Tag: Language
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: Refugee v. Evacuee: Languaging the Hurricane Disaster by: Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach Language is a behavior potentially under our control, and a powerful loop: it’s how we act upon the world, and how the world
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: Secrets of Creating Instant Rapport with Anyone, Part 2 -- The Magic of VAK by: Danek Kaus In Part 1, we looked at ways to mirror and match the actions of other people. This time, we will examine sense modalities and
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: How You Can Find Opportunities For Foreign Language Proof Reading Work by: Niall Cinneide For those who are fluent in another language, foreign language (ie non-English) proof reading can be a great source of income.
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: Bible Study Basics by: Bert terHart Putting the cart before the horse! This common trait, paradoxically, is human nature both at its best and worst. We are good at taking that "leap of faith" and making great strides
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: Spiritual Gifts by: Deborah Sexton Gifts Of Spirit There are certain gifts man has innate inside him They are spiritual gifts and come from Creator They are discovered, known and developed by some Unknown, denied
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: Body Language, Five Key Ingredients by: Jay Conners When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body
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: Characteristic Of A Gifted Child by: Mary Joyce Since it is widely agreed upon in the educational and child development communities that early recognition of the characteristics of a gifted child, is a key factory in
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: A Guide To Poetry Styles & Terms by: Rose DesRochers Poetry is made up of so many specific patters and language. There are as many forms of poetry as there are writers who pen it. Here I have gather some resources to
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: The Change in Communication: the Cyber effect by: Samir K. Dash The growing technology has become both a challenge and solution in the field of communication through language. I say this because, recent developments in
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: Standards of English by: Samir K. Dash From the history of English language it is clear that good English has the tendency to vary from time to time, from area to area and from one social group to another. And these variations
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: Notion of Correctness in Speech by: Samir K. Dash There is an old story about a girl, who asked her grand pa whether he keeps his long beard over or under the blanket while sleeping. Until then the grand pa never thought
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: Immaterial Gain by: Eric Shapiro Among some of us who deem ourselves spiritual, the use of the word "spiritual" causes blushing and anxiety. What a pale word it is in the face of what earned spirituality actually provides.
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: English as a Medium For Indian-Writer by: Samir K. Dash In a paper at Regional Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies Held at India International Centre ,New Delhi on February23-6,1975,R.Parthasarathy
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: Blogs Like All Forms Of Writing Are An Art Form That Takes Knowledge And Practice To Do Well by: M6.net Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing
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: What is SQL? by: John L What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the lingua franca in the database world. SQL is a standard that is used by all database vendors and programmers to define, extract
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: Create and Deploy a Website From Start To Finish! by: Brock Coffee Need a website for small business, church, sports team, or community but don’t know where to start? Don’t have the time or maybe even the
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: Culture and Website Localization by: Neil Payne With the rise in ownership of computers and internet usage growing daily, the internet is fast becoming the primary port of call for information, shopping and services.
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: Alternative Holidays – Exchange Conversation for Accommodation in the Heart of Spain by: Nicole Escario Madrid, Spain -- For the last three years, over 3,000 people have participated in the unique English language
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: It's Time to Get Out of the Box by: Connie Butler “It is never too late to be what you might have been. “(George Eliot) I have found that truly successful people surround themselves with the support that
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: Making Communication Effective: 4 Language Filters by: Steve Brunkhorst Language is a challenging way to communicate. It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings by describing our personal views of reality. Yet language
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: Learn Spanish - Ten Reasons Why by: Steve Gillman Why learn Spanish? Almost five years ago I met the most wonderful woman in my life in Ecuador. I'm not sure we'd be married today if I hadn't learned a little of the language
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: How to Sell a Feeling by: John Sheridan To be totally in tune with the needs of your customers or prospective customers you have to listen to them. Listen to them – it sounds easy enough to do but not everybody
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: Do You Say What You Mean? by: John Sheridan It's generally accepted that the majority of people learn to speak from a very early age, and on average a basic vocabulary is formed between the ages of four and six years
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: A New Language Means New Thoughts by: Steve Gillman Hablas Español? Do you speak any other languages? Maybe you've considered how good it would feel to be able to speak to people in another language, but did you know
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: Cultural Differences—Making it Work Virtually by: Susan M. Totman (MVA) Working virtually adds a whole new dimension to the phrase “cultural differencesâ€. It immediately becomes apparent how different
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: Body Language Secrets You Need to Know by: Royane Real Some body language experts claim that only about 7% of our messages to other people are communicated through the words we speak. The rest of our messages are conveyed
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: Are Your Dreams Trapped Inside Your Head? by: Oscar Bruce Sometimes a dream needs a little help. Even in our social and business relations, the race is not to the swift, but to the verbal - the spellbinding orator - the
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: Discrimination - The First Law of Success by: Oscar Bruce As the author of personal development publications distributed world wide, I am frequently asked why certain people seem to succeed at practically everything they
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: Mindfulness and Beliefs: Irrationally Yours by: Maya Talisman Frost I can't help it--I am a confirmed neuroscience geek. So I was very excited to attend the fifth brain lecture in a series (yes, I bought season tickets!)
