Tag: Money
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: Angels, Are They Real? by: William Cate They're real, but few survive. High risk investing is dangerous to your bank balance. The process toward extinction is that an angel risks money in one venture. It fails. Then, he
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: 22 Questions to Ask Before You Use Any Shopping Cart System by: Tom Antion Many seasoned professional speakers agree that you can make more money selling your knowledge in the form of products than you can speaking. You
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: Internet Distribution: The Future of Entertainment by: Daniel Punch A friend and I were having a discussion recently. I asked him what he thought the next method of distribution for films and music would be. My thoughts
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: Blog It And They Will Come by: John Taylor If you're hoping for a "Blog it and they will come" field of dreams, you can forget that. Recent statistics from blog search engine Technorati show that a new blog hits the Internet
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: Imaginary Reality by: Daniel Punch Our once concrete world is now dissolving into a realm of intangibility. It's interesting to consider the ways in which the computer and the Internet have changed our lives. Tasks that
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: The Google Adsense Money Checks Or Extra Income Checks-----Part 1 Of 3 by: Kenneth Echie Since I have been using AdSense and getting AdSense Money checks, I have come to learn some useful tips that would help you make
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: Getting Started In Information Technology Computer Consulting by: John Gall One of the best things about being in the Information Technology industry is consulting. For purposes of this article I'm using the term consulting
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: Five reasons you have to stop your web site by: Mahmood Bashaash That’s right. Your method, behavior and strategy you are now using to manage your website may be justifiable reasons to stop it as soon as possible.
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: Different Models For Making Money On The Internet by: Rob Rawson There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options: Strategy 1: Affiliate marketing This is probably the quickest and
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: 7 Years At The Keyboard by: Jim Edwards Ok, for those of you still waiting, the Internet won't go away. Hang up the hopes that it represents a passing fad sharing the fate of the Beanie or the Pet Rock. With legitimate
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: Your Own Personal Online Shopper by: Jim Edwards Imagine you find yourself in the market to buy a new digital camera and, before you part with your money, you want to comparison shop for the best price online. If
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: Do You And Your Website Have Credibility? by: Dean Phillips I recently received an unsolicited e-mail from some company offering me their search engine optimization services for 9. Even though I had absolutely no
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: Cut Out the B.S. in Your Internet Marketing by: Stephan Miller Are you getting disgusted with your results as an internet marketer? Staying up until two in the morning looking for that information that will give you that
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: Take The Path Of Least Resistance To Success by: Dean Phillips It's been said time and again that 95 percent of all online businesses fail. I don't know how accurate that statement is, but if it's anywhere close to
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: The Truth About Multi-Level Marketing by: Dean Phillips I know I'm going to ruffle a few feathers with this article, so let me just say right now that all MLM marketing (AKA network marketing) companies are not scams.
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: The Truth About Stuffing Envelopes And Home Assembly Programs by: Dean Phillips Two of the oldest scams around appear to be as popular as ever. I'm referring to stuffing envelopes and home assembly programs. Let's talk
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: How To Avoid Getting Scammed by: Dean Phillips Listed below are some of the most popular and common scams: 1. Nigerian Letter Scam: This one's been around for many years but continues to flourish. Many of these e-mails
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: 5 Ways To Make Money Online Today by: Roger Mayne If you are not sure exactly what you should be doing online, don't worry! In this article I'm going to show you some of the best ways to make money online in the year
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: Nigerian Scam by: Nowshade Kabir Although this scam has its root from Nigeria dated a decade back, nowadays, you receive similar scam letters from many African countries, notably, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and even South Africa. The
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: What's With All This Fraud on the Internet? by: Jesse S. Somer I’ve got faith in humanity, but what’s with all this fraud and theft on the Internet? My friends in the web hosting business have recently
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: So, Is It Possible To Earn Free Money Online Fast? by: Gerardas Norkus The answer is – yes! You can earn free money online fast, even without any web site or affiliate marketing. You'll only need to invest some
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: Ten Things Everyone Should Know about Ordering an Inkjet Cartridge Online by: Larry Andrew It is true. You can save a lot of time and money by ordering your next inkjet cartridge online. Today, there are many reputable
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: Money Doubler Madness by: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons). After being around in the background for a while, money doublers suddenly became a huge craze on the internet. Forum message boards sported hysterical testimonials like
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: Modern Scams Online by: Michael Medeiros Scams on the Internet Taking a look at common Frauds and Scams effecting the Internet There are a variety of modern scams effecting individuals who use the internet for honest
