get the best home you can imagine. For you and all of us, building the
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: Thinking Out of the Box by: Marc Rifkin Much of my time as a Professional Organizer is spent helping people to put things into containers and boxes. But, success in this business requires as much thinking “out of
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: Furnace Inspections A Must Under New Oilheat Regulations by: News Canada (NC)-The Canadian Oil Heat Association (COHA) is encouraging oilheat customers in Ontario to book inspections on their heating systems as soon as
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: The 10 Most Important Rules of Choosing and Dealing With a Contractor by: Razmik "Raz" Vartanian Building your dream home can quickly turn into a nightmare of unmet schedules, cost over runs, shabby workmanship and endless
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: Remodeling Online by: Dan Noyes Making remodeling plans for a house helps you to ensure that your home meets all your needs. It also adds value to your home in the long term. After all, you will spend at least half your
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: Home Remodeling Business by: Dan Noyes The need for home remodeling is on the rise as many people like the neighborhood they live in and the affordability of their existing homes. By incurring a little cost they can remodel
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: Secrets of the Screw by: Tim Tulethyme I often see friends and fellow home-improvers using screws in their DIY efforts, and it never ceases to amaze me how hard some of these people find it to make a simple screw do what
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: Top 3 Considerations When Reading Treadmill Reviews by: Kathryn O'Neill So you're excited about buying a treadmill. You're looking forward to having a premium piece of fat-burning equipment available to you 24-7 at your
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: Electrical Savings System by: John Long Once a month there's an electric bill coming in the mail with your name on it. For the next week, it's telling the kids to shut the lights off when you're done, And most of the
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: Get Your Home Ready To Sell by: Chris Hickman Have you been considering selling your home in the near future? If you have, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a good long look at your home, using an unbiased eye. After
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: Home Furnishings and Shelving by: David Kunstek It's spring time and that means we start working on our homes. Cleaning, organizing, purchasing new things to spruce the place up are just some of the home furnishings
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: Control Snakes in the Garden by: Marilyn Pokorney To have a snake or two in the garden is good. Non-poisonous snakes, such as the common garter snakes, are beneficial creatures because they eat pest insects, mosquito
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: Home Staging Tips by InsiderPropertySecrets by: InsiderPropertySecrets Home staging is a technique used to dress or stage a home so that buyers can really see it at its best. In essence what you must do is make your home
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: Fuming Over The High Cost Of Electricity? Switch To Oilheat by: News Canada (NC)-With the cost of electricity skyrocketing and unstable, now is the best time to switch to oilheat, says the Canadian Oil Heat Association. "Not
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: Free Satellite TV - Myth? Real? or It's Just a Joke? by: Teddy L.Cc. Free satellite TV is the biggest myths on the internet, is this statement true? Read the insider's view on this issue. Free satellite TV doesn’t
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: How to Get a New Kitchen by: Kimberly Shallenberger-Cameron Do you want to improve the look of your home? Have you thought of adding value to your home with a brand new kitchen? The thought of home improvements, like
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: Cold Weather and Frozen Pipes by: Darin "Sid" Cameron Cold weather is a big problem for home and property owners- especially if you’ve moved and your home is setting empty. Why? PLUMBING! If your home gets too
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: Thinking of Selling Your Home? by: Darin "Sid" Cameron Are you thinking of selling your home? Well, the time to start planning for it is NOW! One of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make when he or she is thinking
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: Wired. It's More than the Name of a Magazine by: Darin "Sid" Cameron Recently I posted a couple of articles on my blog that discussed the new products that were being introduced at February's International Homebuilder's
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: Hey, Your Basement Smells! An Article for People Looking to Sell Their Home by: Darin "Sid" Cameron and Kimberly Shallenberger-Cameron Thinking about selling your home? As real estate agents, the condition we find homes
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: Seven Ways to Emphasize a Decor Style by: Julie Dana After searching decorating books, using trial and error decorating, and growing up a little bit, you have finally found the style of decorating that you really love.