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: Reading Women: Body Language Briefing by: Aaron Jones Body language is the meaning behind the words or the “unspoken†language. Surprisingly, studies show that only up to an estimated 10 percent of our communication
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: How to Develop a Big Vocabulary by: Royane Real If you want to be a great communicator, do you need to have a great vocabulary? You might be surprised to learn that a really big vocabulary is not necessary in order to
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: Communication Is The Difference Between Winning and Losing by: Raju Gavurla The ability to "communicate with a focus" (action) plays a vital role. Regardless of our occupation, the individuals who excel in a specific
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: The Language of Confidence by: Jason Johns The language we use programs our brains. Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use language in the best
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: How To Improve Communication By Really Trying by: Lynn Colwell Do you ever feel misunderstood? Do you explain your side of things in what you believe is reasonably well-phrased English only to have the other person respond
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: 7 Essential Body Language Tips by: Pete Grand The secrets of our body language have been around forever yet people constantly fail to recognize the importance of using body language to their advantage. Did you know that
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: The Fastest Way To Manifest Your Desires by: Song Chengxiang Is there a way to change your life condition, and manifest your desires at the fastest possible speed? YES! Definitely! There is a secret that can make you
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: Language Training - A key to Global Communication by: Madhur Bajaj Language Training is integral to success in the International setting. It is increasingly recognized as a key element in assignment success. The ability
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: Powerful Communication:Language: The Key that Opens or Closes that Important Door by: Connie Butler What prevents people from using their native language or secondary languages confidently comes down to seven traps that
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: Linguaphone Language Learning Solutions by: Madhur.G.Bajaj Language Training is integral to success in the International setting. It is increasingly recognized as a key element in assignment success. The ability to
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: Linguaphone Language Learning Solutions by: Madhur Bajaj Language Training is integral to success in the International setting. It is increasingly recognized as a key element in assignment success. The ability to communicate
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: Following God Or The Advertisers? by: Anthony Keith Whitehead We live in a society which is today increasingly dominated by economic considerations. At national level, political factors, aims and objectives are frequently
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: Your ‘Purrrfect’ Companion by: Mary Majorda Out of all the pet animals, the cat is most expressive about its needs. The feline loves to be pampered and cared for. Don’t you just love the pretty pussy
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: PreSchool Spanish by: Bob Lasseter Why an EarlyAGE 2nd Language? Research indicates that from ages 1 through 8 is the best time to introduce a new language to a child. If the 2nd language is introduced early in life
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: 5 Love Languages and Those Who Contribute at Home by: Kate Hufstetler The work around a house or apartment has got to be some of the least thanked work ever created. Whether it is the yard work on the weekend, plumbing
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: Talk Your Child Clever by: Susan du Plessis Most parents can hardly wait for their baby to say its first word. This usually happens between the nine months and a year. From about two years, the child should be able to
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: Secret F/r/ee Ingredient Transforms Web Sites Into Money Machines by: Jorge M Vega The key to transforming your website into a serious income generator that consistently converts visitors into cash customers is right
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: English Language Sputtering Online Like an Old Ford! by: Jorge M Vega Sad, but true. Just about everywhere you look online, the English language is suffering a fate worse than death. The problem, in reality, is so widespread
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: Email Etiquette IV by: Kathie M. Thomas Further to my previous issues this subject continues - part IV. This month I'll share on Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field and the use of backgrounds for your emails. The use of Bad
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: How to Communicate with Prospects All Over the World Who Speak a Different Language by: Jeff Mills I discovered a free service online, that allows me to communicate with people and watched my international sales begin
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: How to Negotiate Effectively by: Gary E. Cain You may be thinking, "Gary, I am a mom, housewife, or stay-at-home dad, so why do I need to know how to negotiate effectively?" I'm glad you asked. The truth is everyone
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: The A-Z of Exhibiting Overseas by: Susan Freidmann Exhibiting overseas is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways to identify the best foreign markets for your products/services. International trade shows and
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: Don't Baffle Me. Talk to Me. by: Andrew Eklund Congratulations, all you Internet marketing people you. You now command a whopping 3% of total advertising and marketing budget. Hey, it's better than, well...2%. And the
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: El Marketing, Das Marketing, Le Marketing by: A. Raymond Randall, Jr. While reviewing site stats, I noticed 18 foreign countries as domain origins. This prompts my curiosity. Should I hone my marketing efforts to serve
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: Watering Your Young Child’s Mind by: Emma Rath Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells And pretty maids all in a row. It’s an everyday nursery rhyme,
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: A New Year’s Resolution to Learn a New Language by: Emma Rath Danny Glover, the famous American actor, once said that his new year’s resolution was to learn French, because everyone he wants to speak with
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: Speak to Me of Love by: Alvah Parker Dovid Grossman, a coach and father of nine, recently told me that his father and he had fought constantly through his growing up years. Through it all, his mother was the referee.
