Tag: Really
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: The Secret Source of Clear Content by: Susan Raab You can do anything in four easy steps! An outrageous claim, no? But I can prove it. Because you're doing it now. Imagine your laundry basket. What are you going to
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: Advantage of Renting a Condo While on Vacation by: David Chandler So you may be asking yourself, why would I want to rent a condo while on vacation? Although condos are a little more expensive than a normal hotel would
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: Have You Ever Tasted The Fruit Of Pure Happiness? by: Graham and Julie Have you ever been really happy? Have you ever tasted the fruit of pure happiness? Have you ever completed a task with that feeling of YES! I gave
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: Write An Apology To Your Spouse: How to Apologize In a Way That Really Works For You by: Dr. Peter Pearson Being apologetic doesn’t come easily for me. Unfortunately, being inconsiderate and self-centered does.
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: Top 10 Dumbest Things Pro Athletes Do by: Jason O'Connor There seems to be an endless stream of idiotic things professional athletes do. I guess if you put a bunch of young men together, give them a boat-load of money
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: Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing? by: Joy Gendusa Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? Sounds philosophical. Maybe it is. Philosophize on this…why would
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: Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing? by: Joy Gendusa Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? Sounds philosophical. Maybe it is. Philosophize on this…why would
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: Performance and Gigs by: Scott Thomas "For optimum amp tone onstage, plug your amp into your own AC outlet.." - Eric Johnson DOING GIGS In my opinion, there are two kinds of performers: 1 - Concert performers --
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: Steroid Stars by: Lucas Blake A long time ago, in the country far, far away, a young boy decided he wanted to change his stars for good. He decided that bodybuilding would be his ticket to the top and starts pumping iron.
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: Sibling Rivalry: The Magic Secret That Stops It Immediately by: Stephanie Gallagher It's a familiar scene: Kids screaming at each other, complaining that, "He got a bigger piece of pie," or "She got to stay up an hour
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: Bodybuilding on a Budget - It Doesn't Have to Put Your Wallet in a Wheelchair by: Marc David Believe me… I’ve had my fair share of large bills especially when I’m trying to bulk up and gain weight. Am
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: How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams by: Yuwanda Black Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life? Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own
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: Film Review: Anything Else by: Caleb Booker I went to see “Anything Else†because I heard an intriguing rumor that Woody Allen had cut all of his own scenes out of the movie. It turns out that not only was
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: The Makings Of A Personal Essay, Really by: Jenna Glatzer Sometimes I can be dense when it comes to realizing the potential of my own life experiences as essays for magazines. I, of course, fully believe that everything
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: Critique The Poem Not The Poet by: Rose DesRochers The act of writing poetry is something that is very personal to us poets and sharing it for the first time can be a very frightening experience. The first experience
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: More Stories? How Exciting! by: Ed Williams One of the nicest and most frustrating parts of being a writer of stories is that when you’re out somewhere, people will come up and tell you stories - lots of them.
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: I'm All Storied Out! by: Ed Williams One of the nicest and most frustrating parts of being a writer of stories is that when you’re out somewhere, people will come up and tell you stories - lots of them. I’ve
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: Keep Thy Journal Private! by: Barbara Carr Phillips If you live with other people, I know you shudder to think about what would happen if your personal journal fell into the wrong hands. Journaling is not about writing
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: Who Wants to Be An Internet Guru? I Do? Do YOU? by: Laurie Meade The Internet Gurus. What do they do? How do they get so rich? What do they have in common? Are these the questions going through your mind when
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: Why You Don't Write Your Book by: Suzanne Falter-Barns In the ten years that I've taught people how to get on with their books and creative projects, I've noticed a phenomenon that I'll call "Author's Block." Would-be
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: Fear Before The March of Flames Interview by: Mike Willaford TheBeep's own Mike Willaford had the chance to talk to Adam of Fear Before the March of Flames about what has been going on and what might be coming later on
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: The Makings of a Personal Essay, Really by: Jenna Glatzer Sometimes I can be dense when it comes to realizing the potential of my own life experiences as essays for magazines. I, of course, fully believe that everything
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: Why We Don't Write Our Books by: Suzanne Falter-Barns In the ten years that I’ve taught people how to get on with their books, I’ve noticed a phenomenon that I’ll call “Author’s Block.â€
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: STOP! Reading the Headlines and Live Your Own Life First by: Joanne Victoria Imagine! 40 is old. The California State Supreme Court has said that when are you are 40, employers can discriminate against employees using