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: “How to†for Lawns – Mowing by: Brad Slade How often you mow your lawn will depend on a number of factors. Firstly how much time you have to devote to your lawn’s maintenance. How fast your lawn
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: Fake Grass by: Brad Slade The history of artificial or fake grass is to say the least an interesting one and arose out of the social desire to in-effect ward off what could be seen, as far back as the 1950s, as an increasingly
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: Before You Buy A House – Top 10 Tips by: Stuart Simpson 1. Pre-qualify for a mortgage. Now you know how much house you can afford before you start looking. This will narrow your search and keep you “realâ€
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: Finding Adventure In Little Things by: David Leonhardt We recently planted our saskatoon berry trees. I am sure those of you who live in Saskatchewan know exactly what I am talking about. For the 99.99999% of Internet
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: What Makes a Hammock a Quality Hammock? by: Zino Davidson Whether you plan a camping trip into the jungle where you will need a portable hammock or you just want to relax in your garden in a large hammock chair... in
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: Satellite TV Deals FAQ by: Teddy L.Cc. Satellite TV 'What'? So, what is a satellite TV? It's a complicated question. In short, a satellite TV system is a wireless system delivering television programming directly to
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: How to Water Your Houseplants Wisely by: Kori Puckett Over watering ranks first in causes of houseplant demise because it causes roots to rot. Most plants are tough so they can recover from under watering with only the
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: Wood Restoration as a Skill and an Art by: Rod Rodriguez Over the years I have heard so many stories pertaining to wood restoration. There has been a lot of controversy relating to how to do it and what is necessary under
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: Home Lap Pools by: TC Thorn You probably already know you can build residential pools specifically for lap swimming. Lap pools are built more or less the same way as other backyard pools and usually chosen by people for
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: Energy Saving Swimming Pool & Spa Tips by: TC Thorn Not only can swimming pools and spas be an expensive initial investment, but continuing operating costs are noticeable. Here are some tips to help you keep down the
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: Magazine Ads A New Decorating Idea by: Chuck Young Without realizing it, I stumbled across a trend in decorating that I had no idea existed. It seems that many people are using vintage magazine ads as home decorations.
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: Decorating Your Fireplace for Easter by: Susan Penney Sure you decorate your fireplace and mantel for the winter holidays, but don’t forget this important focal point in your room as Spring approaches. Here are
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: Concrete Cutting: The Unknown Niche by: Robert Short What is Concrete Cutting? Concrete cutting is a process of controlled sawing, drilling and removal of concrete performed by skilled operators using special saws that
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: How to Control Deer in Your Garden by: Marilyn Pokorney Deer are the most difficult of all pests to deter from a garden. They love many different plants. Flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs are all on their menu. The
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: How to Decorate Ethnic by: Yuwanda Black FIVE EASY STEPS TO DECORATING ETHNIC NEW YORK, NY - With all that is happening in the world today - the threat of war, falling stock prices, a recession (in spite of what economists
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: The Difference between Cast and Malleable Iron by: Alison Arnold The owners of Architectural Ironmongery Ltd would like to explain the difference between malleable iron and cast iron ironmongery. The products we sell
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: Investing In or Owning Drug Lab Properties by: John Michael As a property owner, you are responsible for 100 percent of the clean up! Cleanups of labs are extremely resource-intensive and costly. The average cost of a
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: How To Make a Headboard by: Olivia Filipetto What You'll Need Tape Measure Paper for Pattern Plywood, Saw, and Sandpaper Upholstery foam and Batting Muslin or sheeting Decorative Fabric Electric Drill,
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: Digging Out of Paper Clutter - Part 2 by: Marc Rifkin We previously noted that papers must be sorted before they can be properly filed. Continuing from our last article, your sort has left you with two piles - ‘to
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: Digging Out of Paper Clutter - Part 1 by: Marc Rifkin Digging out from under stacks of paper might seem like a daunting and insurmountable task. Let’s face it, paper can be intimidating and overwhelming. And all
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: Thinking Vertically by: Marc Rifkin I’ve often wondered why we describe houses and other buildings in terms of square footage. Though we live in a three-dimensional world, when it comes to real estate, only length
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: Garage Sale Checklist - a Guide To Hassle-Free Sales by: George Grubetic Garage sales should be fun and hassle-free, with your goal to make some good money and off-load your unwanted items – our garage sale checklist
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: A Spring Sampler by: Lisa DeClue Spring is in the air, or at least we all wish it were! If you’d like to get rid of the winter doldrums and usher in some life to your home, here are some easy steps you can take
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: Choosing a Home Construction or Remodeling Contractor by: George Stevens Choosing the right Contractor is the most important aspect of any home construction project. You must take your time and do your research to find
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: Old Fashioned Flea Control by: Marilyn Pokorney Fleas have plagued dogs, cats, and their owners since time began so ways to kill or repel them has been a constant search. Today, with the shake of a can, the spray of
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: Ivory Like Sholapith Sculptures from India by: Som Chaudhury In the past, collectors have been fascinated with sculptures of pure white Ivory without knowing the damage it caused to our eco-system. Luckily governments
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: It's Not Just Water Under the Bridge by: ARA Content Americans want better drinking water -- and are doing something about it (ARA) - Did you know nearly 90 percent of Americans have a serious drinking problem? The problem?
