Tag: Home
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: Perserverance for Home Business Success by: Ian Canaway What is required to be successful in your home business? Before we can answer, you must understand what "success" means and what common characteristics successful
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: A Home Business Mentor Can Help You Earn Big Bucks by: Ian Canaway A mentor does not buy, sell or negotiate. A mentor provides a service. In essence, mentoring is simply helping someone else play their cards right and
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: Will your home business succeed or fail? by: Ian Canaway You may operate a home business selling services or products, but no matter which kind of business you're in, there's always a question in the back of your mind:
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: New Bill to Keep Banks out of Real Estate by: Sid Cameron This week Congress introduced a bill titled, "Community Choice in Real Estate Act," to permanently ban banking conglomerates from entering real estate brokerage
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: How Do I Bring Consulting Into My Lease Purchase Business by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore As you are making your cold calls on property, you will run into sellers that are having a hard time selling, however, the numbers just
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: Why Foreclosures Happen by: Pete Binder A combination of lenient lending policies, low interest rates, and high house prices has created a situation where many people have overextended and unable to pay mortgage payments
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: Is it time to stop filling your Landlord’s Wallet? by: Josh Dorkin Is it time to stop filling your Landlord’s Wallet? As a renter, you are subject to the whims of your landlord. They work at their own pace,
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: Are YOUR Toes Bruised? by: Cathy Bryant What a question! What's THAT supposed to mean? I ask the question because so many people today who profess to be interested in operating their own business spend far too much
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: Preparing a Budget by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Ok, you say, I know I need a budget, but how do I prepare one? The most common budget period is one year, but this can vary depending on whether or not your business has seasonal
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: The "Psyche" of The Seller and The Tenant Buyer by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore For those of you who were not psychology majors the "psyche" is someone's mind. What motivates them. What are they thinking. How can you better
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: Publicizing Your Company by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Got a huge need for publicity and a tiny publicity budget? You don’t need to have a Madison Avenue-sized advertising budget to make your name known. Here are
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: Does The Lion Test? by: Ian Canaway Are you afraid of change? Are you afraid of trying new ideas to help grow your internet home business? A lot of people who start out in online business make the mistake of putting up
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: 12 Free Tools For Starting a Home Business With No Money by: Bruce Scher Want to start your own home business but short on cash? These proven and expert 12 free tools can help you make the move from corporate life to
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: Home Based Business: Income Tax Information by: Tina Rideout Understanding your Tax obligations relative to your Home Based Business can be a confusing issue. The IRS has been more attentive to the claims made by Home
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: When a Real Estate Agent May Not Be The Best Option by: Chris Cates Historically, when homeowners wanted to sell their home, the first call made would be to a Realtor. Since the early 1900’s, Realtors have represented
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: Traps To Avoid When Developing Your Business Ideas by: Anne Hastings Most home businesses fail because the ideas behind them weren’t commercially viable. The home business ideas that you choose to develop are critical
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: More Bang for Your Buck With Mortgages by: Elaine VonCannon Choosing a knowledgeable mortgage lender can make a difference in the quality of home you are able to purchase with your finances. I prefer to recommend a mortgage
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: When Working From Home... by: Christoph Puetz A home-based business has a lot of advantages over the traditional 9-5 office system, and most web hosting businesses seem to be run out of an home office. However, working
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: Spousal Support by: Lynn Colwell Couples who run home based businesses together can enjoy big benefits, but all marriages pack a potential for problems. Add a homebased business partnership to the mix, and sparks can
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: The Main Goals A Financial Plan Should Accomplish by: Teresa Kaufman This article is going to briefly touch on the main things a financial plan should accomplish. You don’t need a professional to help you draw
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: Home Equity Loan vs Home Equity Line Of Credit by: Gary Gresham Many people confuse a home-equity line of credit with a home-equity loan. With so many different kinds of loans it can get confusing. So lets look at the
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: Preventing Foreclosure Proceedings and Understanding Your Options by: Mark Lambie Every year over 8 million homeowners are seeking help preventing foreclosure proceedings. This is a stunning 30 year high. Experts project
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: Relocating for Retirement? Which Realtor Can Help You? by: Elaine VonCannon I am a native of Tidewater Virginia, which encompasses counties and towns in the Chesapeake Bay area from Virginia Beach, to Hampton, Newport
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: The Single Most Important Thing you Must Know if you Own a Home by: Jeff Blovits Don't ever, ever lose your job! That's right, it's not your credit score or your assets or your equity or even Location, Location, Location
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: Becoming A Solution To Your Customers Problems by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Those of us in home based and small businesses are in effect selling our product. So becoming an effective salesperson is very important. Remember,