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: Small Children, Languages and Myths by: Emma Rath Our children are growing up bilingual in the French part of Canada – Québec. “That’s fineâ€, says everyone. “Even though they’ll
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: College's Language Faculty and Student Develop Online Board for the World by: Rand Huck (WARWICK, RI) - A new forum may be a great help to students of foreign language and those studying abroad. "[it] is an important
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: Blogs are an Art Form that Takes Practice to do Well by: Jesse S. Somer Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing is the process where
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: One Point Two Billion by: tony dean In this surreal world of the internet, anyone, even you, can put your point across to a staggering number of people in every country on the planet. From political activists to artists
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: Ten Major Tips to Develop a Multilingual Web Site to Work by: Mahmood Bashaash If you are living in a country that its native language is something rather than English language, then you may like to develop your website
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: The Polyglottal Internet by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. http://www.everymail.com/ The Internet started off as a purely American phenomenon and seemed to perpetuate the fast-emerging dominance of the English language. A negligible
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: Blog Construction by: Jesse S. Somer Blogs like all forms of writing are an art form that takes knowledge and practice to do well. Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves
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: XemanteX - Dictionary, Semantics, Language Help In A Web Document By Double Clicking by: Prasad Kopanati How many times did you visit a dictionary website to get meanings for words that you did not understand when reading
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: Breaking Down the Language Barrier by: Jesse S. Somer Pretty soon language will no longer be a barrier that keeps humanity separated. The Internet has become the ultimate medium for communication amongst humans. When
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: Sending SMS in Foreign Languages For Example Arabic, Greek, Hebrew etc. by: Marinda Stuiver Mobile phone penetration is increasing globally. With the increase in handsets, being able to communicate with the handset owners
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: Microsoft Great Plains Customization Localization – technical overview by: Arthur Ferretti Microsoft Business Solutions has several products, targeted to all the variety of businesses: from small to middles size
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: Speaking Body Language by: Robert F. Abbott I observed an almost surreal event when I was a business student. At the front of the classroom, an entrepreneur was practicing a pitch he would make later to venture capital
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: The Ugly Truth About Your Job! by: Oscar Bruce If you work for yourself, the odds that you will still be in business in the year 2005 are only 1 in 5. In today's workplace swirling with change, one million people will
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: Are You Hearing Everything Your Customer, Peer, Boss, Supplier Isn't Saying? by: Linda Talley Only 7% of what we say is verbal! The other 93% is nonverbal! How do you think Dr. Phil got his start? Reading the nonverbal
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: Translation Services: Use a translator, a Translation Agency or Do it In-house? by: Christian Erwig-Straughan A challenge almost any company entering an international market will be faced with is translating its marketing
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: Calling a Time Out on Sports and War Metaphors by: Jim Jenkins Changing the rules in the middle of the game, moving the goalposts, two-minute drill, no harm/no foul, franchise player, lay up, knockout blow, on the ropes,
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: Throw Out Your "Selling" Language - Unlock Your Natural Voice by: Ari Galper I was sitting at my desk last week when my phone rang. I picked it up and said, "This is Ari with Unlock The Game." The woman on the other end
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: Throw Out The Lifeline by: Robert F. Abbott The television show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" made a great splash when launched, and even spawned a number of imitators. One of the features that made the show popular
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: Hurdles to Cross Cultural Business Communication by: Neil Payne International businesses are facing new challenges to their internal communication structures due to major reforms brought about through internationalization,
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