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: Black Walnut Trees Produce A Natural Insecticide by: Marilyn Pokorney The black walnut tree manufactures a substance that is a natural insecticide according to experts at the Texas State University in Austin. American
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: A Brief on United States Satellite TV Deals by: Teddy L.Cc Want to know more about United States satellite TV business despite getting those 'free' satellite TV deals? As you all may already known, satellite TV business
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: Geranium Plants by: Linda Paquette The geranium that brightens your landscape with its brightly colored flowers may be one of two different species. If you successfully over-wintered your geranium, chances are it is an
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: Troubleshooting your Cable Box by: Nick Smith Unless you’ve recently moved from Alaska to Texas and you’re feeling a little homesick, chances are that the last thing you want to see when you turn on your
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: Candle Making 101 by: M J Plaster If you'd like to try your hand at candle making, set aside two hours one day next weekend, and start with an easy project, using your old candles to test the waters. If it's instant gratification
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: About Hummingbirds and How to Attract Them to Your Garden by: Lesley Dietschy Visualize watching a bright green hummingbird in your garden moving from flower to flower in search of the tasty nectar within. These beautiful
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: About Pine Needle Baskets and How to Use Them in Your Home Decor by: Lesley Dietschy Have you ever had the pleasure of strolling through a forest covered with fragrant pine needles? Can you imagine those pine needles
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: Fishing Decor - Manly yes - but Women like it too by: Johann Erickson Most might think that fishing décor is only for little cabins in the woods, but this style of decorating can actually work well in any home. For
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: Your Building Your Dream Home, But Where Do You Start? by: Martin Smith You have finally found the perfect lot, in the neighborhood of your choice, and at a price you can afford. Now you have to decide what type of house
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: Pre-drawn House plans the Benefits and Styles by: Martin Smith Pre-drawn house plans are those that are drawn by architects or home designers and then offered for sale, unlike those that are drawn for an individual, with
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: Putting PASSION Back Into Home Decorating by: Veronyka Lau For most people, they can count the times they redecorate their homes in a lifetime on one hand. It's a shame because this is not because they don't have great
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: What is Compost Tea? by: James Ellison Organic gardeners all know compost is fantastic stuff. But now, there's something even better and that's compost tea. If you start with a good compost you'll have a versatile elixir
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: The Logic of Emotion! by: Wally Conway Homebuyers are an interesting study. Watching people make their home buying decisions has brought me to the conclusion that every decision that every one of us makes is based in
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: The Best Time to Inspect by: Wally Conway Home inspections conducted prior to a home being placed on the market is one of the wisest moves a seller can make. The initial response from sellers when approached with the
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: The Best Time to Inspect: Part 2 by: Wally Conway Amazing as it may seem, homes inspected prior to going on the market have two very significant attributes: 1. They sell faster than homes not inspected until the buyer
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: Home Inspections or Home Warranty? by: Wally Conway Homebuyers are a curious lot. They routinely ask thought-provoking questions. A common question is, "If I get a home inspection, should I still get a home warranty?"