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: How Most Millionaires get to be Millionaires… by: Daegan Smith Why do so many people claim that money isn’t important? Why is there this notion that wanting money somehow makes you an ill adjusted bad human
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: Do You Know the 4 Traits that Guarantee Home Business Success? by: Daegan Smith When home business success comes it does not come by luck. In fact, when you analyze the characteristics of the most successful home based
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: Take It To The Customer by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore In the past, purchasing ad space was the solution to every entrepreneur's marketing challenge. Then it was direct mail, followed by telemarketing. But with advertising
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: The Secrets of Million Dollar Home Based Business Opportunities… by: Daegan Smith That’s right…there really are million dollar home based business opportunities out there. Where? Well to be honest they’re
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: Wrestling with Home Based Business Opportunities! by: Daegan Smith What’s that you say? You say your home business has you frustrated and at your wits end. You say no matter what you try you it seems you’re
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: Mortgage Soup by: J. Stewart Looking for home mortgage loans can get confusing with the alphabet soup of mortgage loans programs available today. Most of these programs are just variations of fixed rate and adjustable
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: Defining Your Goals by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Probably one of the most important things we do with our Partnering For Your Success students is to help them define their goals. We discuss their need for both short and
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: What Is A Reverse Mortgage? by: John Gall What Is A Reverse Mortgage? A Reverse Mortgage FAQ These are common questions people have regarding reverse mortgages. See your mortgage broker or real estate attorney for more
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: Corporate Security for your Home Business by: Nick Smith The words Corporate Security may conjure up images of a group of techies working in a wire-filled basement room of Microsoft or HP, combating hackers and terrorists
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: Debunking the Myth of More Net Gain With For Sale by Owner by: Elaine VonCannon Are you thinking of selling your home on your own, without the aid and professional advice of a qualified REALTOR? You may want to re-examine
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: Real Estate Buyers Beware: Get Representation.. You Need Representation by: Elaine VonCannon It is the buyer’s right to seek an agent, and it is in their best interest to do so. For Sale by Owner When a potential
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: Not All REALTORS are Created Equal: 10 Tips on Finding One by: Elaine VonCannon I have seen home buyers and sellers less than satisfied with REALTORS who were not providing them the level of service they felt they deserved.
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: Live and Play in Your Own Backyard: Golf Communities in Williamsburg by: Elaine VonCannon Golf has long been one of the favorite leisure activities of professional and retired individuals. In Williamsburg, Virginia and
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: Home Loans by: Barry Stein Buying a home remains the great American dream. Home ownership rates have been exploding in recent years, spurred on by the historically low interest rates in the home mortgage market. Home
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: Part-Time/In-Home Business - Low Expense and Low Risk by: Ernie Horning As a first time entrepreneur, there are a variety of franchises, dealerships, distributorships, and licensing opportunities available for purchase.
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: Is There Any Way To Get Out Of Debt? by: Joseph T Farkasdi In this era where we are bombarded daily with commercials on television, radio, billboards, through email, not to forget the flyers slipped under the car's wiper
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: "Own" Your Workspace by: Cassandra Black CONTACT: Cassandra Black Yuwanda Black EthnicHomeDecor.com 676A Ninth Avenue, #363 New York, NY 10036 Tel: 212-626-9038 Fax: 646-557-0039 http://www.EthnicHomeDecor.com media@EthnicHomeDecor.
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: Block Pop Ups and Lock the Door by: Nick Smith Ralph Waldo Emerson said that “there is always time enough for courtesy.†But if you own your own business or work out of your home, you probably don’t
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: I Wanna Hold Your Hand: First Time Homebuyers by: Elaine VonCannon The Empowerment of Owning Your Own Home Purchasing a home is one of the most powerful and terrifying events of a person’s life. It is a challenge,
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: Fail to Plan... Or Plan to FAIL? by: Gary Durkin Running a business, whether it be an offline multi-billion dollar company or an online part time home business, they share many similar traits. One of the biggest obstacles
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: When You’re a Mortgage Payment Behind – an FHA Loan Can be One Solution by: Katie-Anne Gustafson If you have an FHA loan, your mortgage insurance may be an option for bringing payments current. Contact your
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: Buy Now, Retire Later-An Investment In Your Dreams by: Elaine VonCannon Owning A Second Home Is Easier Than You Think Buying a second home is a serious financial commitment, but it is can also lead to a feeling of complete
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: Bridging the Gap – through Bridging Loans by: James Taylor You were on your regular walk with your wife, and you passed by this house. Then the idea struck - you want this home. A chat with the property dealer
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: 10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You're Crazy NOT To Start A... HomeBased Business In 2005 by: Cory Threlfall Home Based Business's are spreading across North America and have become widely recognized as one of the most desirable
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: Dish Network – Business Strategy Principles for your Home Business by: Nick Smith Dish Network boasts an impressive clientele of more than nine million monthly subscribers. Significantly, though they are only the
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: Job Applicant Follies by: Ed Williams Y’all ever wonder why some people seem to have such a hard time finding gainful employment? Well, after reading this column you may better understand some of the reasons why.