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: Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!! by: Gordon Black That's a pretty optimistic statement, isn't it? But yes, in my opinion, this cream does work and no I'm not an agent or in any way tied to the manufacturer financially,
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: What Makes Online Dating So Different? by: Jae Taylor The concept of finding a life partner with the help of the Internet is a fairly recent concept when compared with the history of man kind as such. Of course the internet
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: Seven Tips for Choosing a Maid of Honor by: Blake Kritzberg Choosing your Maid of Honor is more complicated than it looks. Nowhere else in your wedding planning is it easier for vexing problems to turn up! Why? Because
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: Revenge – Serve It Cold! by: Sharon Jacobsen Whether you caught him in bed with the local bimbo, dumped him for being an uncaring twat or he's run off with a woman he met online, you're probably feeling angry,
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: Uncovering Your Joy: Using a Personal Journal to Discover a Life Filled with Happiness by: Patti Testerman Author Tristine Rainer wrote “Happiness within a diary has less to do with the events you encounter in life
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: 7 Ways to Rediscover Your True Passion After Divorce by: Joanie Winberg Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living "out of the
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: How Would You Like to Capture Some Time? by: Suzanne Berg Women's health issues often are focused on goals to reach: getting thin, moving up in the corporate world, having a child, taking a vacation, meeting Mr. Right,
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: Pen Pal Romance by: Skye Thomas We have all heard the wonderfully romantic stories of pen pals that wrote to each other for years without meeting because they lived hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. Some friend
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: Top 10 Ways To Irritate Your Visitors by: David Bell Let's face it. It is really hard to come up with new ways to fully irritate visitors to your site. I thought I would share some ways that I have found to irritate
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: Your Website Hurts My Eyes: 7 Reasons to Tone Down Your Advertising by: Dina Giolitto So you're on the computer, as usual. Your eyes are smarting. Your back hurts. You want to jump in the car and sail down the highway
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: What’s a Design Dinosaur by: Lala C. Ballatan Are you fond of applying and scrambling old and new design clichés in one helpless web page? Are you one of the thousands not yet enlightened that ‘too much
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: Building a Church Website by: Chris Ryerson Have you been asked to build a website for your church? Building There are thousands of people building websites everyday. It is becoming increasingly important for many
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: Simple Steps to a Great Banner Ad by: Kelly Paal Everyone is using them now and if you’re planning on creating your own banner ad then there are some things that you should know. Standard Size I’ll admit
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: What’s In A (Domain) Name? by: Sibyl McLendon Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet. This name is the first impression that strangers are going to
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: I’m Gettin’ Really Torqued! by: Gene Simmons For those of you who have been living in a cave for most of your lives, you can translate the “torqued†in the heading of this article to “madâ€
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: A November Weekend to Remember by: Gina Marie Capatar Prologue Malapascua is an island part of Daan Bantayan, North of Cebu. For Cebuano’s Malapascua is not an alien destination as it is very known to boast a
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: Turbulence or Smooth Ride? You Decide. by: Pat Graham-Block Why is it that 2 people can use the same airport, the same airline and even be on the exact same flight, and have 2 totally different stories about their trip?
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: See No Google, Hear No Google, Speak No Google by: Michael Cheney I woke up last night in a cold sweat. Seriously - I'm not joking! It was three in the morning and I'd just had a nightmare that is enough to scare any
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: Run Towards Fear: A Prescription For Success by: Dr. Leif H. Smith Fear, or negative anxiety, is the modern day bubonic plague, infecting millions upon millions of people. It spreads with viral effect, and leaves behind
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: It’s Good to be Goofy by: Gene Simmons To paraphrase a saying my mother liked to use occasionally, “The whole world is goofy – except you and me. And sometimes I’m not too sure about you!†Rest
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: I Am… by: Gene Simmons …you are, he is, she is, they are… But you knew that already, didn’t you? Or have you really stopped to think about it recently – or ever for that matter? Huh? I
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: Trust the “System†– It Works! by: Gene Simmons The “System†– the overall structure and organization of this great creation that we’re a part of… including our ability
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: Self Help When You're In Debt by: Paul Davis It's no fun being in debt. Money shortages are always stressful and serious debt can emotionally drain you. And yet, while you'll find lots of advice about the practical aspects
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: 11 Questions To Kickstart Your Dream by: Keith Varnum What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream. 1. What's your highest priority