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: The Problem with Partial Inspections! by: Wally Conway Frequently, we get the request in our office for a "partial" inspection. This is another of those things that truly escapes my logic. While I am sure that the basis
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: Catching Crooked Contractors: by: Wally Conway Few times in the life of a homeowner can be more challenging than when significant repairs are needed. The number of issues, options and decisions seems endless, the most
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: Visions of Sugar Plums and Holiday Safety by: Wally Conway Ho, Ho, Ho, Holiday greetings to you! Every year at this time I can't help but notice the beautiful holiday lighting and adornment. It's great to see that even
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: The Surest Way to Happy Customers! by: Wally Conway Happy New Year! Here I sit on the first workday of the year. The office is not yet open and the phone has not yet rung. I love this time of year. Nothing yet accomplished,
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: How to Kill More Deals in Less Time! by: Wally Conway Deal Killers, Contract Assassins, Home Inspectors! Call them what you will, but the most important thing you can know is WHO to call. But how do we know who call,
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: Finishing Touches Make the Difference Between Drab and Fab by: ARA Content (ARA) - Three thousand parts. According to the National Association of Home Builders, that's what the typical home contains. And when you're
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: Water, Water Everywhere on the Waterfront! by: Wally Conway Waterfront living is among the most desirable of locations in our area. The views and vistas are fantastic, not to mention the ability to walk out one's door
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: Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance by: Wally Conway Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather not
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: Is There a Fungus Among Us? by: Wally Conway Mold has taken hold! Not that the microbes have reached out and grabbed us, but rather they have captured our attention. A rash of recent high profile media stories have petrified
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: Never Hire Anyone Dumber Than You Are! by: Wally Conway In a previous life I was a Navy Pilot. Great life, great people to be around. People who were all doing great things around the world flying off great big aircraft
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: Take the Bite Out of Mosquitoes this Summer by: Judy Leiser Mosquitoes have always been pesty visitors when it comes to summer enjoyment, but because of the West Nile virus, it has become critical that we do whatever
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: How To Prevent Damping Off by: Marilyn Pokorney Damping off is the single term used to describe underground, soil line, or crown rots of seedlings due to unknown causes. The term actually covers several soil borne diseases
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: Whole House Water Filters by: Mandy Nemenko So you know the benefits of purifying your drinking water and have already installed a filter for your kitchen tap. But what happens when you get thirsty upstairs and the closest
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: How to Choose The Perfect Electric Plunge Router For You! by: Christian Krohn Making the decision to purchase an electric plunge router is an easy one. There is no other tool as flexible as a router. You can use a router
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: 10 Types of Hammers...Which One Is Right For You? by: Christian Krohn On your next project, will you be using the right hammer for the job? Save yourself some time and be sure to use the right one. Hammers come in many
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: Soy Candles? What Will They Think of Next? by: M J Plaster Quick: What comes to mind when you think of soy candles? Before my formal introduction to soy candles, I thought organic (read expensive) and BEIGE! And not just
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: Beyond the Box: Outdoor Spaces Can Extend the Boundaries of Your Home by: ARA Content (ARA) - Fresh air, natural light and open space are key elements in today's home designs. New home buyers and existing homeowners
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: How About a Jungle Mural to Put Some Swing Into Your Child’s Room? by: Michael Holland If your child loves all different types of animals, a jungle mural is a great way to make their room a fun and enjoyable place.
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: Fun Nursery Themes That Will Even Have Your Baby Talking! by: Michael Holland There are many whimsical, fun baby room themes if you are planning on decorating a nursery. Infants need stimulation, so parents get the chance
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: Home Improvement Projects That Really Pay Off by: Scott Gray Many of us watch TV shows and see the miraculous transformation of homes and gardens by professionals and amateur do-it-yourselfers. Is it really that easy,
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: The Free Neighborhood Home Décor Makeover by: Pamela Cole Harris Watching home makeover shows can make us all yearn for spiffy new décor in our outdated rooms. But if Trading Spaces doesn’t call, and your
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: Curing Floating Scale Problems In Your Hot Tub by: John Gall Scale floating in your hot tub can be a frustrating problem to solve. Scale builds in the pipes and then slowly breaks apart and comes out your jets. Symptoms
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: Speedheat Introduces New Products For Radiant Heating by: Ingrid Weir Electric radiant floor heating systems are heating systems designed for use under carpeting, area rugs, tile, stone, and laminate wood floors and have
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: Natural Decor? Stone Wall Clocks by: Joey Lewitin Stone wall Clocks – the underappreciated décor - Natural décor is making a comeback, as more and more people feeling distanced from the real world
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: Rid Your Garden of Slugs by: Marilyn Pokorney Slugs are major pests of horticultural plants throughout the world. They are destructive pests of home gardens, landscapes, nurseries, greenhouses, and field crops. Slugs
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: Sirius Radio - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know by: Nick Smith Sirius radio, or more generally satellite radio, came out just a few years ago. If you’ve never listened to satellite radio or heard about it, this
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: Decorating on a Shoestring Budget by: Amy Allen Clark Right now one of the most popular shows on television is, “Trading Spaces.†If you haven’t gotten an opportunity to watch this show, the object
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: 'Re-tiring' Old Mulching Routine Paves the Way to Ten Worry-Free Years by: ARA Content (ARA) - The yearly routine of digging up last year's mulch and replacing it with a fresh supply can be time consuming, messy and expensive.
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