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: How To Save Hundreds A Month On Your Mortgage by: Joseph Mcnealy When it comes to American spending habits, the sad truth is that most people don't put their financial assets to the best use. One of the greatest examples
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: Top 5 Methods To Manage Your Home Equity by: Tom Levine As your home appreciates in value, you gain equity. You can look at this equity, as a portion of the value of your home, which becomes an asset that is not burdened
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: Buying A Home When Rates Go Up by: Tom Levine Many people fret the rising tide of interest rates. You’ll hear things like, “Did I miss the boat? Is it too expensive now to buy a home? How can I afford the
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: Import/Export – Building A Profitable Home Based Income For Life by: Tukshad Engineer Woolen jackets, paper rolls, light up teddy bears, clocks and DVDs – there is tremendous potential to make a very good
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: How Can I Tell The Differences Between All Of The Home Loans On Offer? by: Matt Clarkson There are literally hundreds of home loans available but lets just look at the three main categories. There are the Purchase
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: How Do I Define My Market? by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore Your market is who you want to reach. Your customer. Who is your average customer? What is your estimate of total market size? What territory do you intend to serve?
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: Do You Have A Press Package? by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore How do you make a friend of the media? A press package can go a long way in helping you deal with the media. It allows you to have everything you need handy. Many
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: Does Your Business Need An Attitude Adjustment by: Sue and Chuck DeFiore First you need to: Change your attitude. I know you feel you have a good reason for feeling bad. However, instead of moaning and groaning about
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: How To Best Negotiate A House Deal by: Sameer S Panjwani Whether it’s selling your home or buying a home, more often than not you’ll come across a stage where you’d have to negotiate. Negotiation
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: FHA Loans Lower Fees and Raise Acceptance by: Gary Carraghan FHA mortgage insurance programs assist low and moderate income families become homeowners by lowering some of the costs of their mortgage loans. FHA loans encourage
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: Second Mortgage Can Offer Fast Cash, Piece of Mind by: Gary Carraghan If used properly, there may not be a more effective financial option a homeowner can exercise than to take a second mortgage on their property. More
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: Feng Shui Your Home to Help it Sell Quicker by: Elaine VonCannon In a competitive real estate market, home sellers are looking for the edge to make their home sell fast. Feng Shui, or the ancient Chinese art of placement,
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: The Truth Behind Processing FHA Insurance Refunds by: Thomas Tuke Unlike the flood of Work from Home opportunities such as envelope stuffing, filing medical forms, processing emails or MLM schemes that promise “get
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: Home Equity Loan Online – What To Do With Your Home’s Equity by: Carrie Reeder If you are wanting to get a home equity loan, rates are still low enough that you may want to make use of that equity in your
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: Cash Out Refinance – Home Equity Mortgage Loan or Cash Out Refinance by: Carrie Reeder There are some definite benefits to doing a cash out refinance. Just make sure that overall you are not going to be spending
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: Home Loan For People With Bad Credit by: Carrie Reeder Getting a home loan with bad credit has actually never been easier than it is today. Here are some tips to help improve your chances of success: Find A Good Real
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: Home Mortgages: Up, Up and Away! by: MJ Plaster Refinance NOW—before it’s too late If you haven’t found the time to refinance your existing home mortgage, it’s time to take action—like
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: Business Opportunity Seeker Excommutercated by: Bruce Scher Are you tired of commuting to work, racing the clock to get there on time, dressing in work clothes everyday, and feel like your whole life is just stuck in
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: Reverse Mortgages Explained by: Robert Hutchinson A 'Reverse Mortgage', also known as 'Equity Release', is a popular way to use your main asset (your home) to free up some cash for other purposes. In a standard loan,
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: California Bad Credit Mortgage by: Carrie Reeder California is a beautiful place to live There is no doubt about that. But, to live in California you must pay the price, which is sky high real estate prices. Renting,
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: Wedding Loans: Perfect Finance Option for a Perfect Wedding by: Aditya Thakur After seeing each other for years and being tagged as ‘in love’ since eternity, you desire to bring this to a logical end. You
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: Poor Credit Home Loan – Get The Mortgage Loan You Want by: Carrie Reeder Having poor credit alone cannot hold you back from getting the home loan you want. Buying a home that is everything you want in a home, is
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: How To Buy Your First Home With No Money Down by: Pete Wagner The current home buying frenzy has resulted in rapid escalation of home values during the last several years. Certain areas of the country have seen values
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: Private Mortgage Insurance Doesn't Protect Homeowners by: George Burks If you borrowed more than 80% of the appraised value of you home, you're probably paying private mortgage insurance (PMI). PMI that is not lender
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: Working at Home Isn’t All Fun and Games by: Jan Kovarik I enjoy telling people that I “work at home.†I can see that wistful look in their eyes, and I can hear it in their voices when they say, “That