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: 4 Computer Money-saving Tips by: Sharron Senter Here are four tips that’ll save you money when buying your next computer. Tip #1 -- Rebates: A rebate is not always a bargain. Computers with rebates are often close
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: 4 Computer Money-saving Tips by: Sharron Senter Here are four tips that’ll save you money when buying your next computer. Tip #1 -- Rebates: A rebate is not always a bargain. Computers with rebates are often close
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: Avoid Internet Theft, Fraud and Phishing by: Daniel Punch Since its birth, the Internet has grown and expanded to unprecedented, unmanageable proportions. Information, software, news, and much more flow freely through
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: Avoid Internet Theft, Fraud and Phishing by: Daniel Punch Since its birth, the Internet has grown and expanded to unprecedented, unmanageable proportions. Information, software, news, and much more flow freely through
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: Is Pet Insurance Right for You? by: Sherry Kirchenbauer What is Pet Insurance? Pet insurance is a health plan for your pet to insure against large and small unexpected veterinary bills over the life of your pet. Potential
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: Attention Live-at-home Moms by: Jeremy Young How many Women out there are feeling like their family doesn’t have enough money because they aren’t working while they raise their children? Should they go get
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: What Do You Teach Your Children About Money? by: Kimberly Chastain Whether we realize it or not we teach our children about money every day. Sometimes we teach with words and sometimes with actions. I’m sure at
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: Resolve to Improve Your Finances in 2004 by: James H. Dimmitt Kick off 2004 with these 7 money resolutions and get a fresh financial start to the new year. At year’s end, you’ll be surprised at how much
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: Can This Happen To Your Family? by: Kathy Thompson I would like to introduce you to the Blaine family. A typical family with typical problems in today's world. Tom, 39 is the head of the human resources department of
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: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser by: Keith Smith This is the first article of a multi-part series on this topic. Part One of this SPECIAL REPORT is about: Organizing Your Group Would you agree that it's easier
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: Love, Marriage and Money by: Johnette Duff The f-word. Finances. Combining love and money may be the biggest stumbling block on the path of true love, creating more rifts in relationships than in-laws, drug and alcohol
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: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser by: Keith & Rema Smith This is the Fundraising Connection newsletter which begins with the Free Special Report: How To Run A Successful Fundraiser. Part One of this SPECIAL REPORT is
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: You Want Whaaat??? by: Douglas G. Burkland Not too long ago my teenage daughter approached me with a very special request... one that not every father gets from his loving daughter. I was sitting in front of the TV after
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: 7 Things To Teach Your Kids About Money by: Paul Davis Did you know that many people retire broke? It's true. After a lifetime of hard work and having earned literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, they end up with
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: Saving Money By Spending Wisely by: Willard Michlin Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that
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: Top 20+ Reasons to Pay your Kid an Allowance by: Cindy Morus 1. They can make mistakes under your guidance 2. They will learn how to save for the future 3. They will learn that money doesn’t “grow on
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: What Party Supplies do I need to make my party a Hit? by: Mike Yeager The birthday party supplies you will need for a birthday party can be balloons, decorations, food and many other things. You will have to buy many different
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: Five Sure Fire Way to Secure Your Financial Future by: Dr. Tom Olson “You can be poor when you’re young, but you can’t be poor when you’re old.†That was the tag line used some years ago
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: The Difference Between Wants & Needs by: Jeffrey Strain So you want to become wealthy? While there is no single road to getting there, it's a sure bet that one principle is in place for those who keep their wealth over
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: Turning Your Trash Into Cash by: Jeffrey Strain Junk. We all have some of it lying around the house. Whether it's boxed items cluttering the attic or everyday items that just don't fit with the room's decorating theme
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: Make a Budget to Help Your Dreams Come True by: Monica Resinger A budget is a very important tool when you are trying to meet financial goals. It helps you to see where your money is going and therefore helps you determine
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: Financial Illiteracy is a Major Threat to America's Future by: Donald A. Sizemore A review of current statistics on the financial literacy of American youth, and their families, reveals a shocking lack of money management
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: Saving Money: Finding What Works for You by: Darlene Arechederra I admit it! I*m guilty! My husband has lovingly accused me of taking *nothing* out of the fridge and making something out of it. I transform it into a
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: Cheap Christmas Gift Ideas by: Shannon Jarvies Now that the biggest shopping season of the year is in full swing it might be a good time to create a holiday budget. I'm sure there are lots of names on your list, but hopefully
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: Inexpensive Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Kids by: Jeffrey Strain After all the gifts have been purchased and placed under the tree, that is the time that many remember in a panic that the stockings over the fireplace