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: Do You Really Want To Be Successful In Life? by: Akanksha Sinha How many times have people asked you what you really want out of life – and how many times has your reply been: “I want to be successful in life!” The
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: The “G†Word… by: Gene Simmons OK – so there are lots of “G†words, however for today we’ll focus on one particular word that has created (I would have used the word “wreakedâ€,
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: Run Towards Fear: A Prescription for Success by: Dr. Leif H. Smith Fear, or negative anxiety, is the modern day bubonic plague, infecting millions upon millions of people. It spreads with viral effect, and leaves behind
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: It's Not My Job to Free Tibet by: Skye Thomas I hate saying that. It feels so very wrong. It's not that I wouldn't like to help them. It's not that I am not appalled at what is happening over there. I have been wrestling
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: Choosing Our Parents by: Skye Thomas There's a Native American belief that before we are born, we choose our parents. It actually ties in pretty nicely with the reincarnation idea that we prearrange certain circumstances
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: 3:33am?! by: Skye Thomas What is it with angels and digital clocks? I fell asleep just after 11pm and am still trying to recover from the switch to daylight savings time. I really don't need to be up and working right
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: Isn’t it Time for You? by: Jennifer Ottolino Does it seem like there is never enough time in the day? Why is there plenty of time for everyone and everything but ourselves? The fact is that you only get one shot
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: The Road to 25-hour days - Part One by: Marie-Pier Charron Do you wish you had more time to do things you love, to be with your children, your life partner… and maybe with yourself, too? Do you wish you had the energy
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: Owning Your Power by: Martin Brofman Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for not being yourself may have been to get the love
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: Second Time Around the Block by: Skye Thomas Divorce happens. I'm not going to debate the causes or the moral and ethical implications of that here. Even if you're the innocent one who stuck to your vows and got dumped
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: I Am Really Worried About The Future by: graham and julie I am really worried about the future. I am 54 years of age, my daughter, who I have brought up on my own since she was two, is about to start university, my mother
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: The Joan of Arc Complex by: Skye Thomas Sometimes I think that I have a mental health problem and that at any minute the pharmaceutical companies are going to develop a cute little green star-shaped pill to cure me of
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: How To Have A Life Changing Experience by: Dave Stephenson Can you really plan a life-changing experience, or do they just happen? Are they accident's of fate, inherited life forces, or can they be experiences the we
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: A Simple Effective Tool To Get And Stay Organized by: BZ Riger-Hull Often we are in overwhelm because we are holding too many things in our brain. We are trying to make everything a priority and get it done now. When
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: Discover What You Really Want To Do by: Graham and Julie Are you doing what you really want to do or did you just fall or wander into the job you now have. As a friend of ours once said,’ I am one of twenty two
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: The Karate Kid by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 1, 2004 I have an unexpected relationship problem. It's hard to believe it has become such an issue but it has. The whole thing started
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: If You're Stuck Then Make a Different Decision by: Della Menechella Many people don’t really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness
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: Really Scary Stuff… by: Gene Simmons With the probable exception of some basic instincts – or motivation toward self-preservation – we’ve just flat learned to be afraid of about all the rest
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: Budget the Luxuries First! by: Andy White Strictly speaking, his advice was preceded by another Heinlein maxim as well. "Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat
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: Creating your Vision for your business, career, and Life by: BZ Riger-Hull Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things to do and there never seems to be enough time or energy
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: Figure Out the Pebble in Your Shoe by: BZ Riger-Hull "By asking for the impossible, we obtain the best possible." ~ Italian saying If you are serious about achieving a more meaningful life then you'll need a new perspective
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: Finding Your Inner Flame: Finding Passion Series - 3 of 3 by: Skye Thomas Why is it that some goals have a fire and a passion behind them that creates an almost self-propelled drive towards completion, while other goals
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: Overcoming Seductive Sadness by: Maria Boers Morris Unhappy moods can be like comfortable sweaters, those old ones: familiar, worn and with the right kind of smell. When we're in a sad place, or actually with any dissatisfied
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: Have You Seen My Boss? by: Skye Thomas I work for a huge organization and have never met the guy in charge. Rumor has it, that there might not be one single person in charge, but a committee of talented and caring individuals.