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: If You Want To Work From Home... by: Marsha Maung Here are some important points to take note of if you want to work from home. working from home is a dream occupation for many people, but only a few of us will dare to
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: Home Equity Line Breakdown by: Thomas Smith Home Equity Line of Credit in a Nutshell More and more lenders are offering home equity lines of credit. By using the equity in your home, you may qualify for a sizable amount
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: How To Give Your Home A Face-Lift: The Sellers' Guide To A Quick Sell by: W. Troy Swezey One of the great challenges to selling a home can be showing all of its space, decor and natural light potential. For example,
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: How To Simplify Your Real Estate Buying/Selling Experience by: W. Troy Swezey Today’s real estate consumer has a lot to consider during the sale or purchase of a home. Be it waiting for the right buyer/seller,
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: How To Spot A Good Buy by: W. Troy Swezey Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, particularly when it comes to buying a home. Features that attract one home-buyer may repel another. However, the one feature of interest
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: Home Owner Loans Explained by: Fabio Marcell How To Release Equity Locked Up In Your Home For Immediate Use. Free up the monetary worth tied up in your property by asking your financial advisor for information on a secured
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: What is a Reverse Mortgage? by: Stuart Simpson Simply stated, a reverse mortgage is a loan that enables homeowners (age 62 and older) to convert part of the equity in their home into a tax-free income without having to
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: Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: A Guide To Low Down Payment Mortgage Programs by: W. Troy Swezey There’s no question about it: Buying a first home is a big financial commitment. In most cases, a home is the
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: Tips For Making Your "Work at Home" Business Work For You by: Lakshmi Menon After a careful thinking and spending hours and days together on the net, you have finally chosen your work at home opportunity and you look
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: Moving On: Powerful Tips For Selling Your Home by: W. Troy Swezey Maybe you're moving to a larger home to accommodate a growing family, relocating for a new career opportunity, or purchasing a townhouse for retirement.
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: Medical Billing Scams! by: BB Lee On the back cover of one of my favorite magazines is a very deceptive Ad. An Advert recruiting Home Based Medical Billing Trainee's. They offer immediate training and instant job placement
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: Home Equity Loan vs. 401(K) Loan -- Which Should You Choose? by: Charles Essmeier You've finally decided to add that patio you've always wanted to your home. Now you can enjoy barbecue outdoors and get a little fresh
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: Do You Need a Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit? by: Jakob Jelling A home equity line of credit is very closely related to a home equity loan but the subtle differences can mean a lot. Determining which option is the
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: Comparing The True Cost Of Obtaining A Home Loan by: W. Troy Swezey Home buyers are often confused about where to begin in their search for a home loan. The process is usually narrowed down to finding which institutions
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: Loans Guide by: John Mussi Many people are confused by the different types of loans available. Here is a helpful loans guide of the most common loans available today. Bad Credit Personal Loan A Bad Credit Personal
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: What is a Home Improvement Loan? by: John Mussi A Home Improvement Loan can give you the home you want. Looking to increase the value of your property? A Home improvement Loan could be the easiest and cheapest way to
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: What is a Home Owner Loan? by: John Mussi A Home Owner Loan can unlock your capital to use today. Unlock the value tied up in your property with a great value secured Home Owner loan. The loan can be used for any purpose,
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: How to Finance a New Extention by: John Mussi Want to improve the look of your property? Want to add value to your property? Looking to finance a new extension to your home, a new kitchen, would you like to have double
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: Real Estate Remains A Strong Investment by: W. Troy Swezey Opportunities to make big, quick profits in residential real estate tend to come and go in cycles. When a local market is hot, families may find it possible
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: How to Finance a New Kitchen by: John Mussi Want to improve the look of your property? Want to add value to your property? Been dreaming of a brand new kitchen? Are you planning an extension to your kitchen or a brand
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: How to Finance Your Dream Car by: John Mussi Have you thought about getting a better car? Ever thought of driving your own sports car? Want to purchase the latest car model? Are you wondering how to finance your dream
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: Useful Tips on Buying a New or Used Car by: John Mussi Here are some useful tips on buying a new or used car: Buying A New Car: A new car is second only to a home as the most expensive purchase many consumers make.
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: Financing a New or Used Car by: John Mussi If you decide to finance your new or used car, be aware that the financing obtained by the dealer, even if the dealer contacts lenders on your behalf, may not be the best deal
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: Adjustable Rate Mortgages Offer Alternatives For Home Buyers by: W. Troy Swezey When looking for a mortgage to meet your needs, consider these key questions: Is your income expected to increase in the coming years?
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