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: Home Made Gifts, The Best Way To Teach Your Kids The Value Of The Holiday by: Joey Lewitin To a large extent the holidays have come to be more about materialism than the original values of peace, harmony, and faith. Advertisers
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: Christmas Cheer and a Debt Hangover. by: Stuart Lockley Christmas is a time for celebration. A time to spend with family, friends and loved ones. This is a time to savour all that is good in life, to rest, relax and recuperate
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: Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Year's Finances! by: Cindy Morus Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation. Create your 2004
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: Top 10 Secrets to Avoiding “Marital Money Chaos©†by: Cindy Morus Money can wreck a relationship. In fact, how they spend, save, and account for money is one of the leading sources of disagreements between
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: Grocery Shopping On a Budget by: Amy Allen Clark Grocery shopping is one of the first places you can learn how to be frugal. I am amazed when I go to the grocery store how many times people are spending so much more money
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: Price Book 101 by: Amy Allen Clark Several months ago, I thought I knew it all on how to save money when grocery shopping. I have found, however, that there is always more to learn as months later I am beginning to address
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: Saving On Utility Bills by: Amy Allen Clark Some of our bills can be eliminated as being “extrasâ€, but utilities is just not one of these. If you are noticing an increase in your utility bills it is time to
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: The Money Jar Trap by: Jeffrey Strain Hundreds of thousands of people place their extra change into a jar or bank every night when they return home thinking that they are saving money. In reality, the dynamics of saving
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: The Art of Asking by: Jeffrey Strain One of the most potent saving tools you possess as a consumer is the ability to ask. This ability can easily save you thousands of dollars a year, yet the majority of people fail to
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: Understanding Freebies by: Jeffrey Strain It seems that everyone is after "freebies" these days to save a little money. While this may appear to be a good way to save, understanding why freebies are offered and the different
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: Consignment Shopping Pays Off by: Rachel Paxton Is your closet full of clothes you never wear? You can bet there are a lot of people who have a closet or dressers full of clothes they never wear. I did too, until I started
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: 10 Simple Steps To Avoid Phony Telemarketers by: James H. Dimmitt Although telemarketing calls should diminish, especially if you’ve registered for the national do-not-call list, scam artists are still out there
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: Aspartame Interview With Dr. Hull by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, PhD., CN This aspartame interview was granted on 8/30/03 with Rebecca Kang from Singapore: Interview Q: How often does an average person happen to consume
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: Banish Boring Brown Bag Lunches! by: Cyndi Roberts One way that money slips through our fingers without our realizing it is by eating out at lunch every day. Did you know that by taking your lunch 3 days a week instead
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: How To Save Money On Groceries by: Jeffrey Strain Unlike a fixed monthly cost such as your mortgage or car payment, the amount you spend on groceries each month is somewhat flexible. While the common advice of clipping
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: Save Money on Groceries: Part I by: Jon Martin One universal of humanity, no matter who you are or where you come from, you have to eat. Unless you grow your own food, you will have to go to the grocery store to get
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: Aspartame Interview With Dr. Hull by: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN This aspartame interview was granted on 8/30/03 with Rebecca Kang from Singapore: Interview Q: How often does an average person happen to consume
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: Tsunami Tsupport by: Gary Whittaker In the wake of what can be arguably called the world's greatest act of God in the new millenium, we have also been witness to what can be equally argued as the world's greatest act
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: Home Gyms, Worth the Money or Not? by: TC Thorn Home fitness is a huge industry, and most people these days have purchased at least some sort of exercise equipment or fitness video for home use. A lot of it ends up in
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: Insomnia Fighters - How To Sleep When You Have Money Worries by: www.sleepsecrets.info Excerpt from "How to sleep without pills" Mrs. D., normally an optimistic girl, was married to an ambitious young man who owned
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: 6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment (and save money!) by: Tom Storms I used to love going to the gym. The sounds, the smells, the grunts, the groans. Nothing seemed more
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: Exposing the Miracle Cure by: Hiram Perez It was Saturday morning and while I was making breakfast, letting the cats outside, and watering my half-dead plants, I had the TV on. Saturday morning TV is usually composed
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: Why "Awareness Programs" Stink! by: julie rayburn You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. Notification of print would be appreciated. I am writing
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: Once You Discover and Act on This ‘Secret’ to Health and Energy, You May be Changed for the Better for the Rest of Your Life by: David Snape I discovered something completely, 100% amazing about 5 years ago.