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: Making New Friends by: Skye Thomas How do we make friends? More importantly if dropped into a new city or a new job or a new school, how do we go about making a new friends? Most of us don’t really think about
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: The First Step by: Skye Thomas Today is an anniversary of sorts for me. Three years ago today, I publicly launched Tomorrow’s Edge after years of getting ready, talking about how I was someday going to do it,
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: Your Personal Treasure Chest by: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Sometimes it is helpful to review several of the basic components of THE ENCHANTED SELF. That's what I've decided to do this time. Discovering your ENCHANTED
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: You're A Mathematical Genius, You Know! by: Murdo Macleod This may come as a surprise to you. But the truth is, you really are good at mathematics. You see, every day you solve complex problems by breaking them down
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: Does It Really Matter? by: Robert Taylor We are all involved in this game called life and we will have our challenges and successes. One thing that will have great bearing on our attitude and lives is how we treat those
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: From Failure To Victory; The Cat's Out Of The Bag! by: Richard Vegas Did you ever think that all of the great heroes we read about may not have been particularly great men in and of themselves? They may not have been
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: Cure Your Burnout! by: Megan Corwin Do you ever get those Sunday night blues? Dreading the week ahead, feeling the daily grind just draining away all of your energy before the week even starts? Or what about those days
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: How To Become A Polished Public Speaker In Just One (1) Day by: Lynne Schlumpf The fear of speaking in public ranks right up there with the fear of death. I had the same fear myself until I was chosen to be an electronics
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: Here's Your Calm During The Storm Of Discouragement by: Richard Vegas Have you ever known someone like this? "A person who knows how to start well, but finds it difficult to keep going"? A person whose successes are dependent
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: Average Sucks! by: Roger Seip The very first "motivational speaker" I heard as an adult was a gentleman named Mort Utley. I experienced his speech in May of 1989 in Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of a week of Sales
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: Eliminating Mental Clutter...The Key To Better Productivity AND Peace Of Mind by: Kerry Flinders I am a very busy gal. I have a successful marriage. I have two active young teen age boys. I run a successful business (both
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: What You Can Do About Procrastination by: Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach Goals stalled? Always running behind? Stuck in a rut? Procrastination means “putting it offâ€. Whether it’s a career
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: Do You Love Yourself? by: Damien Senn So, do you love yourself? Shouldn't really be a difficult question to answer should it? For many people this question makes them feel more than a little uncomfortable. In fact,
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: Getting Unstuck by: Natasha J. Rosewood “What kind of people come to see you?†skeptics sometimes ask, the tone of voice implying that I only consult with lunatics. “People from all walks of life,
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: Plan Your Life Effectively by: Charlotte Burton Big Changes, Little Changes Magazines these days are filled with articles on how to plan your life well in advance, but which don’t necessarily take the fact into
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: 10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch the Super Mom Syndrome by: Peggy Porter For any of you Moms out there that are doing it all, attempting to gain Super Mom status, let me give you my own personal opinion…It’s
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: Letting Go Can Be Hard But Doable by: Catherine Franz Being a coach, I learned through attending Coach University about letting go of the "stuff" in my life that no longer fueled it. This enhanced itself through my studies
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: Accepting A Life of Simplicity by: Heather J. Tait Once we discover our purpose we then have to make a commitment to pursue that purpose. Often we discover that our lifestyles will be altered once that commitment is made.
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: Do You Need a High IQ to Be Successful? by: Royane Real Do you know your own IQ? Do you know what it means? Although the IQ test is very widely used, and the results are almost synonymous with our idea of intelligence,
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: Time to Risk More by: David Wood (Note to reader: As always, of course you need to be willing to take all consequences of your actions.) 100 people aged 100 were asked: “What do you regret most? What would you
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: Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work? by: Steven M. Ng THE PREMISE Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that has been practised for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that there should be a "balance" or harmony
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: As An Intuitive by: Sonia Choquette As an intuitive and spiritual teacher, my mission in life has long been to guide people toward creating and experiencing the kind of lives their hearts desire. Lives that are physically
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: Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be a Success? by: Royane Real You have probably heard the term “IQ†many times, and you probably know it has something to do with measuring intelligence. The letters “IQâ€
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: Who Makes You Better? by: Shari Peace Commit to spending time only with people who are working to have a good life. Negative or lazy people will discourage you and bring you down to their level. As an old English saying
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: We´re Trying To........... by: Graham and Julie How many times have you heard this in your life. Perhaps you have said it yourself. We are trying to accomplish something here. We are trying to complete this programme.
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: The Gift of Listening by: Lynn Cutts Give something different this Valentine's Day instead of chocolate or flowers. (Save the chocolate for me.) Give something precious and unique, something that only you can give. Something
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: SPIRITUALITY: Impersonating Jed McKenna by: Jed McKenna "No man is a prophet in his own country." That line keeps running through my mind as I sit over lunch with my sister who I haven't seen in several years. These
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: A Collection of Unrelated Thoughts - Volume One by: Terry Mitchell Have you ever heard of an FBI agent who wasn't "special"? Or an attorney who wasn't "at law"? Have you ever met an optometrist who didn't wear glasses?
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