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: How To Save Money On Health Insurance Premiums Using HSA's by: Charles E. White Opening a health savings account (HSA) can save you hundreds on your health insurance premium and help pay for out of pocket expenses and
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: How I Lost a Million Dollars in a Bank Robbery by: Gerald Armstrong The Million dollars was my life-savings earmarked for prime the pump money for my biotech start-up. I am the Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells
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: The Free Neighborhood Home Décor Makeover by: Pamela Cole Harris Watching home makeover shows can make us all yearn for spiffy new décor in our outdated rooms. But if Trading Spaces doesn’t call, and your
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: Decorating Your Home: 5 Style Tips that Cost Less than by: Julie Dana Do you dream of adding style to your home but don’t have a lot of money? Don’t despair! There are 5 things you can do that will help
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: Love To Garden But Short On Money? Here’S 10 Money Saving Ideas. by: Jan Money A great perk of organic gardening is finding different ways to achieve the same or improved result. Many items that are normally binned
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: Easy Ways To Save Money & Abundance Revisited by: Roger Soverhead A penny saved is a penny earned so they say. Today most people want to save all the pennies they can, in fact if you look after the pennies the "pounds"
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: Scholarship Search – How to find free money for college by: Vanessa McHooley College students receive billions of dollars in scholarship money every year. How can you get some of this money to fund your college
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: If Real People Ran the Bank - I (a spoof for the heart) by: Lynella Grant Banish Loans Forever If ordinary, hard-working, people ran the bank... the very first thing to get rid of would be loans. Absolutely no more loans!
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: Spend Time Not Money With The Kids This Winter by: Tammy Pinarbasi Spending quality time with your children doesn?t need to cost a lot of money. What?s most important, is that you take the opportunity to bond with them.
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: Ways for a Kid to Make Money by: Ian McAllister One of the ways for a kid to make money. Can a kid make money by writing essays? Yes! After 2 years perhaps more than many adults are earning. Teen Handicaps no
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: Teens: 5 Ways to Make Sure You Get Rich by: Christine McGogy How would you like to remove the barriers that could be holding you back from getting and staying rich for the rest of your life? First, you should change
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: Teach Your Child About Money by: Sandra Baptist What are we teaching our children about money? Hopefully something! I remember when I was growing up, our family did not discuss money. Money was a taboo subject, discussed
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: God Don't Like Rich People by: Skye Thomas I will never forget the day that my daughter's sixth grade friend told me that. We had been discussing someone who had recently lost a fortune and had become very bitter as
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: Raising a Self-Sufficient Teen by: Rachel Paxton Teens don't learn responsibility overnight. If you haven't been working with your teen on gradually giving them a sense of independence and ownership of their lives, then
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: The Giving Jar by: Rachel Paxton Giving with a happy heart. If you teach a child to give with a happy heart you will raise a child who will never hesitate to lend a helping hand. Children enjoy helping others, especially
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: Teaching Kids the Value of Money by: Rachel Paxton My husband and I have a 12-year-old daughter who wanted to go to a winter retreat with her church youth group last year. Price of trip – . I told her I'd talk
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: Inexpensive Dating Ideas by: Jeffrey Strain Dating and saving money. For many, the two concepts don't equate. There's an automatic reaction for most when suggesting the two together that the person paying is trying to
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: The Top 10 Scams for 2001 by: Audri and Jim Lanford Excerpt from Internet ScamBusters (tm) The #1 Publication on Internet Fraud Scams on the Internet are growing -- and with the vast selection, it was hard to only choose
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: Is It Necessary To Go To Court? by: Maui Reyes In the United States, personal injury claims are given a statute limitation of two (2) years before the claim is outlawed. Within this period, one must obtain a lawyer and
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: Legal Mistakes - Top 10 Women (and Men) Should Avoid by: Stuart Simpson In today’s world and high divorce rate, men and women should be aware of some legal issues to protect not only themselves, but also their
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: Should You Hire An Accident Attorney by: David G. Hallstrom The following article was written for Resources For Attorneys.com by David Hallstrom, a private investigator, he is not now nor has he ever been an attorney. You
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: Poverty is not for the Poor by: Karen Nodalo Poverty means lack of food, shelter, clothing and opportunities for work and education. It is the lack of supply for the needs of the community. Poverty has grown abruptly
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: How To Avoid Injury Compensation Claim Dilemmas by: Mumtaz Shah Amazing isn't it when a salesperson gets you to sign some documents and briefly explains what it entails. Only to discover at the end of an injury compensation
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: Incorporating Tips – Capitalization by: Richard A. Chapo Capitalizing a new business entity is a critical step of the formation process. Failing to take the step can lead to serious legal problems if the entity
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: Divorce Online Sevice. Why Should We Lose Money And Time Applying For Divorce? by: James Wood Attempts to use the worldwide Web as an effective means of struggle against bureaucracy are undertaken constantly and sometimes
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: Affordable Insurance Quotes To Save You Money! by: Mike Yeager Whether you're looking for insurance quotes for auto, life, travel or health you can find some great rates on the internet. Insurance quotes coverage can provide
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: Our world of Credit Cards! Which One Is Right For You. by: Mike Yeager There are not many of us who do not have a credit card these days. But, not all of us are as wise in the area of understanding how they work and how
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